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How many of you only play 1 character? (Do you only play 1 character?)

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I only played warrior for 3 years until heart of thorns was rolling. Now I play all builds that guardian can do for 4 years. I dont like to build multiple characters. It's also nice that people in pvp, wvw and fractals recognize me from only seeing that name often. It's a nice perk to main one char.

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I played Ele for the first 3 years, then Chrono for the next 3. Lately since last summer's Chrono nerf, I've been like 75/25 between Chrono and Scourge. I do have 1 of each, and extra mesmers and necros, but those 2 are the ones I like the most and stick with.

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I'm a one main char® dude. I started GW2 with an Norn Necromancer and had a fairly nice time with her for about 3k hours of playtime. After taeking a break for RL Stuff it just never clicked again really to her. I started try other classes for a seroius trial and ended up with Mesmer and Guardian. In the end the Guardian take my heart, the dealbreaker was the FB elite. Mirage just wasn't my part of the cake, chrono jail was real at this time. Also Guard offers a okayish to good build for every situation and game mode.With my lovley charrdian i got also addicted into the shiny stuff. Leggys all the way and celestial/gohstly infusions for the win! Also i like to invest heavily into one charr and get good at playing it. Replayed all story content and do every map up 100% again. Other chars i only play for archivements if they needed. Maybe if i would do the real high end pve stuff regulary i would have other secondary mains to be able to fill out all roles in my team if needed but these days i spent most my time doing ow stuff, collections and those kind of things.

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I'd say for 75% of group play I'm on my ranger most often and for about 60% of solo content as well. the rest of the time I'm on one of my various other alternate character's...I have one of each of the other classes, various races. I generally depends on what sort of mood I'm in on what it is I want to play and focus on in any given day.

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I made countless characters mostly from inspired need to create. For many, I saw a face irl that I wanted to recreate or a model from a commercial or someone from a video I saw. Maybe I saw an ad while browsing Amazon. I never felt 'bad' that I don't use my army of characters equally.

I do gravitate to my three oldest characters and my most current iteration of 'Tanya' who I re-rolled from engi to chrono. My four 'main' characters all have infusion effects of some sort. I experimented with having the effects all on one character and it was a visual mess, made my stomach churn. I had to keep those effects to a bare minimum, two or three effects that worked well together.

Aside from the core main characters I use, I may login on alts to farm or race or be everyone's favorite bug-loving Asura who gives you two pivotal mounts in the game. I use alts to field test builds, experiment, and fool around. Mains keep the builds I like and most of my builds are NOT meta. I often ask for builds to experience how others play the game and compare it to mine.

Suiciding for Dwayna's secret bloodlust fetish? I have an alt for that. Goofy-looking cosplay toon from an alternate RPG universe? I have an alt for that too!

However, I did downgrade a handful of characters to consolidate ascended armor and weapon sets to fewer characters. The current system with build and set tab switching makes it possible to need less characters. I used to login with a specific toon for a specific build and equipment set for a specific experience and situation. Now I can just have one toon with five builds and armor sets without having to switch characters altogether. I just tab to switch.

In sum, an altaholic learns how to cut back. The handful of toons I stripped will be missed though. I definitely will come back to them in some other form. Who knows?

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As someone with 35+ characters (Don't know the actual count but it's somewhere around 35) I tend to use them all as I put a lot of thought and stuff into my characters (for example I develop entire backstories, universes and headcanons around them). Sadly I'm only using like 5 of them when doing dailies as this is the only thing a veteran can do these days except waiting for new content that can be completed within one hour or 1 to 2 days depending on if it's a festival or a new episode. (Festival achivements tend to take less than an hour while a new episode and its achievements take 1 or 2 days to be finished.) And since unfortunately I don't actively raid anymore there's no reason to actually do something in the game which is quite sad. Also I tend to only play characters actively that are desired classes with top tier meta builds despite being solo just out of fear people will judge me if I play certain classes or not use the top tier raid meta. I used to be highly active for a while in WvW but it became a bit boring too and there was just too much real life stuff piling up so I'm on a hiatus again. Not to mention that WvW would run terribly on my old system. I'd really love to maybe create some more characters as I've got tons of ideas and masses of tomes of knowledge and tons of 20,30 and 40 level up scrolls. The probleme is just that I would have to purchase character slots and ingame purchases have become difficult since gem cards were pulled from every store and I don't know a different way other than gold.

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My main is a herald/Ventari for all game modes.This build works everywhere with full zealot or full cleric.

I do have a abandonguard

I do have a condi rev with Marshall and plaguedoctor for lame condi spam to get paired with a stealthed condi thief. (For the low effort wins since i don’t even know what I’m doing bedsides keep stacking condi as much i can lol).

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I like to have atleast one of everything and try different things out, professions and elite specs sometimes as separate alts. I have atleast 3 mains at the moment, my Thief (both elite specs, Deadeye for wvw and Daredevil for openworld), a Weaver and a Mirage. I like to switch around depending on what I'm gonna do for the day.

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I've only ever created one character in GW2. It's the same way for every other MMO I've ever played from UO to this. When I play fantasy I go straight for sword and board (though because of game mechanics I eventually mutated to axe/sword) and am not really interested in magic or stealth or anything. No real reason for me to create another.

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