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If you want to gain/keep PvP players, stop absolutely demolishing builds every patch

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@otto.5684 said:

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I shake my head at this community...

This update has been the best thing that has happened to pvp in years. Isn't this what we asked for? It's what we and many other have asked for, a nerf to all the NONSENSE that plagued this thing and has made it not fun to play. Sure it's not everything we'd all like, but it's a step in the right direction. It's infinitely more fun now to play than in the post-HoT era of one-shot and two-shot builds.

It's funny really...the same people who say "adapt" are the same people who don't mind if
builds get buffed! Funny how that works!

This recent patch is also a step in the right direction. As time goes on, I find myself saying...Anet is not going to kill pvp in this game,
the community is

No it is not the update we asked for. No one asked for hard reset on sPvP and completely changing damage and stats across the board. That is an Anet vanity project that no one kitten asked for.

This is entirely unrture. There were a lot post and complaints about the state of the game post patch.

This is unquestionably the worst thing happened to sPvP.

Wholeheartedly disagree on this one.

I can not accurately measure the community’s reception. However, from reading the sPvP forums, it is lukewarm at best.

You need to consider the types of people who come to the forum then the types that post. Even if this was the best game in the world the forum wouldn't reflect that and would still hold "Luke warm" status.

What was the point of doing a hard reset if you didn’t spend the time ironing things out? And more importantly, why?! Was not this time wasted on this vanity project would have better spent, in let’s say, monthly patches from where we were before the patch to add more diversity?

If you don't recognize, understand, and acknowledge the problems with the pre patch world then you won't understand why this patch happened and why just tweaking the previous numbers wouldn't have gone anywhere.

And I usually try not to single out anyone, but Anet needs to remove the CMC guy ASAP from doing anything related to sPvP balance.

I'm just going to call you out on this one and say you're flat out wrong. CMC has a better understanding of this game mode, it's balance , and what's required than most players on this forum. Not only that but he is a better player than most too. Everything that's happened after the big patch has been , by and large, very targeted decent updates within the realms of their areas of control around skills/traits. There have been very few things to disagree with when you consider things as a whole. You just get disgruntled people because their over performing class/build gets nerfed. Nobody wants to accept their class is over performing, they would rather believe they are good.

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Actually PvP all in all is not Balanced but that comes with the last biggest ubdate for PvP/WvW. Conditions are seem to be out of controle and some bunker Builds seem to be overtuned a bit. Most spam Builds are too (condi thief, symbrol brand etc) but all in all PvP is fine and we only need to wait so they could fix it more :)!

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@Xca.9721 said:Mirage has been overpowered pretty much since PoF release, it is good to see it not being Meta anymore. It was the most unfun spec to play against. But yes I do understand that removing a dodge is lazy balancing, just like increasing the energy cost for revenant skills.

That being said, some things should not exist in PvP because they are just cancer and make many players avoid the gamemode. Current Renegade, pre-nerf Mirage, Condi thief, Ranger with bird..

I thought I would never live to see the day when ppl start complaining about Renegade in pvp...

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:

@Xca.9721 said:Mirage has been overpowered pretty much since PoF release, it is good to see it not being Meta anymore. It was the most unfun spec to play against. But yes I do understand that removing a dodge is lazy balancing, just like increasing the energy cost for revenant skills.

That being said, some things should not exist in PvP because they are just cancer and make many players avoid the gamemode. Current Renegade, pre-nerf Mirage, Condi thief, Ranger with bird..

I thought I would never live to see the day when ppl start complaining about Renegade in pvp...

It is not about Renegade being good, it is about the effect spam they are able to unleash which gets even worse when you have multiple Renegades

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@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I shake my head at this community...

This update has been the best thing that has happened to pvp in years. Isn't this what we asked for? It's what we and many other have asked for, a nerf to all the NONSENSE that plagued this thing and has made it not fun to play. Sure it's not everything we'd all like, but it's a step in the right direction. It's infinitely more fun now to play than in the post-HoT era of one-shot and two-shot builds.

