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GW1 - Do you miss it and can we bring some part of it back. (invited discussion on how to succeed)


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I enjoyed my gaming with GW1 tremendously! GW2 is a completely different game but it works out better for the mechanics that supports the growth of players. However, I still want to sometimes go back to Old Tyria, learn more about The Plague and battle one of the celestial bosses with a crew.Why not keep(retool) all that existing work? (The cities, structures, amazing landscapes) Repurpose the bosses/critters/villains and through time/spirits, go back and relive great battles? Why not also just bring the missing GW1 classes into the new story? (Who also loved the Ritualist's dancing death attacks with form and symmetry!?) Isn't there room for the assassin, paragon and dervish as well?Perhaps a time cave? A door in the Mysts? An Asura experiment gone wrong could really fit the bill?

Not to mention the actual monies that have been spent for the game with extra slots/characters that have to be put up on the shelf, never to be seen or used again?

Are there nostalgic adventurers still holding onto their original toys when they were a kid? This post is for you. Your comments/appreciation and love of Old Tyria are welcome.
Constructive Logic only please. If this doesn't interest you, don't bother being a naysayer.

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The only way to make it happen is to buy it off A-Net hands.Which would of course never happen because they are not stupid. As soon as GW1 will get graphics updated and the never released Aztec expansionwould be finally released, is the day when GW2 has to close the gates for good.

We don't even need nonsense like time gates or whatever. Just disconnect from GW2 and collect the cash.The former teens and young adults from GW1 are not the moneymaker of the society and i could spend nearly unlimited amount of gaming money.Let the cool people come together, after GW2 had a couple of month fighting for the regular slummy pennies.Maybe they will join and make GW1 even greater than it already is

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I'd rather they give us for a change something entirely new and original. We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now and it appears that Icebrood Saga will continue this trend. Tyria is enormous and full of opportunities, why not explore entirely new places and civilizations instead of bringing back places that existed in GW1

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now [...]

...yet we never felt the magic that was GW1. Nothing they've done in GW2 to revisit known locations or reference old lore has been able to revive that magic, because it wasn't done in a compelling way.

Then there is no reason to keep trying if some people are gonna be like that. Giving us something completely new won't be compared with that so called GW1 magic

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@maddoctor.2738 said:Then there is no reason to keep trying if some people are gonna be like that.

I agree. If they can't recreate the magic then continue doing what you're doing with GW2, improve as best as you can within the boundaries of this game, and that's that. I wouldn't mind a GW1 remake, but trying to mix both games just doesn't seem realistic to me, even if they had the resources.

IMO, they would have done best had they made GW2 a true Guild Wars 2.0 instead of what we have. But that train has left the station a decade ago, so there is no point in debating it over and over again. ;)

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Man if they upgraded the GW1 graphics to GW2 levels i'd be outta here in a heart beat.. GW2 is nothing it was advertised as.

All GW1 needs is a graphics update.. I don't even need to jump, i hate jumping in GW2.

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now [...]

...yet we never felt the magic that was GW1. Nothing they've done in GW2 to revisit known locations or reference old lore has been able to revive that magic, because it wasn't done in a compelling way.

Its because its not the GW1 locations its the GW2 mechanics thats the issues..

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While I would have enjoyed being able to basically explore all of GW1 in the GW2 version of the engine, especially with GW2 combat (since I hate the GW1 combat). I still don't think it would be a good idea for ANet, simply because of cost.

You're talking about effectively remaking all of:

  • Art assets
  • Maps/World
  • NPC/AI

That's not a trivial amount of stuff, I'd guess it's more than Core Tyria had alone. And this isn't even talking about creating several new classes, which would need a lot of work, and likely create a lot more issues regarding balance, roles, and lock the meta even further. Especially when large parts of those classes have already been incorporated in various amounts into some of the existing classes etc.

I mean, at that point what is left? The GW2 version of the same engine? Everything else is basically a new game. It isn't like any of the existing GW1 data would be of use for such a project, for anything but reference.

And you know that the players would instantly start begging/nagging for the features that really wouldn't work with GW2, like dual classing, complete freedom to set skills, heroes, and probably all the grinds (ugh, hated that part of gw1).

Which is sad, because I'd love to actually finish the story of GW1 someday, but the combat is so horribly boring, and feels more like playing a Magic: The Gathering combo deck than actual combat. So I'll just never be bored enough to finish it.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:I'd rather they give us for a change something entirely new and original. We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now and it appears that Icebrood Saga will continue this trend. Tyria is enormous and full of opportunities, why not explore entirely new places and civilizations instead of bringing back places that existed in GW1

Tyria is enormous only on a map. Until they actually go to them in game they may as well not exist at all. I too hope to visit them someday but I also would like to see all the areas I visited in the first game. Time will tell if releasing that map served any purpose at all other than debate on the forums. After 7 years I am sad that we haven't seen all the old areas along with a handful of new areas. In my opinion they should have already been to all the old places to get it out of the way so at this point we could be seeing nothing but new.

As long as there are places from GW1 that don't exist in GW2 this debate of new vs old will get rehashed constantly.

If I could have it entirely my way I would play a GW1 game redone with everything GW2 brought to the table so that there would be no need to go to old places in GW2. Just take your character back in time and play on those maps. It would be so expensive for them to give that to me and they'd probably see negative returns for the effort.

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I still play Gw1 from time to time.

