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[Strike Mission] Boneskinner after patch too hard (by bug) ?


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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Raknar.4735" said:Not a good attitude to have, the "stay away"-Attitude.

I said, "If you do not have it in you to adjust and learn the mechanics."What attitude is to say, "This is too hard for me, because I just don't care to learn the mechanics"? That's much worse!

As long as ANet does not have the resources (or will) to implement levels of difficulty to choose from, I prefer to have it challenging rather than "kindergarten mode", and I stand by this opinion. If someone doesn't enjoy "challenging", then don't play that particular content - as simple as that. No one is forcing you.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have that opinion, just that that attitude isn't going to work for Anet.

I don't think the majority doesn't care to learn mechanics, it's one step even below: The content is too hard for them, they will keep wiping, there's no reward in sight, so it isn't fun. They will not keep trying if the content isn't fun for them. Strike Missions will then bleed players, like PvP and Raids did and end in the same sad state. Anet will be forced to neglect yet another game mode, since the % playing it is so low.

You can prefer challenging content all you want, I myself would prefer challenging content, but I doubt the Boneskinner SM will continue at the current difficulty level. And if it does, it will just be another wasteland, deserted by the majority.

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@"Raknar.4735" said:I don't think the majority doesn't care to learn mechanics, it's one step even below: The content is too hard for them, they will keep wiping, there's no reward in sight, so it isn't fun.

You are contradicting yourself: If they were willing to learn the mechanics, then the content wouldn't be anywhere near "hard" for them. Everyone can do it, even clickers like me (I have no keybinds for skills 2-10).

I just had to endure almost one and a half hours of torture, because people did not have patience and left immediately upon fail, so I needed to look for replacements repeatedly, or people were too stupid (lazy? unaware?) to step out of AoE and died instantly, within the first couple of seconds even! Only 4 other players were showing experience and the will to stick to the squad and retry as many times as necessary for everyone to get it right (we even explained the mechanics to the others, repeatedly, with patience and a positive attitude).

The thing that is making this type of content "hard" is the former type of players, not the level of difficulty. And that is the truth.

P.S. If ANet hadn't made the previous three Strike Missions so super easy, perhaps those players would have learnt by now to play properly or stay away.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Raknar.4735" said:I don't think the majority doesn't care to learn mechanics, it's one step even below: The content is too hard for them, they will keep wiping, there's no reward in sight, so it isn't fun.

You are contradicting yourself: If they were willing to learn the mechanics, then the content wouldn't be anywhere near "hard" for them. Everyone can do it, even clickers like me (I have no keybinds for skills 2-10).

I just had to endure almost one and a half hours of torture, because people did not have patience and left immediately upon fail, so I needed to look for replacements repeatedly,
people were too stupid (lazy? unaware?) to step out of AoE and died instantly, within the first couple of seconds even! Only 4 other players were showing experience and the will to stick to the squad and retry as many times as necessary for everyone to get it right. The thing that is making this type of content "hard" are the former type of players, not the level of difficulty!P.S. If ANet hadn't made the previous three Strike Missions so super easy, perhaps those players would have learnt by now to play properly or stay away.

Not a contradiction at all. I bet they could learn the mechanics, but the content overall isn't fun or worthwhile for them. Like you said yourself, it was a torture to even find a group with patience, torture isn't fun, unless you're a masochist. They get one or two tries, then leave since it isn't worth their time.They don't even start learning mechanics since grouping is already a hassle. That makes the content unfun for them and they just desert it. It's not that they don't care about mechanics, they just start not caring about the whole Strike Mission, since a lot of things that are inherently unfun come together.

Edit: The level of difficulty is responsible for wipes and group leavers, so it does make the content hard in relation.Having made the previous Strike Missions hard could also have made it dead on arrival-content.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Raknar.4735" said:I don't think the majority doesn't care to learn mechanics, it's one step even below: The content is too hard for them, they will keep wiping, there's no reward in sight, so it isn't fun.

