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Please do something with the Skyscale.

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I enjoy the Skyscale very much; so much, in fact, that I barely use any other Mount.

I mean I respect that, but in my opinion the Skyscale is just so.. underwhelming compared to the other mounts which did not even take 1/4 of the effort to get, which is my problem with it.

  1. Let it fly all the time, the maps are instanced so its not like we will just fly up and over everything. (Invisible walls)

Never going to happen. There is a thread about this specific suggestion. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/82354/permanent-flying-with-skyscale

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I enjoy the Skyscale very much; so much, in fact, that I barely use any other Mount.

I mean I respect that, but in my opinion the Skyscale is just so.. underwhelming compared to the other mounts which did not even take 1/4 of the effort to get, which is my problem with it.

  1. Let it fly all the time, the maps are instanced so its not like we will just fly up and over everything. (Invisible walls)
  2. Give it a better engage because its kinda eh
  3. make it a tiny bit faster, who cares if it invalidates griff? People will use the mount THEY like more, which is the case right now anyhow.
  4. I still like my dragon~ Regardless of this clunky dummy thiccness

Yea, my point, it's just not unique enough in my opinion.. It's just.. A jack of all Trades a master of none, unlike the other mounts which are a master of one trade.

It does go higher then any mount. And is the best mount for short distance travel in a lot of Rocky places. So in a sense it does have a strength

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I think it's a Master of wall climbing. As stated before, I rarely use the Springer any more.Besides, what's the rush? Even in a rush, though, it takes me less time to use the Skyscale than changing Mounts.

But, of course, that's just my opinion. YMMV.

And hey, I respect that, maybe I am too harsh and too early to judge the skyscale because the grind has kinda caused a burnout for me. I don't know.

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Skyscale is incredible, give it time and make sure to bind the barrel roll as it heightens the mobility by a significant degree. And i find it can stay airborne for a longer time than griffon. plus not needing to flap constantly which is a joy. Also, you can hover in the air to take in sights and decide were to go. Its incredible for scaling highly vertical maps such as verdant brink.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Skyscale is incredible, give it time and make sure to bind the barrel roll as it heightens the mobility by a significant degree. And i find it can stay airborne for a longer time than griffon. plus not needing to flap constantly which is a joy. Also, you can hover in the air to take in sights and decide were to go. Its incredible for scaling highly vertical maps such as verdant brink.

I mean I just mostly mark the map anyway when I need to go somewhere and just run in a straight line, and use bunny to jump obstacles or Gryphon to fly past., usually works. And tbh I kinda like the flapping part, keeps you occupied while in the air which is kinda fun.

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Another thing no other mount can do:

When on the watersurface mount the Skimmer. Once mounted press the button for the Skyscale twice (one for dismounting, which will launch you up. The second for mounting the skyscale).

Et voila, mounted in the middle of any water area on a flying mount. Have the griffon or raptor do that.

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The Skyscale is the greatest all terrain mount ever! BTW, there is no use for Springer now that Skyscale exists since the Skyscale flies up higher than the Springer jumps. It may not be the fastest mount on land or air, but for dealing with varying terrain and enemies, Skyscale is like having multiple mounts rolled into one. Also, it's great for getting some height and then leaping off and transitioning to the Griffon.

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@Blude.6812 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:I enjoy the Skyscale very much; so much, in fact, that I barely use any other Mount.

I mean I respect that, but in my opinion the Skyscale is just so.. underwhelming compared to the other mounts which did not even take 1/4 of the effort to get, which is my problem with it.

  1. Let it fly all the time, the maps are instanced so its not like we will just fly up and over everything. (Invisible walls)

Never going to happen. There is a thread about this specific suggestion.

It won't happen because of the lack of care for the mount ~ A-net likes to make things, release them and if it works then it works. If not well either nerf it until its dead or just ignore it... the community eventually gives in lol

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@Kaliwenda.3428 said:OP, do you have all the masteries for the skyscale?One thing I love about it is soaring down towards the ground to fill up the endurance bar, then coming back up. You can do this for quite a while, and cover a lot of ground, if you practice.