It's funny really...the same people who say "adapt" are the same people who don't mind if their builds get buffed! Funny how that works!

This recent patch is also a step in the right direction. As time goes on, I find myself saying...Anet is not going to kill pvp in this game, the community is.

everyone I know (including people who used to play pro League etc) has reinstalled the game and is loving the PvP. PoF made us all quit, and we are all back.

there are still some issues, like condi thief, ranger pet damage etc- but I'm sure those will get the whack a mole treatment in due time.

people always cry and moan on the forum, but honestly I this is some of the best PvP attention we have had since Grouch left. heck, CMC even comes on community podcasts. dude is in touch with the scene far more than any other dev anet has.

m stoked the game is playable right now, and not just a scourge on point mess like it was for years. still, can't say I don't want team queue back in ranked, bots and gold farmers still suck ass.

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I shake my head at this community...

This update has been the best thing that has happened to pvp in years. Isn't this what we asked for? It's what we and many other have asked for, a nerf to all the NONSENSE that plagued this thing and has made it not fun to play. Sure it's not everything we'd all like, but it's a step in the right direction. It's infinitely more fun now to play than in the post-HoT era of one-shot and two-shot builds.

It's funny really...the same people who say "adapt" are the same people who don't mind if
builds get buffed! Funny how that works!

This recent patch is also a step in the right direction. As time goes on, I find myself saying...Anet is not going to kill pvp in this game,
the community is

everyone I know (including people who used to play pro League etc) has reinstalled the game and is loving the PvP. PoF made us all quit, and we are all back.

there are still some issues, like condi thief, ranger pet damage etc- but I'm sure those will get the whack a mole treatment in due time.

people always cry and moan on the forum, but honestly I this is some of the best PvP attention we have had since Grouch left. heck, CMC even comes on community podcasts. dude is in touch with the scene far more than any other dev anet has.

m stoked the game is playable right now, and not just a scourge on point mess like it was for years. still, can't say I don't want team queue back in ranked, bots and gold farmers still suck kitten.

Soo...you like burn guard/Condi Necro/Condi or Power Rev stacks??? Because that's what it had been both in and out of ranked unless you play something like scrapper to counteract all the condi be flung around.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I shake my head at this community...

This update has been the best thing that has happened to pvp in years. Isn't this what we asked for? It's what we and many other have asked for, a nerf to all the NONSENSE that plagued this thing and has made it not fun to play. Sure it's not everything we'd all like, but it's a step in the right direction. It's infinitely more fun now to play than in the post-HoT era of one-shot and two-shot builds.

It's funny really...the same people who say "adapt" are the same people who don't mind if
builds get buffed! Funny how that works!

This recent patch is also a step in the right direction. As time goes on, I find myself saying...Anet is not going to kill pvp in this game,
the community is

everyone I know (including people who used to play pro League etc) has reinstalled the game and is loving the PvP. PoF made us all quit, and we are all back.

there are still some issues, like condi thief, ranger pet damage etc- but I'm sure those will get the whack a mole treatment in due time.

people always cry and moan on the forum, but honestly I this is some of the best PvP attention we have had since Grouch left. heck, CMC even comes on community podcasts. dude is in touch with the scene far more than any other dev anet has.

m stoked the game is playable right now, and not just a scourge on point mess like it was for years. still, can't say I don't want team queue back in ranked, bots and gold farmers still suck kitten.

