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Trading Post Gold Transaction Limit

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Hello,About 10 Days ago I got the Chak Egg Infusion dropped for me in Tangled Depth Meta. Saw 10k at TP wanted to sell it but did not have that 500 gold fee to sell it instantly and waited. I really needed the gold the as shiny effect on one toon was not important for me compared to character slots and other account upgrades and sale was already here. Then a friend of mine told me its worth like 20K gold and trade other thing for it. So my quest to trade began acknowledging the TOS of GW2 ofc.

First stop Reddit, gw2Exchange - Saw many post about chak egg there and posted a similar post but It was not getting approved for a few days. Thought something wrong with my post so deleted it and re-posted. While in game someone approached me (with a lvl 2 thief 8kAP - that did not give me much confidence) at first whisper I told him you go first and he agreed and later he was making excuses and later says lets do middleman. Due to suspicion I declined and was happy thinking my post was approved but only to find its still awaiting approval. So my deduction skills told me one of the moderators was trying to make a deal with me, or maybe not I really do not know how Reddit posting works.

After a week I was asking around Tangled Depth during meta and one guy give me this link to this discord trading group / Guild called "Overflow". Joined there in discord. They ware welcoming, read their rules posted. Got a buyer he was going to bring a middle man from Reddit. Everything was going well until 3-4 hours later my post is no more and the buyer said he does not want to trade. One of the admin of that group pm me to give him API key so I can prove I have the item. After I provide him with API he apologized for the inconvenience and asked me if I had screenshot of the drop. In which I replied I did not knew about that item till i was salvaging stuff after the chain meta run and did not knew about its actual price. So I asked permission to post again and the admin gave me a go ahead. Posted and 2 min later I am banned from the discord without any explanation or warning. Later I added that admin and asked him about it,he replied as I cant verify the item dropped for me they do not want to take any chances and do not want me trading in their group.

So I totally respect both of the group as they do not want their members trade with a person who has no "REP" according to them and its their group they can enforce their rules. So I have nothing to complain about these groups and frankly I am not going to look for these groups and if this is as rare as they say that people need to link their drop then I will just keep it. The point I want to make here is to ANET is that a lot of people like me who does not want to sell ectos for 90% of tp in these groups and therefore not reputed enough. We use the tp with and pay out 15% which balances the economy by pulling gold out of it. As It is a RNG drop any person can get it , he might be a streamer or reputed trader or a nobody like me.

SO PLEASE ITS 2020, 8 Years have passes since the game reslesed and people have much more liquid gold to trade. Item like Chak Egg exist in the game. The game does not have the normal trading options like in gw1 to enforce Trading Post Usage. I Want to Use TP. SO PLEASE JUST INCREASE THE LIMIT TO 20k and I will pay my 3K TAX. Thank you.

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Those trading groups look shady. I personally wouldn't trust any of those, but I only say that based on your post.

Also, I think you seriously overestimate how much liquid gold the average player has. With your drop, you are amongst the (probably less than) 1%, yourself. It's safe to say that only players that are richer than you would buy the item off the TP and they might already own it. I don't think a higher cap would help you sell it, at all.

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I honestly don't see the point to a cap. Caps go against a free market, after all. Can it be exploited? I somehow believe that the only reason there's such a cap is because at development / design time they made the input box wide enough to hold four digits, hence the cap is 9999. They never thought there would be a need for more.

I'll say, either increase that cap, or increase ultra rare drop chances so that no item is worth more than 9999 gold. I know the later will cause uproar for those yet-to-sell items, but it's the only other option to fix this issue (if increasing the cap really were that complicated...).

It's also in ANet's interest to make the TP viable for all tradable items so that players won't have to deal with third party trades.

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Players will still do third party trades to get around the TP fees. While there’s more inventive to do that for high priced items, people still do it for low priced transactions to save a few gold.

Adding a trading system in game isn’t an option per Anet and players will still get scammed because they don’t pay attention.

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Yeah either take 8500 with sell it now. Risk chance getting scammed or wasting time in black market to get more or keep it cause I doubt Anet ever bumping up that cap. And if they did to say 15k then 20 buy orders would be 15k and the black market price would still be more. You got super lucky and would of been fine if you hit sell instantly after drop but now want everything adjusted because you didn't and found out you can get more but it's a pain.

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@Jilora.9524 said:Yeah either take 8500 with sell it now. Risk chance getting scammed or wasting time in black market to get more or keep it cause I doubt Anet ever bumping up that cap. And if they did to say 15k then 20 buy orders would be 15k and the black market price would still be more. You got super lucky and would of been fine if you hit sell instantly after drop but now want everything adjusted because you didn't and found out you can get more but it's a pain.

