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Do you still use your raptor?

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The raptor is better than the jackal for short distance travel. You can go forward faster, go further distances with the energy, evading the entire way, and jump over small fences while doing all that. Not to mention the AoE pull. I use the jackal for sand portals. It's the sand portal mount.

The roller beetle is great for long distances, but when you're close to your objective you might as well just use the raptor and land where you want to be. You could also use the skyscale as a substitute, but the raptor does move faster and can even do a half powered leap forward if you need a little bit more distance to go.

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I turned down my effects and everything that is possible regarding other players. So that I can have GW2 at the highest settings without getting killed by players who like to walk around like a disco ball. Furthermore I don't pay attention to others in 99% of the cases anyway and if I do, I usually forget it in 10sec because I have enough to do ^^''.If you have problems in a game, if others could criticize your CHARACTER ... you should maybe consider to get some help. Because I don't want to know how insecure you must feel in RL ^^.

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  • 5 months later...

I now have all mounts unlocked. Still need to train the mastery for Skyscale to fully be able to use it. (Wall Launch and for the rifts.) So far I haven't noticed any superior ability that makes me wanne use the Skyscale all the time.

Must be because I unlocked stuff in release order. And played a lot to get gold on the Griffon/Beetle adventures.

Least useful seems the Jackal - only needed when accessing sand portals. (And the Warclaw of course - only needed in WvW.)Skimmer is nice on open water where over a long distance even the Skyscale loses altitude.

Raptor I keep as the mount I have selected in the button/UI most of the time. For the others (situational) I use keybindings. Only if I need one of the other ones a lot I change the button in the UI to easier be able to access it. (Other stuff I have on keys harder to reach on the keyboard.)

Springer is to gain altitude on rocks where I can "climb" (repeated jumps) ... I still find it annoying that the Skyscale automatically clings to the walls and have trouble to use it smoothly there. Beetle on open flat terrain on ground. Great for speed.

And the Griffon if you start on high altitude and have a long open distance without obstacles. I guess the Skyscale mainly will be used when starting at high altitude and having to move carefully (obstactles) ... or when moving on the ground with situations where you have to move upwards (jump needed and moving forward/around not enough) a bit and it is easier than switching to the springer. And no annoying walls where it might automatically cling to.

So yeah ... Raptor is still nice when moving normally (not as fast as beetle, with obstacles on ground) and also when exploring new stuff.

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No one judges you on your mount choice. Some people like to run around on warclaws in open world, some like to bounce past on springers. /shrug

If it's your base mount skins you find embarrassing, again no one cares. I assume when someone uses them, they like the basic model or it goes with their character's aesthetic. Some beautiful dye jobs on those too. The base raptor skin is quite handsome, and honestly one of the better looking mounts in MMOs.

If you need to feel flashy or have a shiny, then save up some gems and convert some gold and buy a skin.

There is no such thing as a noob mount. They all do the same thing, regardless of cosmetics. Some people wear very "noob" armor too to give a certain look. Own it, beproud of your speedy little raptor buddy.

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on flat lands like Bjora skycale is slow, raptor is better.

big+flat like kourna the roller bettle is king.

some water map like sandsweept isles, the water one(i forget the name) is better.

the key for mounts versatility is map versatility.

as long new maps doesnt become repetitive within each other, no mount will become obsolete. so if every expansion had a "flat map", a "water map", a "mountain map" every mount will have his place.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@"LucianDK.8615" said:Seeing absolutely no need for raptor anymore. The jackal outclasses it. Can take no fall damage, gets the warp move back much faster.

Personal preference and all, but fall damage is irrelevant with Bond of Faith, the raptor's engage is generally more useful than the jackal's, and raptor tends to be a little bit quicker covering ground, especially over shorter distances where you would typically choose the raptor/jackal over the beetle.

With Jackal you can turn camera (if you play with Action Camera) in the direction you want to "blink", with Raptor you will need to turn its nose in the right direction before you make a leap, so there is a short delay for movement to get into right position. As for Bond of Faith it is still limited as it have a cooldown and other options are always good to have when it is needed including Gliding. You can still fall down in some places, if you get too close to walls or happens to get to older map where things don't work the same way as the newer one.

Both mount (Jackal and Raptor) are useful and should not be one is better then the other as in DRM CM more HP (Barrier) can help a group as well as CC from Raptor. In the end it is what every player have become used to use most that also will be the mount that is most useful as controlling Betle is still a pain for me to control me as I have use Jackal much more to get around before I got access to Griffon and Skyscale (which where also close to Betle).

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Voted 'no' because I use it so rarely anymore.After getting jackal I started using it less. Same with springer/griffon after getting skyscale. Nowdays I mainly use skyscale, skimmer when needed and beetle for racing.Might use the raptor more if the turning radius while running was better. Also imo the jackal attack heal/barrier is more useful than raptor attack pull move.

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@Jukhy.2431 said:Voted 'no' because I use it so rarely anymore.

I don't use it at all these days. Skyscale most of the time, followed by Rollerbeetle. Jackal on occasion, and Skimmer in the water. Griffon rarely, and, of course, the Warclaw in WvW. Springer only when I need immediate CC, in DRMs or during Guild Bounties for instance. Raptor is completely off my list as many enemies are immune to pulls and it doesn't offer anything else I might need.

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