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[Merged] Feedback about today's Icebrood Saga announcement

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Im really hyped, so lets recap

  1. Class balance is a joke, same meta since a year ago in pvp and wvw, some specs are still unplayable, others are god mode (yet they deleted chronomancers) and no changes announced.. even tho the forums are exploding with complains... great!
  2. More pve, but it's the same pve as always only in a different map with "different" masteries (anet people are tired of masteries since hot...) Awesome!
  3. Now anet even fired the mediocre writers of living story so guess what.. they are stealing directly from game of thrones lore, it really looked like a copy paste, i mean if they already are stealing weapon desings and stuff like that this is no wonder.
  4. No info about why they went silent on forums, or are ignoring all the playerbase and doing some weird and uncalled changes.
  5. Oh but wait, we got now free skins with hot!!! that's enough to ignore the fact people who buy gw2 are spending 20 less dollars than i did back then, and to keep playing for like 3 more years!!! new glider hype (?

So to sum up what i can learn from this

  1. Pvp/wvw/balance devs were fired, im almost sure, and the team who is in charge of this aspect now is really slow in it's work and it doesn't know how to actually balance the game (chronomancers "rework" best example) also i suspect they actually don't even play their own game.
  2. Pvp and wvw players mean absolutely nothing for anet, all they care is about their pve customers, im sure it's because of the fact that for every pvp/wvw player that actually complains there are like 10 to 20 pve players that just run around like bots and spend money on skins
  3. Devs that actually survived the layoff wave, are a bunch of people with an agressive idea of going for the money, they don't care about the experience they bring to us, they just want to build an excuse for us to purchase either expansions or skins/cosmetics.

So my message to anet i really hope they read this. Enjoy the pve game you created, because soon that's all you will have, just pve players who would play any type of event you throw at them, even if it's a scam like festival of the four winds. But remember, after you copy paste all the game of thrones lore into your game, ruin the franchise, and also run out of ideas please remember, pve players, the ones you only focus on keeping hooked, always need something new because they get bored, they are bots, and they always want more, if not they just leave, meanwhile pvp/wvw players are the ones who tried to stay until it was enough. So good luck mantaining all those pve players hooked long enough, one they when they get bored they will simply turn their backs on you and leave to a better game, meanwhile you will regret neglecting your loyal pvp/wvw scene.

Myself wouln't recommend this game to nobody anymore, and i won't spend a single coin in this sinking ship, i think ill just play until it dies, and try to get as much fun as i can before i leave to better games out there (camelot unchained, archeage unleashed, eso) ... after 5 years this is sad-

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Well that's you. The ppl that actually came there in person - the last moments of stream, where it showed footage of them leaving the room in dead silence - says it all.If it's not an xpac, then the reaveal needs to show the "xpac content" that was promised and would hype player base up. Instead other then free HoT for PoF owners (which is a good move) this felt like your lore junkies panel + living story episode trailer and not a big reveal.

Words were thrown, like "saga", but substance (concrete content examples that are superior to simple LS episodes) was missing. So for a lot of us - a letdown.

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I think the announcement was really scarce and dissapointing.But I wouldn't want e-specs honestly. But I would like some stuff like: upcoming pet/minion overhaul, alliance system in January, stronghold rework this winter etc.Something graspable that players get exited for. Story is good and all but a lot of ppl don't just play story or literally want more from the game than just story.

I love this game but the stream was really a let down.I don't call the game dead like many ppl did pre HoT or do now. But merketing wise this was a real bad announcement and just not enough meat on the bone for the community to chew on.

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Well, I'm hyped! I'm so happy that charr and norn are finally getting some love. Blood Legion homelands! Spirits of the Wild! JORMAG! [squee]

People go all doom and gloom, saying this is THE ENNNNDDDDD for GW2... but @"Gandalf.1537" brought out a salient point: these living world stories are free. Clearly, GW2 is doing quite well if they can afford to push out regular large updates for free.The upcoming content - the "prologue" for the Icebrood Saga - seems to be pretty much what we'd expect from a full episode of living world (new maps, new masteries, new story, new bosses, etc.)...and yet it isn't an episode. It's just the start. They also said that they're focusing on different things for some chapters - some might tell the story in new places, some might expand old places (old maps? Older content??), some might focus on "other" game content (they were a bit vague about that)...so I'm excited to find out what they meant by that.

