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New CORE WEAPONS is one of the easiest form of new content that can add hundreds of gameplay-hours

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I dont know why you dont see this, but new Core Weapons, (not to confuse with Elite Specs) can add lots of potential replay value back into the game , especially during long droughts in content.

New Core Weapons provide new ways to play current classes, and most of the code is already in the game. Way easier than making a brand new map, or adding brand new features like Mounts in PoF. I am sure those were far harder to do, and took up more resources than giving new weapon choices to the current classes.

Elite Specs take up more work as well, since they have their own Specialization and brand new weapons.

But for just New Core Weapons, you only have new weapon choices for class, which would need some animations for skills.

You can even add Sea Weapons to Land and give them new skills for land for all the classes. Something like that would be big and keep people busy learning the new skills and mastering the weapons.

I play Revenant mostly. We dont have a lot of customization options. I am getting tired of using same few weapons and legends. But a Brand new 2hander Melee Spear or a 2hander Ranged Support weapon would be a huge thing in terms of gameplay and builds.

These small things add many hours of replay value back into the game.

Living World is your bread and butter, but how about adding a new Mastery that unlocks brand new Core Weapons, such as the suggested Sea Weapons to Land conversion. Or just brand new Core Weapons in general.

Please consider it.

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That's not that as easy as you think though, beside just adding xyz weapon to the pool of usable weapons for abc class, they also need to create or find animations thematically fitting specific class(the amount of animations per weapon may differ from just 2 to up to 20), another thing will be "effects" for them, aka damage, possibly boons/conditions, ccs, etc. At the last they'll need to find proper "balance", to not be op af and to not be up aswell, that's not easy. + don't forget about creating graphics for these skills to fit thematically specific class aswell.They can also go "easier" way to just bring underwater weapon on land, though, they'll have to work on behaviour of this weapons in new environment, probably will need rework of animations aswell to fit it and also a lot of balancing(underwater weapons are unbalanced af).I'm pretty sure there is a lot more work needed for it to happen than what I wrote.And if they did that, they could aswell go all the way and create new traitlines for these weapons and convert them into E-Speces, cause why not after all this work?You may ask "but why new animations and these effects", now imagine Ele getting mace, which animation will it gain? It'll need a minimum of 12 skills after all, so, will it get skills from Guard, Warrior and whatever else is left? I don't think so.Though overall, I do like idea of bringing underwater weapons to land as the next e-specs. Imagine Rev with Trident on land, 10/10, but it would need a bit of work.

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  • There is no logical reason to create weapons only for core classes. Reaper is still a necromancer, but in "other level" of this whole profesion. First you're a necromancer, and them you can learn how to be a reaper or scourge. You still remember how to be a necromancer. It's only spec.
  • I feel like elite specs are much better than core profesions. I can't just play core mesmer or core thief if there are "better" options. Just... daredevil and deadeye deals more damage, chrono has chronomatophasma and access to alacrity (which means more dps). How is core necro against power reaper? AA chain on reaper could out-dps core necro. Smash Death Spiral and boom, 40k burst without any support.

It would be good to make core profesions more attractive. Core profesions shouldn't be worse that elite specs. New weapons? Maybe. Weapon that can compete with elite spec's weapons. What do the core profesions have that elite spec don't?

At least some weapons should be reworked. We all know weapons that are... not attractive for PvE. Hammer vs Greatsword on guardian. We expect hammer to be that SUPER SMASH ULTIMATE DESTROYER. How is it in reality? Not good as it seems to be. Slow and low damage. Weapons in this game have their "role", so one weapon is purely for damage, other weapon is for support. We can't be super unique with our choices, because there is the best option. I really wanted to play hammer guardian or sword guardian and be effective as a damage dealer in PvE (because greatsword is overused and I don't like big weapons).

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I propose unlocking current elite spec weapons to be available to it's core profession without taking the elite spec trait line, to be clear, lets say you allow revenant the ability to use shields without needing to spec into herald. This would open up a lot of new builds and theory crafting, and freshen up the game a bit, and also would probably be very easy to implement.

I do not feel that elite specs are or should be defined by a weapon. So I would like to see this gating removed, and going forward new weapons could be added to the core profession, and elite specs would just be a traitline.

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Animation work for all racesSkin for a base weapon + variationsAnimations for all weapon skills (Elementalist, looking at you)

Lots more work than just enabling something.

I am also pretty sure that, just as with race and class once selected, the weapons you can use are pretty much hardcoded into the character

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Yeah, no. New weapons do not add to or expand content unless they fundamentally change the gameplay style of a class (like Especs), or involve their own story/quest to obtain (like Masteries/Collections). That's why they're unlocked with the Espec first/automatically rather than as a capstone. Weapons add about two minutes of "huh, so this does that" followed by about 10 minutes of "How can I break this? ... What do you mean I can't?! ded gaem !"