You are contradicting yourself: If they were willing to learn the mechanics, then the content wouldn't be anywhere near "hard" for them. Everyone can do it, even clickers like me (I have no keybinds for skills 2-10).

I just had to endure almost one and a half hours of torture, because people did not have patience and left immediately upon fail, so I needed to look for replacements repeatedly,
people were too stupid (lazy? unaware?) to step out of AoE and died instantly, within the first couple of seconds even! Only 4 other players were showing experience and the will to stick to the squad and retry as many times as necessary for everyone to get it right (we even explained the mechanics to the others, repeatedly, with patience and a positive attitude).

The thing that is making this type of content "hard" is the former type of players, not the level of difficulty. And that is the truth.

P.S. If ANet hadn't made the previous three Strike Missions so super easy, perhaps those players would have learnt by now to play properly or stay away.

Players would not have learned to play any better for making them harder (and I disagree with currently being super easy).

If players learn to stay away from all 3, then that’s the end of strike missions and that has a knock on to future instanced content development.

Anet have stated this are not meant to be high level instance content but a learning experience. The first two Bjora ones fulfill that. They also wanted to eliminate much of the experience of players being told to “get good” and make them a softer experience compared to proper instances. They are well aware players feel intimidated by others being demanding and hoped to eliminate that and use medals as an incentive to up skill levels.

Don’t get me wrong, as a low skilled player I rather liked Boneskinner (and they said harder, albeit still accessible which I’m not convinced this is) but it is clear from this thread alone that it isn’t fulfilling their previously stated intentions. If players stay away in mass, then everyone loses out. Strikes become a failure, raids get no new influx of population and instanced content development dries up even more than it is.

So players need to stop telling people to get better or get lost because that is more damaging than anything else.This is a public jump in/out fight and that means it needs to be less frustrating for the wider player base.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:The thing that is making this type of content "hard" is the former type of players, not the level of difficulty. And that is the truth.Nothing other than the difficulty itself adds to content being hard.Players unwilling to learn and constantly giving up (and leaving) add to tediousness of hard content, but it doesn't make the content itself harder.

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@Raknar.4735 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:This is
a worthy Strike Mission!

Unfortunately, GW2 has too many casual players who don't seem to care about mechanics, don't listen to those who know the tactics for the specific content, don't care about CC and when to use it or about decent equipment and builds, or lack the intellect to master something that's a tad bit above average difficulty. (If it's "too hard" for you and you don't have it in you to adjust and try harder, because "practice makes perfect", then please stop ruining the experience for other players and just stay away from it.)

Not a good attitude to have, the "stay away"-Attitude. Same thing happened in PvP and Raids, look what that attitude brought upon those game modes. Lack of Players = Lack of Anet updates.

yeah the classical catch-22 "we dont want noobs", than months later complaining thats no ones is doing that game mode.

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The undertaking was and still is a failure. Anet won't bring casuals and elite players together. That doesn't happen in any game. Like I said before, strikes are just cheap side content where we find an encounter in a tight rondel with some mechanics that are neither nothing nor something.Players that want to play challenging content try fractals & raids out but never ever strikes are going to be an intermediate between open world stuff and harder content or an appetizer. Raids & fractals have much deeper lores and definitely some overwhelming maps & environment. Strikes on the contrary have 0 love.It would have been so much better in designing either newer and more fractals so there are 4 tiers or new dungeons with 2 different modes and then shipping out 1 raid every 9 months so everyone has to play enough content. Strikes don't help at all; they are even anti-social as you go in, press 1s and some players a little bit more, leave after 5 minutes and you're done. Even the rewards are trash since only very few people are going to need more ingots than for the weapon collection to craft those 32 slot bags.

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My issue is that the easier and reliable strategy to beat the Boneskinner is to brute force it with healers instead of doing the mechanic with the torches. Doing the torches at 75 ends up with a wipe usually while just getting enough healers and tank and spank it works out in 1 or 2 tries.

