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I Did It! I ******* Did It! I Am In The Top 7!

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Wow great.I haven't even managed to beat the 1 minute. (Which requires a lot of training.)

According to gw2efficiency (at least for the people using that site and their stats counted there) the achievement for 1 minute is already harder than clocktower. (Which some people think to be hard - for me after some training it is not that hard.)

So getting this time with 42 seconds only must have required lots of training and analyzing and optimization. Still bad that it isn't possible to see the scores 1-10 (unless you have all those people as friends). Curious about the #1 time.

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Wow, that's impressive! I'd be happy to get it until 1 minute, a time like that is amazing. :D

@Donari.5237 said:Amazingly well done! Check one thing though: are all the other names there in your Friends list? I'm pretty sure the leaderboard isn't global but only shows people you know. (Still a fantastic achieve and it'd be hard to get any faster).

I think the rankings are universal but the names shown are your friends. For a long time I thought when I did a race it was showing me a random selection of rankings because the numbers seemed to be all over the place, but then someone pointed out that it only shows your friends. I've not looked in detail on my main account, but when I did a beetle race on my second account (whose only friend is my main account) there were no times shown except mine. Apparently I hadn't done that race on my main account.

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@Luthan.5236 said:Wow great.I haven't even managed to beat the 1 minute. (Which requires a lot of training.)

According to gw2efficiency (at least for the people using that site and their stats counted there) the achievement for 1 minute is already harder than clocktower. (Which some people think to be hard - for me after some training it is not that hard.)

So getting this time with 42 seconds only must have required lots of training and analyzing and optimization. Still bad that it isn't possible to see the scores 1-10 (unless you have all those people as friends). Curious about the #1 time.

Getting gold is fairly easy with beetle + raptor. There are 2 ugly parts where I dismount beetle and just use raptor. In fact last part of track I run completely with raptor.

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@"Donari.5237" said:Amazingly well done! Check one thing though: are all the other names there in your Friends list? I'm pretty sure the leaderboard isn't global but only shows people you know. (Still a fantastic achieve and it'd be hard to get any faster).

The other names are those in their Guilds or on their friend list.

I am not sure if the leaderboard is global or if there is one per region but names and positions are accurately namedI'm a good few seconds behind Op but you can see a few of my guildmates are a good few ranks ahead of me.DpUFytz.jpg

My time in the Lab race is better ^^vwxibO6.jpg

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@Donari.5237 said:Amazingly well done! Check one thing though: are all the other names there in your Friends list? I'm pretty sure the leaderboard isn't global but only shows people you know. (Still a fantastic achieve and it'd be hard to get any faster).

Thank you :3From what I know the leaderboard is of the Region, so basically America. The names there are my friends, it only shows you your friend's times.

@Curunen.8729 said:kitten, nice one! :o I struggled to get down to 56s even with dismount and teleports.

How fast is number 1? Sub 40 would be insane.

Yeah, I've been thinking about that too, it seems impossible, although I know of certain speedhacks that may help you get there, I hope they are keeping it nice and fair though. Also

@Duncanmix.5238 said:

@Luthan.5236 said:Wow great.I haven't even managed to beat the 1 minute. (Which requires a lot of training.)

According to gw2efficiency (at least for the people using that site and their stats counted there) the achievement for 1 minute is already harder than clocktower. (Which some people think to be hard - for me after some training it is not that hard.)

So getting this time with 42 seconds only must have required lots of training and analyzing and optimization. Still bad that it isn't possible to see the scores 1-10 (unless you have all those people as friends). Curious about the #1 time.

Getting gold is fairly easy with beetle + raptor. There are 2 ugly parts where I dismount beetle and just use raptor. In fact last part of track I run completely with raptor.

If any of you need help getting up your speed I would love to show you what I've learned through my 2 years of racing on the raceway. Just say the word :3

P.S. Thank you all :3

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@"Donari.5237" said:Amazingly well done! Check one thing though: are all the other names there in your Friends list? I'm pretty sure the leaderboard isn't global but only shows people you know. (Still a fantastic achieve and it'd be hard to get any faster).

The other names are those in their Guilds or on their friend list.

I am not sure if the leaderboard is global or if there is one per region but names and positions are accurately namedI'm a good few seconds behind Op but you can see a few of my guildmates are a good few ranks ahead of me.

My time in the Lab race is better ^^

Pretty nice, I've lost a few gold on that track today :DI like to make things interesting with events, so before the event I write in map chat, challenging everyone who wants to join in to beat me. If they win, they get a gold (it used to be 10g but I'm poor now).And today I got disqualified 2 times in a row for jumping too early XDNot wanting to go bankrupt I gave a gold to the first 3.

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@Diamant Brut.4208 said:Today i did something interesting ... (spoiler i got gold :p )Perfect! :D

@TrinitySK.6713 said:

@Curunen.8729 said:kitten, nice one! :o I struggled to get down to 56s even with dismount and teleports.

How fast is number 1? Sub 40 would be insane.