No, I don't, and I confessed that in an earlier post, I don't know if it comes from genuine critisism for the mount or just that I am honestly 110% burned out from the long and annoying grind. :/

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Kaliwenda.3428 said:OP, do you have all the masteries for the skyscale?One thing I love about it is soaring down towards the ground to fill up the endurance bar, then coming back up. You can do this for quite a while, and cover a lot of ground, if you practice.

No, I don't, and I confessed that in an earlier post, I don't know if it comes from genuine critisism for the mount or just that I am honestly 110% burned out from the long and annoying grind. :/

I can understand that. Maybe take a break from it and come back fresh in a little while. That usually helps me in that situation. :)

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The skyscale is mostly fine as is. The only thing that bothers me is the auto wall cling, which there was a slight fix for, but it didn't help when ascending next to a wall.

It's my default mount at this point because it's very versatile. It can ascend on a diagonal, so you can fly up and toward a cliff edge without having to be right under it. Springer bonks its head a lot. And the fact that it can hover just brings so many uses from precision climbing to saving yourself from falling due to a misstep. The wallcling also allows you to climb higher than Springer in some cases. It's just an all around good mount but still lets the others shine.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:I think you just need to give it some time. At first I was pretty unimpressed by the Skyscale, and now I hardly if ever bring out my Griffon or Springer. What does it excel in? Getting to hard to reach places with less room for error.

Yea maybe.. It just discourages me after such a long grind to end up with such an underhelming mount at the start you feel me ?

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:I think you just need to give it some time. At first I was pretty unimpressed by the Skyscale, and now I hardly if ever bring out my Griffon or Springer. What does it excel in? Getting to hard to reach places with less room for error.

Yea maybe.. It just discourages me after such a long grind to end up with such an underhelming mount at the start you feel me ?

Completely. The rental mounts you get in Dragonfall had me questioning whether I should bother with it in the first place. In the end, I had to talk myself into it because I worried that in future maps, while not being required, a skyscale might make the journey easier, and I didn't want to feel left out.

I had no idea I would enjoy the Skyscale so much once I got it. I had bought the Eternal War preparation pack to get the Primordial Griffin skin, and I thought that was going to be the last mount skin I would ever get. Imagine my surprise when I found myself never even using the Griff, and I couldn't wait for them to release a Skyscale mount pack (and pay 2000 gems for it to boot).

Your mileage may vary obv, as not everyone feels the same about specific mounts ( I don't like Jackal - yeah I said it) but give it time. Maybe it won't change your mind, but maybe it will?

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:Your mileage may vary obv, as not everyone feels the same about specific mounts ( I don't like Jackal - yeah I said it) but give it time. Maybe it won't change your mind, but maybe it will?

Maybe, currently I am grinding Dragonfall to get the third mastery.. But let me tell you, Grinding more after grinding for several days does not really put me in the best of moods.

I also think it's kind of ugly.. the only skin that is cool for it, in my own opition, was the Shimmerwing, and Anet decided to pull it just before I got the means to buy it. So I am salty about that.

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:Your mileage may vary obv, as not everyone feels the same about specific mounts ( I don't like Jackal - yeah I said it) but give it time. Maybe it won't change your mind, but maybe it will?

Maybe, currently I am grinding Dragonfall to get the third mastery.. But let me tell you, Grinding more after grinding for several days does not really put me in the best of moods.

I also think it's kind of ugly.. the only skin that is cool for it, in my own opition, was the Shimmerwing, and Anet decided to pull it just before I got the means to buy it. So I am salty about that.

Yeah, for the masteries I think I just tried to do as many Meta events as I could - have fun while getting XP.

Yeah I don't care much for the original skin either, but I thought the Shimmerwing was too pretty - I bought the mount pack, and use the BIolum skin for most of my characters (as it's awesome) and I use the Axe Jaw skin for all my Charr (because it just fits). Not nearly as cool looking as many of the Griffon skins though, but /shrug

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