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What's the point?

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

i agree i hate the event but i just dont go there problem solved :D

Yeah, but a lot of achievement points are available, so I wanted to at least give it a chance. But, it makes no sense to me. None of our usual skills or playing skill has any effect (except dodging, maybe). It may have been a good idea for April Fools Day, but as a festival, it is a waste of time.

If so it's a popular waste of time that significant amounts of the community love. It's meant to be a game created by an Asuran named Moto to teach Asuran progeny how to adventure. So to me it makes perfect sense.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

i agree i hate the event but i just dont go there problem solved :D

Yeah, but a lot of achievement points are available, so I wanted to at least give it a chance. But, it makes no sense to me. None of our usual skills or playing skill has any effect (except dodging, maybe). It may have been a good idea for April Fools Day, but as a festival, it is a waste of time.

This is a question you ask now? SAB has been giving out achievements since 2013 and arrived sort of as a festival for the last 4 years. Only this year they made it more officially its own festival by merely moving it back. Nothing really changed.

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The object of SAB is to jump faster and better than your friends, smiling coldly as they plunge into the depths of the improper water in world 1, zone 2. You may also choose to smile coldly as they plunge into the improper water in world 1, zone 3 or trick them into angering the rabbits in world 1, zone 1 - while you smile coldly.

You aren't actually supposed to play world 2, but it fools people every year.

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For the 50 AP yearly achievement, it can be done via W1 in infantile mode, W2 in infantile mode, W1 in normal mode (still not that hard) and then doing the adventure in the lobby.At least, that is my plan for the year - I've reached the 100 AP for doing coursework 8 times (10 AP I think) and repeating that 10 times, so no more there.I really don't have any interest in chasing the glitches they added this year. So I'll finish up the yearly achievement in the next few days and then I don't need to touch SAB for another year.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Sorudo: Oh, I wasn't wondering that. It's why I complain.

Reddie: Yeah, I gave up. But, that's just more AP that aren't available to me, and many resources wasted by ANet.

Just like raids are wasted resources for 90% of the GW2 players because they will never get those AP. Or even Fractals. I don't think close to 50% of the playerbase even cares about those.

Live and let live. They can make thousands of people happy by keeping this festival on life support and developing some content like the new weapons and now glitches, on top of the first kind of promise we ever got that the previously teased worlds 3 and 4 might be in development. The festival developers are knocking it out of the park honestly and none of their efforts are wasted.

a brutal but accurate response has never been posted!

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I don't like the 8-bit graphics, but won't condemn those who play the games.I do, however, have a problem with people who complain about the general quality of graphics in the game overall and then praise the "blocky" nature of SAB. To me it seems like hypocrisy, but I could be wrong.It's the same reason I won't play WoW, I really don't like the over-animated look of the characters, weapons, and armor.

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Moto made a vr system to help progeny learn how to explore, platform and puzzle solve. That is the lore, and Moto doesn't care if a bookah is too simple minded to figure out how to do the box.Design wise, it is a homage to 80s and 90s early 8bit and 16bit videogames. You can see many influences from legend of zelda, mario, and even final fantasy 6. Zelda 1 is probably the main influence because the minigame is mainly based on exploration and secrets. Basically imagine PoF made of only jumping puzzles.Tribulation mode is a take on the Kazio style on those games.For many of the playerbase, they do not like type of game play, but they is a cult following for this type of content. I personally like the yearly change of pace.

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@Wildon.7618 said:To answer your original question, it's point is to be fun. Same as the rest of the game. SAB is one of the things that sets GW2 apart from other generic MMO's and helps it stand out from the crowd.

@Daddicus.6128 said:I guess I just wish they would add enough achievement points so it would be possible to get a full set of radiant armor playing the heart of the game.

And what makes SAB any more or less the heart of the game than any other content? Festivals are part of the game, and many players enjoy them. Nothing wrong if you dislike SAB, but it is an amazing part of GW2 that is part of the charm that keeps me and many other players interested in the game.

