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Why would you do this!? (LWS3/4 Daily reduction)


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Didn't you only get like 1 map currency per one daily anyway? You can still farm the nodes and do the events if you need a certain currency, a few pieces lost with the dailies shouldn't make a big difference. Unless I've misunderstood something?

I think this was a fantastic move. The dailies are organized, make more sense now, and give out better rewards as well. Not to mention it breathes a bit of life into the quieter LS zones again.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Can you explain that new change in detail, please? I found the patch note description a bit vague.

Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.Eg day one bloodstone fen, day two ember bay...etc for season 3

So now you cant just stay in a map and be rewarded daily. Or enjoy any map and get the daily. Basically removing the luxury of choice

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Fine update this seasons 3 4 daylis!

@Kanok.3027 said:Are you serious? This change is terrible! Oh, you increased the amount of chests we get for that one particular map, but what if we don't need the currency for that map and need it from another one?So in this day you don't to that dayli, and take other content. After dayli reset you can check if you needed map present, if no - skip, if present - welcome.

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@"Randulf.7614" said:Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.

  1. Thank you.
  2. Oh geez, that doesn't make much sense other than ANet wanting to "encourage" people to play only their newer content. Not sure that's a wise decision.

Edit: Wait...

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Only one map from each season gets dailies every day, giving you 3 boxes per daily rather than 1. All the other maps don't give dailies anymore unless its their turn.

Doesn't that encourage more people to hop between content? In that case, ignore what I wrote in (2).

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.
  1. Thank you.
  2. Oh geez, that doesn't make much sense other than ANet wanting to "encourage" people to play only their newer content. Not sure that's a wise decision.

Edit: Wait...

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Only one map from each season gets dailies every day, giving you 3 boxes per daily rather than 1. All the other maps don't give dailies anymore unless its their turn.

Doesn't that encourage more people to hop between content? In that case, ignore what I wrote in (2).

yes..it encourages people to concentrate on one LW map per day, and also keeps the newest lw maps relevant. see my post above.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.
  1. Thank you.
  2. Oh geez, that doesn't make much sense other than ANet wanting to "encourage" people to play only their newer content. Not sure that's a wise decision.

Edit: Wait...

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Only one map from each season gets dailies every day, giving you 3 boxes per daily rather than 1. All the other maps don't give dailies anymore unless its their turn.

Doesn't that encourage more people to hop between content? In that case, ignore what I wrote in (2).

The undoubted idea is to ensure at least once a week more players pile into a single map and thus increase participation for events in that map. The goal is fine, the implementation less so. There are other better ways to do this which dont stomp on a system that was working and was fairer to all players who wish to make their own choices.

  • double daily rewards for a map, rotating round as now, but keeping basic daily rewards in all
  • Some sort of daily rotating buff for MF/Karma/ currency in each map
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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:One thing it does his help create a focus on one map per day, to create times when it's easier to get events going and thus progress harder achievements.


The change is good because it will once again encourage and funnel players into specific maps. This might be of a detriment on newer maps or players who did ALL the dailies or were farming only 1 specific map, but it's an overall very good change to keep all maps populated, even if on rotation.

Let's be honest, the popular and profitable meta events will still get run and any players who were farming any map will continue to farm that map.

Overall a great change for the longevity of living world content.

As far as currencies, there have been more and more currency conversion merchants around. Sorry, but this one is a weak argument when stacked against players who need certain events and achievements.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:Instead of every map having a set if dailies, only one map per season gets a set and it rotates through every day in order if release.
  1. Thank you.
  2. Oh geez, that doesn't make much sense other than ANet wanting to "encourage" people to play only their newer content. Not sure that's a wise decision.

Edit: Wait...

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Only one map from each season gets dailies every day, giving you 3 boxes per daily rather than 1. All the other maps don't give dailies anymore unless its their turn.

Doesn't that encourage more people to hop between content? In that case, ignore what I wrote in (2).

It focuses people into a single map at the cost of draining the players from all the other maps. If you aren't online for the day you need to do stuff in a map when it has dailies, you won't be completing metas.

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@Kanok.3027 said:

Are you serious? This change is terrible! Oh, you increased the amount of chests we get for that one particular map, but what if we don't need the currency for that map and need it from another one? What was so wrong with the way the system was currently?

For those that don't know, they changed the way dailies function in the Living World Seasons 3 & 4. Now, doesn't matter what map you're in, you only get a daily set for ONE map. It gices 3 chests per daily, for a total of 12, but no dailies for the other maps unless it's in the rotation for that day. Need dailies for Sandswept? Better hope it's in that day's rotation. Need them for Bitterfrost but it shows Siren's Landing? Hope it comes in tomorrow or soon-ish.