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The boneskinner is fine for difficulty I would say. You can do it either by doing the mechanics (or you can still cheese it with 2 healers and ppl cooperating, ressing downed players incl). Even for casual players (I am one) its fine in difficulty I would say. Yes you cannot just autoattack and ignore any combat mechanics but no game is develloped to be a punchbag on every encounter. And yes a lot of ppl probably went lazy since most content in game got overly easy (read autoattackable and ignoring everything in game) or they just think they do fine while they let others do all the work for them (worldbosses comes to mind). In any mmo you will see that you have things where you do need tactics. One game calls it dungeons, another instances and another calls it fractals. The devs always announced strike missions as "step in for raids" which means the difficulty would be raid diffuculty and a little bit below that. Any player should know that it means you have to at least do game mechanics and know basic game stuff (breakbars, dodge, positioning). Strike missions are not difficult raid encounters and is also just a single boss without all the pre-stuffs we see in raids. Some players will never touch strikes (or not all of them) and that is fine. But it won't help being stubborn and saying something cannot be done because you cannot do it. You probably can do it if you take the time to learn and progress. When you were born you also couldn't walk and may have thought its impossibe... But by practice, failure and trying you ended up walking. Even running....

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sad that this content is killed after update.. I am not have statistic how mush squads is trying bjora strike .. I think is not die att all, but very decreased.How I see me and other game mates, and guild members, complete each dayli strike only Groth strike.So who want challenge - get it. Other 99% avoid it. Welcome in real content rotation (

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Sure are a lot of people in this thread who feel qualified to speak on exactly what this content should be despite only having played 4 of them.I don't understand why so many people aren't giving their personal feedback on this issue and are instead pretending that their opinion is somehow aligned with a developer vision statement they have never actually read."Strikes are supposed to be...."

What if the "problem" is that the week 2 fight was undertuned or had busted mechanics and set a false expectation about ease?What if the "problem" is that they buffed boneskinner too hard in the other direction?Or what if this hard ramp in challenge was an almost immediate response from the developer in order to address feedback from the target audience and there is no problem?

Maybe this strike isn't made for everyone....like any number of things in this game.It doesn't have to be.

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Welp raid elitists (as expected) seem to be ruining the bjora strike mission with the LFG posts "meta raid builds" for a lowly raid training strike? Everytime now (post fix) i look, i see either zero posts for this strike or raid meta only posts. :( and sitting around waiting for a group that never forms when creating yer own post isn't at all funz.

@Dante.1763 said:

@Moi.5013 said:the rewards are not reflective of the difficulty.....

Dhuum raid boss gives you 2 gold and 1 random exotic weekly when you kill it and its considered as hardest boss in game. So strike rewards are perfectly fine.

This. If strike rewards get buffed, raid rewards better get doubled/tripled.

Yeah. Not sure why strike missions even need better rewards anyways. They are a learning bridge to raids, might aswell teach that raids are not rewarding ?

The bigger problem i see, is that players are going to lose interest quickly. They already are. I got lucky and did it before the buff, and -everyone- was doing it then. Honestly, SMs need a slower increase in difficulty than they did, or way better rewards. Im not gonna play through the toxicity of what this SM has become for nothing. Raids have legendary armour, what do SMs have that make it worth while? A learning experience? no, because they arent even that, they are either to easy, or to hard right of the get go. Add to that, almost no group wants to do anything but speed run these due to the rewards vanishing over time, which promotes a terrible learning environment which is what these are supposed to be for. Is it working? i dont think so.

Yea, interest lost if only elitist pricks are running this.

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@"Kelly.7019" said:Welp raid elitists (as expected) seem to be ruining the bjora strike mission with the LFG posts "meta raid builds" for a lowly raid training strike? Everytime now (post fix) i look, i see either zero posts for this strike or raid meta only posts. :( and sitting around waiting for a group that never forms when creating yer own post isn't at all funz.

@Moi.5013 said:the rewards are not reflective of the difficulty.....

Dhuum raid boss gives you 2 gold and 1 random exotic weekly when you kill it and its considered as hardest boss in game. So strike rewards are perfectly fine.

