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We are willing to pay for New Content ! Please !


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@Menadena.7482 said:Bingo! If I see life in the game, as in an expansion, I will not hesitate to buy it. Most likely the most expensive version too so I get whatever we get with it. I have been playing for years. If you broke it down most likely I have sunk more money than in a subscription game but I do not like subs on principle.

I do not consider the living world life unless an expansion has been announced and we get that while we wait. Mainly store updates? Just forget it. That gets classified as 'someone just forgot to turn the servers off'. In either of those 2 cases I will mourn GW2 while actively looking for a replacement.

This actually touches on the main problem with charging for periodic content in games.

If you do that, only the people invested enough to want to pay for it will be playing it. It can work fine if your playerbase is expanding and the new content is the primary draw to the game (ESO comes to mind). But if your playerbase is shrinking or the upcoming content doesn't offer much to people who focus on other game modes, it means that the players who do buy each chapter have fewer people to play with.In the worst case, this can ruin the experience for paying customers.

There are games out there who have done well off keeping the barrier to entry minimal (sometimes actually zero) and providing other avenues for players with money and interest to support the game. Their release cadence has a few issues they could fix, but I think ANet is trying to follow that example with GW2.

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@"Rauderi.8706" said:Locusts are going to burn through "content" regardless of delivery method. Living World episode? Two weeks, tops. Expansion? A month. New raid? Stops being interesting in 2 months.Expansions are most useful for provoking some big change/addition to characters (gliding, mounts, elites) and other features. ANet can do that without an expansion.

I hazard a guess that expacs are far more useful in generating upticks in new/returning players and better aid in retaining players for longer.LS, as much as I enjoy it just doesn't generate as much excitement as an expac does imo.. I mean you only have to look at the reaction to the IBS live event and how much players were so hoping for more than just another LS announcement. If I was prospective player I would be a lot more drawn into the game knowing the game offers expansions across the whole game not just story chapters.. oops I mean SAGA's.I hope the new content drop philosophy works and we do in fact start to see that expac type content coming through with it, though my fear is that the quality of the content and the bugfest may become a larger issue as they try to push the cadence to keep the game feeling fresh through its LS, because history doesn't sit too well when they have tried to push their content drops previously. I would of rather seen cadence moved out a few weeks in order to allow they to test content better instead of the constant fire fighting after each update.But with only LS to push the game on I guess they feel they need to push content faster, so maybe that means less content over the same expac cycle.. time will tell I guess.

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@DonArkanio.6419 said:

@"OutOfOrder.3719" said:I think the point that most fans of Guild Wars wanted to make after the August 30th Annoucement, is the following. Most loyal fans, both hardcore and casual, are willing to pay for new content; in favor of receiving more content than only receiving living story episodes.

Customers that are willing to pay for new content are very different from the free to play crowd that are less likely to support the game.

Free content is always good to get us through huge content droughts in between expansions. But the driving force is that most loyal fans are willing to pay for new content. And it just so happens that willingness to pay for new content in the PC Gaming industry is through Expansions.

Perhaps the point of the August 30th announcement was for everyone that has not bought Path of Fire already, better do it now in order to receive Season 5 (Saga) for free.

Now of course your loyal fan base which has already bought both expansions for this game want more, are now begging and proclaiming how much we desperately need New Content and we are willing to pay for it !

This is what matters the most to me and I don’t think has been stated directly. The fans that were upset by this announcement, who were dedicated enough to attend or even watch the entire 45 min event, wanted something tangible to look forward too. And the driving point that I hope ANET understands is that we simply want more Guild Wars 2.

Please make new content for all the GW2 game-modes, as we love this game and we want more of it ! And We are willing to pay for it ! We need a new Expansion, sometime in the next 2 years in order for this game to not die off and be forgotten.

As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.

Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.