Soo...you like burn guard/Condi Necro/Condi or Power Rev stacks??? Because that's what it had been both in and out of ranked unless you play something like scrapper to counteract all the condi be flung around.

creepy how you knew what m playing


but honestly dude. only rev and condi thief are annoying in the current meta. burn guardian is a meme and a non issue. it's been around in gw2 forever, and any long time player should know how to beat it easily. necro is strong, but you can deal with it, it's not even run in all MAT teams in EU tbh.

so yeah, condi Thief needs to go, but otherwise meta is pretty fun. much better than crono bunker or scourge spam. game is fun, basically anything but warrior is a good pick if you have a solid build. so much better than firebrand and scourge AoE on point all day, and 7k bulls charge.

meta is always going to have annoying things, but this one isn't so bad as they go. once condi thief is gone it will be even better.

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@Xca.9721 said:

@Xca.9721 said:Mirage has been overpowered pretty much since PoF release, it is good to see it not being Meta anymore. It was the most unfun spec to play against. But yes I do understand that removing a dodge is lazy balancing, just like increasing the energy cost for revenant skills.

That being said, some things should not exist in PvP because they are just cancer and make many players avoid the gamemode. Current Renegade, pre-nerf Mirage, Condi thief, Ranger with bird..

I thought I would never live to see the day when ppl start complaining about Renegade in pvp...

It is not about Renegade being good, it is about the effect spam they are able to unleash which gets even worse when you have multiple Renegades

Would not a better solution be to tone down their visuals in PvP? I still maintain that:

  1. Darkrazer, Soulcleave, and Razorclaw should be different colors so that they're more distinguishable
  2. Spirit AoE effects should be toned down for enemies as a default.
  3. Both sides should have toned down visuals if Effects LoD is toggled.

It makes more sense to fix the root cause of what makes them frustrating than to delete the class from PvP all together. When you get past the visuals, renegade is a class with plenty of weaknesses to exploit.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Drennon.7190 said:Think of all the fun buildsCore cele d/d eleSoulbeast is over nerfedMesmer is now a memeCele D/D in core was not fun to play as or play against. It was the most formulaic kitten imaginable and made pre-nerf Core Signet Nec in this patch look like a skillful build.

Every iteration of Soulbeast from Sic 'Em snipers to the ridiculous bs that was the abomination of Boonbeast were truly awful. Boonbeast might very well hold the spot as the least balanced build the game has ever had.

There has been a single set of Mesmer builds that were not completely unfun to play against since the game launched, and that's the various shatter burst builds. But since core there were the apex cancer PU clone death builds, then the esports killing chronobunker, condi mirage pre-nerf and then the return of chronobunker.

I'll give you Warrior tho. The only times it's ever been out of line has been the condizerker skullcrack build we had a for a brief time in HoT and Rampage being too strong for a long time.

The solution to all of these has been nerfs. And it is the right choice. Because buffing things to try and bring other builds up to the level of the mentioned builds at a large scale is just downright stupid.

"Unfun" to fight against does not mean broken or overpowered. Anet needs to take off the baby gloves and force players to actually adapt.

Some builds deserves to not exist in PvP because of their sheer design. Symbol-based guardian specs, scourge, renegade, perma stealth thieves and various immortal bunkers to name a few.

Those builds for how annoying they are...they have weaknesses and while they may need some changes...they don't deserve to be deleted. Playstyles should be adapted not deleted, that's no way to balance a game! I mean do you want a single build for each class?

Nerf where is necessary but don't destroy!

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I shake my head at this community...

This update has been the best thing that has happened to pvp in years. Isn't this what we asked for? It's what we and many other have asked for, a nerf to all the NONSENSE that plagued this thing and has made it not fun to play. Sure it's not everything we'd all like, but it's a step in the right direction. It's infinitely more fun now to play than in the post-HoT era of one-shot and two-shot builds.

It's funny really...the same people who say "adapt" are the same people who don't mind if
builds get buffed! Funny how that works!

This recent patch is also a step in the right direction. As time goes on, I find myself saying...Anet is not going to kill pvp in this game,
the community is

No it is not the update we asked for. No one asked for hard reset on sPvP and completely changing damage and stats across the board. That is an Anet vanity project that no one kitten asked for.

This is entirely unrture. There were a lot post and complaints about the state of the game post patch.

