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Iceblood chapter 1 release date?


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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@EmmetOtter.8542 said:Now that the prologue has come (and gone) what will be the release date of chapter 1?

Who said it was gone? Have you completed all the achievements?

It's obvious they've completed all 69 achievements and are ready to move on to the next step...maybe this person has a special client that closes the map as they complete everything, thereby making it gone?.

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November seems likely to me as well, probably around the middle of the month.

Halloween starts mid-October (this year it will probably be the 15th or 22nd) so it seems unlikely they'd release a new episode before that. Then Wintersday starts in mid-late December, but we've got a 'gap' in November. There's always been something released in November each year even if it's not a new episode (last year it was roller beetle racing, new PvP maps and new WvW traps).

(Also apart from 2015 when they basically held back a Living World season to release it as HoT there's only been 15 months in the game's life - 85 months so far - when they haven't released something, according to the Wiki's releases page. In total there's been 62 months with releases and 23 without, most of them in 2015. So statistically it's unlikely we'll go an entire month without something being released and Episode 1 seems the most likely option.)

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@EmmetOtter.8542 said:Now that the prologue has come (and gone)...

It hasn't even been a week since it was released. Let it breathe. It may be unimaginable to you but not everyone has had a chance to play even a second of it.And if last year (and season 4) is any indication, we may only get the next story release in January, after the Holiday season.

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@"Ulyssean.1709" said:It's been 4 months since Dragonfall was released.They said they can do a 2 month release scheduleBound By Blood has very little content.So hopefully it is done and will be releasing next week.

It has as much content as any other episode, really. Quite a bit more than some (cough, Kourna, cough). There's also the question of quality -- with the exception of Doomlore and some throwaway champs, nearly every DE has special mechanics that are much more than just "kill endless waves of enemies and then a champ, yawn".

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@"Ayrilana.1396" said:And as a result the rewards that probably would have been available from them are locked behind RNG.

No, the pepper vendor has both the standard volatile magic stuff (node, shipments, legendary tributes, portal scrolls -- no karma/XP, since there isn't much combat) in addition to the heart stuff.

It's more like dragonfall, in that services are locked behind one-time achievements, rather than locking it behind completing a heart, every day, every character, which people complain about.

I liked the new approach, myself. If the only purpose of hearts is to let people know "hey, events pop here" -- well, the map design does a fairly decent job, but you could maybe throw a map icon down that says something along those lines. Maybe color code it "green: event is happening; yellow: event will eventually happen; red: event is blocked until some condition is met".

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@perilisk.1874 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:And as a result the rewards that probably would have been available from them are locked behind RNG.

No, the pepper vendor has both the standard volatile magic stuff (node, shipments, legendary tributes, portal scrolls -- no karma/XP, since there isn't much combat) in addition to the heart stuff.

The VM vendor on the other maps provided the same kind of things as they also typically had minis and skins. We just got less non-RNG rewards in total because there were no hearts to allocate them to.

I can only guess when the next episode is released but I hope a reduction in the release times between episodes isn’t in part due to the removal of hearts and pushing more rewards to RNG drops.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Ulyssean.1709 said:Bound By Blood has very little content.

To be honest, it felt the same as all of the other releases minus the hearts.

Loved seeing no hearts on the map!!!!!!

And as a result the rewards that probably would have been available from them are locked behind RNG.

You should know by now, RNG or not, rewards are almost always useless junk.

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@Ulyssean.1709 said:It's been 4 months since Dragonfall was released.They said they can do a 2 month release scheduleBound By Blood has very little content.So hopefully it is done and will be releasing next week.

Festivals and holidays are very much part of the release schedule. You have to count Festival of the Four Winds as a release because ANet does. And there you have the 2-month schedule.I disagree with you content-wise, too. It felt like any other episode and I highly doubt they are finished with the next, let alone be release-ready for you next week.

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@"perilisk.1874" said:It has as much content as any other episode, really. Quite a bit more than some (cough, Kourna, cough). There's also the question of quality -- with the exception of Doomlore and some throwaway champs, nearly every DE has special mechanics that are much more than just "kill endless waves of enemies and then a champ, yawn".

Simple: just look at the stall that may happen at various stages of the Doomlore event as the mechanic. Using the LFG to move to a working instance is a special skill...

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@Ulyssean.1709 said:It's been 4 months since Dragonfall was released.They said they can do a 2 month release scheduleBound By Blood has very little content.So hopefully it is done and will be releasing next week.

Festivals and holidays are very much part of the release schedule. You have to count Festival of the Four Winds as a release because ANet does. And there you have the 2-month schedule.I disagree with you content-wise, too. It felt like any other episode and I highly doubt they are finished with the next, let alone be release-ready for you next week.

Agreed. If you're going to use Anet's stated release schedule then you also have to use their definition of what is a release, not disregard those which don't interest you and still expect them to meet the same schedule.

Also you'll never get everyone to agree on what is and is not a release otherwise. For every person who doesn't count festivals there will be someone who doesn't want to count Living Story releases because they don't play them but does want to count festivals because they do play them, or doesn't want to count Bound by Blood because it's called a prologue, or wants to include every black lion chest update as a new release because they like opening them, or they only play ranked PvP on maps with unique mechanics and don't want to count anything else, and so on.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@"perilisk.1874" said:It has as much content as any other episode, really. Quite a bit more than some (
, Kourna,
). There's also the question of quality -- with the exception of Doomlore and some throwaway champs, nearly every DE has special mechanics that are much more than just "kill endless waves of enemies and then a champ, yawn".

Simple: just look at the stall that may happen at various stages of the Doomlore event as the mechanic. Using the LFG to move to a working instance is a special skill...

Doomlore is training for WvW, like Strike Missions are for raids. It teaches you to find the one pixel in eight square miles of red circles you can stand on.

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Considering it was a year between team 1's last episode and the prologue, episode 1 may not be until January if they take a similar amount of time. For comparison, it took the prologue an extra 2 months compared to the start of season 4. If team 2 doesn't take that extra time, then it should be released late November / early December, but at the very least, there should be something in November considering they were wanting something every month.

If there's no expansion or side projects, development should be speeding up after the first 2 episodes, since they would have been started prior to the layoffs. However, they seem to be wanting something on consoles, so who knows, maybe there isn't an expansion in development, but rather the missing expansion team is working on a new campaign since the core game has always had a problem keeping new players interested.

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@MikeG.6389 said:

@Ulyssean.1709 said:It's been 4 months since Dragonfall was released.They said they can do a 2 month release scheduleBound By Blood has very little content.So hopefully it is done and will be releasing next week.

Festivals and holidays are very much part of the release schedule. You have to count Festival of the Four Winds as a release because ANet does. And there you have the 2-month schedule.I disagree with you content-wise, too. It felt like any other episode and I highly doubt they are finished with the next, let alone be release-ready for you next week.

Nah. It was specifically stated that Living Story episodes would be released with a two/three month cadence. Copy-pasted festivals don't seem like Living Story. They aren't listed under story journal and they don't really have anything to do with the story at all. Considering no expansion is being worked on the living story episodes should be coming out even faster, in all honesty.It felt like an empty zone to me and there was a bit of padding in the story too to try and eke it out. Feels a bit half-assed and not up to Anet's usual standard. Hopefully I'm in the minority thinking that because I don't want to see gw2 lose more players.

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