These are the same answers we got prior to HoT. There will be no expansions; They are gung-hoe about living world taking its place and that means they will double down on the gemstore. The content will be made to keep you playing and the gemstore will get many, many, many, many more additions and while I agree and want expansions with the level of vast and expansive content they bring the majority of the community doesn't. The majority or I should say the very casual "Vocal minority" who are always yelling about everything don't want a ticket entry fee. They want to log in and get the whole thing at one time; Meaning A-net looking at it are probably saying something like this "We realize now that expansions make it more difficult to create content, because the type of people we actively attract and market too are not the type willing to drop money on a game itself."

This is why you only need PoF to get everything, living world will be what brings us content going forward and I believe since each episode costs money to get if you missed it they will use that and gemstore/armor/weapons/outfits/ect to make money. Im not sure what to expect outside of that, but what I can tell you is don't expect an expansion until they believe living world wont work. (Similar to what happened prior to HoT) when the game clearly wasn't working and expansions became much more enticing because of how living world initially failed.

2 years from now GW2 is gonna be free altogether.I mean, I can see what ANet is getting at. They are trying to appeal to the biggest community - casuals that drop in and out. Leave a few dollars here and there for the GemStore.I am afraid that this is very short-sighted as this kind of methodology is applied to the Mobile MMO market. I don't think it can work in the long run. I just don't believe it will. Even if they
deliver expansion-like content in LW, we are still talking about 18 months. It's certainly too long.

To top that off catering to them and not trying to garner your fan-base and have them be the backbone of your community is a dumb move. I mean if they are going to come and go then stop focusing on them? I mean they do that regardless; I knew a guy who has bought everything they put out and ever put out but he has never once made it to level 80. And these are some of the players they cater too with this business model but they will do this kind of thing (Maybe not to that extreme) Regardless of if you cater to them or not.

You should focus on retaining the players who DO STAY in the game and support it actively, this would encourage them to support you because they know at least they think I should say that their money is going into investment toward the game and modes they like. Rather you cater to people who don't care and don't actually play all of the game but still expect to be the target audience? Like you said its unsustainable, and I feel like potentially some of these hens have come home to roost so to speak and we are beginning to see the fallout of this very decision.

With the way things are going, Im not even sure guild wars 2 will be still going in two years; I don't want it to end or to die. But looking at it now and all these choices and all the jabs and lack of care to the devoted side of this game and the people who LOVE it? You don't bite the hand that feeds you. Sure those players drop a few bucks there and a few bucks here, but most of us drop more than a few bucks. I've expanded my storage, to the max just about and have bought all the collectors editions when they come out along with skins I like. I buy armor skins I like and so on, I buy the infinite gathering tools so each of my characters can have a different pair so no matter who I am on Im progressing and don't have to worry about running out of tools. And Im One guy who loves this franchise and has sat with it since the first, and grew up with it so I mean as embarrassed as I am to say over the years I've given them a good amount of money. But they are not working on the modes I like, they aren't making things I enjoy (Well they are sort of now with the focus of this living world, we shall see if they give some more of what I desire.) so I spend less money now.

When you feel like your investment is not going toward what you care about then you cease that investment, as a long time player and as someone who has done a lot of the content looking forward what do we have to look forward too? More raids Insert sarcastic wooohooo here, Fractals Eye-roll goes here, and now strike missions (Admittedly im excited for them.) Along with new maps and a story with some new masteries which is to be expected; Outside of that we have nothing no E-specs and no expansion on the horizon (Doubt we ever will get one again.) It's this lack of faith that is causing those of us who stick with the game and have made it our only mmo, wonder if that choice is really a good one now. You should want to keep us around, not build a theme park where you come and go and its all about having tons of filtering people in and out. You will still have the filtering effect happen, but with a stable source of income in those of us who are devoted and content to be within tyria and support those who have crafted this amazing world.

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Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

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@OutOfOrder.3719 said:Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.

Making the hundredth thread on the same topic won't make it any more likely to happen.

They certainly have reasons for the business model they've picked. I don't necessarily like it, either, but we have to accept it for now.

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

Nothing really competes with the profits generated from whales with gambling problems. It's the reason the gaming industry has turned into a thinly veiled slot machine over the past decade.

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@xenon.3264 said:

@OutOfOrder.3719 said:Living world will fail. It’s just a matter of how long it will take to fail.

