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Gallant Lightbearer

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@Blocki.4931 said:It reminds me of the desert fox, which is one of the most adorable things in the game imo. I got it from a chest, but I won't use it personally.

Yeah, I hoarded my keys from the last release as there was nothing worth getting, but I might open a few chests to see if I can get it. I have the Starscale though, which imo is one of the best dyeable skins, so hard to replace that.

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:It reminds me of the desert fox, which is one of the most adorable things in the game imo. I got it from a chest, but I won't use it personally.

I instantly equipped it when I saw it dropped '3'

I got super lucky and got both mount and the new outfit in less than 10 keys ! 'w'

ANd heres me and my friend on 60 and 100+ with no drops cursing you.

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It's been awhile since I bought a bunch of gems. Today was the day. Got the raptor skin and that glider skin. I bought 5 keys too, opened some chests, that was all I was willing to spend on that. I'll bank the rest of my gems for a rainy day. The thorny chair might be interesting, but I can't find any screen shots of my character sitting in it. Wish you could preview yourself on chairs and such.

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@GoldenPants.1870 said:

@Mikali.9651 said:I like how it is a meaningful in-game reward for doing various activities. Oh wait.

I mean the other mount skins have been gemstore items to... Sooo...

In any case, it is super adorable, I love it's fuzzy face. '3'

I did something bad, but other ppl do bad things too! guess that makes the thing I did not bad.

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To be honest, I'm disappointed that we keeping getting new species introduced as mounts without first going back and making some neat-looking versions of animals we've already encountered in the game like Sylvan Hounds, Dolyaks, and Plated Behemoths. I'm not against new species being introduced into the game, but to see an animal like this one or the Pangolin Roller Beetle or the Shrine Guardian Jackal is very immersion breaking for me. Are we supposed to just assume someone flipped over a rock and found a massive 4-earred desert fox underneath?

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I like the skin but I won't get it this time.

Lets pray they put the same energy and money into development of actual replayable content in the game as I feel they focus way too much on skins lately and too less on old bugs/glitches which are only piling up over time, pvp, wvw, more fractals and raids (I don't even play raids but the amount is too low and challenge I hear is missing), decent innovative and creative (mechanical wise) open world content and story content (where it is a challenge and tactics matter over gear/skills so you cannot burst or let npcs do everything for you).

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Looks nice, but 2k gems is way to overpriced for a mount skin. Then again, maybe this is the expansion-like content they talked about - the price would match. Not so long ago I got Witcher 3 GOTY edition on Steam for 11€, and a mount skin in GW2 costs three times that?

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@Mikali.9651 said:I like how it is a meaningful in-game reward for doing various activities. Oh wait.

I like how you came into a topic of somebody saying they liked a visual design just to complain.

@"AgentMoore.9453" said:To be honest, I'm disappointed that we keeping getting new species introduced as mounts without first going back and making some neat-looking versions of animals we've already encountered in the game like Sylvan Hounds, Dolyaks, and Plated Behemoths. I'm not against new species being introduced into the game, but to see an animal like this one or the Pangolin Roller Beetle or the Shrine Guardian Jackal is very immersion breaking for me. Are we supposed to just assume someone flipped over a rock and found a massive 4-earred desert fox underneath?

Some of those would be unsuited for the mount skeletons/rigs, though I wish we could get a plated behemoth ranger pet.

As for "Discovered", how is the Pangolin immersion breaking? It's not like they are saying these creatures were rare, it's more coming across as recently mounted. Also another factor for immersion is this. With Joko dead, the elder dragons reduced, a lot of things that restricted trade, travel, and exploration are disappearing. Now people can explore more and find that rare raptor that lived in a secluded area of the desert, that previously was often not visited due to awoken patrols. Or that skimmer native to an island most people didn't bother stopping at because they wanted to be clear of Istani and Kournan waters ASAP to avoid Joko.

Not everything is perhaps super rare, or even "Just now found."

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