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Please make Kaineng and Shing Jea Cities for the next expansion.

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Kaineng is enormous. It alone covered multiple maps in GW1. It could in now way be a city on its own. I agree with wanting a main city and part of Kaineng perhaps could be given over it, but given the sheer size of the city sprawl, it would need to part explorable as well.

But, I agree that GW2 Kamadan was completely underwhelming. A dreadful meta full of visual noise ruined the returned to n iconic GW1 location

They tend to make GW1 places unrecognisable. I hope they don;t do that quite so completely this time

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I didn't play gw1 (at least not enough to have a connection to these places) so I don't have the nostalgia. But a proper new city with it being it's own map and everything would be nice. Having cities be a part of larger explorable maps makes them feel small and boring.

People might argue that it will spread out the population of gathering hubs like Lion's Arch, but I think that's a bit flimsy.

Give me a big impressive city, damn it!

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@Randulf.7614 said:Kaineng is enormous. It alone covered multiple maps in GW1. It could in now way be a city on its own. I agree with wanting a main city and part of Kaineng perhaps could be given over it, but given the sheer size of the city sprawl, it would need to part explorable as well.

But, I agree that GW2 Kamadan was completely underwhelming. A dreadful meta full of visual noise ruined the returned to n iconic GW1 location

They tend to make GW1 places unrecognisable. I hope they don;t do that quite so completely this time

There could still be a Hub in kaineng but I agree, I thing Shing Jae should be our hub....

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It still goes beyond me how in 250 years mountains and other iconic locations can change so much.I really hope a lot of Canthan locations get untouched and not ruined by visual noise. I'm really hoping they do it even better than GW1 did...I really do.I hope for serene Cantha, nice...beautiful, mysterious, scary...I really want to see Undercity again too.

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@Blur.3465 said:It still goes beyond me how in 250 years mountains and other iconic locations can change so much.I really hope a lot of Canthan locations get untouched and not ruined by visual noise. I'm really hoping they do it even better than GW1 did...I really do.I hope for serene Cantha, nice...beautiful, mysterious, scary...I really want to see Undercity again too.

Same girl same

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I know it's not really related but I wish for at least Kaneing City to be an own instance like Lion's Arch, Black Citadel etc.I once had a dream about a possible Cantha expansion and I saw the loading screen of a map called Kaneing City within this dream and it was actually like an actual city but much much bigger than the cities we had before. I still remember how the artwork of the screen looked like and it was beautuful.

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Kamadan wasnt a town/city area in Gw2 thanks to Joko.Tbh this is something I didn't like either as I was hoping to revist this location and see a society not a meta event.

As for Kaineng and Shing Jea, I expect these areas will function more like the Crystal Desert map with a safe zone town like area that we can chill in and then travel out of a gate or something and be in a typical combat area.There may be a section of Kaineng locked off as a proper town map too.. very doable considering how insanely massive that city was in Gw1.. and I only expect it's grown in the last 250+ years.

Most of Kaineng was instanced explorable areas with combat though so I expect this will be the same in Gw2.And keep in mind that Kaineng was a multi layered city.. there was an entire undercity/sewer like region that Kaineng was built over.. essentially it's Gw2's version of Midgar in some ways.

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It would be cool to see them do something similar to how they were in GW1, perhaps making The Marketplace (expanded into portions of Wajjun Bazaar), and perhaps an expanded Kaineng Center city maps with most of the rest of the city being explorable. They can really work better with the verticality of the city too in GW2. Just think, the top of the tallest shanty tower to the lowest depths of The Undercity. The idea of a highly urbanized explorable region with multiple maps and cities/outposts within would be a refreshing change.

Most people hated Kaineng City in GW1 because it was a pain to navigate, but I think there was a certain feel and atmosphere they evoked when you played in it and through the story and side quests and it remains one of the more memorable areas as a result, for me.

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I could hardly believe they are finally, MAYBE taking us back to Cantha....it's been 84 years.........

I would love it if Kaineng and Shing Jea monastery were cities. You could always make the huge area around Kaineng explorable like it was before. I don't think the music will be as good as the original tracks, but it's amazing to think that after 8 years it could finally happen. Plus we can see what state the world is in.

Maybe there will be saltspray dragons......

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@Rukia.4802 said:

@Blur.3465 said:It still goes beyond me how in 250 years mountains and other iconic locations can change so much.I really hope a lot of Canthan locations get untouched and not ruined by visual noise. I'm really hoping they do it even better than GW1 did...I really do.I hope for serene Cantha, nice...beautiful, mysterious, scary...I really want to see Undercity again too.