It's been working for 7 years according to economic data we got. So no

Btw no, some are ok with the current model

It has worked because we received actual content along the way (two expansions). It's been now two years since expansion and game feels stale and in need of refreshment, game changing features. I have a hard time imagining saga will do that.

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The funny thing about the internet is that, while it enables us to gather a lot more and different information that we used to be able to before it was a thing, it also makes it a lot easier for us to find information that confirms our own belief and grows the feeling that we know the truth and our opinion is easily that of the majority. If you aren't super careful, the internet quickly becomes an echo chamber of your own thoughts and beliefs and makes it actually harder for you to question your beliefs, find the possible flaws in them, and objectively judge different opinions and their arguments.

Personally one of the reasons why I play and enjoy this game over other, similar games is precisely because it is a game that does not re-invent the wheel continuously to give me a kick of something new to play around with. Instead I have a huge world that I can immerse myself in, grow different characters in, play around in different environments and different game modes. It also offers me a steady stream of new places to explore and new story to experience, as well as bringing in new toys (mounts, masteries, equipment stats, fractals, raids, side stories, ...) gradually that I can explore at my leisure without having to put in a big investment of game time up-front to simultaneously master a large chunk of different content at once to be able to enjoy the freedom of playing around in all areas of the game again.

I am one of the people that very much prefer the living story method of content delivery to the expansion model, as it offers a much more relaxed and relaxing gameplay and keeps me busy with new stuff to explore and master continously. Would I have burned out on this game 30 years ago, when I was still in university and had a lot more free time at my hand than today? Possibly. But I am 50 now, and while I still like to play roleplaying games and computer games just as much as I did 30 years ago, I play them very differently from back then, and thus different kinds of content development suit me today.

Is ANet right or wrong in chosing a business model that suits me rather than others? I don't know, nor does anybody else without insider knowledge of the financial numbers. You certainly can't judge from social media output alone, as different channels tend to attract a different kind of player, and thus most of the opinions we see on the net are skewed towards the community flocking to whatever channel we survey. I would be hard-pressed to even point to a channel that would accurately portrait the kind of opinion of players like me, since I know a lot of "older" people in game that don't use social media at all.

I do however trust in the fact that ANet as a company has been in this business a good while, and has been decently succesful at that. If they find living world releases attract enough players like me, then I'm happy they keep going that way. I certainly am willing to play for content, but I definitely won't complain if this game keeps giving me the same level of great content I have gotten used to for simply logging in and playing.

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@"Rauderi.8706" said:Locusts are going to burn through "content" regardless of delivery method. Living World episode? Two weeks, tops. Expansion? A month. New raid? Stops being interesting in 2 months.Expansions are most useful for provoking some big change/addition to characters (gliding, mounts, elites) and other features. ANet can do that without an expansion.

They can and they claim they will, but I notice the wording Mike Z used seemed to indicate that none of that was actually in the works or, at least, wasn't at a stage where he was even willing to hint at it beyond the possibility. Personally, I was hoping some of these expansion-level features would be among their first projects as an act of good faith from a company that recently changed gears and whose future is being openly questioned by its customer base on a regular basis ever since. If living world is going to deliver what players who wanted an expansion are really looking for, then where is the announcement of any work toward that end? That would be an announcement I'd actually be excited about.

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@xenon.3264 said:

@OutOfOrder.3719 said:Living world will fail. It’s just a matter of how long it will take to fail.

It's been working for 7 years according to economic data we got. So no

Btw no, some are ok with the current model

It has been working for 7 years ONLY because we got HoT and PoF expansions between those 7 years. If there were no HoT and PoF, do you seriously think GW2 can last 7 years? Really?

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@xenon.3264 said:

@OutOfOrder.3719 said:Living world will fail. It’s just a matter of how long it will take to fail.

It's been working for 7 years according to economic data we got. So noOh, so we've had now 7 years with only living story and no expansions? That is new to me.

@OutOfOrder.3719 said:As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.

Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.You still think they are working on an expansion, and simply being evasive about it. They are not. They haven't stated anything more than "expansions are not off the table" simply because they
have nothing more to state
. What they said in that interview was quite clear - they may be aware that people want the expansion, but they neither are working on one currently,
nor do they plan to
. They hope the Living Story will be enough fo us.

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:If it's any consolation, in a recent interview, Mike Z. stated that Elite Specializations could come in Living World updates.

come. Not
come. He said, that:Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@OutOfOrder.3719 said:Living world will fail. It’s just a matter of how long it will take to fail.

It's been working for 7 years according to economic data we got. So noOh, so we've had now 7 years with only living story and no expansions? That is new to me.

@OutOfOrder.3719 said:As of right now, Path of Fire came out 2 years ago. I can definitely wait 1 year for the next expansion to arrive. But Most players need hope and more definitive statements than “expansions are not off-the-Table”.

Simple statements stating that ANET is working on an expansion, but doesn’t know whether it will take 1 year or 2 years to develop, would give players hope and confidence to keep playing and stay invested in the game.You still think they are working on an expansion, and simply being evasive about it. They are not. They haven't stated anything more than "expansions are not off the table" simply because they
have nothing more to state
. What they said in that interview was quite clear - they may be aware that people want the expansion, but they neither are working on one currently,
nor do they plan to
. They hope the Living Story will be enough fo us.

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:If it's any consolation, in a recent interview, Mike Z. stated that Elite Specializations could come in Living World updates.

come. Not
come. He said, that:Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.

They earn from gems as much as they did from expansions

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:If it's any consolation, in a recent interview, Mike Z. stated that Elite Specializations could come in Living World updates.

come. Not
come. He said, that:

Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’

So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.You could also read this quote as "elite specs are like mounts". Seeing how we got two of those delivered through living story releases last season, this could very well mean that they are in fact working on elite specs and will release them with a future episode.

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Honestly i'm not sure i would buy another expansion.. I never play in them much as it is because they are so over tooled.. I kinda don't enjoy how hardcore they make them especially with hot, being downed 24/7 just makes me leave.. I seldom go there no matter what loot is involved, so more of the same i wouldn't waste money on.

Need more casual content like tyria then i'd buy them.

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@Rasimir.6239 said:

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:If it's any consolation, in a recent interview, Mike Z. stated that Elite Specializations could come in Living World updates.

come. Not
come. He said, that:

Things that we wouldn’t rule out – but that we’re not talking about today – would be like another mount, another elite specialisation, those types of things. Those are all things that traditionally have waited until a boxed product is ready. But instead, now we’re saying, ‘look, here are the things that we’re doing. Here’s what we’re releasing right now. Here’s what’s next.’

So, elite specs are like an expansion - they aren't ruled out. This doesn't mean they are coming. It probably means that (like with an expansion, again), they are neither actually working on or planning them right now.You could also read this quote as "elite specs are like mounts". Seeing how we got two of those delivered through living story releases last season, this could very well mean that they are in fact working on elite specs and will release them with a future episode.You perhaps could. Me however, i don't see anything on that sort in this statement. All i see is
of any sort of confirmation.
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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

It's a digital good. Supply is always infinite.Are you asking to see the stats with infinite vs demand?

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:

@SinisterSlay.6973 said:Maybe basic commerce 101 would help. When stuff doesn't sell, you make it more appealing by reducing the price. Maybe Anet should try that? Demand is low, supply is infinite, lower the price to match. Don't only target whales with gambling problems. I've seen countless things in the gem store I would buy. Then when I click that buy gems button and see the price, I freak out. It's just too expensive, especially with exchange rates.

You have the statistics to prove this? You have the financial records that show this supply/demand curve is unbalanced? Just because you don't approve of the cost does not prove your point.

ANet most certainly has this data and knows exactly where the pricing needs to be to hit their goals.

It's a digital good. Supply is always infinite.Are you asking to see the stats with infinite vs demand?

I agree supply is infinite in theory (database has a finite amount of space). I didn't see how you can make the leap that "basic commerce 101" isn't what Anet is already doing even though you don't like the price.

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