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How many on demand condi clears do you usually have?


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For the sake of this poll, each source of condi clear counts as 1. So if you run cleansing sigil and healing turret, you'd have 2.When I mean on demand, I mean you can do it in a hurry. So just having a light field and a blast doesn't necessarily count. I'll leave it up to you to decide if it is viable.

Also I'm pretty sure if I typed 0. Sorry if you don't have any.

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Hmmm...How should I quantify shrouded removal trait?I can remove 2 condi per 3 second in shroud with antitoxin runes...I’m basically almost immune to condi when in shroud...And I can usually stay in shroud for 10+ seconds at a time.

Although I think some classes / builds rely more on preventing condi from being applied than clearing condi after it is applied.

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Often few, but always at least one. Every build I have at the moment uses Energy + Cleansing on one weapon set, or in the case of my Engineer just Cleansing for when I enter Photon Forge or swap to a kit.

I don't think an excessive amount of clears are necessary if you can consistently avoid/kite them or keep enough pressure up to prevent application but I think everyone should have at least a few clears at all times. Going with none is extremely unwise because you never know when you'll get hit with 20 seconds of Bleed that you can't get rid of even if it's the only Condition that hits you. Just as using an excessive amount probably means they go unused and wasted in most encounters.

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1 - 2 was what was usually enough pre patch.Post patch is closer to 3 - 4 being the norm for every single build out there that doesn't want to have their pooper torn wide open by malaria and co.

Only reason why I'm still 1 - 2 is because I also have some Resistance which is situational, and because can't ever feel too safe fighting Necros that corrupt Resistance.

So what's the point of this thread?Did yu fight some troll condi cleanse build and lose?Did yu get pooped on by Condi spam and are looking to see what's the everyday norms for condi cleansing?

Well if yu are asking any of these questions ^ yur wasting time.

If yu are fighting a troll Condi cleanse build, understand that they are sacrificing something else in order to do so, and the answer is almost always damage.Fighting one is a waste of time.

If yu are being pooped on by Condi spam, the answer isn't MOAR CONDI CLEANSE.The answer is : know what yu are fighting, look up their limiations, and simply not eat so much condi spam.

Even if yu have like 5 different Condi cleanses on demand from 5 sources, if yu don't know what's condi bursting yu and freely nom nom that tasty cancer, yur still gonna go down.

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@"Blocki.4931" said:Well technically 5? But half of them are very situational

Yea, that's why I wanted to bring up "on demand". If you technically have it but can't rely on it going off, it's probably not worth counting.

Obviously this is very subjective, but it's good to think about imo.

I'm also curious on how many people count stuff that only removes soft CC like warrior's sprint or rocket boots.

As a side note, some great advice in this thread.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

I don't think an excessive amount of clears are necessary if you can consistently avoid/kite them or keep enough pressure up to prevent application

I really need to learn this. It's sorta why I want to hear from people who manage with minimal clears.

It's easier said than done depending on what you're fighting. Some things are just really difficult to avoid like Mirages ( Mesmer in general ) or any kind of Burn Guard. Their application is so rapid and constant it's pretty much impossible to avoid it all. That's why as I'd said, keeping up pressure can be important in those situations. No matter how many people make irrational claims about them most Condition builds have a bit of a ramp up time ( with some exceptions ). Don't give them the breathing room and you should be fine, but also learn which ones you can and can't do that to. Thief is probably the only one that can almost instantly stack a whole lot of Conditions but it also has pretty bad sustained pressure. If you can avoid or negate that burst you have a pretty long window before they can try again.

@ArchonWing.9480 said:

@"Blocki.4931" said:Well technically 5? But half of them are very situational

Yea, that's why I wanted to bring up "on demand". If you technically have it but can't rely on it going off, it's probably not worth counting.

Obviously this is very subjective, but it's good to think about imo.

I'm also curious on how many people count stuff that only removes soft CC like warrior's sprint or rocket boots.

As a side note, some great advice in this thread.

I don't count things that remove soft CC just because most things don't apply a lot of those Conditions anyway and Cripple is almost irrelevant at this point with some of the movement speed bonuses most classes can get. Chill and Immobilize are still pretty scary but anything that clears Conditions I'll probably end up using to clear any soft CC's if I think it's a crucial time to do so.

In the case of my Holo, I actually actively use Photon Forge 2 ( traited, removes all soft CC + Super Speed ) to remove soft CC instead of cleansing them with anything just because it's such a low cooldown I don't think it's worth it to use other cleanses if I can help it.

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For roaming I run 0 condi cleanse by traits (soulbeast) but I run double cleansing sigil, although I wouldn't say it's "on demand" as I can't just swap weapons any time I want to cleanse. And Lightening reflex removes immobilize.. that's basically it. I like cleansing sigil in wvw more than spvp as it kinda frees up other traitlines to be used. Before they made it 3 condis, everyone always had to run condi cleanse traitlines etc and it was so boring.

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6 clears on legend swap, 5 on dwarf that's it, feels excessive already but the opportunity cost is close to 0 for cleansing sigil anyway and the rest doesn't really have any other options

I don't think anyone I know anyone that doesn't always run at least 1 cleansing sigil in all of their builds, usually 2

Haven't died to condi yet this patch except for being bursted the unavoidable 50 torment transfer kitten

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