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Leaderboards; Something doesn't add up.


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@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....HHHMMMMMMMMM. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

can be a bit weird, but doesnt have to mean something specific.

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....
. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

can be a bit weird, but doesnt have to mean something specific.

Nothing weird about it, and it does. It's either one of two things;

1) The code for the match making system is absolutely busted on Anet's side and is failing in a big way2) Players are manipulating the match making system in unintended ways to gain an unfair advantage.

Considering we've seen examples of the latter my money goes on....

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Lol it's funny cuz the wins to losses arnt anything close to possible with this games match making system nor its rank system. But knowing disputing the fact that there is numerous ways that people can manipulate gw2 rank/match system if someone cares enough to. Those players cares enough to do so I dont kno if that's sad or props to them or both lol.But cant blame them really as it's up to the devs to design the systems not the players and if somthing can be manipulated by the players that's on the devs more so than the players. I mean look at the win/lose ratio, their not trying to hide anything obviously.

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This is either

The obviousProof that even duo queue can guarantee fights vs pugs*Proof that hard carry builds hard carry

or a combination of the above being used by a few players to exploit the ranking system.

That being said

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:it's up to the devs to design the systems not the players and if somthing can be manipulated by the players that's on the devs more so than the players. I mean look at the win/lose ratio, their not trying to hide anything obviously.

I'm not going to rant and rave about that. It's being allowed so-

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@MyPuppy.8970 said:Best players just get the best teammates. Nothing strange about that, and it doesn't impact my PvP experience, so i don't really care.

You don't have to care but it does impact others in PvP. The methods used to obtain those ludicrous numbers keep other people from progressing who do use the system as intended. Also, lets say the best players did get the best teammates. If players of equal skill are facing each other shouldn't it be closer to 50% win rate for them? Like, 90% seems perfectly fine to you? That doesn't make you raise an eyebrow? In most all other PvP video games with a competitive match making system something like 60% win rate is considered to be REALLY good. Has GW2 just some how attracted these hidden talents with unholy skills at gaming? Idk man, seems fishy

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....
. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

can be a bit weird, but doesnt have to mean something specific.

Nothing weird about it, and it does. It's either one of two things;

1) The code for the match making system is absolutely busted on Anet's side and is failing in a big way2) Players are manipulating the match making system in unintended ways to gain an unfair advantage.

Considering we've seen examples of the latter my money goes on....

the only 2 things i wanna add:

it could be wintrateandthere is no real "matchmaking system". there are just random people put together into an team. preferrable from the same league (gold or smth)

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@Virdo.1540 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....
. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

can be a bit weird, but doesnt have to mean something specific.

Nothing weird about it, and it does. It's either one of two things;

1) The code for the match making system is absolutely busted on Anet's side and is failing in a big way2) Players are manipulating the match making system in unintended ways to gain an unfair advantage.

Considering we've seen examples of the latter my money goes on....

the only 2 things i wanna add:

it could be wintrate

It really cant, if things are suppose to work like they say they do, numerically it cant happen....

andthere is no real "matchmaking system". there are just random people put together into an team. preferrable from the same league (gold or smth)

If it was truly random, once again, you would end up closer to 50/50 not 90/10. Coin flips are random...

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Its been this way for a long time. Everyone knows they match manipulate, que dodge other duos, wintrade, whatever. No one really cares anymore because its not going to get addressed.

Well I'm just going to keep on being annoying about it. You don't get things changed by staying silent. Not that I have high expectations of having an impact.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@MyPuppy.8970 said:Best players just get the best teammates. Nothing strange about that, and it doesn't impact my PvP experience, so i don't really care.

You don't have to care but it does impact others in PvP. The methods used to obtain those ludicrous numbers keep other people from progressing who do use the system as intended. Also, lets say the best players did get the best teammates. If players of equal skill are facing each other shouldn't it be closer to 50% win rate for them? Like, 90% seems perfectly fine to you? That doesn't make you raise an eyebrow? In most all other PvP video games with a competitive match making system something like 60% win rate is considered to be REALLY good. Has GW2 just some how attracted these hidden talents with unholy skills at gaming? Idk man, seems fishy

First part of my sentence was sarcasm. Other part was just my personal feeling towards it.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....HHHMMMMMMMMM. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

It's literally just a few lingering veterans duoQ-ing rolling over the ever shrinking and unmotivated playerbase, all while avoiding each other(not that hard, given how there is like 10-15 good players left). Nothing fishy, just a dying gamemode. If you want this gone, remove douQ to make it more fair, you'll see that 90% shrink to 80-70%.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....HHHMMMMMMMMM. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

God of PvP duos matched against mid gold. Thats the way anet supports top of leaderboard.