This. If strike rewards get buffed, raid rewards better get doubled/tripled.

Yeah. Not sure why strike missions even need better rewards anyways. They are a learning bridge to raids, might aswell teach that raids are not rewarding ?

The bigger problem i see, is that players are going to lose interest quickly. They already are. I got lucky and did it before the buff, and -everyone- was doing it then. Honestly, SMs need a slower increase in difficulty than they did, or way better rewards. Im not gonna play through the toxicity of what this SM has become for nothing. Raids have legendary armour, what do SMs have that make it worth while? A learning experience? no, because they arent even that, they are either to easy, or to hard right of the get go. Add to that, almost no group wants to do anything but speed run these due to the rewards vanishing over time, which promotes a terrible learning environment which is what these are supposed to be for. Is it working? i dont think so.

Yea, interest lost if only elitist kitten are running this.

Create your own LFG then instead of sitting around waiting for one to magically appear. It sure beats being toxic about those players who took the initiative to create their own groups who just so happen to have specific requirements.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Kelly.7019" said:Welp raid elitists (as expected) seem to be ruining the bjora strike mission with the LFG posts "meta raid builds" for a lowly raid training strike? Everytime now (post fix) i look, i see either zero posts for this strike or raid meta only posts. :( and sitting around waiting for a group that never forms when creating yer own post isn't at all funz.

@Moi.5013 said:the rewards are not reflective of the difficulty.....

Dhuum raid boss gives you 2 gold and 1 random exotic weekly when you kill it and its considered as hardest boss in game. So strike rewards are perfectly fine.

This. If strike rewards get buffed, raid rewards better get doubled/tripled.

Yeah. Not sure why strike missions even need better rewards anyways. They are a learning bridge to raids, might aswell teach that raids are not rewarding ?

The bigger problem i see, is that players are going to lose interest quickly. They already are. I got lucky and did it before the buff, and -everyone- was doing it then. Honestly, SMs need a slower increase in difficulty than they did, or way better rewards. Im not gonna play through the toxicity of what this SM has become for nothing. Raids have legendary armour, what do SMs have that make it worth while? A learning experience? no, because they arent even that, they are either to easy, or to hard right of the get go. Add to that, almost no group wants to do anything but speed run these due to the rewards vanishing over time, which promotes a terrible learning environment which is what these are supposed to be for. Is it working? i dont think so.

Yea, interest lost if only elitist kitten are running this.

Create your own LFG then

read the top part of the comment again.

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@Kelly.7019 said:

@Kelly.7019 said:Welp raid elitists (as expected) seem to be ruining the bjora strike mission with the LFG posts "meta raid builds" for a lowly raid training strike? Everytime now (post fix) i look, i see either zero posts for this strike or raid meta only posts. :( and sitting around waiting for a group that never forms when creating yer own post isn't at all funz.

@Moi.5013 said:the rewards are not reflective of the difficulty.....

Dhuum raid boss gives you 2 gold and 1 random exotic weekly when you kill it and its considered as hardest boss in game. So strike rewards are perfectly fine.

This. If strike rewards get buffed, raid rewards better get doubled/tripled.

Yeah. Not sure why strike missions even need better rewards anyways. They are a learning bridge to raids, might aswell teach that raids are not rewarding ?

The bigger problem i see, is that players are going to lose interest quickly. They already are. I got lucky and did it before the buff, and -everyone- was doing it then. Honestly, SMs need a slower increase in difficulty than they did, or way better rewards. Im not gonna play through the toxicity of what this SM has become for nothing. Raids have legendary armour, what do SMs have that make it worth while? A learning experience? no, because they arent even that, they are either to easy, or to hard right of the get go. Add to that, almost no group wants to do anything but speed run these due to the rewards vanishing over time, which promotes a terrible learning environment which is what these are supposed to be for. Is it working? i dont think so.

Yea, interest lost if only elitist kitten are running this.

Create your own LFG then

read the top part of the comment again.

