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WvW deserves our own Champion Gizmos


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We are like the poor cousins of PvP and PvE.

PvE got cool infusions and PvP got shiny gizmos.

We got nothing cool and unique to WvW!

PvP monthly automated tournaments rewards the champions with special gizmos that are so cool and awesome.

WvW deserves our own Champion Gizmos too.I suggest that we have Gizmos for those who reach significant milestones.Like max 10000 rank.Or 250000 kills.Or some other significant milestone.Etc.


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I'd settle for new reward tracks that do the following:1) Help you gain WvW Ranks more quickly.2) Give more Skirmish Tickets3) Give a special currency for Gizmos.

Make Gizmos available for purchase from the vendor for claim tickets plus this new currency, have a rank requirement, have them be available in tiers.

This way you'd have three new tracks to shore up where you may be lacking in attaining such Gizmos, or if you have other goals help you achieve them more quickly.

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@"Trump.6983" said:Getting rank 10k should give you something, other than 1+ pip.

"If yOu Are 10k You pLaYeD EOtMww2"

who cares getting rank 10k is the biggest time investment ingame and you should be able to show it off

Having been 10k for over 2 years (Feb 2018), I think the extra pips are really nice. It's +18 when Outnumbered which is a pretty massive buff.

I'm pretty well neutral on this subject. I like cosmetic and pointless stuff but I don't care if we don't have it either. I don't think reaching high ranks should award people with anything other than what it already does or it will incentivize grinding.

Titles for each rank tier is the only thing I'd really like to see. There are titles added with every Living World chapter, I don't see why something so simple couldn't be added to WvW.

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well, it would be nice, if wvw gear would not look like rubbish and the legendary backpack being incredible ugly. Give us some NICE things for once. Doesn't have to be ultra shiny, flashy and with lots of effects. Just not ugly and comically oversized would be a great start. As it stands all wvw gear is an eye sore.

Oh and make rank visible in pve. Like the pvp badges. Let people see that you are silver, gold, mithril - because that makes people curious about wvw.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:legendary backpack being incredible ugly.


I mean, aesthetics are subjective....but...wow.

I personally think the Hero Weapons are some of the nicer weapon skins in the game (GS and Sword are two of my favorite), and Mistforged Hero's Armor is pretty darn nice.

Ironically when I equip those weapons, I get lots of whispers asking about where they are from, so the gear you think is ugly seems to provide quite a few opportunities to introduce people to WvW.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:legendary backpack being incredible ugly.


I mean, aesthetics are subjective....but...wow.

I personally think the Hero Weapons are some of the nicer weapon skins in the game (GS and Sword are two of my favorite), and Mistforged Hero's Armor is pretty darn nice.

Ironically when I equip those weapons, I get lots of whispers asking about where they are from, so the gear you think is ugly seems to provide quite a few opportunities to introduce people to WvW.

The Hero mace in particular is one of my favorite mace skins. Ditto for Hammer.

Once I made my WvW legendary armor I got tons of whispers in FotM on what skin it was.

I have it dyed with Pyre, Abyss, and Permafrost at the moment. Abyss is the base, Pyre on the overlaying metalwork/skulls, and Permafrost on the bands below the pauldrons. Dyed my Starclaw the same way.

Not saying that each skin is lovely mind you, but there are nice ones. I agree that the backpack is hideous.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I agree that the backpack is hideous.


think it is awesome, though I recognize that it dominates the asthetic because it's..well, huge..by my Rev is wearing it, and is my favourite fashion wars of all my toons.

That is fine. I just never really like the massive back pieces. The quivers are the best in my opinion, but I got Ad Infinitum so I might as well wear it.

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Gizmos are like my favorite things in the game. As much as I want one, they are something I will never get, period. I am simply not good enough to ever reach that level, and I am okay with that. I like that they are exclusive and I think they should remain as such. If they were to do some sort of big GvG tourney I would agree with them being rewards, but otherwise I don't think just playing the game mode for a long time should warrant one.

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