Seriously, why would you do this? Who complained that this was needed? Sure, the new amount of stuff is nice, but what if you seriously don't need the currency for that map? Don't do it? Haha, maps are now gonna be a bit more empty unless their daily is up. Real nice.

Who complained? Probably me. Though mine was silent, frustrating complaining that I can't be on for magic hour after reset because of IRL obligations but felt that if I brought it up on the forums, I'd get told a 'lol should have been there when it was current content' response. Also prolly the ton of people that can't filter out that they don't have to do everything in a day but do it anyway and complain. Honestly this set up is great and much needed. Maybe I'll actually attempt some of the more frustrating achievements that need a group on those maps again. Funneling everyone into one map a day will work out well for that.It was gonna need to be done eventually anyway. There's already 12 maps between 3 and 4. If we get the same number with ls 5, that'll be 18. It makes more sense, processing wise, code wise and sanity wise to shrink that down to one a day. The daily tab for achievements was starting to get carried away anyway.

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its a nice change,, the ppl that get maps for free rarely will return, and the new ppl that are paying the content will arrive in maps with hard metas to do because of low population.... this change will incentive veterans to come back.,... im myself get on bloodstone fen today after years without put a feet there.

also ppl like me that like "meta rotation" will be more prone to include a LS rotation on their schedule.

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You mean, if i log onto the map which not on rotation, then there won't be daily???

This change doesn't make sense, I mean, why don't they just double the reward for the map in rotation instead of nerfing the dailies on other map. Because I do find myself jumping in between maps if i get bored of the other 1, or I just have to go to 1 specific map consecutively everyday for things.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Cronospere.8143 said:The dailies were easy (still are), rewards were low (and still are).come on, we are talking about a total of 5 LS currencies 7500 karma a bit of exp and 125 magic..only the karma is nice

The number was actually (if you did all the dailies on all the maps) was about 70,000 Karma and almost 50 LS currencies,

Per map, doing the dailies hardly gets you any map currencies per map. Daily Lake Doric chests give you 1 Jade Shard. Daily Bitterfrost Frontier chests give you 2 Winterberries. Daily Draconis Mons chests give you 1 Fire Orchid Blossom. You're adding everything together. Yeah, sure, the numbers are more impressive then.

Dailies were never an efficient means of farming LS map currencies. And this game rains down karma on you from all sides. I really don't see the problem here if farming is what you're going for. Farm the nodes. Do the heart quests. Much more efficient.

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I was nervous about the change at first, but I can't deny that the strategy of offering increased rewards worked on me. Siren's Landing has never been one of my favourite areas, and I think I did the Hearts there literally once in my life while catching up on the story. But for triple the chests, sure, I stuck around, went to corners of the map I normally don't touch, and participated in a few more events since I was there anyway. If the plan was to get more players together, I think it's working already.

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@hugeboss.5432 said:The change makes sense, its easier to actually play with friends casually now (instead of just cross map chatting). It should also greatly help populate the maps in lower population timezones (which was a big major issue).

You could have already done that before. This change only discourages the players who already finished them from thinking about LW3 and 4.

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@Cronospere.8143 said:The dailies were easy (still are), rewards were low (and still are).come on, we are talking about a total of 5 LS currencies 7500 karma a bit of exp and 125 magic..only the karma is nice

No, it was a total of 5 LS currencies, 7500 karma, and 125 VM per map. And for Dragonfall it was 25 LS currency. It used to be a grand total of around 50 misc LS currency, 45000 karma, and 750 VM per day from doing all the S4 map dailies.

If the current dailies for Istan are any example of what the other rotations will be, now we will get 20 currency per day, 6000 karma, and 100 VM. That's a fairly drastic decrease in daily rewards and one less reason for players to visit maps that are not on daily rotation.

If they want us to visit the S4 maps less regularly, they've certainly taken the right step toward that goal.

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@drunkenpilot.9837 said:No, it was a total of 5 LS currencies, 7500 karma, and 125 VM per map. And for Dragonfall it was 25 LS currency. It used to be a grand total of around 50 misc LS currency, 45000 karma, and 750 VM per day from doing all the S4 map dailies.

If the current dailies for Istan are any example of what the other rotations will be, now we will get 20 currency per day, 6000 karma, and 100 VM. That's a fairly drastic decrease in daily rewards and one less reason for players to visit maps that are not on daily rotation.

If they want us to visit the S4 maps less regularly, they've certainly taken the right step toward that goal.

How much time do you need to spend to finish the current dailies for the 20 currency per day, 6000 karma, and 100 VM compared to how much time you had to spend to get the 50 misc LS currency, 45000 karma, and 750 VM by doing ALL the old dailies? I'm quite sure you needed more than double the time to finish all the dailies before, although the total is now lower, the amount of players that spend all that time finishing every single daily on all season maps shouldn't be really high (or even exist, how many dailies can a person handle?)

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