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3 warriors doing 100 blades on a down player and he still gets resurected by 1 ele just pressing f


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Why did none of the three warriors stun the ele?

I get that you are trying to create some discussion about down-cleave damage versus ressurection speeds, but by making a general complaint that looks past CC with no mention of it, you are doing yourself a disservice. You don't have to factor CC directly into your argument, it could be purposely overlooked and still be a valid, confined discussion, but you have to note that you are aware of it and explicitly look past it. Otherwise your arguments fall and you get questions like mine above.

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@Aeolus.3615 said:

@"Absurd.2947" said:Curious about the extreme berserker build. Wouldn't be surprised if you all were cleaving in different directions, it's NA after all.


If you look closely, hitman actually said
"3 3 3 3 3 3 3"
so if you had a video of that encounter you'd probably just see 3 warriors spinning around and around all over the place like Sufi dancers.

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@Absurd.2947 said:Curious about the extreme berserker build. Wouldn't be surprised if you all were cleaving in different directions, it's NA after all.

3 berserkers in berserker gear and berserker runes casting skill 3 on a downed enemy while the ele is reviving it with skill 3 is the extreme berserker gameplay. Keep up with meta cmon.

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@"rng.1024" said:

How 3 full dps classes can manage to do less than 3k dmg per sec each all with a weapon that has skills that reach 5k easily, is beyond me. Did they all have weakness? Did the ele stun them all with shocking aura? Blinds? Maybe.

Andddd this is why arcdps was invented. People see big numbers and declare themselves to have "teh sick bursts" when it really isn't.

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I saw something very similar to this the other day while in EB on N side of stone mist between there and OW. Except it was 2 warriors on a necro and I was on my ele messing around with a new build and the 2 warriors were on him when I noticed him to go down I and an engi ran over except the engi was in stealth coming from different angle, 1 warrior was way out of range though he was pointed in the right direction and the other was right on top of him but was slightly pointed in wrong direction, So, what happened was I tossed a water field and then rezd him with the engie, that was pretty much it. Not saying this was the same incident , just that im sure this sort of situation happens a lot. The only reason I remember is because after that everybody kept on skirmishing and I got this epic rage whisper which was incredibly long and hilarious, dude was raging for like 15 mins straight.

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@rng.1024 said:We can do the math for the fun of it.

Arcane Ressurection:We can assume the elementalist has maximum outgoing healing, namely 35% (15% from water line, 10% from sigil and 10% from rice ball food).It then heals for 7×1,35 = 9,45% each second for a total of 47,25% after all pulses.

Ressing:Base revival speed is 15% per second. Since revival bonuses stack additively we can add the trait (10%) and the runes (20%) and we get a speed of 19,5% per second.

Conclusion:This puts our final ressing speed, assuming the ele has no staff and just presses F, at ~29% per second. Given downstate health is equal to about double the healthpool (tested by vaporforming and reading combat log dmg it does) this constitutes to about (18 000×2) (marauder) × 0,29 = 10440 dmg per sec in order to completely nullify the ticks. In order to achieve normal ress speed, only 8800 is required.

How 3 full dps classes can manage to do less than 3k dmg per sec each all with a weapon that has skills that reach 5k easily, is beyond me. Did they all have weakness? Did the ele stun them all with shocking aura? Blinds? Maybe.

You are forgetting the down state healing from the other player.The most powerful healings are:

  • Ranger
  • Guardian
  • Necro

Also, i don't think your math is right. By just pressing F one can increase res speed by 30% with the right runes. This in turn increases the healing per second (HPS) because your casting time is decreased by 30%.

In other words, do the math again.

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@Hitman.5829 said:

@rng.1024 said:We can do the math for the fun of it.

Arcane Ressurection:
We can assume the elementalist has maximum outgoing healing, namely 35% (15% from water line, 10% from sigil and 10% from rice ball food).It then heals for 7×1,35 = 9,45% each second for a total of 47,25% after all pulses.

Base revival speed is 15% per second. Since revival bonuses stack additively we can add the trait (10%) and the runes (20%) and we get a speed of 19,5% per second.

This puts our final ressing speed, assuming the ele has no staff and just presses F, at ~29% per second. Given downstate health is equal to about double the healthpool (tested by vaporforming and reading combat log dmg it does) this constitutes to about (18 000×2) (marauder) × 0,29 = 10440 dmg per sec in order to completely nullify the ticks. In order to achieve normal ress speed, only 8800 is required.

How 3 full dps classes can manage to do less than 3k dmg per sec each all with a weapon that has skills that reach 5k easily, is beyond me. Did they all have weakness? Did the ele stun them all with shocking aura? Blinds? Maybe.

You are forgetting the down state healing from the other player.The most powerful healings are:
  • Ranger
  • Guardian
  • Necro

Also, i don't think your math is right. By just pressing F one can increase res speed by 30% with the right runes. This in turn increases the healing per second (HPS) because your casting time is decreased by 30%.

In other words, do the math again.

In other words, learn how to play vs downed enemies.

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