Same girl same

It's called Elder Dragons and geologic time(that doesn't necessarily match that of the real world), plus the fact artists and world designers are improved at their craft, all they did was re-imagine what the world looked like. I think if they could've designed it like it is now back in GW1 they would've.

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@Randulf.7614 said:Kaineng is enormous. It alone covered multiple maps in GW1. It could in now way be a city on its own. I agree with wanting a main city and part of Kaineng perhaps could be given over it, but given the sheer size of the city sprawl, it would need to part explorable as well.

But, I agree that GW2 Kamadan was completely underwhelming. A dreadful meta full of visual noise ruined the returned to n iconic GW1 location

They tend to make GW1 places unrecognisable. I hope they don;t do that quite so completely this time

Amnoon didnt really give us the new main city hub feel i was hoping to get from it so i really hope at least kaineng can, as for the size we can prob get a third or half of kaineng in one instance i reckon.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Not all of us agree

Pretty much this. i really do hope the city was completely destroyed or has been changed so much as to not be even close to what it was in GW1. It was disgusting. The Shing Jea islands can stay the same/similiar but i hope both are totally different.

A huge part of why i hated Factions was due to the City.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Not all of us agree

Pretty much this. i really do hope the city was completely destroyed or has been changed so much as to not be even close to what it was in GW1. It was disgusting. The Shing Jea islands can stay the same/similiar but i hope both are totally different.

A huge part of why i hated Factions was due to the City.

Artistic freedome was and is a powerful thing and kaineng and the slums gave a very strong and powerful view into real life counterparts.

I never considered it pretty per se but smth doesnt need to be pretty or nice to leave a strong impact and be memorable. I hope kaineng is more of the same and grander if it can be and not another generic asian style city.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Not all of us agree

Pretty much this. i really do hope the city was completely destroyed or has been changed so much as to not be even close to what it was in GW1. It was disgusting. The Shing Jea islands can stay the same/similiar but i hope both are totally different.

A huge part of why i hated Factions was due to the City.

Artistic freedome was and is a powerful thing and kaineng and the slums gave a very strong and powerful view into real life counterparts.

I never considered it pretty per se but smth doesnt need to be pretty or nice to leave a strong impact and be memorable. I hope kaineng is more of the same and grander if it can be and not another generic asian style city.

Sure, but it was basically what i imagine as an asian style city(in alot of universes) almost -always- unless its described in some other way(not a good sight to imagine, even less to play in in game.). There was nothing artistic about it, it was a copy pasted brown boxes stacked on top of one other that had nasty sewers underneath. Anet could do so much better at making a unique city that wasnt the ugliest and most flammable thing known to man, while keeping the idea of it being overcrowded and i hope they do so.

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@Zhaneel.9208 said:I could hardly believe they are finally, MAYBE taking us back to Cantha....it's been 84 years.........

I would love it if Kaineng and Shing Jea monastery were cities. You could always make the huge area around Kaineng explorable like it was before. I don't think the music will be as good as the original tracks, but it's amazing to think that after 8 years it could finally happen. Plus we can see what state the world is in.

Maybe there will be saltspray dragons......

The music would be in anything better don’t you think? Also they’ll surely directly use many of the original tracks. Stuff from the first game is all throughout this one

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@Dante.1763 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Not all of us agree

Pretty much this. i really do hope the city was completely destroyed or has been changed so much as to not be even close to what it was in GW1. It was disgusting. The Shing Jea islands can stay the same/similiar but i hope both are totally different.

A huge part of why i hated Factions was due to the City.

Artistic freedome was and is a powerful thing and kaineng and the slums gave a very strong and powerful view into real life counterparts.

I never considered it pretty per se but smth doesnt need to be pretty or nice to leave a strong impact and be memorable. I hope kaineng is more of the same and grander if it can be and not another generic asian style city.

Sure, but it was basically what i imagine as an asian style city(in alot of universes) almost -always- unless its described in some other way(not a good sight to imagine, even less to play in in game.). There was nothing artistic about it, it was a copy pasted brown boxes stacked on top of one other that had nasty sewers underneath. Anet could do so much better at making a unique city that wasnt the ugliest and most flammable thing known to man, while keeping the idea of it being overcrowded and i hope they do so.

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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If they are taking us to Cantha I hope they go extremely vertical with the city portion. I know that isn't what everyone wants but the rest of Cantha can be more horizontal. I really want to jump and glide from tall structures in Kaining. Without official confirmation we are all making a big, probably accurate, assumption from one picture.

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I want it to be like a 3 zone city/ event hub all rolled into 1 that I need to fight and slog through each district with its own events and story and I want a sewer/underbelly area again. I want areas to be locked off initially and only accessible via certain masteries like HoT so it feels like a forbidden city with hidden areas and treasures that cant be steam rolled through in a day.

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