This is unquestionably the worst thing happened to sPvP.

Wholeheartedly disagree on this one.

I can not accurately measure the community’s reception. However, from reading the sPvP forums, it is lukewarm at best.

You need to consider the types of people who come to the forum then the types that post. Even if this was the best game in the world the forum wouldn't reflect that and would still hold "Luke warm" status.

What was the point of doing a hard reset if you didn’t spend the time ironing things out? And more importantly, why?! Was not this time wasted on this vanity project would have better spent, in let’s say, monthly patches from where we were before the patch to add more diversity?

If you don't recognize, understand, and acknowledge the problems with the pre patch world then you won't understand why this patch happened and why just tweaking the previous numbers wouldn't have gone anywhere.

And I usually try not to single out anyone, but Anet needs to remove the CMC guy ASAP from doing anything related to sPvP balance.

I'm just going to call you out on this one and say you're flat out wrong. CMC has a better understanding of this game mode, it's balance , and what's required than most players on this forum. Not only that but he is a better player than most too. Everything that's happened after the big patch has been , by and large, very targeted decent updates within the realms of their areas of control around skills/traits. There have been very few things to disagree with when you consider things as a whole. You just get disgruntled people because their over performing class/build gets nerfed. Nobody wants to accept their class is over performing, they would rather believe they are good.

There were issues before the patch for sure. However, recreating the wheel was nothing anyone asked for, and is complete waste of time. In addition, it solved little and added dozens of other issues. And the result is bunker/CC meta. If you like it, good for you. I do not. Again, I cannot accurately measure everyone's reception of the patch. But there are tons of complaints. More than usual. And it is not necessarily a question of CMC understanding (I question that too, but that is a discussion for another thread), whoever made the decision of recreating the wheel should not be anywhere near balance decisions.

SPvP is dead till next expansion. It cannot be redeemed in its current state, no matter how many balance adjustment Anet does. The damage output, CC, boons, sustainability all need a hard reset now and most importantly, diversity. It was not great before the patch, but it is so much worse now.

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@Drennon.7190 said:Imagine you try GW2 PvP for the first time. You spend a few days finding a profession/build you like. Finally you find “the one” and you’re happy. You’re constantly on your toes trying to learn the game mode as well as your new found build.

Suddenly the PvP forum starts crying for nerfs and like clockwork the devs step in a decimate the build you were getting the hang out. Amulets deleted, cool downs on weapon abilities increased, trait cool downs increased to 5 minutes.

Well this sucks and feels terrible now. Let me learn something new. A month later, the hive mind on the forum has decided this build is also OP. Once again, the devs save the day by not slightly nerfing, but destroying another build.

It’s ridiculous to think that anyone wants to keep going through this cycle. I cannot even understand the patience Mesmers have to still log in..@Drennon.7190 said:You people cry “broken” every time a build comes around that requires you to think or adapt your play style.

I'm confused. In your original post it sounds like you're arguing against having to adapt to changes, because it's tiresome.

In a subsequent post, you're complaining about people who don't want to adapt.

Which is it?

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@bethekey.8314 said:

@Drennon.7190 said:Imagine you try GW2 PvP for the first time. You spend a few days finding a profession/build you like. Finally you find “the one” and you’re happy. You’re constantly on your toes trying to learn the game mode as well as your new found build.

Suddenly the PvP forum starts crying for nerfs and like clockwork the devs step in a decimate the build you were getting the hang out. Amulets deleted, cool downs on weapon abilities increased, trait cool downs increased to
5 minutes

Well this sucks and feels terrible now. Let me learn something new. A month later, the hive mind on the forum has decided this build is also OP. Once again, the devs save the day by not slightly nerfing, but destroying another build.

It’s ridiculous to think that anyone wants to keep going through this cycle.
I cannot even understand the patience Mesmers have to still log in..@Drennon.7190 said:You people cry “broken” every time a build comes around
that requires you to think or adapt your play style.

