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The PvP update needs to come to WvW too.


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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:As a Necro main, I will be totally honest and say that on a 1 vs 1 level, Necros need to be nerfed.My win-rate on Necro as 1 vs 1 is 80% wins, 19% draws and 1% loss.The problem is that I'm winning with low effort just camping shroud.The sustain and tankiness is insane.I hardly need to dodge anything.But I give up a lot of damage/corruption for sustain.

But while you are nerfing Necros, please fix the bugged healing on rangers too.It's making them nearly immortal in small scale.And they can do it with high damage.Only happens in WvW.The ranger's rugged growth trait healing is bugged in WvW.Tooltip says heal for ~155 per second on protection but actual healing is ~420 per second on protection.


First, let's get this out of the way bc you seem to misunderstand. WvW is NOT 1v1 duel zone. Second, and caps so you don't miss it...
. 155 IS THE NEW "BASE", it's not the cap.


And to be even more helpful...

"Reduced base heal from 259 to 155."

"Healing Power is a secondary attribute that improves all healing performed by the character, including healing from skills, traits, the regeneration boon, and certain other effects"

He showed in his screenshot what the skill should be healing at with his current healing power. In case
didn't know, tooltips scale with healing power, so that is what he should be healing himself for. Also, take the time to look at the very link you provided.
I put in caps for you so you don't miss it. It's the (0.122).

Let's take a look at this screenshot that I just took. I am sitting at 1508 healing power.


So at 1508 healing power, it would be an additional 183.976 healing value in addition to the baseline, making it 338.976. Tooltip shows 340 for me, so there is probably some sort of slight difference in what the Wiki provides. Yet I am healing for 969/tick.
So yes, it is bugged.

You might want to do a bit more research before you try to demean somebody.


The tooltip is bugged. I was stating facts. And those facts were that wvw isn't a 1v1 zone for "balance considerations" and that HP modifies Rugged Growth.Errr... its quite obvious its the skill thats bugged, not the tooltip. For the skill to heal 970ish in WvW and assuming some moderate healing percentages you still need what, over 5000 healing power?

Please give me that gearset because it would be amazing.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:As a Necro main, I will be totally honest and say that on a 1 vs 1 level, Necros need to be nerfed.My win-rate on Necro as 1 vs 1 is 80% wins, 19% draws and 1% loss.The problem is that I'm winning with low effort just camping shroud.The sustain and tankiness is insane.I hardly need to dodge anything.But I give up a lot of damage/corruption for sustain.

But while you are nerfing Necros, please fix the bugged healing on rangers too.It's making them nearly immortal in small scale.And they can do it with high damage.Only happens in WvW.The ranger's rugged growth trait healing is bugged in WvW.Tooltip says heal for ~155 per second on protection but actual healing is ~420 per second on protection.


First, let's get this out of the way bc you seem to misunderstand. WvW is NOT 1v1 duel zone. Second, and caps so you don't miss it...
. 155 IS THE NEW "BASE", it's not the cap.


And to be even more helpful...

"Reduced base heal from 259 to 155."

"Healing Power is a secondary attribute that improves all healing performed by the character, including healing from skills, traits, the regeneration boon, and certain other effects"

He showed in his screenshot what the skill should be healing at with his current healing power. In case
didn't know, tooltips scale with healing power, so that is what he should be healing himself for. Also, take the time to look at the very link you provided.
I put in caps for you so you don't miss it. It's the (0.122).

Let's take a look at this screenshot that I just took. I am sitting at 1508 healing power.


So at 1508 healing power, it would be an additional 183.976 healing value in addition to the baseline, making it 338.976. Tooltip shows 340 for me, so there is probably some sort of slight difference in what the Wiki provides. Yet I am healing for 969/tick.
So yes, it is bugged.

You might want to do a bit more research before you try to demean somebody.


The tooltip is bugged. I was stating facts. And those facts were that wvw isn't a 1v1 zone for "balance considerations" and that HP modifies Rugged Growth.Errr... its quite obvious its the skill thats bugged, not the tooltip. For the skill to heal 970ish in WvW and assuming some moderate healing percentages you still need what, over 5000 healing power?

