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Dragon Banner has not been weakened


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The Dragon Banner has not been weakened. The trailer version mentioned the need to weaken the Dragon Banner. When I picked up the Dragon Banner, the skills of Dragon Banner 1-5 were not changed. (Although I often play Long Banner and upload videos to YouTube), but I still look forward to what Long Banner will change.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Flee.5602 said:A few days ago, I saw Arenanet's official customer service posted a post on the forum saying that receiving the player's feedback Dragon Banner would be changed or weakened

They said they would address it, not that it was being addressed in this patch. Probably in the 'laying the ground work' phase of development.

Haha, look forward to it! I have been playing Dragon Banner in WvW for several years. I am looking forward to redoing Dragon Banner ~

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@hunkamania.7561 said:

@DemonSeed.3528 said:Dragon banner is helpful for the smaller force, wonder how they gonna kitten it. Guess bigger servers need all the advantage they can get XD

Anything the small force can use the big force can do and do it better my friend. Most of the time the big blob has the banner hammering down the little group with it.

I suppose both ways is also true. It's really nice to turn the tide though.

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@hunkamania.7561 said:

@"DemonSeed.3528" said:Dragon banner is helpful for the smaller force, wonder how they gonna kitten it. Guess bigger servers need all the advantage they can get XD

Anything the small force can use the big force can do and do it better my friend. Most of the time the big blob has the banner hammering down the little group with it.

And much of the time the big blob has more than 1 banner.

Just in case anyone questions that ANET has completely overlooked this, please note:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Blasthttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Wings

Remember that CC skills are supposed to have coefficients of 0.01 these days, right? Noodle Wars 2 all that?

So yeah, either reduce banners to match the global changes we've seen in competitive modes or disable them until that is done.

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