I'm confused. In your original post it sounds like you're arguing against having to adapt to changes, because it's tiresome.

In a subsequent post, you're complaining about people who don't want to adapt.

Which is it?

They’re one in the same. Stop constantly changing classes based on this forum. Let the meta actually settle for a few months.

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@otto.5684 said:

@"JTGuevara.9018" said:I shake my head at this community...

This update has been the best thing that has happened to pvp in years. Isn't this what we asked for? It's what we and many other have asked for, a nerf to all the NONSENSE that plagued this thing and has made it not fun to play. Sure it's not everything we'd all like, but it's a step in the right direction. It's infinitely more fun now to play than in the post-HoT era of one-shot and two-shot builds.

It's funny really...the same people who say "adapt" are the same people who don't mind if
builds get buffed! Funny how that works!

This recent patch is also a step in the right direction. As time goes on, I find myself saying...Anet is not going to kill pvp in this game,
the community is

No it is not the update we asked for. No one asked for hard reset on sPvP and completely changing damage and stats across the board. That is an Anet vanity project that no one kitten asked for. And it is terrible from both design goals and implementation. And also half-baked, from “to update later” traits to removing amulets. This is unquestionably the worst thing happened to sPvP.

I can not accurately measure the community’s reception. However, from reading the sPvP forums, it is lukewarm at best. What was the point of doing a hard reset if you didn’t spend the time ironing things out? And more importantly, why?! Was not this time wasted on this vanity project would have better spent, in let’s say, monthly patches from where we were before the patch to add more diversity?

This game is old. It did not have new sPvP content since PoF (beside one map). The goal of any patch has to be adding more builds. Removing diversity and reducing builds in the name of balance (which not only has not been achieved, but also seriously kitten up now) does not work. SPvP in this game is over, until the next expansion. And I usually try not to single out anyone, but Anet needs to remove the CMC guy ASAP from doing anything related to sPvP balance.

One last note, this is entertainment. I play GW2 to be entertaining. The devs job is to create entertaining content. If I am not entertained, as a player or community, it is not cuz I am not entertaining myself, it is cuz the devs failed to do so. “Community killing the game” is bull kitten. It is not the “community” who are responsible for decrease in sPvP or game participation. Devs are. They are solely and absolutely responsible for reduction in player count and thus probably revenues.


deserves a 30 minute applause

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@Drennon.7190 said:You people cry “broken” every time a build comes around
that requires you to think or adapt your play style.

I'm confused. In your original post it sounds like you're arguing against having to adapt to changes, because it's tiresome.

In a subsequent post, you're complaining about people who don't want to adapt.

Which is it?

They’re one in the same. Stop constantly changing classes based on this forum. Let the meta actually settle for a few months.

Opposites aren't the same, by definition. Perhaps you could expand on that for me?

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@"otto.5684" said:No it is not the update we asked for. No one asked for hard reset on sPvP and completely changing damage and stats across the board. That is an Anet vanity project that no one kitten asked for. And it is terrible from both design goals and implementation. And also half-baked, from “to update later” traits to removing amulets. This is unquestionably the worst thing happened to sPvP.

I can not accurately measure the community’s reception. However, from reading the sPvP forums, it is lukewarm at best. What was the point of doing a hard reset if you didn’t spend the time ironing things out? And more importantly, why?! Was not this time wasted on this vanity project would have better spent, in let’s say, monthly patches from where we were before the patch to add more diversity?

This game is old. It did not have new sPvP content since PoF (beside one map). The goal of any patch has to be adding more builds. Removing diversity and reducing builds in the name of balance (which not only has not been achieved, but also seriously kitten up now) does not work. SPvP in this game is over, until the next expansion. And I usually try not to single out anyone, but Anet needs to remove the CMC guy ASAP from doing anything related to sPvP balance.

