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Why all profession has been balanced and Necro is so unbalanced?


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@Wayne.6253 said:The only way to beat a necro in 2v2 is to have a Necro in team, too much sustain, lot of damage, impossible too kill also if downed.What happens to this balance patch? Devs didn't test it?

This could just be an idea but... have you tried using CC on the necro?Have you possibly tried maybe not focusing the necro first anymore maybe thats not a valid strategy now in this big shift?Also keep in mind the 2v2 mode is not exactly balanced in general the game was never built for it really 2v2 is pretty much still new and if they balanced around 2v2 mainly then 5v5 would be a crap shoot.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@Wayne.6253 said:The only way to beat a necro in 2v2 is to have a Necro in team, too much sustain, lot of damage, impossible too kill also if downed.What happens to this balance patch? Devs didn't test it?

This could just be an idea but... have you tried using CC on the necro?Have you possibly tried maybe not focusing the necro first anymore maybe thats not a valid strategy now in this big shift?Also keep in mind the 2v2 mode is not exactly balanced in general the game was never built for it really 2v2 is pretty much still new and if they balanced around 2v2 mainly then 5v5 would be a kitten shoot.

i think actually also in 5v5 necro is too OP, so a general nerf is needed

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I think people who are complaining about the strength of necromancers are mostly imagining things.

Life force regen is not too much.

Also, core necromancer would still need to be heavily buffed. People are talking about that incredible “tankiness”, but it can still be cc locked to death in no time by two enemies.

Anyway, I expect it to be nerfed, simply because complaints are usually treated as a valid reason for nerfing things (no other reason is needed).

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@Wayne.6253 said:

@Wayne.6253 said:The only way to beat a necro in 2v2 is to have a Necro in team, too much sustain, lot of damage, impossible too kill also if downed.What happens to this balance patch? Devs didn't test it?

This could just be an idea but... have you tried using CC on the necro?Have you possibly tried maybe not focusing the necro first anymore maybe thats not a valid strategy now in this big shift?Also keep in mind the 2v2 mode is not exactly balanced in general the game was never built for it really 2v2 is pretty much still new and if they balanced around 2v2 mainly then 5v5 would be a kitten shoot.

i think actually also in 5v5 necro is too OP, so a general nerf is needed

Maybe on a few things like some stuff in blood magic i could agree with you.But overall necro was heavily underperforming before and based most of its success on boon corruption which got nerfed rather considerably.

Again try cc'ing the necro possibly if its tanky try focusing the other targets first and then taking on the necro when its more advantageous you might find out that the necromancers teammates are just as broken as the necro is in your eyes.

Again people have gotten into the standard of focusing the necro first. That might not be a viable strategy now that its simply not free with most professions not having perma lethal damage all the time. They might be tanky but they struggle to dodge hits and have near 0 stability. IF you are super tanky your damage will be even lower than everyone elses in the current meta.

I m not saying somethings wont be nerfed im sure some will but keep in mind that necro was underperforming before and thats what you and everyone else is use to many people still think its the norm that it should die in 5s or less which is certainly not the case for any player who is some what aware of whats going on and at least has an average skill level.

Keep it viable dont force it into underperforming in this new meta we are going into. Even if nerfs in some areas are justified keep it viable. :+1:

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yeah I hope they shave stuff instead of mirage'ing the class… lol imagine gutting a core class. game is over at that point since anet hasn't learned the basic logic to nerf whats overperforming and not around the problem. I bet all the zombified haters will come here saying "haha not op anymore l2play" after gutting, but I wonder how long it will take for anet to do that to some other class. whatever they "feel" is op. some classes get luke warm trade offs while others get a boiling pit of magma. game won't survive much of this.

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I'm a necro pve main (and pvp conquest in past on reaper) but man this is bullshit. the lifeforce is 5x better then any build i ever played. It's literally the most overpowered build i met in a lifetime of gw2. And that after a massive balance patch. The fact this is NOT hotfixed yet while anet is forcing me to play (they launch very grindy pvp achievements), i cant even wait for the fix.

Playing this kind of build is exactly what is overpowered. Not the cast time of stuns (bullshit), but the amount of stuns and the amount of sustain is op.