I'll pass, thanks. I'd rather have a new adventure to use my weapons on and hone/rediscover my skills than a new weapon to swing around.

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@Vavume.8065 said:I propose unlocking current elite spec weapons to be available to it's core profession without taking the elite spec trait line, to be clear, lets say you allow revenant the ability to use shields without needing to spec into herald. This would open up a lot of new builds and theory crafting, and freshen up the game a bit, and also would probably be very easy to implement.

I do not feel that elite specs are or should be defined by a weapon. So I would like to see this gating removed, and going forward new weapons could be added to the core profession, and elite specs would just be a traitline.

Yes. Imagine mirage with a shield. So much fun to fight against. Yay.

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I would rather they reserve new weapon slots for when they add new elite specializations. It allows more synergy with traits (which would have to be added to the core trait lines with these weapons in your model - impacting current playstyles and balance) and just would just bring more variety to the game.

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Actually I think that they should rework some current weapons, so they can be used in more builds than 1.This would mean new and reworked skills and animations --> this would also lead to new gameplay and new builds.

We need to bring back teamwork and not have 1 or 2 classes popping all boons.
Damage output should be reduced as well so that the current output can only be achieved by teamwork.

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@Vavume.8065 said:

Yes. Imagine mirage with a shield. So much fun to fight against. Yay.

Mirage needs a nerf anyway, regardless.

The mentioned combination was an example...

Okay, what about core warrior with access to boon removal from daggers?What about daredevil with access to rifle?What about weaver with access to Warhorn (Tempest weapon) and the non existent combination skills of that weapons with every other weapon?

The list goes on and on. The current implementation of extra weapons via elite specializations was not designed for these weapons to be used outside the elite specialization. It's one of the reasons why most of them are meta within their elite specialization (since they are often quite powerful).

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@phokus.8934 said:Revenant is probably the only class that could use another core weapon. Other than that, it's not really needed and should be left to elite specs.

Yep core rev greatsword that does attacks like the riftstalker does where it has outward range damage and cc/damage at your position. It would be a good coverage weapon for the fixed position elements of rev.

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@Vavume.8065 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:The current implementation of extra weapons via elite specializations was not designed for these weapons to be used outside the elite specialization.

Tyria was not designed with mounts in mind, but we now have them, learn to adapt to changes...

Yes, class balance and world balance issues are the same. Thanks for letting me know to not take you seriously any more.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:The current implementation of extra weapons via elite specializations was not designed for these weapons to be used outside the elite specialization.

Tyria was not designed with mounts in mind, but we now have them, learn to adapt to changes...

Yes, class balance and world balance issues are the same. Thanks for letting me know to not take you seriously any more.

Same or not, the point was, mechanics change over time, learn to adapt to changes...

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@Vavume.8065 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:The current implementation of extra weapons via elite specializations was not designed for these weapons to be used outside the elite specialization.

Tyria was not designed with mounts in mind, but we now have them, learn to adapt to changes...

Yes, class balance and world balance issues are the same. Thanks for letting me know to not take you seriously any more.

Same or not, the point was, mechanics change over time, learn to adapt to changes...

It's not about adapting to change, it is about the system not being designed for a certain implementation and realizing that changing this would create a ton of workload and bind resources. Resources which are desperatly needed currently.

Even the mount and gliding implementation required a ton of rework and redesign in core Tyria both in terms of visual landmass, invisible walls, restriced access and other issues. Some of which are still not resolved years later and which are an ongoing process. Balancing mounts around the content was also never done but is not of conseqeuence since the power creep of elite specs makes this a minor issue.

What were players complaining about? Lacking recoures for an expansion? Guess what will never happen? An expansion with this sort of approach to the developers resources.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

It's not about adapting to change, it is about the system not being designed for a certain implementation and realizing that changing this would create a ton of workload and bind resources. Resources which are desperatly needed currently.

Systems change over time, in 7 years of GW2 there have been over 9000 system design changes... and the workload of my suggestion would be minimal.

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@Vavume.8065 said:

It's not about adapting to change, it is about the system not being designed for a certain implementation and realizing that changing this would create a ton of workload and bind resources. Resources which are desperatly needed currently.

Systems change over time, in 7 years of GW2 there have been over 9000 system design changes... and the workload of my suggestion would be minimal.

Not balance wise. Not future balance wise. But w/e, you are free to ask for whatever you want. It's not going to happen since the developers are actually the ones who need to put in the work, and they have their hands full.

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