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Bound By Blood has the best story line.


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@Vavume.8065 said:It does? I have not noticed since I'm just not paying attention to anything being said...

It's a dialogue heavy story and combines a lot of ambient open world dialogue and the instanced dialogue to push it along. It's there and more subtle (until the end) in the delivery. Those who dislike dialogue heavy story instances or the GW2 characters , wont find much here to enjoy or appreciate. But, as a prologue, this worked rather well for the rest of us.

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Loved the story. :) The plot, style and pacing are really promising and the map is so beautiful. The do-events-part was a bit dragged out, sure, but not as bad as some previous episodes in LS4.I was seriously not expecting such a great patch. It's even playable on patch day without major bugs as far as I am concerned, really awesome job. :)

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FINALLY!I have to say this bit of story finally adds to the seriousness of characters and whole atmosphere. I ended up feeling bad and concerned at some points.Well done ANet, truly!I've been waiting for a 'darker' tone of the story for a very long time. I'm incredibly fond of all the new Charr that got introduced in this storyline and how the plot unfolded.A lot more character building and depth here than in any part of the story so far.

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After finishing the story, I have to admit it was well written. Predictable as kitten, but well written. I am looking forward to the next episode.

Let's just hope they won't include any childish non-story dialogue and humor in it like they did in this one. Some of it was quite painful to listen to, it made me cringe on several occasions. I also don't like most of the events and find the concert achievements super annoying as the size of the crowd makes it hard for me to spot any of the directives - it's too much.

@"Kaliwenda.3428" said:I see the charr have a book club now :)

LOL! "What's a book club??" ;)

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Just finished the story and have to say that I liked it too. Generally I'm not a big fan of the GW2 stories. They often seem long, tedious and boring to me. This one grabbed me though and kept me interested all the way through. Equally nice was that I didn't have any problems with logging in, lagging, or disconnects unlike some previous updates. Now I'm actually looking forward to the next chapter. Good job, Anet. :)

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@"Branegan.9127" said:"Another crazy guy went to wake up another Elder Dragon". Oh yeah. Tough story. It's never happened before, and here we go again.

I know the topic is just the same as all other LS but the way they deliver and tell the story is different. If only you listen thru the dialogues and see what was going on.I would appreciate other stories except dragon as well but this is not that bad compared to what anet did before.

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It's great to hear that o ther players like the story. I am still catching up after my long break - and currently busy a lot with GW1 and also season 2 of the story. I still like the older story (at least for now - Taimi is cute and fun) ... hopefully my taste won't be that much different from the one of other players that I later dislike the latest stuff from Icebrood Saga. ;)

I noticed ArenaNet seemed to increase the amount of story related achievements when I compared season 2 where I am now (not that many - it is okay) with later stuff ... and the recent chapter seems to have lots of achievements. I hope most of them are easy and gotten almost automatically by playing it normally. Wouldn't want ArenaNet trying to satisfy the players crying for new content with just having tons of grindy achievements to increase the playtime. (Cause then we'd end up with lots of boring achievements. The 2-3 times having to replay - maybe more for some hard fights achievements - an instance ... and that for max 2-3 instances - where I am not at the beginning of season 2 ... is totally fine amount.)

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@Luthan.5236 said:I noticed ArenaNet seemed to increase the amount of story related achievements when I compared season 2 where I am now (not that many - it is okay) with later stuff ... and the recent chapter seems to have lots of achievements. I hope most of them are easy and gotten almost automatically by playing it normally. Wouldn't want ArenaNet trying to satisfy the players crying for new content with just having tons of grindy achievements to increase the playtime. (Cause then we'd end up with lots of boring achievements. The 2-3 times having to replay - maybe more for some hard fights achievements - an instance ... and that for max 2-3 instances - where I am not at the beginning of season 2 ... is totally fine amount.)Season 2 is different in that it introduced achievements in different places of the achievement log, namely story-related ones under Story Journal, and map related ones under general/dry top and general/silverwastes respectively.

If you look at both story and map related achievements for season 2, then you'll get a lot closer to the amount and mix of achievements for seasons 3 and 4, which both have the map-related achievements added to the respective story journal category rather than an extra category for map achievements.

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Oh I see. Thanks for the clarification. I like the setup with the map related and story related achievements separated which I have now in s2. Since it is easier to find the map related stuff you can do without the story. (Which in fact I did most of the just two maps it were for S2 before buying S2 when it was on sale recently.) I also know there are some collections (biolumiscence armor in S2) which I'd prefer grouped with eithe the map or the season achievements. (Collections tab to cluttered with already tons of them.) But thesre are the ones with lowest priority for me. (Might do the map and story related while catching up but to not lose too much time ignoring the collection stuff that is too grindy - unless I really like some skins then only getting them.)

Wasn't S3 released before PoF? Weird that for some PoF maps (I just checked the wiki) they then still have map related achievements with an own tab for that map. Grouping/system could need an overhaul to make it same for every season/expansion.

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