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@Gamble.4580 said:U are seeing lots of necros *core because bad players can play it and get rewarded for mistakes. But it ain’t the strongest 2v2 by a mile. It’s just overplayed like bunker scrapper was for ten mins. Wanna spot a bad player looking for the bunker core necro

Not necessarily that was a pretty ignorant comment considering necros need to build for some sustain to survive. It's not going to all sustain either, it's going to be mixed and I predict they will become free kill again thanks to all the whining.

See if you build for sustain as I think zdragon said, you won't have much DPS and if you build for DPS, well you have to sacrifice sustain.

The danger here is an exaggeration that some do, which can paint a picture, and I hope Anet can see past it.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Gamble.4580 said:U are seeing lots of necros *core because bad players can play it and get rewarded for mistakes. But it ain’t the strongest 2v2 by a mile. It’s just overplayed like bunker scrapper was for ten mins. Wanna spot a bad player looking for the bunker core necro

Not necessarily that was a pretty ignorant comment considering necros need to build for some sustain to survive. It's not going to all sustain either, it's going to be mixed and I predict they will become free kill again thanks to all the whining.

See if you build for sustain as I think zdragon said, you won't have much DPS and if you build for DPS, well you have to sacrifice sustain.

The danger here is an exaggeration that some do, which can paint a picture, and I hope Anet can see past it.

Relax I am just board trolling. People need to chill and let meta settle before debate and getting it nurf s before they understand the whole meta and where it’s place is. It’s already getting hard counter played people now are focusing it to make them ds then completely engorging it and hard focusing a new target why they being useless in da and once’s they leave it boom back on instant to trigger trait ds then leavening for new target till they come out again. And ofc watching them get that Rez and makeing sure u want them to not get it and cc or to get it and jump right on right after useing it and ofc to never let them get that blood of.

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Unholy Sanctuary is not that great. Its 1% heal in shroud in pvp modes. It's OKish for core, maybe (?) scourge. Reaper shroud decays so fast that it will do max 20% heal, if you are not being hit for 20 seconds, and have full shroud available. So for Reaper: big burst on you ---> shroud panic! ---> heal ~20% ---> drop out of shroud ---> hit heal skill for maybe another 20% heal ---> other class has most CDs back up ---> big burst on you ---> downstate (you). That is if you don't get hit while in shroud.

It can prevent 1HKOs, but you would still need a well placed wurm or be using spectral walk when HIT to really have a chance to recover.

If you are really, really good, it is theoretically possible to shroud bait people into bursting you --> unholy sanct prevent death --> counterburst them to downstate with procced shroud, BUT you will only ever get a single shot at this, as if you miss your counterburst, you will be low shroud/locked out of shroud AND low health. So it's a ballsy move.

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@"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:A profound reaction can be observed among the necromancer main ranks whenever one of these threads pops up.

"What do MEAAAAN? Necromancer sucks kitten, has always sucked kitten, and will continue to suck kitten!!"

It's rather funny how much difficulty they have admitting that necro isn't always the underdog.

only for about a week before all the forum complaints come in and destroy what ever got buffed on necro. every single necro meta has been destroyed this way. some deserved, sure. meanwhile certain classes builds have never really been nerfed and continue to outperform most others to this day. not so true anymore tbh. anyway give it a week or two and core necro will be back to stick tier.

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@Wayne.6253 said:I hope in nerf on Necro and FB because actually are ruining ranked 2v2

+1. The amount of 'exceed to be overpowered'-factor on these classes, is the highest i've seen since launch, boosted by the tendency for this playstyle in 2vs2 (vs often players not with that playstyle = instant wipe).

For me it's /gg on these builds. sadly you cannot forfeit a game, it's so boring to be dragged this long in a game with them. Most boring content gw2 has ever had, most annoying content. Exagerrated a 1000-fold by these two insanely overpowered builds.

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@"Virdo.1540" said:Its almost dumb to play something besides necro. I hope they fix it soonbut why so small amount people play necro ? why it not 90%+?Minimum calculation should be 35%. So main question "how can we boos necro" to make it more attractive ? Someone should dominate and if it will be necro - this is be normal way

life siphonimprove and make more powerful siphon for all classes is man balance idea. Welcome.

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