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Potential Future Balance Update and Future Plans for Competitive

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@Frostchant.1523 said:Why not touching this topic during the announcement?

Cuz it was a Living World announcement

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:Too little, too late.

I am hanging on this game by a THREAD thanks to the good will of my guild and my friends, otherwise I would've been long gone. Still, I think it's telling that this post happened merely hours after the "big" announcement. gw2 has lost its way.

Its a living world announcement

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@Defias.1892 said:

@Frostchant.1523 said:Why not touching this topic during the announcement?

Cuz it was a Living World announcement

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:Too little, too late.

I am hanging on this game by a THREAD thanks to the good will of my guild and my friends, otherwise I would've been long gone. Still, I think it's telling that this post happened merely hours after the "big" announcement. gw2 has lost its way.

Its a living world announcement

Yeah, an "announcement" that confirms what we already knew! (season 5)

Come on bruh, I wasn't born yesterday...

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There are two problems with alliances. The first is that it's just been so long since they were first announced and we've had so little information on how they are coming along since then. This does nothing to address that concern . . .

But the second is anet mentions restructuring so infrequently that during the long intervals of silence many players justifiably begin to wonder whether it is still planned for release at all. This does address that concern . . .

EDIT: Also, seriously, what happened to the dismount skill . . ?

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I still don't understand why Ranger is viewed still as overpowered. Granted, there are a very FEW ranger players that go up straight Glass Cannon. This Glass Cannon build is what some other players are smashing their faces against, especially if it's a ranger running Druid Permaboon. Their hard as hell to kill, and their pumping out a lot of damage. I been whittled from 23k health down to 0 in less than two seconds BEFORE I can hit my Stone Signet. Still, why the hell continue to shave our damage away from us. We still get FLACK from the commanders on multiple servers saying we have nothing to offer. Why are we being penalized for system put in place not of our own making.

The only thing I would prefer to see in WvW is having Boons have a Cooldown. If anet hasn't played a lot of WvW, you would be seeing that large scale groups, that dominate consistently have Boon up time stretching on from the start, ALL the way to the end of a battle. From 2 minutes to 15 minutes to nearly 1/2 hour battles. Boons should NOT be present for that damn long. I would like, in my own opinion, to see Boon Sickness. Or even Boon Traps, or Boon Grenades that strips them off, or keeps them off for a DURATION of time. Anet, your going after skills, when it's the overall effects of Bonuses that you should be looking at.

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@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:There remain big issues in WvW there are not addressed by World Restructuring. The biggest one is finding a means to make winning mean something in WvW without motivating players to burn themselves out trying to maintain 24/7 coverage. We have some early designs built around this and will be investigating them once World Restructuring is finished so it is a bit too early for us to go into details around the ideas, but we’re thinking about them.Not sure what this means. You already had the concept of time-limited seasons / tournaments to provide true competition without burning the ppl out too much.

Besides, I really like the current reward system that rewards just for playing the game.

You could also reward ppl in short terms for winning the current skirmish, just to avoid burn out.

I doubt that you can pull off a good concept where winning the matchups is rewarded. That would imo only lead to more toxicity, bandwaggoning / switching to alt accounts. Alliances will most likely increase the gap between casuals and pro's, so adding rewards for competitive play might not be a good idea in a game mode where match- / team-making is not skill-based.

So maybe have a 1-week-competitive matchup every 4 weeks, where competitive players / alliances are matched together in T1-2 and casuals are matched in T3-5, according to their quality? But that would require a ranking system for players / guilds / alliances, that you don't want to provide (according to a former Anet post on alliances).

You can't just throw "PPT-competitive Alliance A" into the same world with "PPK-competitive Alliance B" and casual Guilds and Randoms, and reward for winning.

So, the new system should not move Worlds "one Tier up / one Tier down" every week, but instead Alliances / Guilds / Randoms, dependent on their contribution over time (and thus create new worlds every week). So, you would have casual play in Tier 3-5 and competitive play in Tier 1-2. True competitive play doesn't require significant rewards for winning. But for that you would have to introduce such a said ranking system.

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You have to have a working, breathing, ACTIVE player base to make that happen. Ques are non-existent on reset night automatically anymore. The Ques start at 5-20 minutes AFTER reset now, and only on one or two servers. Even with links, the overall population is thinning. Most of this is caused by commanders refusing to even want to fight certain servers or even guilds because of domination effects. Players start to lose interest if the commander keeps butting their head up against a wall that won't fall. And then the wall flicks a finger, and your entire group dies in seconds. As of this moment, that effect is having a cascading effect. Why play, if you can't win, or worse yet, those that lead REFUSE to even play to win.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Justine.6351 said:and still salt posts...this is why they don't talk anymore...

