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Where will Episode 3 of the Icebrood Saga take us?


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@crepuscular.9047 said:

... and it's be weird to suddenly jump to drakkar's lake

Hall of monuments is further away from the Bjora than Drakkar Lake is according to that_shamans map, so going there makes some kinda sense. Its a shame that anet doesnt seem to want to make map connections make sense, as it is i dont see a way to go from Bjora to the Hall Of Monuments area but i do hope we go back there in episode 3.

i just did an overlay over GW1 map, drew red line directly to dakkar's lake, and copy the line, they are the same distance from jora's keep

i then copied the map zone size for gorthmar across to the 2 theoretically possible zones, purple and light blue, HoM can just fit in as i theorised above by having Norrhart domain + top half of ice cliff chasms

the green arrowed dotted line path is what i think the story may take us, and the dotted square is possibly what the drakkar's map shape could be likei would like to see what the Battledepth had become after 250+ years

Did you overlay the GW2 map on the GW1 map? that looks -way- smaller than the other way around. Add to that, Lake Drakkar in GW2 is -alot- bigger now than in GW1 bringing it alot closer to Bjora Marches in the map you have there. That Shaman Map Overlay (10/10 best tool made by a fan.)

Imgur link is just a still image of that map showing the area.


Also, we already know that Lake Drakkar is going to be added next(in the extension of Bjora Marches) So im guessing Episode 3 will take us to the HoM area.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

... and it's be weird to suddenly jump to drakkar's lake

Hall of monuments is further away from the Bjora than Drakkar Lake is according to that_shamans map, so going there makes some kinda sense. Its a shame that anet doesnt seem to want to make map connections make sense, as it is i dont see a way to go from Bjora to the Hall Of Monuments area but i do hope we go back there in episode 3.

i just did an overlay over GW1 map, drew red line directly to dakkar's lake, and copy the line, they are the same distance from jora's keep

i then copied the map zone size for gorthmar across to the 2 theoretically possible zones, purple and light blue, HoM can just fit in as i theorised above by having Norrhart domain + top half of ice cliff chasms

the green arrowed dotted line path is what i think the story may take us, and the dotted square is possibly what the drakkar's map shape could be likei would like to see what the Battledepth had become after 250+ years


But if you look at the GW2 map, you see that the body of water that covers old Drakkar Lake is a lot bigger now and stretches much furter east. The eastern shore of it is easily within reach of an expanded Bjora Marches (remember, we know that map will expand w ep2), if we simply extend it westward to the same size as PoF/LS4 maps.

I have absolutely zero doubts ep 2 expands westward, and that will include Drakkar "Lake" - not necessarily matching the point in GW1, but the current body of water.

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@Dante.1763 said:

... and it's be weird to suddenly jump to drakkar's lake

Hall of monuments is further away from the Bjora than Drakkar Lake is according to that_shamans map, so going there makes some kinda sense. Its a shame that anet doesnt seem to want to make map connections make sense, as it is i dont see a way to go from Bjora to the Hall Of Monuments area but i do hope we go back there in episode 3.

i just did an overlay over GW1 map, drew red line directly to dakkar's lake, and copy the line, they are the same distance from jora's keep

i then copied the map zone size for gorthmar across to the 2 theoretically possible zones, purple and light blue, HoM can just fit in as i theorised above by having Norrhart domain + top half of ice cliff chasms

the green arrowed dotted line path is what i think the story may take us, and the dotted square is possibly what the drakkar's map shape could be likei would like to see what the Battledepth had become after 250+ years

Did you overlay the GW2 map on the GW1 map? that looks -way- smaller than the other way around. Add to that, Lake Drakkar in GW2 is -alot- bigger now than in GW1 bringing it alot closer to Bjora Marches in the map you have there.
(10/10 best tool made by a fan.)

Imgur link is just a still image of that map showing the area.

