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I want to move away from the Race based and Commander based Living Story. I want Class based LS

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The Commander stuff been one of the worst decisions by Anet's storytelling development in my opinion. And I say that respectfully but critically.

It lacks in immersion from my perspective since it creates a story around my character being some kind of grand leader yet among other players that are also my equals. Then it has us soloing major Lore figures and stuff like that. It's immersion breaking.I rather we move away from this format and use Living Story to flush out more Class Lore and Lore on the new Elite specs we get instead of reading about it on the Wiki.This way our individual characters can do their thing but their overall impact on the global story is scaled down to a class Lore level instead of this grand Commander who solos God's and stuff like that.

Revenant is one of the new classes, would love to see story instances that explain what it is, how it came to be, and what can it potentially do.

A thief class story can have the characters trying to do a Stealth mission to steal something important to their story.

Necromancer story instance can go over the how the character learned the ritual to summon their specific minion type.

Etc etc

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:The Commander stuff been one of the worst decisions by Anet's storytelling development in my opinion. And I say that respectfully but critically.

It lacks in immersion from my perspective since it creates a story around my character being some kind of grand leader yet among other players that are also my equals. Then it has us soloing major Lore figures and stuff like that. It's immersion breaking.I rather we move away from this format and use Living Story to flush out more Class Lore and Lore on the new Elite specs we get instead of reading about it on the Wiki.This way our individual characters can do their thing but their overall impact on the global story is scaled down to a class Lore level instead of this grand Commander who solos God's and stuff like that.

Revenant is one of the new classes, would love to see story instances that explain what it is, how it came to be, and what can it potentially do.

A thief class story can have the characters trying to do a Stealth mission to steal something important to their story.

Necromancer story instance can go over the how the character learned the ritual to summon their specific minion type.

Etc etc

This game struggled to give us an acceptable level of quality story content in the last release.@Knighthonor.4061 's solution is to multiply the needed content from a release by 9.

Quality armchair design.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:The Commander stuff been one of the worst decisions by Anet's storytelling development in my opinion. And I say that respectfully but critically.

It lacks in immersion from my perspective since it creates a story around my character being some kind of grand leader yet among other players that are also my equals. Then it has us soloing major Lore figures and stuff like that. It's immersion breaking.I rather we move away from this format and use Living Story to flush out more Class Lore and Lore on the new Elite specs we get instead of reading about it on the Wiki.This way our individual characters can do their thing but their overall impact on the global story is scaled down to a class Lore level instead of this grand Commander who solos God's and stuff like that.

Revenant is one of the new classes, would love to see story instances that explain what it is, how it came to be, and what can it potentially do.

A thief class story can have the characters trying to do a Stealth mission to steal something important to their story.

Necromancer story instance can go over the how the character learned the ritual to summon their specific minion type.

Etc etc

Obviously you are not aware of the enormously huge amount of resources and time that would take, and how poor the main story would become as a result.

Honestly, GW2 doesn't seem like your type of mmo judging by the suggestions you make. Or you are new to mmos and don't understand how things work for these types of online video games.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:The Commander stuff been one of the worst decisions by Anet's storytelling development in my opinion. And I say that respectfully but critically.


You do realize that the Commander has been the story since becoming second in command of the Pact, it's something that the original story design was based on even before they started making the game...it's the sole reason the story exists as it does.

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They’ve addressed making variable story lines in this thread

Yes and no. It's something we consider often, but consider 5 races 10 personalities 3 background options 3 background options minimum of 4 background options = 1800 potential combinations that affect the personal story BEFORE you get into choices made during the personal story. So it's more if someone mentions that we could provide a slightly tweaked alt on this line of dialogue that would be relevant to one of those combos, we'll slip it in, but otherwise the scope bloat just makes us cry in the corner whenever we think about it.

In other words, it’s more work than it’s worth to have multiple story lines and keeping the dialog consistent instead of one story for all.

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I don't mind simple dialogue, like the one in PoF instead of full 3D animated characters.The bit when you talk to the airship owner in Lions Arch it's quite funny and pleasant to watch.It's also somewhat interactive as you can walk with her around the steps.