The problem with Gw1 which gets brought up a lot by my friends is that they really want to play it, but they feel like it's either too hard to obtain the complete game (Proph, factions, nightfall, EOTN) in one go or that the game is just too expensive considering how old it is and how low the population that still plays it is.

I think this has a lot more to do with NC Soft though not Anet but could be wrong.If Anet could find a way to provide a free or very cheap way to sell Gw1 through Gw2 I think a number of Gw2 players maybe more willing to give Gw1 a shot.Whether that's possible or not though I've no idea.But i'd love to see Gw1 get a population boom and for more Gw2 players to experience the original games which to this day remain awesome imo.

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I still play GW1. There is a lot I miss from it, like said in several other threads already: Heroes, Henchies, menagerie, capes, Cantha, rainbow phoenix pet, ritualist, assassin with the skills chain, and so on.... The list would be too long.

I think GW1 and GW2 are really two different games, especially now that GW2 has so much evolved compared to what it was originally. Don't laugh but probably that what I would really enjoy, is to have a menagerie in GW2 too. :3

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@maddoctor.2738 said:I'd rather they give us for a change something entirely new and original. We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now and it appears that Icebrood Saga will continue this trend. Tyria is enormous and full of opportunities, why not explore entirely new places and civilizations instead of bringing back places that existed in GW1

Ive never thought about this but you are correct.

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:I'd rather they give us for a change something entirely new and original. We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now and it appears that Icebrood Saga will continue this trend. Tyria is enormous and full of opportunities, why not explore entirely new places and civilizations instead of bringing back places that existed in GW1

Didn't they just expanded the game to "new places and civilization" in Path of Fire? Rata Novus is a new place in HoT. And what of Tarir, not a new place and civ? Even the Dragon Stand and the Mordred is new place and new civ.

So, I'm sorry if you left me confused.

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@Dreamy Lu.3865 said:I still play GW1. There is a lot I miss from it, like said in several other threads already: Heroes, Henchies, menagerie, capes, Cantha, rainbow phoenix pet, ritualist, assassin with the skills chain, and so on.... The list would be too long.

I think GW1 and GW2 are really two different games, especially now that GW2 has so much evolved compared to what it was originally. Don't laugh but probably that what I would really enjoy, is to have a menagerie in GW2 too. :3

Yeah in many ways Gw1 had a far superior pet system than Gw2..At least in the areas of aquiring/unlocking pets.

The menagerie was one of my favourite features in Gw1, I loved collecting pets and leveling them up to store them there, and there were so many to collect too that I never got them all.I did manage to get the Rainbow Phoenix, Panda and Hound of Balthazar though which are all awesome :D

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@joneirikb.7506 said:Also, if they did for some reason remake entire GW1 in GW2 engine, would we play humans only in that ? We certainly couldn't play Charr or Sylvari :p

Naturally, Racial allies were limited and didn't play that much of an active role until Eye of the North.We had some non Human allies in the other campaigns such as the Deldrimor Dwarfs, The Tengu Talon Silverwing and Razah who despite looking like a human male is actually a genderless humanoid creature created by the same protomatter that the mists is made up of.He's both human and not human, both demon and not demon, both the mists and not the mists.. a living contradiction with no identity.Cool character really, would be very nice and interesting to see him again in Gw2 only now what role he would play is anyones guess.Could be an ally with good morals or he could be a monster.. who knows.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:

@"maddoctor.2738" said:I'd rather they give us for a change something entirely new and original. We've been revisiting old GW1 zones and lore for a long time now and it appears that Icebrood Saga will continue this trend. Tyria is enormous and full of opportunities, why not explore entirely new places and civilizations instead of bringing back places that existed in GW1

Tyria is enormous only on a map. Until they actually go to them in game they may as well not exist at all. I too hope to visit them someday but I also would like to see all the areas I visited in the first game. Time will tell if releasing that map served any purpose at all other than debate on the forums. After 7 years I am sad that we haven't seen all the old areas along with a handful of new areas. In my opinion they should have already been to all the old places to get it out of the way so at this point we could be seeing nothing but new.

As long as there are places from GW1 that don't exist in GW2 this debate of new vs old will get rehashed constantly.

If I could have it entirely my way I would play a GW1 game redone with everything GW2 brought to the table so that there would be no need to go to old places in GW2. Just take your character back in time and play on those maps. It would be so expensive for them to give that to me and they'd probably see negative returns for the effort.

The old vs new argument usually tends to fall on people thinking that going to new places will automatically make them good or interesting even though there's no guarantee of this.I'm not against going to new places or anything but I am against going to new places purely on the basis of "we haven't been there before"..To me that almost promises disappointment.At least with old Gw1 locations there is already a significant foundation to build both map and story on and that's a good thing for the game.New locations are effecitvely a blank slate and sure while they have potential they also require a lot of creativity to make them interesting enough to be both entertaining and memorable.That's not always easy to pull off even with reused areas from the first game so it's far better that we don't rush into new locations just because we havent been there before.Let them come naturally like Draconis Mons, Dragonfall and sandswept isles did :)

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@joneirikb.7506 said:Also, if they did for some reason remake entire GW1 in GW2 engine, would we play humans only in that ? We certainly couldn't play Charr or Sylvari :p

I'd be ok with that personally, all i require myself is the graphic update and populations to play with.. I'm totally an Asuran lover but if it meant being able to follow GW1 again i'd forsake them for an actual non nickle and dime full game and better story.

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