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Expansion success hinges on this

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In my opinion, the success of the 3rd upcoming gw2 expac depends on this; replayable end game content.

I'll define success; beyond just large opening sales, then a steady snowballing decline of players as the hype dies down and people leave.

I'll define replayable END GAME content (gw2 did superbly with replayable low lvl content like leveling and exploration); we need each of the 3 chosen "modes" to taken care of and updated so that it doesn't stale out. The modes are pvp (only 2 new maps since the game RELEASED, absolute failure), wvw (not enough rewards which people complained about for ages, server/gamelag, and pve (fractals/raids).

The new expac MUST have a system in place where these modes that people flock to, which keep people playing, are given frequent balance updates and new content. For pvp for example, instead of leaving us to fight for 8 years in the same circles on the same maps, maybe add dueling tournaments in open (or closed zzz) world dueling arenas that are added every few months. One week it could be a 1v1 duel hub outside divinity reach, next week it could be a 3v3 arena in the desert, or 2v2 in the jungle crashed airship. Something NEW.

For wvw, the alliances will come, but there is nothing changing about gameplay. I have no superb suggestions for this... but I felt that those 1 week of special rule events that you guys dipped your toe in was well received. Tbh wvw is quite well made... I think frequent balance patches (MONTHLY minimum) will suffice.

And now the big one. You MUST pick and choose which of the many pve content you want to invest in to RETAIN and ATTRACT players. For example, leveling or exploring is pve (and superbly done).... so is open world, but this by no chance end game pve content. So is living world story (I won't go into how months of waiting can finish the new content in a few hours), it again, not what attracts and keeps players. Its painstakingly clear that the end game pve content is fractals and raids. Strikes just seem like stuff to do, something that is there. We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but damn... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

Raids are beautifully done. If they could release more content more quickly it would be SOOOOO healthy for the game as there is no level cap increase. Most mmo players are pve, and for them to come in and see such a deep pool of content for them to do would certainly be beneficial.

People will agree/disagree with me. That is fine. I want gw2 to be my main game.... but it's so hard for it to. It could be perfection. So please invest in it! Not just another pof expac where you get griffon and never visit the desert again.

Feel free to discuss and put your own thoughts here.

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@LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

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Your argument hinges on your personal definition of endgame content as either pvp (including wvw) or instanced group (raids/fractals) content. Looking around among my in-game friends, many of them have been playing since headstart or soon after and are still heavily invested into the game but play neither of those types of content. To them, story and exploration are their main content types.

Then there are many players that have been playing wvw since the start and still spend considerable time in that gamemode that play wvw because they enjoy what it is and find the special rule events more of a gimmick, if not a nuisance. If you ask around the die-hard wvw players, I'm not sure you'll actually find a majority of them enjoying those weeks.

Personally I do play raids/fractals (all tiers)/wvw (mostly smallscale) on a rather casual level (and even started getting back into pvp recently), but for the next expansion pack to be a success for me personally it needs to add more of what the previous expansions added that enhanced my gameplay: explorable maps (preferably the HoT type that were 3-dimensional and made exploration much more interesting to me than the PoF maps), extensive scavenger hunts (like the Skyscale collections), fun events to jump into and out of (preferably more small/soloable events and less scheduled meta events).

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I like the post. I will give my opinion:

pvp: i really have hope in this new mode 15 vs 15 buy yes ... pvp needs more content. and it's not that there are no ideas they could make maps set in the hots and pof expansions. new modalities and so more ...

PvE: Taking out that raids are "hard" high end content and that fractals are made for the one who likes to farm fast without seriously compromising.

world pve: I hope in the next expansion to make more use of instantiated content. why? Since holding events on balls of 20 - 40 people is not fun, it´s not challenging. It´s just running and spamming an attack and the autoloot. On the other hand, content that uses a quota of players allows for a better leveling of the difficulty (the game has a great base combat system, that's an advantage, the problem is that they create content against that system)

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@BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

Siren's Reef was released on January 8th, 2019. That's given todays date, 1 year and 4 months ago, give or take some days.