If all you want is achievement points, the wiki shows that at best you can have about 670 achievement points from SAB so far. You can earn 15k achievement points for dailies alone. There is no shortage of achievement points in the game. And if you really only want the achievements, you can earn many of them within an hour or so of gameplay. Just do the normal mode achievements for completing areas, finding hidden rooms/shops, etc. With a guide it would not take long at all to get those, the only challenging ones are tribulation mode.

Nobody is going to like every piece of content in the game, that doesn't make that content pointless.

I have nearly 29,000 AP. What I need is another 7,000, and there aren't enough available in PvE (which is where I play). And, that statement INCLUDES SAB (which I can't make head-nor-tails of, so I gave up). There are less than 5,000 available to me (i.e. in PvE), and the vast majority of them are beyond my skill level.

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@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin. shrugs. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

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@"Mil.3562" said:I have been playing this game since launch, that is 7+ years now. Never, I repeat, NEVER i played fractuals and raids. Now, did I ever ask " What's the point of having them? Waste of resources? " If I do, I will be asking the obvious. Obviously. Play what you like and enjoy, avoid those you think it's a waste of time.

And btw, what's the point of this topic? This, I have to ask.

I didn't say "waste of resources". I just said I don't understand it. I KNOW lots of people like it; I'm trying to understand WHY.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

What is the Super Adventure Box? Mad Asuran scientist creates virtual world - a game within a game. That's the short version.

You should play it if you enjoy silly throwbacks to 90s-era 3D platforming games. It even comes with three difficulty settings, with the hardest featuring all of the technical jumping, blind pitfalls, spike traps, and boiling lava you love to hate from back in the day! But there are also achievements, titles, and rewards, including a set of ridiculous weapon skins in several colors, backpacks, minis, boomboxes that play SAB music (including some hilarious metal versions from tribulation mode!), and more! You might even get lucky and score skins you can flip for a few hundred gold!

Thank you! This is the first response that actually answered my question. Thanks!

I tried for two days to try to get a daily, but I just couldn't make any headway. Most of the time I got stopped by the first boss. But, I managed to make it through one time, only to find out there was 90% of that part of the game (path1?) left to go before I could get even one daily achievement. That's when I gave up trying and tried asking here.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@"Mil.3562" said:I have been playing this game since launch, that is 7+ years now. Never, I repeat, NEVER i played fractuals and raids. Now, did I ever ask " What's the point of having them? Waste of resources? " If I do, I will be asking the obvious. Obviously. Play what you like and enjoy, avoid those you think it's a waste of time.

And btw, what's the point of this topic? This, I have to ask.

I didn't say "waste of resources". I just said I don't understand it. I KNOW lots of people like it; I'm trying to understand WHY.

The why is because it is a throwback to the yesteryear of gaming and those old enough to remember what it draws inspiration off of are able to combine that and GW2 into one nostalgic package.

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@Tazer.2157 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

The point..is ..to have fun.

Its a game...thats all their needs to be.It was made off the clock as a hobby addition and they kept it because players like it. What more do you need?

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:Call me dumb, but what the heck is the point of the Super Adventure Festival? Nothing makes sense in there.

The same reason we all play video games when there is no real world gain to it except when you play competitively for money. But if your point it that SAB has gotten stale and needs new modes/levels, I agree.

No, not stale. I've never figured it out.

What exactly don't you understand? The routes? how to jump? The hidden rooms?

There's nothing to understand when it comes to enjoyment..some like..some don't. You might not like it..and that is fine.. but if its mechanics..ask, I'm sure people will help

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@Daddicus.6128 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:I came back to gw2 for SAB. And spent almost all my gold on the new SAB raptor skin.
. They dont design the game just for what interests you.

I'm not asking for a change. I'm asking -- PLAYERS -- what the point is. It doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't use any of the skills I've learned in the main game (except maybe dodging). I just don't get it.

There are other parts in the game which use other different skills, why is SAB confusing you? What do you do when the game throws new or alternative skills at you?

Because in SAB walking around is still the same and hitting stuff is still the same. Everything else is extra.

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