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Please make festivals farmable at your own pace

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With the upcoming next festival I would like to ask to change them a bit. Dragon bash felt like it forced me to do it every day with it daily and weekly reward limitations. If I have time at the weekend, but not during the week let me farm when I want. Halloween for example is much better in that. I can go into the dungeon and get loot from the chest every time I enter, I can go and farm the labyrinth to my hearts desire, only the weapon skins seem to be bound to daily limits. Dragon bashs currency seemed to come to a large degree from daily limited stuff like pinata bashing, the race adventure or dailys rewarding so much zaitaffy compared to farming. Or the vendor that had a weekly purchase limit. Why? If you want to limit it make it a account limit once per year, but allow to buy that when I want.

Please Anet make sure there are no such limitations in the festival of the four winds.

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They’re limited to that players don’t get everything day one. The festival will be available every year even when it goes into maintenance mode. You’ll eventually be able to check off the box that you obtain such and such item which will probably rarely, if ever, be used.

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@Westenev.5289 said:I mean, what's wrong with people getting everything day one?

ANet is involved in a tug o' war with players who play a lot. Give people everything right away, and they complain that they have nothing to do. I have never seen an MMO that didn't stretch content. That includes leveling as a very long drawn-out process; time gates; lockouts; perpetual gear upgrades; etc. It's the nature of the MMO genre. In GW2, at least the content-stretching is for optional stuff.

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individual event limits also means you gotta go try everything from the most lucrative to the least

And since prices (and ur profit) will be destroyed by overfarming, I am glad. I understand your bit about weekly limits rather than daily limits, but gluts kill prices and benefit the whales whom you want to get (less) gold from

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@Westenev.5289 said:I mean, what's wrong with people getting everything day one? So long as festival rewards involve tradeable materials and time sinks, I'll happily rob whales of their gold.

Sounds great for you... not so great for ANET when large numbers of players complete everything day 1 and then log off and go elsewhere.GW2 is a game to you and me, but it's a business product to ANET and to make it worth keeping afloat they need to keep us logging back in as often as possible for as long as possible and hope they can tempt us to spend real money in the store or to buy gems.

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@Crystal Black.8190 said:Dragon bash felt like it forced me to do it every day with it daily and weekly reward limitations.FORCED!!!Its player’s problem. I did not even bother to spend a second for that Dragon Bash.Playing the game to enjoy and relax. No game FORCEs anyone to do anyting.

When playing the game and use the term “FORCED”, uts completely on player’s side.

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There's another angle to consider: the economic one. The advantage of zhaitaffy being pretty hard to farm on a daily basis, means that eager players will not wait and buy the thing off the TP. This in turn makes the festival lucrative for people who aren't trying to get anything too fancy. So demand due to lower supply ensures a decent price per candy.

Remember that festivals, for the most part, have the effect of being money sinks: the rich gamble away their riches in hopes of winning the lottery, the rest just sell them the stuff. Poorer people get richer, richer people get poorer, and the TP fees take off a chunk of money from the economy to keep inflation low. It would be madness to remove this effect from festivals. :3

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@VanWilder.6923 said:

@Crystal Black.8190 said:Dragon bash felt like it forced me to do it every day with it daily and weekly reward limitations.FORCED!!!Its player’s problem. I did not even bother to spend a second for that Dragon Bash.Playing the game to enjoy and relax. No game FORCEs anyone to do anyting.

When playing the game and use the term “FORCED”, uts completely on player’s side.

yeah, anet is not forcing you to do the festival, I havent bothered with most of the festivals, especially lunar (even though it is probably the most profitable festival)

most festival I just put the minimum amount of effort as possible to get the APs done and run off to do other things; for me, I actually really disliked how Dragon Bash lasted for so long, taking people from regular contents

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:I mean, what's wrong with people getting everything day one? So long as festival rewards involve tradeable materials and time sinks, I'll happily rob whales of their gold.

Sounds great for you... not so great for ANET when large numbers of players complete everything day 1 and then log off and go elsewhere.GW2 is a game to you and me, but it's a business product to ANET and to make it worth keeping afloat they need to keep us logging back in as often as possible for as long as possible and hope they can tempt us to spend real money in the store or to buy gems.

it's a double edged sword, the other side actually chases ppl away with the risk that players simply never return.so it might be great for Anet when players stay, it's horrible for Anet when they can never get what they want.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:They’re limited to that players don’t get everything day one. The festival will be available every year even when it goes into maintenance mode. You’ll eventually be able to check off the box that you obtain such and such item which will probably rarely, if ever, be used.

We know why they did it. It's just dumb. We should be able to decided when to do it and plan accordingly

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I recognize your frustration, but consider the other side of this: how many threads pop up every kitten day saying "there's nothing to do!", "I burned through all the content in one day and now I'm bored!"... and consider how many more will pop up "I finished my [festival] rewards in an hour! kitten pointless! fix your kitten game!" So many more players get frustrated and tantrum without some kind of goal to work toward.