I agree with people in other posts saying that we have so many maps not being used for a great deal of things.

Why not make quick side stories in between IBS chapters that do just what OP suggested?

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After literally years of listening to whining about Kormir "stealing" the PC's glory in GW1, I very much doubt ANet is going to entirely reconfigure their story strategy to one that sidelines the PC. Another damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't proposal. #shrug

I for one am hoping the Jormag thing becomes more and more about the ice dragon coveting Aurene's Champion. It'd be nice to move the story from being about Aurene to being about the Commander even more centrally, especially with the Kormir thing in mind, and the comments Joko made about who is the real enemy and so forth. They've set it up nicely to make it feel like the player really is the main character in the epic. We'll see if they follow through.

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Guardian:Go on an epic quest to save people of Tyria with your virtous strength and shining armor!

RevenantVenture deep into the mists to uncover secrets on an epic quest to save the world!

WarriorGo into epic battle to win honor and glory, for Tyria!

RangerNature itself needs saving as you embark on an epic journey to become one with the land!

ThiefEven the Tyrian underworld can become an epic ally when saving the world!

ElementalistTame the powers of the elements and become so epicly powerful even dragons will bow before you!

MesmerNothing is quite as it seems as you navigate the Tyrian nobility in an epic quest of deceit and lies!

NecromancerDeath will conquer all as you become the commander of an epic army of the dead!

EngineerBuild a house

Because purity of purpose.

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First of all, 11 million accounts created doesn’t equal 11 million active players. Second, Anet is the second lowest earner in the NCSoft family and just laid off 150 employees. Third, content production takes time, and the Op asked for Anet to abandon the general global story in lieu of creating ongoing personal stories for each profession instead... And that isn’t going to happen because it would cost the company too much in dev time and resources, and detract from any main story and other areas of the game. Forth, apparently you missed the developer quote basically saying no.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Guardian:Go on an epic quest to save people of Tyria with your virtous strength and shining armor!

RevenantVenture deep into the mists to uncover secrets on an epic quest to save the world!

WarriorGo into epic battle to win honor and glory, for Tyria!

RangerNature itself needs saving as you embark on an epic journey to become one with the land!

ThiefEven the Tyrian underworld can become an epic ally when saving the world!

ElementalistTame the powers of the elements and become so epicly powerful even dragons will bow before you!

MesmerNothing is quite as it seems as you navigate the Tyrian nobility in an epic quest of deceit and lies!

NecromancerDeath will conquer all as you become the commander of an epic army of the dead!

EngineerBuild a house

Because purity of purpose.

I snorted.

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The Commander stuff is fine, although I'd have preferred a more traditional hero role. The problem is when we aren't the central character. the writers have actively said Aurene is who they centre the story around and that GW2 is her story. It's what has sent the narrative spinning completely off track. Her involvement, all this 'dragons-are-people-too and don't kill the dragons because it is bad, is the issue for me.

The only real issue with the Commander is that because they treat them the same no matter the race, they talk and act often in conflict to their likely instinctive behaviours. My Norn is often too serious or mopey and that isn't what I want from my grizzled, legend seeking warrior

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@"Randulf.7614" said:The Commander stuff is fine, although I'd have preferred a more traditional hero role. The problem is when we aren't the central character. the writers have actively said Aurene is who they centre the story around and that GW2 is her story. It's what has sent the narrative spinning completely off track. Her involvement, all this 'dragons-are-people-too and don't kill the dragons because it is bad, is the issue for me.

The only real issue with the Commander is that because they treat them the same no matter the race, they talk and act often in conflict to their likely instinctive behaviours. My Norn is often too serious or mopey and that isn't what I want from my grizzled, legend seeking warrior

Me too.I'm not really fond of the "killing dragons is bad" narrative.Kinda contradicts itself.But I guess originality in videogames is a hard thing to come by these days.There's gotta be drama and suspense, right? ...yet the need to come up with something unique.We don't wanna replay zhaitan over and over, but with different skins.

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