One last note, this is entertainment. I play GW2 to be entertaining. The devs job is to create entertaining content. If I am not entertained, as a player or community, it is not cuz I am not entertaining myself, it is cuz the devs failed to do so. “Community killing the game” is bull kitten. It is not the “community” who are responsible for decrease in sPvP or game participation. Devs are. They are solely and absolutely responsible for reduction in player count and thus probably revenues.

Why do you think PVP has lasted to this point? I and many others agree that the combat system is one of, if not the best in an mmorpg. That's it.

New content is a cheap thrill. It adds additional variables that throw off balance. I agree that new content is important to keep up interest, but not at the expense of the core of this game. I think CMC understands that and is doing a great job. Your "feed me new content" attitude comes off as entitled and damaging to the game.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Drennon.7190 said:Think of all the fun buildsCore cele d/d eleSoulbeast is over nerfedMesmer is now a memeCele D/D in core was not fun to play as or play against. It was the most formulaic kitten imaginable and made pre-nerf Core Signet Nec in this patch look like a skillful build.

Every iteration of Soulbeast from Sic 'Em snipers to the ridiculous bs that was the abomination of Boonbeast were truly awful. Boonbeast might very well hold the spot as the least balanced build the game has ever had.

There has been a single set of Mesmer builds that were not completely unfun to play against since the game launched, and that's the various shatter burst builds. But since core there were the apex cancer PU clone death builds, then the esports killing chronobunker, condi mirage pre-nerf and then the return of chronobunker.

I'll give you Warrior tho. The only times it's ever been out of line has been the condizerker skullcrack build we had a for a brief time in HoT and Rampage being too strong for a long time.

The solution to all of these has been nerfs. And it is the right choice. Because buffing things to try and bring other builds up to the level of the mentioned builds at a large scale is just downright stupid.

"Unfun" to fight against does not mean broken or overpowered. Anet needs to take off the baby gloves and force players to actually adapt.

Some builds deserves to not exist in PvP because of their sheer design. Symbol-based guardian specs, scourge, renegade, perma stealth thieves and various immortal bunkers to name a few.

Those builds for how annoying they are...they have weaknesses and while they may need some changes...they don't deserve to be deleted. Playstyles should be adapted not deleted, that's no way to balance a game! I mean do you want a single build for each class?

Nerf where is necessary but don't destroy!

Eh. Some builds should be "destroyed". Whenever the design itself isnt workable, eliminating it is the only option. Of those, that only applies to the permastealth oneshot thieves that run around in WvW. Yknow the ones, they find squishies and onehit them with Malicious Backstab.

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Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classes through a combination of their vision/theme of the class, their own experiences playing them and against them as well as from monitoring high level mat's. They should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums any further than helping them consider somthing that may need looked at by THEM. These forums and there nerf/buffs threads are like 99% nothing more than this classes challenges me or requires me to think when I fight it so its OP and needs nerfed/deleted, my class is always the most balanced class in the roster, my class needs buffed and urs doesn't cuz it's fine and ur just bad at it etc etc.Unfortunately anet lets these forums steer the balance and it's no wonder the games suffering a lower and lower population by the month as it gets steered by the forum warriors into the dirt.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classes through a combination of their vision/theme of the class, their own experiences playing them and against them as well as from monitoring high level mat's. They should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums any further than helping them consider somthing that may need looked at by THEM. These forums and there nerf/buffs threads are like 99% nothing more than this classes challenges me or requires me to think when I fight it so its OP and needs nerfed/deleted, my class is always the most balanced class in the roster, my class needs buffed and urs doesn't cuz it's fine and ur just bad at it etc etc.Unfortunately anet lets these forums steer the balance and it's no wonder the games suffering a lower and lower population by the month as it gets steered by the forum warriors into the dirt.

Thank you for articulating this better than I was able to.

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@Drennon.7190 said:The entire thread you’re posting in. The fact that devs are continuously destroying builds based on cry posts and not results. Apparently that’s how you want it to stay based on you defending it.

