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Anet, surprises again !

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What the heck is going on anet???You guys are definitely focused on what you said will happen this year more than EVERThings are happening quickly, content drops and patches etc .... is this really anet !???

Anyway I'd like to thank for the second balance patch today, the three class builds needed nerfing asap it was making the pvp boring and unfair. It now feels somewhat a bit closer to equality

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:I’d hold off on the praises, their Ret Paladin turned Firebrand could/should’ve been nerfed much harder to bring it in line with other support specs and finally offer options. Instead they went with nerf 1, buff another.

I don't care if there is perfect balance yet. ANet deserves praise for the one week patch!

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anet deserves a medal for listening to a super tiny and super vocal community of players instead of those who play above g3. "Nerfs" are lackluster and lazy at best and haven't changed much in pvp meta. Unless anet continues to listen to the same vocal tiny group and just give rev/fb/nec a mirage treatment. Less classes to play against - less effort. Win win!

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Someone laughed at me In the forums before the big patch when I said they should chill if something gets OP or UP cus they would fix it in a faster pace than before.Funny that this is is exactly what happened! :)I love the new focus, this is what the game needs. Not new maps all over again. PvP is the endgame for many players.Keep it up!

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@Serenity.6304 said:Someone laughed at me In the forums before the big patch when I said they should chill if something gets OP or UP cus they would fix it in a faster pace than before.Funny that this is is exactly what happened! :)I love the new focus, this is what the game needs. Not new maps all over again. PvP is the endgame for many players.Keep it up!

Its called development agility, been banging on about this for a long time too, I'm really impressed that anet devs have managed to change approach - so far so good.

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That update is a good start...I still feel that mallayx rev is still to strong. Maybe the size of the dark field on it's malayx elite is to big, the fact it puts out autobot pulsing damage is bad enough. And mace 1 should do half the amount of torment that it puts out.Something along these lines I feel be great for the game.Imo Condi rev is over preforming.

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