After FIVE years waiting WvW to be what was promised, we have all the RIGHT to be salty. Don't act as devil's lawyer, 'cos this won'r work. NOT this time.

In the event, they didn't say ANYTHING about WvW and PvP (for not mentioning Instances, Raids, etc.), only the usual "we're working on it". NO, it's NOT enough after so long time waiting real changes in the game mode, after absolute DISASTERS like the infamous Linking System.


I'm sorry what exactly was promised? WvW is everything I expected and more. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. But go ahead and stomp your feet and threaten to quit or something. That solves many things I heard, from my 5 year old cousin.

It's this kind of pretentious behavior that is encouraging vets to leave. I doubt you have played competitive WvW for the past few years. It has been more or less the same since launch. Aside from some minor updates like the Warclaw and the server link, which have only made the game mode worse. It has been due for an overhaul since two years ago. It's a telling sign when one of the commanders on BG gets tired of waiting and quits the game. Dozens of dedicated WvW guilds have also disbanded like on Borlis Pass. I don't play the game mode much, but have some respect for the dedicated playerbase.

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@"Justine.6351" said:I'm sorry what exactly was promised? WvW is everything I expected and more. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. But go ahead and stomp your feet and threaten to quit or something. That solves many things I heard, from my 5 year old cousin.

You are kidding, right? Seriously WvW is "everything you expected and more"?

Roaming like before the structure upgrades, is DEAD since time ago. You barely will find a solo roamer more than five minutes in several servers 'cos, as soon as they're killed, the call the hordes for getting a kitten campament.

The fights stopped being fun when Arenanet made balance patches unknowing what is being played in WvW. And yes, the fact they split the balances for every game mode was a shy, but good step... but not enough since clearly they don't play it really. Or should I remember how a developer who isn't in the company anymore dared to say "WvW is fine" playing in the server located in last place in the leaderboard in Europe? How the hell a dev can dare to say such thing without checking the server status prolly?

WvW is far to be what is supposed to be. Siege should be challenging and fun, not "let see how many sieges we can put inside for defending", either "oh, this server is empty, let stomp the map for PvDoor!". Battles should be fun, and not "grab moar necros and bubbles!". Matchups should be fun, and not the damn Groundhog Day week after week!

You ask about promises? Good, let talk about promises... like making WvW worth to be played, with a balanced system and teams. They sold the Linking World as the way to balance... and let me remember, what happened with this? OH! Guild Wars 2 became *Bandwagoning Wars 2".

And you say that "WvW is everything you expected and more"? Well, look outside and see how many *don't" think as you.


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@Cambeleg.7632 said:

@"Justine.6351" said:I'm sorry what exactly was promised? WvW is everything I expected and more. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. But go ahead and stomp your feet and threaten to quit or something. That solves many things I heard, from my 5 year old cousin.

You are kidding, right? Seriously WvW is "everything you expected and more"?

Roaming like before the structure upgrades, is DEAD since time ago. You barely will find a solo roamer more than five minutes in several servers 'cos, as soon as they're killed, the call the hordes for getting a kitten campament.

The fights stopped being fun when Arenanet made balance patches unknowing
is being played in WvW. And yes, the fact they split the balances for every game mode was a shy, but good step... but
not enough
since clearly they don't play it really. Or should I remember how a developer who isn't in the company anymore dared to say "WvW is fine" playing in the server located in
last place
in the leaderboard in Europe?
the hell a dev can dare to say such thing without checking the server status prolly?

WvW is
to be what is supposed to be. Siege should be challenging and fun, not "let see how many sieges we can put inside for defending", either "oh, this server is empty, let stomp the map for PvDoor!". Battles should be fun, and not "grab moar necros and bubbles!". Matchups
be fun, and not the kitten Groundhog Day week after week!

You ask about promises? Good, let talk about promises... like making WvW
to be played, with a balanced system and teams. They sold the Linking World as the way to balance... and let me remember, what happened with this? OH! Guild Wars 2 became *Bandwagoning Wars 2".

And you say that "WvW is everything you expected and more"? Well, look outside and see how many *don't" think as you.