Read the rest of my post that I edited in as you were posting this. Not wanting to make your own LFG is not an excuse to be toxic to those that chose to take the initiative to create their own because they have requirements that you don’t agree with.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Read the rest of my post that I edited in as you were posting this.

Why? i already mentioned the LFG in my original post. It seems imo that if you're not raid meta you sit in the LFG forever and ever (when listing yer own post) because the boneskinner strike is so hard now & not many want to do it unless you're raid meta(at least from all the listings i've seen over the last couple days since they fixed it). But if you don't do raids & you don't have a raid meta build, but you're interested in learning, too bad for you. Even though this is suppose to be raid training. Hence the problem with the elitists LFG posts beacuse of the presumed difficulty level of the strike.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Kelly.7019 said:Welp raid elitists (as expected) seem to be ruining the bjora strike mission with the LFG posts "meta raid builds" for a lowly raid training strike? Everytime now (post fix) i look, i see either zero posts for this strike or raid meta only posts. :( and sitting around waiting for a group that never forms when creating yer own post isn't at all funz.

@"Moi.5013" said:the rewards are not reflective of the difficulty.....

Dhuum raid boss gives you 2 gold and 1 random exotic weekly when you kill it and its considered as hardest boss in game. So strike rewards are perfectly fine.

This. If strike rewards get buffed, raid rewards better get doubled/tripled.

Yeah. Not sure why strike missions even need better rewards anyways. They are a learning bridge to raids, might aswell teach that raids are not rewarding ?

The bigger problem i see, is that players are going to lose interest quickly. They already are. I got lucky and did it before the buff, and -everyone- was doing it then. Honestly, SMs need a slower increase in difficulty than they did, or way better rewards. Im not gonna play through the toxicity of what this SM has become for nothing. Raids have legendary armour, what do SMs have that make it worth while? A learning experience? no, because they arent even that, they are either to easy, or to hard right of the get go. Add to that, almost no group wants to do anything but speed run these due to the rewards vanishing over time, which promotes a terrible learning environment which is what these are supposed to be for. Is it working? i dont think so.

Yea, interest lost if only elitist kitten are running this.

Create your own LFG then

read the top part of the comment again.

Read the rest of my post that I edited in as you were posting this. Not wanting to make your own LFG is not an excuse to be toxic to those that chose to take the initiative to create their own because they have requirements that you don’t agree with.

Yeah. Around 15 minutes ago i posted "normal"double chrono double heal squad composition in lfg, took 5 minutes for squad to get filled and it was a clean oneshot kill. there was not even any LI or other requirements like that, only roles like chrono, dps and so on.I cant understand why some players find this toxic.

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@Kelly.7019 said:

@Ayrilana.1396 said:Read the rest of my post that I edited in as you were posting this.

Why? i already mentioned the LFG in my original post. It seems imo that if you're not raid meta you sit in the LFG forever and ever (when listing yer own post) because the boneskinner strike is so hard now & not many want to do it unless you're raid meta(at least from all the listings i've seen over the last couple days since they fixed it). But if you don't do raids & you don't have a raid meta build, but you're interested in learning, too bad for you. Even though this is suppose to be raid trainning. Hence the problem with the elitists LFG posts.

That’s untrue unless you’re doing it in the off hours or it’s close to reset. I’ve seen plenty of groups without requirements on the LFG which fill up within minutes.

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@"Ayrilana.1396" said:Yeah. Around 15 minutes ago i posted "normal"double chrono double heal squad composition in lfg, took 5 minutes for squad to get filled and it was a clean oneshot >kill. there was not even any LI or other requirements like that, only roles like chrono, dps and so on.cant understand why some players find this toxic.

welp sorry i missed you, but 15mins ago i was here on the forums :disappointed:

Read the rest of my post that I edited in as you were posting this. Not wanting to make your own LFG is not an excuse to be toxic to those that chose to take the initiative to create their own because they have requirements that you don’t agree with.

wait i'm being toxic? that's funny, i was thinking the same thing about you.hmmm. perspective & opinion. tis all interesting :)

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