Overall, this was great. :D

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Exactly! I think I missed the stream and there doesn't seem to be one on Youtube but I managed to see the trailer and I'm so excited!!

Looking at the trailer, I knew immediately there were going to be people complaining on forums as everyone expected a ridiculous amount of content from it. I'm more simply surprised that they released a cinematic trailer (In a beautiful stylistic art form even) and I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear with what would be up and coming.

The Suspicious Travelers were a nice little hint and now that we have the trailer, I can't wait to play the new story we'll get. While I agreed with quite a few of the things people were asking/wishing for in the new story, I can't emphasize enough how Anet continuously provides story for us to immerse ourselves into the world of Guild Wars 2. I've only been playing for a bit over a half-year but I still find myself in awe of the art, detail, story, and it just keeps getting better.

So yes, Thank you very much ArenaNet. This world you've created is beautiful and brimming with tales from the most famous of characters, to the random NPC villager idly chattering by their fields.

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@kwaggmire.2051 said:I’ve been part of a WvW guild for years, with a fun group of people who have been waiting and waiting for new WvW content for years. Mounts only screwed up the play style for mobility roamers. Now players are quitting the game, and I’m super bummed that the stupid devs won’t pull their heads of their endless story and gem store cash-grab long enough to show a little love to the zergs, and keep the game from dying.

but they are. do you really think most GW2 players care about WvW? not even the WvW community knows what they want. All they scream about is balance balance balance , when the game is never going to be balance because Anet does balance moves every patch and its still not enough. Many people wanted Mounts by the way. Roamers are a even smaller minority.

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@Suddenflame.2601 said:Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?

Renting out a theater is misleading in of itself. Announcing that it was an important event is just that confirmation that Anet set a precedent and overhyped the situation. What they showed wasn't theater worthy.

This is on par with the Sunspear Refuge disappointment.

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I will keep this post short and to the point. But as my title says. Anet definitely did not need an event for this as it was info we knew. The community also should not have gotten excited about this being a new expansion because the announcement was not marketed as such and common sense would be enough to know it would not be an expansion.

Anet over marketed a blog post worth announcement, and the community took the hype and gave them self a set of false beliefs on what this would be.

Am I disappointed in the announcement? No there are some cool things coming. Will gw2 rise back to my main game? Nope.

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I love charr and norm. Neat to see it coming from the roots of eye of the North from gw1 that whole area was amazing.

Seeing it come to gw2 makes it more exciting.

Didn't they say new playable race?

Also a plus having the gear / spell template like gw1 had. Makes it a huge plus for me.

Like I said these developers the designers they put all their heart into it. We don't even know how much they get paid and yet to release it for free is awesome itself.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Suddenflame.2601 said:Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?

Renting out a theater is misleading in of itself. Announcing that it was an important event is just that confirmation that Anet set a precedent and overhyped the situation. What they showed wasn't theater worthy.

This is on par with the Sunspear Refuge disappointment.

It was important to Anet and to the players who care about the story. And the theater being rented out was due to PAX: Fri., Aug. 30, 2019 – Mon., Sep. 2, 2019. So if you put that in mind it does makes sense. It allows the players who can't be on their computers a chance of gathering and seeing the announcement. So no the live event was just fine for what it was in this case.

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It's not players fault at all.They announced it month prior. Even adding ominous sounds and stuff to the game to hype it, had 2 day long count down.... for what? Merch ads ?They led people on... it's not players fault at all. Altho I learnt my lesson and wasn't excited for it at all, I wish others were smarter.

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Yes, I'm so excited! BLOOD LEGION HOMELANDS! FAR SHIVERPEAKS! I'm loving the new creature that's basically a wendigo. and the new icebrood monsters, and the strike system sounds neat. They didn't really give us any details about the mastery at all, but new ones are always fun. I'm a little sad we didnt get more specific details, but I guess that's stuff we'll learn episode by episode (like when new fractals and raids will be released, legendaries if any, what the masteries actually do, etc). The story seems really good, and I'm pretty hyped for all the different things they've promised.