In case if you had not noticed I said I wont sell it anymore, but wanted that cap increase players who get it and do not want to sell it in black market can sell it easily and reliably. Black market will remain a increase cap or not, lot of legendaries are being traded there but at 90% or 80% of the tp price but for chak egg you allmost get 50% in tp and that is unfair to people won a lottery and people with buy order with good rep in those community are making 10k profit so yeah do the math.

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@MikeG.6389 said:Those trading groups look shady. I personally wouldn't trust any of those, but I only say that based on your post.

Also, I think you seriously overestimate how much liquid gold the average player has. With your drop, you are amongst the (probably less than) 1%, yourself. It's safe to say that only players that are richer than you would buy the item off the TP and they might already own it. I don't think a higher cap would help you sell it, at all.

I think you're right, but the OP doesn't need the average player to have that much gold, they just need to find 1 buyer. It's the same with legendaries, except they can be sold through the TP. I'm pretty sure only a tiny percentage of GW2 players will ever buy finished legendaries with gold, but that tiny percentage is still enough people for legendaries to sell. (The one time I listed one it sold overnight, and I doubt The Dreamer was the hot selling item at the time.)

Although I'm also sceptical of the actual demand for some of the high end items. When I've looked at them on the TP I've seen quite a few where there's one buy order for 10,000g (preventing anyone from listing them for sale, because sell orders have to exceed the highest buy order) and then the next one down is about 3,000g. I can't help thinking that if someone was willing and able to tie up 10k for the purpose they could simultaneously raise the price and effectively block anyone from trading them on the TP, pushing people to use external sites and groups instead.

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@GHOST.8609 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:Yeah either take 8500 with sell it now. Risk chance getting scammed or wasting time in black market to get more or keep it cause I doubt Anet ever bumping up that cap. And if they did to say 15k then 20 buy orders would be 15k and the black market price would still be more. You got super lucky and would of been fine if you hit sell instantly after drop but now want everything adjusted because you didn't and found out you can get more but it's a pain.

In case if you had not noticed I said I wont sell it anymore, but wanted that cap increase players who get it and do not want to sell it in black market can sell it easily and reliably. Black market will remain a increase cap or not, lot of legendaries are being traded there but at 90% or 80% of the tp price but for chak egg you allmost get 50% in tp and that is unfair to people won a lottery and people with buy order with good rep in those community are making 10k profit so yeah do the math.

Players who get it can sell it easily and reliably. If they don't like the price that reliability costs, they can use the grey market. Raising the BLTC gold limit is not a bad thing, but I see no compelling reason to.

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@GHOST.8609 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:Yeah either take 8500 with sell it now. Risk chance getting scammed or wasting time in black market to get more or keep it cause I doubt Anet ever bumping up that cap. And if they did to say 15k then 20 buy orders would be 15k and the black market price would still be more. You got super lucky and would of been fine if you hit sell instantly after drop but now want everything adjusted because you didn't and found out you can get more but it's a pain.

In case if you had not noticed I said I wont sell it anymore, but wanted that cap increase players who get it and do not want to sell it in black market can sell it easily and reliably. Black market will remain a increase cap or not, lot of legendaries are being traded there but at 90% or 80% of the tp price but for chak egg you allmost get 50% in tp and that is unfair to people won a lottery and people with buy order with good rep in those community are making 10k profit so yeah do the math.

Yeah I missed that when there is a cap locked last sentence raise it to 20k and you can have my 3k tax so sounds more like you'll hold it in case it's raised. I don't have to do math. I work in the limits of the game. Sure if I had 10k and a buy order up that wasn't behind 40 other 10k buy orders and then could resell via the black market for double how wonderful but I ignore it completely cause the players that do that have 100k gold already and just can't stop making more gold. The unfairness isn't to the players that hit the lottery. I mean you hit the effing lottery. It's to the 99 percent that won't hit the lottery and can't get many items because they don't have 10k let alone 25k if cap was bumped. You are not the poor that guy. You hit the lottery. We are the poor that guy as in the 99 percent of us.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@MikeG.6389 said:Those trading groups look shady. I personally wouldn't trust any of those, but I only say that based on your post.

Also, I think you seriously overestimate how much liquid gold the average player has. With your drop, you are amongst the (probably less than) 1%, yourself. It's safe to say that only players that are richer than you would buy the item off the TP and they might already own it. I don't think a higher cap would help you sell it, at all.

I think you're right, but the OP doesn't need the average player to have that much gold, they just need to find 1 buyer. It's the same with legendaries, except they can be sold through the TP. I'm pretty sure only a tiny percentage of GW2 players will ever buy finished legendaries with gold, but that tiny percentage is still enough people for legendaries to sell. (The one time I listed one it sold overnight, and I doubt The Dreamer was the hot selling item at the time.)

