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The main thing I'd like to hear about is whether it's still planned to deliver expansion-level content within a Living World season, and if so, how that would happen.

If you look at elite specialisations, for example, those have become part of the standard expansion structure within GW2, and I imagine they'd be outside the scope of season 5.

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I'd like to hear a bit about what we'll be getting beyond new maps and storylines. That's the main thing I'm interested in, but we've been told Season 5 will give us the equivalent of an expansion so I'd like to know what that means.

Can we expect more elite specs? If so will they be released one at a time like legendaries were, or all together? If it's all together will it be nearer the beginning or the end? Does this mean the new maps will have hero points, or will we start to use up some of the 'excess' hero points - meaning those who can't or don't want to complete all of them may have a harder time unlocking multiple elite specs.

What other features are planned? Will there be a big new thing like gliding or mounts, and if so what is it? If not can we expect new masteries which build on existing mechanics? Any new mounts?

Also will there be new stat combinations, weapons (unlikely I know) or anything else beyond the usual stuff we get with Living World Seasons?

I don't expect all of that to be covered in the announcement of course (although that would be great) but that's the kind of info I'm interested in. I also really want to know where the story will be taking us and who/what we'll be fighting but I assume that's guaranteed info.

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@Dami.5046 said:I have a question. Who will be presenting the event from anet?

I think Mike O will introduce us, Mike Z will give details on what is to come, and some of the Lead Designers will expand what Z will say.

So I think Tom Abernathy or Linsey Murdock for stuff about Story and the way S5 will work.And maybe someone that will give some details about competitive modes and hard core content.

But I am sure the Anet and GW2 directors are granted to announce what they want to announce.

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@Ben K.6238 said:The main thing I'd like to hear about is whether it's still planned to deliver expansion-level content within a Living World season, and if so, how that would happen.

If you look at elite specialisations, for example, those have become part of the standard expansion structure within GW2, and I imagine they'd be outside the scope of season 5.

I could imagine some kind of gemstore system for access to new elite specs if they happen to be part of LW5 - that way they wouldn't be tied to particular episodes but may require logging in during a single episode to unlock purchase, and something like eg 800 gems per spec with discounts on bundles.

If it is indeed icy region and not water, it would be interesting to see complete contrast to PoF specs which were all themed around the desert/heat - to have specs themed around icy regions/cold.

All purely hypothetical of course, but fun to speculate.

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@hugo.4705 said:Cliff? Isn't it stone pikes like rocky mountains or stalagmites hard to tell, seriously, I'm still hesitating between snow or sand.

I know, it's so hard to tell! Right now it looks to me like we could be looking out from some kind of cave at foamy waves and sea spray kicking up. What a great, ambiguous drawing to get us all wondering! :)

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Question 1: What is your intent when it comes to future long-term goals within Living World?As a Veteran player I'd like more of them, I love collecting and working torwards something bigger.

Question 2: Replayability is something that always has been lacking because you at the end of the day grow tired of doing a specific meta or you're basically done with that map etc, are you having any thoughts on fixing that problem? I would love to have some old maps getting new content and rewards to fix that problem.

Question 3: Have you been thinking about adding Reputation as a new system for unlocking new content/rewards? I think its a system that is very fun and engaging if done in the correct way.

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@"Randulf.7614" said:The logo "appears" to confirm no dragons this Season as they sorta indicated already

It kind of gives a 'the world' vibe, to me.Kind of fitting for a chapter that will have worldwide issues.

I'm guessing it will have a flow similar to season 3?

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Of course, this is probably why they don't tell us anything in advance. We're like kids shaking the presents before Christmas. Then again, that was always part of the joy of Christmas to me as a kid. The guesswork, the fondling. Even when I KNEW something was probably just clothes, it kept me occupied.

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Here are a few questions for Season 5:

  • Is there any chance of more interactivity in the dialogue (choices as well as flavor dialogue options)?
  • Will housing be part of Season 5, or would that be something for an expansion?
  • Will an expansion come after Season 5?
  • Will Canach play a bigger role? How about Laranthir and the Pact?
  • Will Braham play less of a part in Season 5? He is my least favorite of all but seemed to get the most time of anyone in Season 4.
  • Will we get new cultural armor?
  • Will we get new HoT-style meta events?
  • Will we get new elite skills?
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@Fenom.9457 said:kitten for a moment I was thinking July 30 and we only had to wait a few days for information! More than a whole month? That’s way less cool... still, wondering why they’re doing something like this for a living world season

Same here, I was reading it as July 30. If it is an expansion waiting a month would be right but is a WTF if it is just waiting for an announcement of a LS dropping.

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@Arden.7480 said:

@"AgentMoore.9453" said:I really,
love the Guild Wars 2 Living World graphic used in this thread.

I find the newsletter's image even better:


So much for "no elder dragons", I guess. ;) Or this could be a general reference to crossing the ocean to Cantha - who knows?

I can see creepy Dragon eyes :O

Me too! :o In this GIF image you can see the Dragon: https://imgur.com/KpqlEzU

And to whoever thinks this was snow: have your eyes checked. :p

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Looks like a winter storm to me, the particles are very distinct and are being blown in different directions. The surface could be a storm swept sea. Perhaps a coastal winter storm? Is the view from a cave? If so then a hidden face may not be an outrageous claim. Perhaps the studio will release updates of the scene with the face growing more distinct. The logo doesn't give any clues, it could represent ice, water or crystal.

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