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How can you blame the players for expecting something, ArenaNet made a big deal of nothing. Isn't that fully on them? Yeah I know it's best to expect and hope for nothing from them but people we're looking at this for a decision on if to quit or wait it out from what I have seen; so there was hope there that it would have something actually targeted at the old core playerbase beyond the same as usual

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@Suddenflame.2601 said:

@Suddenflame.2601 said:Misleading is only if they went out of their way to misdirect which is not the case. I do say hosting a live event was probably a bit much for the content. But if you look at all promotional material it talkes specifically about the story and then lightly mentions other stuff. So in my mind, the focus is going to be on the story and lightly touch on other mechanics. Which is exactly what I got.

Now about the live event isn't it due to PAX being near?

Renting out a theater is misleading in of itself. Announcing that it was an important event is just that confirmation that Anet set a precedent and overhyped the situation. What they showed wasn't theater worthy.

This is on par with the Sunspear Refuge disappointment.

It was important to Anet and to the players who care about the story. And the theater being rented out was due to PAX: Fri., Aug. 30, 2019 – Mon., Sep. 2, 2019. So if you put that in mind it does makes sense. It allows the players who can't be on their computers a chance of gathering and seeing the announcement. So no the live event was just fine for what it was in this case.

It wasn't an announcement. It was a showcase of what the players already knew. Anet splitting hairs with their word choice to feign responsibility.

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Agreed. I’m looking forward to these long requested places, and expanding the world. The game just keeps getting better, and love the new cinematics. There will be story content for years to come.

I for one thought “strikes” was made for me because I can’t get into playing with Discord.

Christmas shopping for me just got very easy with the merch.

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@MetalGirl.2370 said:It's not players fault at all.They announced it month prior. Even adding ominous sounds and stuff to the game to hype it, had 2 day long count down.... for what? Merch ads ?They led people on... it's not players fault at all. Altho I learnt my lesson and wasn't excited for it at all, I wish others were smarter.

Apple does this literally every year. I am not sure what your point is? Most game series do this. Borderlands 3 is being super hyped up by the community for it. Well knowing it will just be a shooter with comedy thrown in.

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I'm going to remain hopeful, and say that they've only shown the tip of the iceberg. I've often found that many times when they announced big content, they've only shown small portions of it.

Perhaps the one thing I felt was lacking toward that was truly the last mount the game need to be complete, which is an underwater mount, before it can close down mounts for good.I'm still fairly happy, but that is within my bias. I like story, and I like lore, which certainly makes me happy with that part of the announcement. The armors are simple, which again fits within my bias of things I actually like. Neither of those are going to make Everyone happy, I happen to be one for which it works. Charrs are my favorite race, and Norn is my close second favorite. So investing time in exploring both is again, spot on for me. I am hoping to see Masteries that will Actually impact other areas of the game beside the living story maps though. That has Always been a pet peeve of mine. The Masteries are map centric, and enclosed within that map, barely being used anywhere else. The two mastery traits that successfully manage to escape that, glider and mounts, are the most used and almost considered mandatory by some.Likewise the Strike Mission system they're putting forward is one I've been hoping for for a while, as it will be a great way to bring more people within Raid range, and ultimately serve as a smooth step toward raids in general/

I will wait and see. So far, what I saw is enough for me to be happy and hopeful. Not Everything is as I wanted, and most of it is not what I expected, but I for one am pleasantly surprised. I know that's not the case for everyone, but if I'm happy, I might as well say so.


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@"MetalGirl.2370" said:It's not players fault at all.They announced it month prior. Even adding ominous sounds and stuff to the game to hype it, had 2 day long count down.... for what? Merch ads ?They led people on... it's not players fault at all. Altho I learnt my lesson and wasn't excited for it at all, I wish others were smarter.

Lmao they announced the stream as a living world stream from day one, they did the most with the countdown but still the players are also responsible for this. I kept seeing posts like "omg elite specs", "maybe new expac soon" and I thought why on earth would you think that?

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