Please give me
gearset because it would be amazing.

I think Swagger is one of these "Ranger is my passion! Trust me! This trait IS INTENDED TO WORK THIS WAY! I've mained this class for so long since last patch after I've found new cheese sustain with high damage output on it!".These people are so hilarious.It's not even an active skill, it's minor grandmaster trait, like get serious, why you defend clearly bugged stuff?
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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:As a Necro main, I will be totally honest and say that on a 1 vs 1 level, Necros need to be nerfed.My win-rate on Necro as 1 vs 1 is 80% wins, 19% draws and 1% loss.The problem is that I'm winning with low effort just camping shroud.The sustain and tankiness is insane.I hardly need to dodge anything.But I give up a lot of damage/corruption for sustain.

But while you are nerfing Necros, please fix the bugged healing on rangers too.It's making them nearly immortal in small scale.And they can do it with high damage.Only happens in WvW.The ranger's rugged growth trait healing is bugged in WvW.Tooltip says heal for ~155 per second on protection but actual healing is ~420 per second on protection.


First, let's get this out of the way bc you seem to misunderstand. WvW is NOT 1v1 duel zone. Second, and caps so you don't miss it...
. 155 IS THE NEW "BASE", it's not the cap.


And to be even more helpful...

"Reduced base heal from 259 to 155."

"Healing Power is a secondary attribute that improves all healing performed by the character, including healing from skills, traits, the regeneration boon, and certain other effects"

Following your statement we should be able to replicate that amount with the same gear in PvE (unrestricted). However it heals for less in PvE. Ergo, it's bugged. Good try tho.

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Somebody assumed the cap of RG was 155, it’s not period. WvW isn’t a duel zone either. Them the facts. And I don’t care if that situational skill is bugged, acting as if Ranger is “almost immortal”, or whatever phrase was used, is false and disingenuous. If anyone is struggling with RG, bugged or not, there are bigger gameplay issues with them.

And if you think 400 a second heal, only while protection is up, is a problem, then let’s talk about the PASSIVE 250 damage hitting every 1/2 second while being attacked... that’s 500 damage per second) from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampiric_Presence... But that 500 per second damage is ok, but not a situational trait that needs protection and an investment in HP.

Edit- I totally forgot!


Tier 2...

Minor Master- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/VampiricMajor Master- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampiric_Presence

That's a lot of damage and self healing there from passive traits...

Wow! https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lesser_Signet_of_Vampirism Nice damage and great heals! I can only imagine if I really optimized my necro builds! Wonder what kind of passive damage and healing I could get out of it! And the best part of it is that I can just attack, not worry about niggling over protection... Just spam buttons and wala.

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@Swagger.1459 said:@"EremiteAngel.9765"

Somebody assumed the cap of RG was 155, it’s not period. WvW isn’t a duel zone either. Them the facts. And I don’t care if that situational skill is bugged, acting as if Ranger is “almost immortal”, or whatever phrase was used, is false and disingenuous. If anyone is struggling with RG, bugged or not, there are bigger gameplay issues with them.

And if you think 400 a second heal, only while protection is up, is a problem, then let’s talk about the PASSIVE 250 damage hitting every 1/2 second while being attacked... that’s 500 damage per second) from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampiric_Presence... But that 500 per second damage is ok, but not a situational trait that needs protection and an investment in HP.

Edit- I totally forgot!


Tier 2...

Minor Master- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/VampiricMajor Master- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampiric_Presence

That's a lot of damage and self healing there from passive traits...

Wow! https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lesser_Signet_of_Vampirism Nice damage and great heals! I can only imagine if I really optimized my necro builds! Wonder what kind of passive damage and healing I could get out of it! And the best part of it is that I can just attack, not worry about niggling over protection... Just spam buttons and wala.

When you have 0 healing power it is the cap. Because thats literally what its supposed to heal for.Fanatically defending a bug by attacking another class over nothing is a little extreme. We'd complain about the necro if vampiric presence healed for 1000 hp a hit too, when the skill info says it does considerably less.

But do go ahead and make a necro with all that and spam your buttons. Let us know how it works against decent boonbeasts.