Also, we already know that Lake Drakkar is going to be added next(in the extension of Bjora Marches) So im guessing Episode 3 will take us to the HoM area.

yeah, GW2 over GW1, and yes, I know Drakkar's lake is a lot bigger in GW2, which is kinda weird since the influence of Jormag would have been much stronger, so i would expect more frozen tundras

kinda sad to see Oafstead gone, it was my favourite zone in EotN

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We know that Episode 2 will take us due west, as we were told that Episode 2 will be an expansion of the Episode 1 map, and we can see in-game that the map extends due west with the same height properties. That_shaman even created a small map to show where it goes: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJ0vjz5XkAEQRMJ.jpg:large

To me, the most likely direction to take after is south. Based on Season 3 lore, Jormag was last located just north of Bitterfrost Frontier, which is why The Bitter Cold was so, well, cold - it was very close to Jormag. Since the main plot currently focuses on Jormag and chasing Bangar still, unless we nip that plot in the butt in Episode 2 (which would be far too early for such, even by ArenaNet standards), we're likely going to make our way south towards Jormag.

In GW1, the best way to go into the Far Shvierpeaks other than asura gate is via the pass in Grothmar Wardown (now Grothmar Valley) leading to Bjora Marches. If we follow this idea - using GW1 passageways to progress towards Jormag - then our next stop after Drakkar Lake will be: south, to Norrhart Domains.

Norrhart Domains connected to both Bjora Marches (via the now Aberrant Forest) as well as southern Drakkar Lake. This would suggest an S kind of route to reach Jormag, weaving through mountain passes, going from Bjora Marches to Drakkar Lake, sailing south, and then marching back east into Norrhart Domains before heading south along Ice Cliff Chasm.

Given the trailer, I could see the idea of going to the Woodland Cascades and Janthir Bay, but I suspect that we'll be going there for the second half of the season, upon learning of this hypothetical horizon threat (or to find a new ED replacement since Aurene shouldn't be capable of replacing them all, just one).

@crepuscular.9047 said:yeah, GW2 over GW1, and yes, I know Drakkar's lake is a lot bigger in GW2, which is kinda weird since the influence of Jormag would have been much stronger, so i would expect more frozen tundras

kinda sad to see Oafstead gone, it was my favourite zone in EotN

Well, the title for the next episode and the teaser trailer does suggest that sea is at least partially frozen, but it was created by Jormag shattering the Shiverpeaks so deeply that water from the arctic sea rushed in (and was used by kodan to escape Jormag's march south).

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My guess is that e3 and e4 are the same map, like what they did with bjora e1 and e2. The two next episode will be a silverwastes like map. They said recently that we will have a push n retreat mechanic with wvw like features. My guess is a serie of norn camps + maybe lion's guard like forts found in snowen drift, will be either controlled by us or by icebrood. Through dunno if we continue through shiverpeaks or if we return to charrs areas. But the prologue implied something was brewing with renegade... so maybe charrs again. Without forgetting that Bangar now want to return to show everyone its nice icebrood powers?

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@hugo.4705 said:My guess is that e3 and e4 are the same map, like what they did with bjora e1 and e2. The two next episode will be a silverwastes like map. They said recently that we will have a push n retreat mechanic with wvw like features. My guess is a serie of norn camps + maybe lion's guard like forts found in snowen drift, will be either controlled by us or by icebrood. Through dunno if we continue through shiverpeaks or if we return to charrs areas. But the prologue implied something was brewing with renegade... so maybe charrs again. Without forgetting that Bangar now want to return to show everyone its nice icebrood powers?

With the stuff they’ve confirmed I think it’s far shiverpeaks again which makes perfect sense. I’m really excited to see what they’re doing with that! It may also be a single map that includes both shiverpeaks and blood legion homelands

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@Drizzt.1796 said:Bjora marches is where the final episode ends ; it ended in The Eye of the North.

To quote;

Jhavi Jorasdottir: So what's our next move?Aurene: We wait for Bangar's next move. He'll reach out to the legions, using Drakkar's death as proof of his power.Rytlock Brimstone: If he starts splitting up the charr, we're talking civil war.

Maybe Anet will let it simmer for an episode or two while we go check on Taimi or Jory. Or maybe Aurene will send us to go see what's up with the Hirathi. But the dialog hints that Bangar is going to throw two handfuls of shit at the fan next episode.

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@coso.9173 said:I'm more interested in WHERE will it launch, it's been 1 month since the last one, and there's no info on the new one so far. hopefully won't be much than another month from now.I just hope it's a new map that looks fresh and diferent, even if it's still snow.

I guess you meant to say when? We usually don’t hear much until two weeks before and we probably have a month to go. It also depends on what exactly visions of the past are because if they’re major content drops the next episode may be further off

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