I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you. Or maybe you have a different definition of frequent. That's possible too.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

Siren's Reef was released on January 8th, 2019. That's given todays date, 1 year and 4 months ago, give or take some days.

I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you. Or maybe you have a different definition of frequent. That's possible too.

That's a lot more frequently than no changes at all since release like OP claimed.

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@BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

Siren's Reef was released on January 8th, 2019. That's given todays date, 1 year and 4 months ago, give or take some days.

I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you. Or maybe you have a different definition of frequent. That's possible too.

That's a lot more frequently than no changes at all since release like OP claimed.

Oh absolutely, and many people also forget to factor in that many of the fractals had reworks which come close to entirely new fractals.

Yet still, nearly 1.5 years for 1 fractal is in no way frequent (it will actually be even more by the time the actual next fractal releases). Even before that, new fractal releases were on average 1 per year at best.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

Siren's Reef was released on January 8th, 2019. That's given todays date, 1 year and 4 months ago, give or take some days.

I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you. Or maybe you have a different definition of frequent. That's possible too.

That's a lot more frequently than no changes at all since release like OP claimed.

Oh absolutely, and many people also forget to factor in that many of the fractals had reworks which come close to entirely new fractals.

Yet still, nearly 1.5 years for 1 fractal is in no way frequent (it will actually be even more by the time the actual next fractal releases). Even before that, new fractal releases were on average 1 per year at best.

Well, I'm sure the next expansion will give us some lore that is worth exploring in a fractal or two. Many fractals deal with historic events, which makes sense lorewise.Technically 1 fractal per year is a frequency, so I guess you can call it frequent?

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@BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

@LaFurion.3167 said:We need in my opinion (I havnt even gotten past level 40 fractal) at least another 50 levels and more maps for fractals. We need something similar to mythic dungeons in wow that can be pushed to the limits, challenge players, and reward them accordingly. I'm not saying make gw2 like wow, but kitten... the same 100 level fractals since release.... so boring.

This is not true. We have had new fractals frequently (the newest one being Siren's Reef). New fractals usually replace one of the fractals that appear twice in a bracket. We currently have 20 different fractals with room for 5 more. I wouldn't want ANet rushing those 5 fractals either, since there's bound to be interesting content in the future that's worth creating a fractal about. I can't really comment on having another 50 levels (that's 2 difficulty tiers) as I'm just starting to get into T4.

Siren's Reef was released on January 8th, 2019. That's given todays date, 1 year and 4 months ago, give or take some days.

I hope the irony of your post is not lost on you. Or maybe you have a different definition of frequent. That's possible too.

That's a lot more frequently than no changes at all since release like OP claimed.

Oh absolutely, and many people also forget to factor in that many of the fractals had reworks which come close to entirely new fractals.

Yet still, nearly 1.5 years for 1 fractal is in no way frequent (it will actually be even more by the time the actual next fractal releases). Even before that, new fractal releases were on average 1 per year at best.

Well, I'm sure the next expansion will give us some lore that is worth exploring in a fractal or two. Many fractals deal with historic events, which makes sense lorewise.Technically 1 fractal per year is a frequency, so I guess you can call it frequent?

frequentadjectiveadjective: frequent/ˈfriːkw(ə)nt/

occurring or done many times at short intervals.

I guess it depend on what we call short or how similar the time frames are (if we are thinking of frequencies).

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There should be no open world PvP of any kind. Something that puts me off other games is the constant spam of duel challenges.Weeklong WvW gimmick events are a pain in the *****. You get a small influx of players for a week who then leave again afterwards but WvW becomes almost unplayable for the regulars for that week.Taking WvW out of map completion was the mistake on WvW recruitment. A lot of players came for map completion and continued to play WvW afterwards.WvW issues come from population imbalance. Population imbalance comes from people hopping servers. Mass server hopping was an issue created by Anet in the first place a few years ago when they instituted a couple of "free transfer windows". With the current low gem cost of transfers to "low population" servers it encourages bandwaggonning to a linked server. There are plenty of easy fixes to discourage server hopping and alliances isn't one of them.