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@Zero.3871 said:

@"Jeddite.8620" said:take a look at this build:

there is no way to drop under 30 caprice in a zerg fight.

you have 3000 armor, 19k hp + pulsing protectionin shroud you are immun to soft ccyou have permanent cleanse in shroud 2 condition, outside with spektral walk and if everything went wrong you still have your healability (every cleanse give you caprice)

3000 power with full stack (bloodlust/caprice) + your own access to might (sigill of absorbtion)54% crit chance + 193 crit damage, normal, but if you enter shroud you get +600 ferocity +33% crit chance + quickness

i was testing it for one day (because my ele got deleted) and it feels like godmode. you are a hypertank, but deal damage like a mage.

@DanAlcedo.3281 said:No thanks. No reason to nerf something that isnt overperforming in WvW.

i dont know why people think if something is overperfarming in pvp it dosen't in wvw...

but necro has a big lobby in wvw, if nekro is not op in anyway the forum would explode

PVP is balanced around 5 v 5 fights. so changes were made to that criteria. but you are talking about 50 v 50 fights. whats a complete different dimension. making 5 v 5 balance changes for 50 v 50 wouldnt have the same effect. those changes due to unforseeable results if you do them without good planning.

e.g. in wvw zergfights no necro is playing lich form (because of tons of reflects) or signet of undeath. so nerfes to those traits wouldnt effect zerg meta you are complaining about.

the moment you are complaining about a pvp change that doesnt come to wvw, while not concerning these facts just show that you are only here to cry because of your main class that is btw not that weak you are claiming. plz stop your behavior of rage complaining because of emotional reasons. you are linking a reaper build while core necro was the target of the nerfes cause core is in pvp overperforming.

you finally obviously missed every point of this changes, so plz inform yourself before start crying about god and the world betrayed you. thx, bro.

Zerg Fighting isn't all WvW is about.. about half of the players fight in bigger Squads and only half of those are zergs with 40+ people, majority of those squads are 8-16 people, then the other half of the WvW players are running around either solo or in 4-5 man parties, many people never actully participate in those 50 vs 50 fights, and in most bigger group fights people aren't that organised either, but singular fights on the fringes takes place too, what you are talking about is the top 10% max of the playerbase in WvW doing organised guild squads, sticking like glue to eachother, I do participate in that too, but still, 70% of the time in wvw is spent with a small party or alone.

so yes, balance for small scale should be part of WvW balance too.

Something I just don't understand in general for GW2 pvp & WvW is how Condition builds have burst, condition builds should be high dps if ignored and left to stack up, not do insane damage from first second, current patch is burstier then before, and you can't counter this burst with toughness and protection, condition removal is a counter to condition build up, not against condition burst, they probobly need to add another stat to condition builds, condition builds to go heavy damage should have atleast 3 stats to focus on, either make conditions critable, or make condition builds have to focus on Condition, Expertise, &??? (perhaps a stats that makes conditions tick faster and without that stats it's more of a longterm investment damage build, but get all 3 and you can burst at a cost of beeing a glass cannon like power builds)

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@"Swagger.1459" said:

Wow! https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lesser_Signet_of_Vampirism Nice damage and great heals! I can only imagine if I really optimized my necro builds! Wonder what kind of passive damage and healing I could get out of it! And the best part of it is that I can just attack, not worry about niggling over protection... Just spam buttons and wala.

Well, I think you'll definitely be able to clear a camp (hence putting you in the top 50% of players) since guards aren't particularly good at avoiding damage. The scouts might mess you up with the blinds though. Watch out for that.

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@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:So many obvious zerg monkeys in this thread. News flash: not all fights in wvw take place in zergs, and the game should NOT be balanced around surviving zerg v zerg encounters. If you’re dying in blob fights, the other zerg is better, or your positioning is bad. Nerfing and buffing classes isn’t going to help you there.

How can these minor changes even bother zerg monekys? If you’re in a competent blob you should have full might, swiftness, prot ect. How can you realistically think the nerfs will have any massive zerg v zerg gameplay effect? They wont, but they will create more options for small scale.(second news flash: outside of primetime and bandwagon servers, Its ONLY small scale.)