People solo roam. I know because when I solo roam I find them and we both have a good time fighting each other and others on the map.And otherwise, Everytime I enter WvW the guild I run with has a good time even when fighting a server like blackgate. People need to stop being so unchill when it comes to WvW. Anet can't fix unchill people with a patch. People want anet to hold their hands and make everything all square and fair for WvW. Might as well put them all in a boring plain white box with sticks. Pitchforking really is the peasant's solution though, as displayed time and again on the wvw forum.

Keep dreaming of that amazing patch that will magically fix all those trumped up problems in a game mode that people have kept calling dead for the past 6 years.

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The Main issue with balance in WvW is build diversity. There are certain aspects of classes that become way to Overpowered when you scale it up to the amount of players you have running in zergs. Obviously "Meta" builds will always exist because you want to run a build that will give you the most chance at success. However there are some "Meta" builds that are so strong at this scaling that they are mandatory if you want to have any chance of winning fights. While it is beneficial for these top end outliers like Scourge (heavy condi/boon corrupt and group barrier + cleanse) and Firebrand (Boons/heal/aegis spam) stacking to be nerfed in line with other comparable builds the Main issue is there are way too many Underpowered skills and builds to compete with them. Anet seems to have an issue with mostly nerfing/balancing over performing "Meta" builds while letting a vast majority of under performing builds and skills just lay dormant. We need a mix of balance that nerfs the over performing skills and buffs unused traits and builds. WvW use to have dynamic build options but it's devolved into picking the current OP "Meta" comp and over stacking those builds. We need a competent team looking to bring these over performing builds down but also need them looking to bring more Underpowerd builds up to par so they are a valid option. At the moment ranged, condi, aoe stacking is unbeatable which is why most zergs stack scourge. Firebrand is the only viable healer because it has group utility for buffing and heals that is unmatched by any other heal class (same reason chrono buffs were nerfed into the ground btw). Bring those down but also look at how to buff other classes to make them viable in large scale fights. It's always better to promote build diversity over class stacking in any game mode.

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@"Mordayn.6198" said:The Main issue with balance in WvW is build diversity. There are certain aspects of classes that become way to Overpowered when you scale it up to the amount of players you have running in zergs. Obviously "Meta" builds will always exist because you want to run a build that will give you the most chance at success. However there are some "Meta" builds that are so strong at this scaling that they are mandatory if you want to have any chance of winning fights. While it is beneficial for these top end outliers like Scourge (heavy condi/boon corrupt and group barrier + cleanse) and Firebrand (Boons/heal/aegis spam) stacking to be nerfed in line with other comparable builds the Main issue is there are way too many Underpowered skills and builds to compete with them. Anet seems to have an issue with mostly nerfing/balancing over performing "Meta" builds while letting a vast majority of under performing builds and skills just lay dormant. We need a mix of balance that nerfs the over performing skills and buffs unused traits and builds. WvW use to have dynamic build options but it's devolved into picking the current OP "Meta" comp and over stacking those builds. We need a competent team looking to bring these over performing builds down but also need them looking to bring more Underpowerd builds up to par so they are a valid option. At the moment ranged, condi, aoe stacking is unbeatable which is why most zergs stack scourge. Firebrand is the only viable healer because it has group utility for buffing and heals that is unmatched by any other heal class (same reason chrono buffs were nerfed into the ground btw). Bring those down but also look at how to buff other classes to make them viable in large scale fights. It's always better to promote build diversity over class stacking in any game mode.

The reason firebrand is overpowered is his spam for secondary Boons (regen, prot, might) and primary Boons (stab and Agis). Both makes IT rather overpowered. There is not punnishment for opening a tome, spam the skills and close the tome( most of the fights last shorter then bringing all Tomes+weapon skills on cooldown in most inconvinient wat

Scourge is hitting like shit but does too much, IT can instant corrupt and cc. Fear is too strong since its icon doesnt show its duration stacks...but the timer resets. Cc shouldnt stack. scourge is optional because the target cap, allthough IT hits less in dps then rev IT still strips and stacks cc. More target and treatening of Both range and melden

Scrapper is a real passive class with a Nice share of stealth. Lacks of reveals (really most reveal skills are a Joke) make sneak gyro a must have. As long as no class had a good reveal scrapper Will Stay meta.

Rev Hammer...well the healthpool on range aoe which isnt a projectile is Just a meme and how long its a thing just tells me how big of a meme the balance team is for a while

I dont bother roaming or smallscaleThat's Just a meme, and what isnt killed by pof has been killed on warclaw

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