Time gating and throttling is not an ideal solution, but it is a solution. The easiest other solution is to set up treadmilling, making the rewards basically meaningless and instantly invalidated by the next "tier" of rewards. Nobody wants that.

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@Crystal Black.8190 said:Hi,

With the upcoming next festival I would like to ask to change them a bit. Dragon bash felt like it forced me to do it every day with it daily and weekly reward limitations. If I have time at the weekend, but not during the week let me farm when I want. Halloween for example is much better in that. I can go into the dungeon and get loot from the chest every time I enter, I can go and farm the labyrinth to my hearts desire, only the weapon skins seem to be bound to daily limits. Dragon bashs currency seemed to come to a large degree from daily limited stuff like pinata bashing, the race adventure or dailys rewarding so much zaitaffy compared to farming. Or the vendor that had a weekly purchase limit. Why? If you want to limit it make it a account limit once per year, but allow to buy that when I want.

Please Anet make sure there are no such limitations in the festival of the four winds.

Farming the hologram stampedes could be done at nearly the same rate and return as Lab farming was late in the season at Halloween.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:I mean, what's wrong with people getting everything day one? So long as festival rewards involve tradeable materials and time sinks, I'll happily rob whales of their gold.

Sounds great for you... not so great for ANET when large numbers of players complete everything day 1 and then log off and go elsewhere.GW2 is a game to you and me, but it's a business product to ANET and to make it worth keeping afloat they need to keep us logging back in as often as possible for as long as possible and hope they can tempt us to spend real money in the store or to buy gems.

it's a double edged sword, the other side actually chases ppl away with the risk that players simply never return.so it might be great for Anet when players stay, it's horrible for Anet when they can never get what they want.

Why can't players never get what they want, just because you cant rush through it in a day doesn't make it unachievable.. put yourself in ANET's shoes. If they made content completable and everything with it achievable with a matter of days then what.. players whine there is nothing to do, they accuse ANET of content drought and then complain its all about gemstore stuff for real money and no meaningful content, then they leave and some never return.Or do you plan it so that players get to keep playing the game over a longer period, introduce gemstore fluff that may be themed to the content alongside retuning stuff that newer players might not of got all whilst pushing on to complete longer term goals... all whilst giving ANET breathing room to work on the next content push.Don't get me wrong I dislike long drawn out grindy stuff, so it's up to ANET to come up with some balance to it.. making stuff doable in a day is not the way to go though from a business perspective imo.

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@"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

If they made content completable and everything with it achievable with a matter of days then what.. players whine there is nothing to do, they accuse ANET of content drought and then complain its all about gemstore stuff for real money and no meaningful content, then they leave and some never return.

Yes, because the player base consists of a single unified hive mind. I've never understood this argument, since the people this idea would affect positively are likely different from the people who would complain.

This is an MMO, developed content will NEVER match the demand of dedicated or some casual players. Timegates or no, this will always be a universal truth. For a game who prides itself on "playing your way", they have been rather pushy with how and when we can complete tasks.

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@Westenev.5289 said:

If they made content completable and everything with it achievable with a matter of days then what.. players whine there is nothing to do, they accuse ANET of content drought and then complain its all about gemstore stuff for real money and no meaningful content, then they leave and some never return.

I've never understood this argument, since the people this idea would affect positively are likely different from the people who would complain.

The point is: there's no perfect middle ground in which all players will like the outcome. Every choice ANet makes is a compromise of different goals/values. If festival farming is easy: that's great for the farmers and bad for everyone else, as their time investment will be worth less. If farming opportunities are limited, that's great for people who want less pressure during festivals to get stuff done and annoying for people who like to repeat the same thing until their hands bleed.

The compromise that ANet seems to be aiming for is: deal with each festival differently, so over the course of the year, there's something for (nearly) everyone.

The advantage is that no one suffers too much. The disadvantage is that everyone is annoyed by something.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:I mean, what's wrong with people getting everything day one? So long as festival rewards involve tradeable materials and time sinks, I'll happily rob whales of their gold.

Sounds great for you... not so great for ANET when large numbers of players complete everything day 1 and then log off and go elsewhere.GW2 is a game to you and me, but it's a business product to ANET and to make it worth keeping afloat they need to keep us logging back in as often as possible for as long as possible and hope they can tempt us to spend real money in the store or to buy gems.

it's a double edged sword, the other side actually chases ppl away with the risk that players simply never return.so it might be great for Anet when players stay, it's horrible for Anet when they can never get what they want.

