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Fall damage reduction for all JPs

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A little off topic but has anyone noticed in Not So Secret when you jump onto the pillars that are below the giant air ship, you are in aggro range of the npc's that spawn below and if they attack you, you are placed in combat and can not jump far enough to the next pillar. You then have to kill them with a ranged weapon and wait for combat status to turn off to continue.

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@HuangHouNiangNiang.8163 said:A little off topic but has anyone noticed in Not So Secret when you jump onto the pillars that are below the giant air ship, you are in aggro range of the npc's that spawn below and if they attack you, you are placed in combat and can not jump far enough to the next pillar. You then have to kill them with a ranged weapon and wait for combat status to turn off to continue.

Or you use a swiftness skill.

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@"Ayrilana.1396" said:How many players actually used the fall reduction trait when doing jumping puzzles? Or even knew such a trait existed?

The request is basically to prevent: "This wouldn't happen if I had fall dmg reduction" scenario.So for all ppl that do JPs it would be a QoL that wouldn't change any other intention they have with the game and is easy to implement.

Its basically a small bone for a niche part of the game that would make everybody involved happy without frustrating someone else.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@TheGrimm.5624 said:If you are bad at JPs like me you

Fall reduction only saved players from a very narrow range of falls. The vast majority of the time they either would have survived the fall anyway or would have died regardless.

Citation needed.

Personally, I think they should just have changed fall damage to act as of people had the old fall damage reduction trait as a baseline.

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The only time I can remember using it is at the start of Sharkmaw or w/e it's called in LA. There may be other times but idr them . . .

@HuangHouNiangNiang.8163 said:A little off topic but has anyone noticed in Not So Secret when you jump onto the pillars that are below the giant air ship, you are in aggro range of the npc's that spawn below and if they attack you, you are placed in combat and can not jump far enough to the next pillar. You then have to kill them with a ranged weapon and wait for combat status to turn off to continue.

I'm pretty sure that is an intentional feature of the jp . . .

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@"TheGrimm.5624" said:If you are bad at JPs like me you

Fall reduction only saved players from a very narrow range of falls. The vast majority of the time they either would have survived the fall anyway or would have died regardless.

Citation needed.

Personally, I think they should just have changed fall damage to act as of people had the old fall damage reduction trait as a baseline.

Play all of the jumping puzzles and loot at what scenario would cause someone to need fall protection. It's also simple probability that fall protection only saved players from a narrow range of falls.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:

@Halwin Norry.3629 said:Anet should add back fall damage reduction traits. Removing core game feature is a non sens. Which valuable feature will they remove next?

I have never slotted any of the fall damage traits because they are literally outcompeted by every other option out there.

Of course they are, except when they are supposed to be used. Like in JPs, or for running off hills in WVW. the damage reduction on falls shoulda just been made baseline and nobody woulda cared then.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Halwin Norry.3629 said:Anet should add back fall damage reduction traits. Removing core game feature is a non sens. Which valuable feature will they remove next?

I have never slotted any of the fall damage traits because they are literally outcompeted by every other option out there.

Of course they are, except when they are supposed to be used. Like in JPs, or for running off hills in WVW. the damage reduction on falls shoulda just been made baseline and nobody woulda cared then.

Seems reasonable, but I do like the fear of dying if you fall to far. Makes you think.

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@Opopanax.1803 said:

@Halwin Norry.3629 said:Anet should add back fall damage reduction traits. Removing core game feature is a non sens. Which valuable feature will they remove next?

I have never slotted any of the fall damage traits because they are literally outcompeted by every other option out there.

I dunno peak performance and soften the fall were top picks for months now.

It sucks that we don't gat falld amage reduction. It is something they could just gives us on level up. So like at level 45 or something.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"TheGrimm.5624" said:If you are bad at JPs like me you

Fall reduction only saved players from a very narrow range of falls. The vast majority of the time they either would have survived the fall anyway or would have died regardless.

Citation needed.

Personally, I think they should just have changed fall damage to act as of people had the old fall damage reduction trait as a baseline.

Play all of the jumping puzzles and loot at what scenario would cause someone to need fall protection. It's also simple probability that fall protection only saved players from a
of falls.

So you have jumped the same way all other players have jumped? On all classes and builds? No this was a bad call. -100 here. If you didn't use it fine. But don't speak for people that did. And if you have numbers and proof to back up your claim share it.

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