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How does "public endurance bar" sound


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Public endurance bar.

Underneath everyone's conditions, boons, and debuffs, there could be an endurance bar that represents a player's available endurance.

Helps to time attacks, helps anticipate how the battle will go, and will help players make decisions. In voice chat one player could be in charge of being on the look out for a healer's endurance bar for example, by calling it out when it gets low.

Finally, extra points if there's an option to simplify the endurance bar and move it around the enemy's name tag wherever players find it easiest to see.

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@Grimjack.8130 said:lowering the skill ceiling? no thanks, count them like you should've been for the past 7 years.

I don't understand this logic. Players, in a casual game, arrive to the PvP scene expected a laidback experience where they can compete but are instead assigned the job or keeping track of literally every single element that I can think of. How many times did the Revenant dodge? Did they just use Riposting Shadows? Hmm, lemme guess how much energy that have-- oh wait there's a decap now! Let's go there- oh I can take care of that as soon as I plus this guy near me... oh shoot he just dodged, guess I should've kept track of that too huh!

Not only is this not casual but this is too demanding regarding awareness t ha t it's no surprise PvP is an unattractive option to newly sprouting players looking to try their best.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

@Grimjack.8130 said:lowering the skill ceiling? no thanks, count them like you should've been for the past 7 years.

I don't understand this logic. Players, in a casual game, arrive to the PvP scene expected a laidback experience where they can compete but are instead assigned the job or keeping track of literally every single element that I can think of. How many times did the Revenant dodge? Did they just use Riposting Shadows? Hmm, lemme guess how much energy that have-- oh wait there's a decap now! Let's go there- oh I can take care of that as soon as I plus this guy near me... oh shoot he just dodged, guess I should've kept track of that too huh!

PvPers who are brand new cannot count everything, but PvPers who are brand new are not new forever and changes shouldn't hurt the game mode as a whole just for players who are brand new? If you are playing casually, you can't keep track of everything in any game.

This post is somehow worse than the person who wanted weapon stow removed lmao, what a joke.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

@Grimjack.8130 said:lowering the skill ceiling? no thanks, count them like you should've been for the past 7 years.

I don't understand this logic. Players, in a casual game, arrive to the PvP scene expected a laidback experience where they can compete but are instead assigned the job or keeping track of literally every single element that I can think of. How many times did the Revenant dodge? Did they just use Riposting Shadows? Hmm, lemme guess how much energy that have-- oh wait there's a decap now! Let's go there- oh I can take care of that as soon as I plus this guy near me... oh shoot he just dodged, guess I should've kept track of that too huh!

Not only is this not casual but this is
demanding regarding awareness t ha t it's no surprise PvP is an unattractive option to newly sprouting players looking to try their best.

Do you also want to see all you opponents skills cooldowns ? What we need is more UI clutter !

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And the assumption is you guys are counting dodges for 1 person in a 1v1 situation or 1v2 situation. What if it's a 2v2, 3v3 or beyond? Keeping track of dodges on everyone? Is there a guide out there that prioritize who's dodges you can keep logged in your head? And then while you're busy figuring this out you get someone to plus you so now you're 50/50 focusing a deadeye and dodges, but then you realize you have to keep track of enemy cooldowns as well, as well as making rotational strategies and keeping track of your OWN cooldowns, and finally map mechanics you gotta deal with.

This is okay for some people. However, skill ceiling is so steep that you have players at the top tier, 0 players in the tier below and everyone else below that tier. Blame people for being bad all you want. This game doesn't have the population to support such complex gameplay.

So it's no surprise the people that have gotten used to every element in this game for having played it since 2012 are having fun but not everyone feels the need to invest in that much dedication right off the bat. PvP for Guild Wars 2 is a dying game mode.

That being said, why not try this system for a mini-season and see where it goes? What will the harm be? Lower skill ceiling? More like a necessary convenience that should've been added years ago. UI clutter? This argument is shallow especially if there's a simplified version. A thin yellow line (even smaller than the HP bar) works.

I just hate the dodge system in general so I might be biased.

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You've been playing for years I'm assuming and "hate the dodge system?"

It's one of the best parts about this game and one of the reasons why the combat feels so fluid. Play Call of Duty if you want to play a game where keeping track of cooldowns is too difficult for you.

The february patch that nerfed cooldowns and damage already made the game significantly less fun and it's part of the reason why I'm spending more time away from it. I feel like I'm dragging myself through fights because the cooldowns are so long and people are so tanky they won't die even if you outplay them very hard. So, hopefully the balance + skills team stops nerfing everything because all they're doing is making the gameplay boring, removing depth, and lowering the skill ceiling. (Which, no. Lack of a skill gap is not a good thing.)

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:And the assumption is you guys are counting dodges for 1 person in a 1v1 situation or 1v2 situation. What if it's a 2v2, 3v3 or beyond? Keeping track of dodges on everyone? Is there a guide out there that prioritize who's dodges you can keep logged in your head? And then while you're busy figuring this out you get someone to plus you so now you're 50/50 focusing a deadeye and dodges, but then you realize you have to keep track of enemy cooldowns as well, as well as making rotational strategies and keeping track of your OWN cooldowns, and finally map mechanics you gotta deal with.

