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With Iceblood Saga story developing should Frozen Maw and Claw of Jormag get upgrades?

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Vayne.8563 said:Too late to suggest it, because work on that would have had to have started months ago. What good is a poll for something that can't be done if it's not already been done.

Well do any of us know how long Ice Blood Saga will be?

No but you can bet what they're doing for the next year or two is already scheduled. They plan this stuff long in advance.

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They could use one of the new masteries to make the encounter against the strong NPCs, which try to overrun the camp, more interesting. Upon killing one of them, we could gain an essence that weakens the cold-debuff, so we could fight the dragon directly. They can increase the HP pool for that and change the loot.

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@Raizel.1839 said:No because I prefer resources spent in making new contents, not reworking old ones.

You did not enjoy the upgrades that Tequatl and Shatterer got?

@MisterDapper.5984 said:Would be nice, but they'll never upgrade these events because it's old content.

Never say never, see Tequatl and Shatterer.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:No because people will still find a way to cheese them whereas they could have spent those resources making new boss events.

You're not wrong, but the same would apply to 'new' content as well. People who cheese, will cheese.

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I would be happy enough if:

  • We actually fought the Ice elemental after defeating the Svanir Shaman. Not as some static object that spawns attacks like the Taumanova elemental or the Centaur earth elemental, but by making it move around and summon icebrood waves and other elements and attacks to avoid.
  • The the Claw:
    • Signal better the attacks like the ice waves with orange areas.
    • Add a way to avoid the fear breaths other than stun breaks and stability.
    • Let players control the siege machines.
    • Add mechanics from new masteries like quickly breaking the ice spikes with Koda flame.
    • Disable damage from ranged attacks during the second phase, and give the Claw a stacking effect to show how many golems and explosives left are needed for him to lower his guard so people focus on the ledges and covering the golems and players with explosives.
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@Ayakaru.6583 said:

@Raizel.1839 said:No because I prefer resources spent in making new contents, not reworking old ones.

You did not enjoy the upgrades that Tequatl and Shatterer got?

@MisterDapper.5984 said:Would be nice, but they'll never upgrade these events because it's old content.

Never say never, see Tequatl and Shatterer.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:No because people will still find a way to cheese them whereas they could have spent those resources making new boss events.

You're not wrong, but the same would apply to 'new' content as well. People who cheese, will cheese.

Yeah but at least it's something new to experience.

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I actually like these bosses as they are and I think I did Jormag more than any other worldboss. Besides we still get new players. Veterans that are tired of these bosses will be more pleased with totally new bosses. I rather have Anet focus on bugs that affect gameplay in a negative way (like revenant after build templates, the legendary items after build templates) and promised content like wvw alliances/overhaul and new worldbosses inside new maps.

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@MithranArkanere.8957 said:I would be happy enough if:

  • We actually fought the Ice elemental after defeating the Svanir Shaman. Not as some static object that spawns attacks like the Taumanova elemental or the Centaur earth elemental, but by making it move around and summon icebrood waves and other elements and attacks to avoid.
  • The the Claw:
    • Signal better the attacks like the ice waves with orange areas.
    • Add a way to avoid the fear breaths other than stun breaks and stability.
    • Let players control the siege machines.
    • Add mechanics from new masteries like quickly breaking the ice spikes with Koda flame.
    • Disable damage from ranged attacks during the second phase, and give the Claw a stacking effect to show how many golems and explosives left are needed for him to lower his guard so people focus on the ledges and covering the golems and players with explosives.

MAW is in a starter zone. I really don't think that Anet would change it.

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