Perhaps those "zerg monkeys" want to actually run back to their zerg and survive an encounter with some spawn-camping, ganking chimps on their way there?

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@"BarnacleBoy.6918" said:So many obvious zerg monkeys in this thread. News flash: not all fights in wvw take place in zergs, and the game should NOT be balanced around surviving zerg v zerg encounters. If you’re dying in blob fights, the other zerg is better, or your positioning is bad. Nerfing and buffing classes isn’t going to help you there.

How can these minor changes even bother zerg monekys? If you’re in a competent blob you should have full might, swiftness, prot ect. How can you realistically think the nerfs will have any massive zerg v zerg gameplay effect? They wont, but they will create more options for small scale.(second news flash: outside of primetime and bandwagon servers, Its ONLY small scale.)

Perhaps those "zerg monkeys" want to actually run back to their zerg and survive an encounter with some spawn-camping, ganking chimps on their way there?

Small scale pvp is about skill, not placing circles in a clusterfuck. Losing to roamers on a zerg build isnt even an excuse when you can run a diff build while you get back to your zerg using templates.

If your argument is based on roamers ganking you cause you died in your zerg, that’s an l2p issue.

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@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:

@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:Small scale pvp is about skill...

Thanks for the laugh.

I’m sorry you think dropping a circle on another zerg takes skill.

I don't.

That’s amusing

You jumping to conclusions is what is amusing.

I hate to break it to you, but in the grand scheme of things neither largescale nor smallscale in WvW are anything but a joke as far as skilled gaming goes.

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@Sylosi.6503 said:

@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:Small scale pvp is about skill...

Thanks for the laugh.

I’m sorry you think dropping a circle on another zerg takes skill.

I don't.

That’s amusing

You jumping to conclusions is what is amusing.

I hate to break it to you, but in the grand scheme of things neither largescale nor smallscale in WvW are anything but a joke as far as skilled gaming goes.

Wait, is your argument that some fps or rts or whatever requires more skill ? Do you understand how context works? Or what a strawman argument is?

Or are you implying PvP requires more skill? Why cause things like trailblazers exist? Or food? Honestly I can’t tell what your point is.

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So over 7 years have passed and i have logged in to the game and played WvW pretty much every day. I have lived through it all. I watched it move up and down and then down and to a point were we where before the patch. We get to see the patchnotes and it instantly is clear for most of us that conditions are not nerfed at all. Or yes sort of by making less stacks but i mean if you get 15 stacks of tourment instead of 20 what difference does this make if the base damage of each condtions and particulary Tourment and Burning is still in a burst state, and now more then ever. On top of that we also saw before the ballance patch came out that cc is gonna be worse. We saw and told.

We get reassured that it wont take that long for our new group of devs who are dedicated towards WvW combat to fix problems that comes up. So ok i thought, let's see maybe they fix before patch or patch comes out and proves it self and then they fix it... Now weks later every day in WvW is unfun. Reve and Scourge and to a point Mirage can shit out Tourment. And not just a few stacks but they can place 20 stacks on you on the fly. And you cleanse it, here have 20 more stack, you cleanse, here have 20 more stacks and so it goes. There is no end to how much torument a reve can shit out and Scourge follows up. And as if this is not enough it follows up with burn stacks.And as if this was not enough, cc is now out of control. Oh but you say it was before, and yet is was but back then i thought i could not possibly be worse, i was wrong...CC is ridiculous now. Imobalize every were and you get janked around every were. Hell i even get janked out of my mistform and yesterday i got janked out of blink. Like how is that even possible?

It might be that if you have 3 support in each party in blob fights that this does not feel that badly (it does but just for the sake of it) but in smaller groups, or in two-three man groups, hell i even see gvg's go down the drain because condi reve and Scourge with tourment and burning and bleed and poison.

So why is the base damage of the conditions not lowered. Why is the cc not lowered. This was things we asked for. The power nerf was nice and worked as intended but conditions damage is still bursty and now worse then ever because you can just reapply it forever all whilst your cleanses was nerfed and are no longer forever.How was this even not thought of???

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