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@Bazsi.2734 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....
. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

It's literally just a few lingering veterans duoQ-ing rolling over the ever shrinking and unmotivated playerbase, all while avoiding each other(not that hard, given how there is like 10-15 good players left). Nothing fishy, just a dying gamemode. If you want this gone, remove douQ to make it more fair, you'll see that 90% shrink to 80-70%.

how are we avoiding anyone when im streaming all my games and queuing at 20.00 everydayfeel free to queue vs me for good games

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@bluri.2653 said:

@"Zexanima.7851" said:People at the top of the leader boards having 90% win rates? Hmmm....HMMMMMMMM....
. I used my world class detective skills, basic highschool statistics , and my first hand knowledge and experience of matching in this game to deduce something is fishy.

It's literally just a few lingering veterans duoQ-ing rolling over the ever shrinking and unmotivated playerbase, all while avoiding each other(not that hard, given how there is like 10-15 good players left). Nothing fishy, just a dying gamemode. If you want this gone, remove douQ to make it more fair, you'll see that 90% shrink to 80-70%.

how are we avoiding anyone when im streaming all my games and queuing at 20.00 everydayfeel free to queue vs me for good games

It's enough if they avoid you. Streaming your games makes it even easier if someone goes out of their way not to get you as an opponent. Also I don't include myself in that "10-15 good players" if that wasn't obvious already.

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I've played with some of those duos before. The key is communication w/team (some teams are unsalvagable=their losses) and flawless rotations. A duo team with good rotations and adjusting to ally team/enemy team will get that high. Saying this has anything to do with wintrading/gold bribing is rather silly

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:What? They're just so good that they beat everybody else...except, obviously, each other because none of them are losing. So, umm, yeah...

On NA it’s obviously a case of duo matchmaking manipulation. These “top tier” players can even be seen on stream talking about how they talk on discord about each other’s duos and how best to q dodge them. It’s honestly too ez to climb with low population in the first place but they climb even better if all the legend tier players(basically plat3 skill leveled at best) just help each other climbing

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:What? They're just so good that they beat everybody else...except, obviously, each other because none of them are losing. So, umm, yeah...

On NA it’s obviously a case of duo matchmaking manipulation. These “top tier” players can even be seen on stream talking about how they talk on discord about each other’s duos and how best to q dodge them. It’s honestly too ez to climb with low population in the first place but they climb even better if all the legend tier players(basically plat3 skill leveled at best) just help each other climbing

Why is this okay? Why does anet at least say something about it? i already know the answers but i feel the need to keep asking the questions.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@AliamRationem.5172 said:What? They're just so good that they beat everybody else...except, obviously, each other because none of them are losing. So, umm, yeah...

On NA it’s obviously a case of duo matchmaking manipulation. These “top tier” players can even be seen on stream talking about how they talk on discord about each other’s duos and how best to q dodge them. It’s honestly too ez to climb with low population in the first place but they climb even better if all the legend tier players(basically plat3 skill leveled at best) just help each other climbing

Why is this okay? Why does anet at least say something about it? i already know the answers but i feel the need to keep asking the questions.

Well, it's not really breaking any rules

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It's DuoQ hands down without any doubt.

When it was SoloQ only past 1600 rating everyone had about the same even winrates that most the leaderboard still has now. A good player might have a 60-70% winrate and there was very few if any alt accounts hogging LB spots.

DuoQ is too exploitable when it's merged with SoloQs. There might be legends/plat3s playing at any one time of the day, so when they queue together it's just busted and impossible. That's when one of them aren't smurfing on some silver alt to bring down their average rating for even easier wins for their buddy.And the alting is just nasty. Boosting and after Season 16 ended between 10-20 of the accounts on the leaderboard belonged to the same DuoQ, same two people.

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