Yeah, I've been thinking about that too, it seems impossible, although I know of certain speedhacks that may help you get there, I hope they are keeping it nice and fair though. Also ... [snip]Does class matter for this or is it just a case of beetle+jackal/raptor? I used blink/jaunt to get around the sharp bends near the middle of the second lap, though not sure if that is the most efficient way.

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Hey, congratulations! :)Yesterday I drove the exact same time and finished at the 7th place too.timetrialodkcu.jpg

Today I am at the 8th place, which leaves me wondering, if the US and EU servers (I'm playing on EU) share the same leaderboard.If so, why don't we share the 7th place?Or is it just mere coincidence?

Keep on racing,Andur :)

edit: Just for your info: The first place indeed beat the 40 seconds mark (without cheating afaik).

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The rankings are region based so there is a #1 NA and a #1 EU (most likely) with different times. As others have said you see your friends list plus whichever guild you have currently selected. Really wish they'd flesh out the UI more. Why have a leader board if you can't see the top 10? Or something closer to how pvp has a list for top 250 and then another tab for your friends list. Would honestly love that.

Back on topic though, congrats! I know how happy I was making the top 10 in one of the Four Winds races, can't imagine getting that good with the beetle. Though I like they changed back the time for gold and added the scarf reward for sub 1m.

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@Curunen.8729 said:

@Diamant Brut.4208 said:Today i did something interesting ... (spoiler i got gold :p )Perfect! :D

@Curunen.8729 said:kitten, nice one! :o I struggled to get down to 56s even with dismount and teleports.

How fast is number 1? Sub 40 would be insane.

Yeah, I've been thinking about that too, it seems impossible, although I know of certain speedhacks that may help you get there, I hope they are keeping it nice and fair though. Also ... [snip]Does class matter for this or is it just a case of beetle+jackal/raptor? I used blink/jaunt to get around the sharp bends near the middle of the second lap, though not sure if that is the most efficient way.

There may be some nice trick with the Mesmer teleport but so far I think it's just about getting the beetle riding down. You really wanna keep on rolling no matter what, hit things around you as least as possible (not at all for a perfect run) and cut corners as sharp as possible without hitting pumpkins or missing checkpoints and also keeping in check that you don't loose too much speed from cutting a corner too much, it's just about optimalisation over time, for me at least.

You really don't want to dismount and remount in the middle of the race since it looses you a lot of time and if you can get the turns right, there is no point in remounting since you have the most speed with the beetle at all times compared to raptor jumps or jackal warps.

And I'm not sure which part you mean but if you need help just add me on gw and whisper me when I'm online, if I have the time (which if I'm playing gw I mostly have) I can go to the raceway with you and help you out personally, since a lot of the stuff is about getting the feel of it and seeing it done helps a lot more than just telling you about it :)

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@"Andur.9275" said:Hey, congratulations! :)Yesterday I drove the exact same time and finished at the 7th place too.timetrialodkcu.jpg

Today I am at the 8th place, which leaves me wondering, if the US and EU servers (I'm playing on EU) share the same leaderboard.If so, why don't we share the 7th place?Or is it just mere coincidence?

Keep on racing,Andur :)

edit: Just for your info: The first place indeed beat the 40 seconds mark (without cheating afaik).

Congrats to you too man :3As Jwake said above, there's a different leaderboard for EU and US, so probably not, but it would be nice to see those times and compete with them aswell :)And woah, sub 40... I think I know of a way to get there too, but it's gonna take a lot of time and practise >:3

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@"Donari.5237" said:Check one thing though: are all the other names there in your Friends list? I'm pretty sure the leaderboard isn't global but only shows people you know.

That is incorrect, AFAIK: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Leaderboards

You see only names that are somehow connected to you (guilds, friends list), but that doesn't mean that the ranks shown are not including others. They include everyone per region (NA, EU).

@TrinitySK.6713 said:I Did It! I *** Did It! I Am In The Top 7!

Grats! :)

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@TrinitySK.6713 saidCongrats to you too man :3As Jwake said above, there's a different leaderboard for EU and US, so probably not, but it would be nice to see those times and compete with them aswell :)And woah, sub 40... I think I know of a way to get there too, but it's gonna take a lot of time and practise >:3

Thanks, dude. ?

Yeah, I was very sure, that the US and EU leaderboards were separated until I saw your post here and at the same time saw myself pushed to 8th place. Must have been a funny coincidence, then. ?

I saw a video of the (EU) record lap with 39.7xx seconds and I was mindblown to be honest (I hope you believe me, because unfortunately I can't post a link here. The vid wasn't meant to be public, I assume).While watching, I knew how the time could be achieved, but the timing and level of precision, the choice how to navigate through the gates and the near perfect drifting without losing almost any speed, left me speechless.

I really would like to have a complete ingame leaderboard for the top 100 and won't mind, if you can switch between US and EU aswell. So please ANet: make it happen.Oh and it would be nice, if the players could choose to record their races, so everyone will be able to watch the lap (reproduced ingame with the engine - like an observer mode (just the driver and the timer, no chat or anything else)), if the drivers decided to share it. :)

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