Although I'm also sceptical of the actual demand for some of the high end items. When I've looked at them on the TP I've seen quite a few where there's one buy order for 10,000g (preventing anyone from listing them for sale, because sell orders have to exceed the highest buy order) and then the next one down is about 3,000g. I can't help thinking that if someone was willing and able to tie up 10k for the purpose they could simultaneously raise the price and effectively block anyone from trading them on the TP, pushing people to use external sites and groups instead.

There is no point in listing something for sale when the highest buy order is 10k, basically the maximum of the possible amount on the TP. Yes, the same player would be more than able to go up to 20k (given the Chak Infusion is valued at 24-25k outside of the game. That's over 29k value in-game if one factors in the 15% trading tax) and likely would. Still enough leeway for any player to speculate, thought increasing the return in-game would obviously affect supply and demand out of game.

The reason there is 10k buy orders is because those players know they can trade the item for more on gw2exchange. The same goes for multiple other high value items where you have a huge amount of resellers active (T1 legendary weapons for example, or any high value infusion).

While I personally do not trade on gw2exchange and would not actively recommend players use outside websites or communities. There are known and trusted traders who function as middlemen for such high value exchanges (usually taking a 1-1.5% cut if I am not mistaken). Most of those players would not risk their reputation, or extra income from facilitating trades, for a couple of thousand gold. Still, any trading outside of the game is always subject to additional risk!

There are both benefits and detriments to having a cap on the TP. It's similar in some regards to a Casino and how they have table limits and how those affect both how games are played and regulated. The amount of items affected by the cap (I believe the Chak Infusion is currently the only one) is not worth changing the limit.

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@Rukia.4802 said:

@Rukia.4802 said:Or just let people trade in game. Crazy concept, I know.

Anet has already stated why player to player trading wasn’t made available in this game.

I'm curious, was it to kill scamming? Because that clearly did not work :)

Says who? Do you have inside information on how many support tickets or issues were present in GW1 versus GW2?

Another aspect for trade going through the Trading Post is intentional gold removal from the game. The trading post right now is probably THE biggest gold drain on the game bar none, and that is a good thing.

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@Rukia.4802 said:

@Rukia.4802 said:Or just let people trade in game. Crazy concept, I know.

Anet has already stated why player to player trading wasn’t made available in this game.

I'm curious, was it to kill scamming? Because that clearly did not work :)

It reduces the chance of being scammed, yes. It also equalizes the prices by centralizing transactions, is more accessible for everyone, and removes gold from the economy thus reducing inflation.

It's also far easier to say "Don't send items to a stranger" than "Make sure you double check everything, make sure you're happy with the trade, pay attention to make sure they don't alter the trade just before you accept" when the latter is the only way to buy, sell, and trade with other players. The lack of player-player trading also completely removes a method of duplicating items that crops up in games across all genres, forcing rollbacks or crashing the in-game economy in the process.

An MMO is never going to bring the chances of being scammed down to zero because people are people, there are always going to be those who will fall for it and those who will find a way to get around barriers so they can scam others and Anet knew that that. All they did was make is less likely to happen and, if you are scammed once, you can avoid it in the future.

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@Rukia.4802 said:

@Rukia.4802 said:Or just let people trade in game. Crazy concept, I know.

Anet has already stated why player to player trading wasn’t made available in this game.

I'm curious, was it to kill scamming? Because that clearly did not work :)

Actually, killing scamming was the purpose, and it works perfectly. Nobody has been scammed within the trading post system in GW2. That's a what, let me add it up, gosh, a 100% no-scam rate. Yes, it clearly DID work!

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@TPMN.1483 said:Increase the drop rate - both problems solved... now that’s a controversial idea.

Never retroactively change the droprate for something that is intentionally rare. Easy way to get people to get really mad because they dropped tens of thousands of gold on something just for other people to get it easier than them.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@TPMN.1483 said:Increase the drop rate - both problems solved... now that’s a controversial idea.

Never retroactively change the droprate for something that is intentionally rare. Easy way to get people to get really mad because they dropped tens of thousands of gold on something just for other people to get it easier than them.

Well you got a point, but also there is something wrong with the droprate of even not so rare items in this game.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@TPMN.1483 said:Increase the drop rate - both problems solved... now that’s a controversial idea.

Never retroactively change the droprate for something that is intentionally rare. Easy way to get people to get really mad because they dropped tens of thousands of gold on something just for other people to get it easier than them.

When hundreds (or more) people every single day attempt to drop an item, and none of them ever does -- for years at a time, that's just wrong. Sorry, but I don't care about hurting the feelings of people who spent their wealth on something that's rare. It never should have been as rare as it is, period.

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