Why can't players never get what they want, just because you cant rush through it in a day doesn't make it unachievable.. put yourself in ANET's shoes. If they made content completable and everything with it achievable with a matter of days then what.. players whine there is nothing to do, they accuse ANET of content drought and then complain its all about gemstore stuff for real money and no meaningful content, then they leave and some never return.Or do you plan it so that players get to keep playing the game over a longer period, introduce gemstore fluff that may be themed to the content alongside retuning stuff that newer players might not of got all whilst pushing on to complete longer term goals... all whilst giving ANET breathing room to work on the next content push.Don't get me wrong I dislike long drawn out grindy stuff, so it's up to ANET to come up with some balance to it.. making stuff doable in a day is not the way to go though from a business perspective imo.

ppl who can get things within a matter of days wil now do the exact same thing but within a week, only now we have a much bigger crowd that can't.you can make one thing achievable within a day while gating achievements so they can take months, keeping the (as i love to call them) the addicts busy for a long time while casual players can still get the small stuff without to much of a hassle.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:I mean, what's wrong with people getting everything day one? So long as festival rewards involve tradeable materials and time sinks, I'll happily rob whales of their gold.

Sounds great for you... not so great for ANET when large numbers of players complete everything day 1 and then log off and go elsewhere.GW2 is a game to you and me, but it's a business product to ANET and to make it worth keeping afloat they need to keep us logging back in as often as possible for as long as possible and hope they can tempt us to spend real money in the store or to buy gems.

it's a double edged sword, the other side actually chases ppl away with the risk that players simply never return.so it might be great for Anet when players stay, it's horrible for Anet when they can never get what they want.

Why can't players never get what they want, just because you cant rush through it in a day doesn't make it unachievable.. put yourself in ANET's shoes. If they made content completable and everything with it achievable with a matter of days then what.. players whine there is nothing to do, they accuse ANET of content drought and then complain its all about gemstore stuff for real money and no meaningful content, then they leave and some never return.Or do you plan it so that players get to keep playing the game over a longer period, introduce gemstore fluff that may be themed to the content alongside retuning stuff that newer players might not of got all whilst pushing on to complete longer term goals... all whilst giving ANET breathing room to work on the next content push.Don't get me wrong I dislike long drawn out grindy stuff, so it's up to ANET to come up with some balance to it.. making stuff doable in a day is not the way to go though from a business perspective imo.

ppl who can get things within a matter of days wil now do the exact same thing but within a week, only now we have a much bigger crowd that can't.you can make one thing achievable within a day while gating achievements so they can take months, keeping the (as i love to call them) the addicts busy for a long time while casual players can still get the small stuff without to much of a hassle.

Errrmm what, your not making much sense?????If ANET have managed to add a whole week of logging in and playing out content to those who would normally be in and out in hours... that's a win for ANET potentially. How does that create bigger crowd that can't.ANET can't be held responsible for anyones personal play habits, the only things they are charged with is developing content that at the end of the day can create opportunities to make money either by gemstore fluff and/or gems sales.No one holds a gun to our heads to spend money, but at the same time no one forces us to spend any longer in game than we want to.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:I mean, what's wrong with people getting everything day one? So long as festival rewards involve tradeable materials and time sinks, I'll happily rob whales of their gold.

Sounds great for you... not so great for ANET when large numbers of players complete everything day 1 and then log off and go elsewhere.GW2 is a game to you and me, but it's a business product to ANET and to make it worth keeping afloat they need to keep us logging back in as often as possible for as long as possible and hope they can tempt us to spend real money in the store or to buy gems.

it's a double edged sword, the other side actually chases ppl away with the risk that players simply never return.so it might be great for Anet when players stay, it's horrible for Anet when they can never get what they want.

Why can't players never get what they want, just because you cant rush through it in a day doesn't make it unachievable.. put yourself in ANET's shoes. If they made content completable and everything with it achievable with a matter of days then what.. players whine there is nothing to do, they accuse ANET of content drought and then complain its all about gemstore stuff for real money and no meaningful content, then they leave and some never return.Or do you plan it so that players get to keep playing the game over a longer period, introduce gemstore fluff that may be themed to the content alongside retuning stuff that newer players might not of got all whilst pushing on to complete longer term goals... all whilst giving ANET breathing room to work on the next content push.Don't get me wrong I dislike long drawn out grindy stuff, so it's up to ANET to come up with some balance to it.. making stuff doable in a day is not the way to go though from a business perspective imo.

ppl who can get things within a matter of days wil now do the exact same thing but within a week, only now we have a much bigger crowd that can't.you can make one thing achievable within a day while gating achievements so they can take months, keeping the (as i love to call them) the addicts busy for a long time while casual players can still get the small stuff without to much of a hassle.

Errrmm what, your not making much sense?????If ANET have managed to add a whole week of logging in and playing out content to those who would normally be in and out in hours... that's a win for ANET potentially. How does that create bigger crowd that can't.ANET can't be held responsible for anyones personal play habits, the only things they are charged with is developing content that at the end of the day can create opportunities to make money either by gemstore fluff and/or gems sales.No one holds a gun to our heads to spend money, but at the same time no one forces us to spend any longer in game than we want to.

and no one will spend anything if there is nothing fun to do, i can try the sesamstreet talk because allot of ppl don't understand forward thinking....

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