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WvW Legendary Ring Conflux


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@Svarty.8019 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I think most WvW mains will be more worried about the gold cost of mats than the time-gated tickets ?

Is that because they don't know what they can get with the piles and piles of spirit shards they have?

Well, I´m sure I have got now clue whatsoever. Converting spiritshards into weapons and selling them for abyssimal profit is not that fun.

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@Arzurag.7506 said:

@EremiteAngel.9765 said:I think most WvW mains will be more worried about the gold cost of mats than the time-gated tickets ?

Is that because they don't know what they can get with the piles and piles of spirit shards they have?

Well, I´m sure I have got now clue whatsoever. Converting spiritshards into weapons and selling them for abyssimal profit is not that fun.

Turn them into lodestones.

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Would be nice to get something just by playing wvw. Like when you kill enough enemies you get item or when you rank is high enough you get item. I don't even have motivation to make legendary armors because it's too much work to look up what it requires. Every legendary is same kitten. Do this, do that, collect kitten and so on. Lame.

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is is easy predict that needed for that Confluxfirst part:Mystic Clover x77Mystic Coin x250so will be this can in Mystic Tribute or another Gift don't do big difference

second:wvw precursor cost250-2800 WvW Skirmish Claim TicketsGift of Battle x4-x16Memory of Battle x250Badge of Honor x250-2500and 250-500g to unlock magic reward track

othersFunerary Incense 250x (welcome to leg bounty) or 250x Amalgamated Gemstone (welcome to TP) or Crystalline Ingot 250xIcy Runestones x100 - 100 goldsome T6 mats gift, or t6+t5 giftadditional bonus can be 250 from each season l3 or ls4 or Bjora, or all in one.

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@Arzurag.7506 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I think most WvW mains will be more worried about the gold cost of mats than the time-gated tickets ?

Is that because they don't know what they can get with the piles and piles of spirit shards they have?

Well, I´m sure I have got now clue whatsoever. Converting spiritshards into weapons and selling them for abyssimal profit is not that fun.

As you can hear here, the rich players want us to turn our shards into T6 mats.

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@Svarty.8019 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I think most WvW mains will be more worried about the gold cost of mats than the time-gated tickets ?

Is that because they don't know what they can get with the piles and piles of spirit shards they have?

Well, I´m sure I have got now clue whatsoever. Converting spiritshards into weapons and selling them for abyssimal profit is not that fun.

As you can hear here, the rich players want us to turn our shards into T6 mats.

...so they could buy them cheaper to craft legendary weapons and actually make higher profit with lower effort.Doesn't the upgrade for shards require so much spamming that it's pretty much not worth your time anyways? Just go farm gold, spending shards for profit seems meh.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"EremiteAngel.9765" said:I think most WvW mains will be more worried about the gold cost of mats than the time-gated tickets ?

Is that because they don't know what they can get with the piles and piles of spirit shards they have?

Well, I´m sure I have got now clue whatsoever. Converting spiritshards into weapons and selling them for abyssimal profit is not that fun.

As you can hear here, the rich players want us to turn our shards into T6 mats.

...so they could buy them cheaper to craft legendary weapons and actually make higher profit with lower effort.Doesn't the upgrade for shards require so much spamming that it's pretty much not worth your time anyways? Just go farm gold, spending shards for profit seems meh.

Gives a use for shards. Just one more way to make money. 30 gold for 10 minutes of effort not including time waiting on the TP.

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My question would be with the problematic changes to transfer legendary items who would even want to make any of these trinkets. The whole thing gives me zero motivation to make any more legendary items much less buy more slots of that build sharing stuff because the more of them you buy and use the more work it takes just to transfer it. Plus the whole shards thing its not really spamming its confusing one method of making money off karma which is now obsolete for the way you promote materials. Which I've got somewhere around 27k or 28k shards its impossible for me to ever use more than what I am obtaining. Easiest method of making gold though with ice brood saga is get all your daily mastery chests and you'll convert around 30k karma to 120 mistborn motes then like one or two metas of dragonfall and you've spent maybe an hour of time for a crap load of resources. The only real big difference I've found with bjorra marches vs silverwastes is that the bjorra marches has most of your ore already refined into ingots but otherwise a lot more gold since you are also getting volatile magic on top of everything else you get. I figure if things ever get any better with this game that you'll end up seeing people running squad trains between bjorra marches and dragonfall the economy has suffered since the time of domain of istan but the gold making methods are still all there just between two different places now.

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I wasn't that much off with my predictions on components for the crafting process.Although doubt I will make a push towards getting the ring in the foreseeable future, I kind of like the idea that you can "stop" at Slumbering Conflux for all the benefits of a legendary item, but without the ugly disco ball visual (IMO).

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@"Gorani.7205" said:I wasn't that much off with my predictions on components for the crafting process.Although doubt I will make a push towards getting the ring in the foreseeable future, I kind of like the idea that you can "stop" at Slumbering Conflux for all the benefits of a legendary item, but without the ugly disco ball visual (IMO).

As most of the mats settle down, it will be easier to get them in the future. Currently, many are inflated. I’ve got enough to do conflict and slumbering, and will replenish stores after.

Buying now.... Bad move lol..

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