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Druid immob is a Gimmick


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Immob shouldnt constantly reapply. Entangle and ancient seeds are bad by design. What's the point of cleansing it just for it to be reapplied?I think the duration of immob should be increased but the reapplication changed to every 2s.

Also, what's the point of stunbreak just to be ccd again? Stunbreaks should give like 2s of stab tbh.

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As mentioned before:

  • Pulsing AoE CC shouldn't exist
  • AoE CC should be rare, have delayed activation, and deal no damage
  • Single target CC should have low/no damage, depends on the severity of the CC.
  • No CC should never be unblockable or instant cast. Cast time should be at least 1/2s.
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@FrownyClown.8402 said:Immob shouldnt constantly reapply. Entangle and ancient seeds are bad by design. What's the point of cleansing it just for it to be reapplied?I think the duration of immob should be increased but the reapplication changed to every 2s.

Also, what's the point of stunbreak just to be ccd again? Stunbreaks should give like 2s of stab tbh.

Anet has categorically refused to remove that trait and instead nerfed the whole druid around it for years.....nobody asked for that type of trait on a support spec which was supposed to support....that trait alone has brought innumerable amount of nerfs to druid...sad

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dont wanna be that guy but if druid is going to be made viable its gonna be super fucking toxic.Heal supports are the worst kind of supports to play agains that game can throw at you.IF anything druid should heal even less and have ALOT more utility smacked into the kit, maybe even some good damage on LONG cooldows that allows to follow up on CC that someone else provides for teamplay.

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@"FrownyClown.8402" said:Immob shouldnt constantly reapply. Entangle and ancient seeds are bad by design. What's the point of cleansing it just for it to be reapplied?I think the duration of immob should be increased but the reapplication changed to every 2s.

Also, what's the point of stunbreak just to be ccd again? Stunbreaks should give like 2s of stab tbh.

You know this will be a buff to ancient seeds immob, right? 2 sec immob on 2 sec pulses is the way "Entangle" works which is a much more punishing immob compared to the ancient seed's one.

See here(bottom of the page) the list of traits and skills and wither remove immob or reduce its effectiveness. It is enough to have any kind of condi effectiveness reduction in order to walk away from the roots between pulses. Root builds can be easily hard countered.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:I never imagined finding a nerfs post on Druid after 3 years that has been completely deleted from Meta with each of its builds.

Past is irrelevant in this context. If something is too strong, it needs nerfs. Likewise if something is too weak it needs buffs.

No, the past is to be considered, these skills have not been changed for years, if they were really so strong Druid would have been Meta or at least fun to play in low ranks and not junk, something OP would never have gone unnoticed for 2-3 years.

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@Revolution.5409 said:No, the past is to be considered, these skills have not been changed for years, if they were really so strong Druid would have been Meta or at least fun to play in low ranks and not junk, something OP would never have gone unnoticed for 2-3 years.

25 february patch, immob giving thing's hp is still same while damage is less.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:I never imagined finding a nerfs post on Druid after 3 years that has been completely deleted from Meta with each of its builds.

Past is irrelevant
in this context
. If something is too strong, it needs nerfs. Likewise if something is too weak it needs buffs.Fixed it for you.
Past is always irrelevant when it comes to buff/nerf
No matter how trash a skill/trait/spec/class was, if it's overperforming/not fun to play against it
to be nerfed. Period.The opposite is also true. For instance, It's not because mirage has been S tier for 2-3 years that it now deserves to be F-tier.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:I never imagined finding a nerfs post on Druid after 3 years that has been completely deleted from Meta with each of its builds.

Past is irrelevant
in this context
. If something is too strong, it needs nerfs. Likewise if something is too weak it needs buffs.Fixed it for you.
Past is always irrelevant when it comes to buff/nerf
No matter how trash a skill/trait/spec/class was, if it's overperforming/not fun to play against it
to be nerfed. Period.The opposite is also true. For instance, It's not because mirage has been S tier for 2-3 years that it now deserves to be F-tier.

If it's not fun to play against it, it doesn't make it worthy of nerf.

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In a WvW thread recently I said the same thing, immob is crazy right now. A few classes have access to some insane immob, and with Trailblazer even more so. CC also, sitting on the stairs, just off the wall of a keep last night, I got pulled some how, then pinged back, pulled again, then another pull took me off the wall and I landed in a blob of 40...I doubt they would ever add it, but immob needs to be cleared by dodge/stab/considered a CC and CC should have diminish returns. 1 CC hits, next is 50% less duration, next 75% and then immune for 10 seconds. Just a random mash of numbers but you maybe get my points.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:dont wanna be that guy but if druid is going to be made viable its gonna be super kitten toxic.Heal supports are the worst kind of supports to play agains that game can throw at you.IF anything druid should heal even less and have ALOT more utility smacked into the kit, maybe even some good damage on LONG cooldows that allows to follow up on CC that someone else provides for teamplay.

..yeah and that CC should come after the teammates managed to build a 10k pieces of puzzle in 10m, win the New York Marathon, going to the Moon and come back and that LONG cooldown should be something like 48hrs at min

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@Revolution.5409 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:I never imagined finding a nerfs post on Druid after 3 years that has been completely deleted from Meta with each of its builds.

Past is irrelevant
in this context
. If something is too strong, it needs nerfs. Likewise if something is too weak it needs buffs.Fixed it for you.
Past is always irrelevant when it comes to buff/nerf
No matter how trash a skill/trait/spec/class was, if it's overperforming/not fun to play against it
to be nerfed. Period.The opposite is also true. For instance, It's not because mirage has been S tier for 2-3 years that it now deserves to be F-tier.

If it's not fun to play against it, it doesn't make it worthy of nerf.

Chrono waves at you.

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But druid heals are gimmicky and not that great at the moment and each class has diff way to support druids got heals and spirits and good cleanses eles with some decent heals.

What is druid supposed to do in this world where you have firebrand dominating heals and buffs? isn't it kinda selfish to relegate it to nonexistence?

Also for that matter what is chronomancer support supposed to do in SPVP? curious would love to see all sorts of support classes competing.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:I never imagined finding a nerfs post on Druid after 3 years that has been completely deleted from Meta with each of its builds.

Past is irrelevant
in this context
. If something is too strong, it needs nerfs. Likewise if something is too weak it needs buffs.Fixed it for you.
Past is always irrelevant when it comes to buff/nerf
No matter how trash a skill/trait/spec/class was, if it's overperforming/not fun to play against it
to be nerfed. Period.The opposite is also true. For instance, It's not because mirage has been S tier for 2-3 years that it now deserves to be F-tier.

If it's not fun to play against it, it doesn't make it worthy of nerf.

Chrono waves at you.

Chrono was really OP (even the old Druid) and this has nothing to do with requesting nerfs for something because you don't find it fun to play against it.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:pulsing immob has got to be one of the worst design elements in this game, primarily cuz its rare to cleanse the immob. with cc it doesn't matter how much there is; you pop one stun break and dodge out, but you can't with pulsing immob. you can kill the roots, but against a well timed spike its not guaranteed.

I agree with you:

@Tayga.3192 said:25 february patch, immob giving thing's hp is still same while damage is less.

I think all we need to do is reducing root duration + lowering its HP by 33%.

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