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What it needs is interesting(a variety of them because different people) things to do that can be repeated.That does exist to a degree. Some stuff needs a bit more to fill things out.

However simply more isn't necessary good enough. A bunch of similar objectives copy and pasted all over a map is not very interesting.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

A lot of players came for map completion and continued to play WvW afterwards.I'd wager a lot of players came for map completion and never returned to WvW until the warclaw came out. Then, they were there long enough for that before departing again.

I know a lot of WvW players who got into it because they came for map completion and are still playing WvW now.

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@Nidome.1365 said:

A lot of players came for map completion and continued to play WvW afterwards.I'd wager a lot of players came for map completion and never returned to WvW until the warclaw came out. Then, they were there long enough for that before departing again.

I know a lot of WvW players who got into it because they came for map completion and are still playing WvW now.

That's cool and good for WvW :) I know many in my circle who didn't.

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@Nidome.1365 said:

A lot of players came for map completion and continued to play WvW afterwards.I'd wager a lot of players came for map completion and never returned to WvW until the warclaw came out. Then, they were there long enough for that before departing again.

I know a lot of WvW players who got into it because they came for map completion and are still playing WvW now.

For me, map completion with alts, warclaw and an easy daily when PvE has dailies that I don't like. PvE---never.

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None of the effort put into fractals and raids amount to much without a proper automated grouping system.

The difficulty and mechanics were never the deterrent. It was navigating through and wasting precious play time on other people's b.s. It's the human element i have no interest in.

An automated dungeon/fractal/raid finder would allow the game to be in charge. Not some sweat raid leader thats eventually going to chase off your customers.

A lot of us just want to play. We don't have time for an interview and and a background check. I need to be pulling in the next 3 minutes or I can't go. We don't have time for Johnny to walk his dog, and Jenny has to check on her baby, so and so has to pee every 5 minutes, Joe needs a cigarette after every pull, yada yada NOPE.

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PvP and WvW content would be great (especially WvW) but as a primarily PvE player I have come to dislike raids in GW2 and what they did to the community. I agree that Anet did a good job with the variety of mechanics at first but disagree that they are, as a whole, "beautifully done". If they expanded raids at the expense of the rest of PvE, that would negatively impact non-raiders and would do nothing to encourage people to try raiding (unless they completely changed the LFG system). Considering raiders make up only ~10%-15% of PvE players, it doesn't make sense financially or resource-wise to divert the bulk of resources to them over the rest. I'm not saying raids should be dropped completely, just that focusing exclusively on raids doesn't benefit anyone but raiders and that includes Anet.

I'm not sure why everyone thinks raids are the only good or valid end game content, though. The original exclusion of raids and focus on making PvE as a whole enjoyable is why leveling and open world leveling is so good in GW2. Even if it's not your thing, the fact that everything stays relevant nearly 8 years later is dang impressive for an MMO. Sure there's powercreep and both gliders and mounts have made some of it trivial, but that's still better than other games.

Doing events in the world where everyone can participate would do more to retain players than dumping the bulk of resources into a raid that already has a high skill, time, and gold requirement (unless you play power DPS).

Strikes just seem like stuff to do, something that is there.So Strikes are like everything else in the game then? :p

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I think PvE is going to need something along the lines of player housing. It doesn't have to be housing, just something that sucks players in for a really long time like housing does in other games. It would need to be much more in depth that the Guild Halls though. As much as I liked the idea there, there were too many limits on what I could and could not do to make that space feel like it was really my guild's space and not another random map.

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Player housing could possibly appeal to a small set of the player base, so it might not make sense for Anet to pour a lot of effort into it for so small return. I know that my small group of friends wouldn't care for it at all and world rather have playable content.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Player housing could possibly appeal to a small set of the player base, so it might not make sense for Anet to pour a lot of effort into it for so small return. I know that my small group of friends wouldn't care for it at all and world rather have playable content.

I'm not saying it needs to be housing specifically, just something that could bring in a similar amount of money. Housing tends to be very popular in other games with quite a bit of time and money dumped into them by the players of those games.

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