I'm not for or against anything yet :) I'm just a confused reader wondering why you contradict yourself in your own thread.

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@JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:the game feels like codex arena from gw1 sometimes. if you're not familiar, its a mode where they choose a bunch of random skills you can use and it resets every so often.

it was the least played mode.

I don't think people will understand just how bad codex arena was. This kitten was so bad dude.

I mean it took away player agency by just GIVING you a bunch of random abilities that you had no choice but to use. It was such an awful gamemode.

That was another case of listening to the wrong people. Codex arenas was an idea suggested in gwguru having inspiration in MtG closed deck.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classes through a combination of their vision/theme of the class, their own experiences playing them and against them as well as from monitoring high level mat's. They should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums any further than helping them consider somthing that may need looked at by THEM. These forums and there nerf/buffs threads are like 99% nothing more than this classes challenges me or requires me to think when I fight it so its OP and needs nerfed/deleted, my class is always the most balanced class in the roster, my class needs buffed and urs doesn't cuz it's fine and ur just bad at it etc etc.Unfortunately anet lets these forums steer the balance and it's no wonder the games suffering a lower and lower population by the month as it gets steered by the forum warriors into the dirt.

This thread rn, really bringing out the best of the best :joy:

Are you telling Anet to not listen to forum posts about balance, while simultaneously telling Anet how to balance in a forum post?

Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classesThey should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums

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@bethekey.8314 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classes through a combination of their vision/theme of the class, their own experiences playing them and against them as well as from monitoring high level mat's. They should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums any further than helping them consider somthing that may need looked at by THEM. These forums and there nerf/buffs threads are like 99% nothing more than this classes challenges me or requires me to think when I fight it so its OP and needs nerfed/deleted, my class is always the most balanced class in the roster, my class needs buffed and urs doesn't cuz it's fine and ur just bad at it etc etc.Unfortunately anet lets these forums steer the balance and it's no wonder the games suffering a lower and lower population by the month as it gets steered by the forum warriors into the dirt.

This thread rn, really bringing out the best of the best :joy:

Are you telling Anet to not listen to forum posts about balance, while simultaneously telling Anet how to balance in a forum post?

Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classesThey should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums

Yes! I am telling them that I nor anyone on these forums in reality have the slightest idea about balancing a large mmo and all that comes with it as they not us are the professionals not us and why they get paid to do so. These forums are almost 100% biased opinions and shouldn't be considered more than that, at best may warrant a class be under their radar but nothing more.Takes 5 minutes of post hopping to figure out it's all bias opinions.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classes through a combination of their vision/theme of the class, their own experiences playing them and against them as well as from monitoring high level mat's. They should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums any further than helping them consider somthing that may need looked at by THEM. These forums and there nerf/buffs threads are like 99% nothing more than this classes challenges me or requires me to think when I fight it so its OP and needs nerfed/deleted, my class is always the most balanced class in the roster, my class needs buffed and urs doesn't cuz it's fine and ur just bad at it etc etc.Unfortunately anet lets these forums steer the balance and it's no wonder the games suffering a lower and lower population by the month as it gets steered by the forum warriors into the dirt.

This thread rn, really bringing out the best of the best :joy:

Are you telling Anet to not listen to forum posts about balance, while simultaneously telling Anet how to balance in a forum post?

Anet should hire a team that's confident enough to balance the classesThey should in no way considering any balance advice from these forums

Yes! I am telling them that I nor anyone on these forums in reality have the slightest idea about balancing a large mmo and all that comes with it as they not us are the professionals not us and why they get paid to do so. These forums are almost 100% biased opinions and shouldn't be considered more than that, at best may warrant a class be under their radar but nothing more.Takes 5 minutes of post hopping to figure out it's all bias opinions.

You’re wasting your time on that pseudo intellectual. He’s arguing just to argue.

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