This is okay for some people. However, skill ceiling is so steep that you have players at the top tier, 0 players in the tier below and everyone else below that tier. Blame people for being bad all you want. This game doesn't have the population to support such complex gameplay.

So it's no surprise the people that have gotten used to every element in this game for having played it since 2012 are having fun but not everyone feels the need to invest in that much dedication right off the bat. PvP for Guild Wars 2 is a dying game mode.

That being said, why not try this system for a mini-season and see where it goes? What will the harm be? Lower skill ceiling? More like a necessary convenience that should've been added years ago. UI clutter? This argument is shallow especially if there's a simplified version. A thin yellow line (even smaller than the HP bar) works.

I just hate the dodge system in general so I might be biased.

yes you are biased, thats easy to see even if you didn't mention that and your arguments don't make any sense. For example, if dodges need to be visibly shown so you know which players have them and which players don't why don't we also show heal skills, blocks, invulns and maybe we'll also add in stealth and teleport skills because they are all also skills that should be 'counted' or at least payed attention to so you know if someone has them available. Also, PvP is a dying game mode but for none of the reasons you mentioned. The skill ceiling in GW2 is high yes but the skill floor is also pretty high and with the right mindset and practice you can get quite good at the game extremely quickly. I have seen people get to plat level in just a month after playing so I wouldn't call that 'difficult'. Everyone else in this game manages to just take note of how many times someone has dodged so surely you can do it too.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Public endurance bar.

No.Being able to anticipate when someone has a skill that can foil your plans, even when its as simple as a dodge, is part of the competitive layer and doesn't need additional labeling.

Learn when to burst, learn what classes have skills that allow them to have more dodges, be ready to look at vigor on the toolbar. All of that is part of mastery.

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@MysteryMen.3791 said:

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:And the assumption is you guys are counting dodges for 1 person in a 1v1 situation or 1v2 situation. What if it's a 2v2, 3v3 or beyond? Keeping track of dodges on everyone? Is there a guide out there that prioritize who's dodges you can keep logged in your head? And then while you're busy figuring this out you get someone to plus you so now you're 50/50 focusing a deadeye and dodges, but then you realize you have to keep track of enemy cooldowns as well, as well as making rotational strategies and keeping track of your OWN cooldowns, and finally map mechanics you gotta deal with.

This is okay for some people. However, skill ceiling is so steep that you have players at the top tier, 0 players in the tier below and everyone else below that tier. Blame people for being bad all you want. This game doesn't have the population to support such complex gameplay.

So it's no surprise the people that have gotten used to every element in this game for having played it since 2012 are having fun but not everyone feels the need to invest in that much dedication right off the bat. PvP for Guild Wars 2 is a dying game mode.

That being said, why not try this system for a mini-season and see where it goes? What will the harm be? Lower skill ceiling? More like a necessary convenience that should've been added years ago. UI clutter? This argument is shallow especially if there's a simplified version. A thin yellow line (even smaller than the HP bar) works.

I just hate the dodge system in general so I might be biased.

yes you are biased, thats easy to see even if you didn't mention that and your arguments don't make any sense. For example, if dodges need to be visibly shown so you know which players have them and which players don't why don't we also show heal skills, blocks, invulns and maybe we'll also add in stealth and teleport skills because they are all also skills that should be 'counted' or at least payed attention to so you know if someone has them available. Also, PvP is a dying game mode but for none of the reasons you mentioned. The skill ceiling in GW2 is high yes but the skill floor is also pretty high and with the right mindset and practice you can get quite good at the game extremely quickly. I have seen people get to plat level in just a month after playing so I wouldn't call that 'difficult'. Everyone else in this game manages to just take note of how many times someone has dodged so surely you can do it too.

calling this game high skill floor is a joke, plat 2 level of this game I would compare with bronze/low silver in league at best

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:And the assumption is you guys are counting dodges for 1 person in a 1v1 situation or 1v2 situation. What if it's a 2v2, 3v3 or beyond? Keeping track of dodges on everyone? Is there a guide out there that prioritize who's dodges you can keep logged in your head? And then while you're busy figuring this out you get someone to plus you so now you're 50/50 focusing a deadeye and dodges, but then you realize you have to keep track of enemy cooldowns as well, as well as making rotational strategies and keeping track of your OWN cooldowns, and finally map mechanics you gotta deal with.

This is okay for some people. However, skill ceiling is so steep that you have players at the top tier, 0 players in the tier below and everyone else below that tier. Blame people for being bad all you want. This game doesn't have the population to support such complex gameplay.

So it's no surprise the people that have gotten used to every element in this game for having played it since 2012 are having fun but not everyone feels the need to invest in that much dedication right off the bat. PvP for Guild Wars 2 is a dying game mode.

That being said, why not try this system for a mini-season and see where it goes? What will the harm be? Lower skill ceiling? More like a necessary convenience that should've been added years ago. UI clutter? This argument is shallow especially if there's a simplified version. A thin yellow line (even smaller than the HP bar) works.

I just hate the dodge system in general so I might be biased.

yes you are biased, thats easy to see even if you didn't mention that and your arguments don't make any sense. For example, if dodges need to be visibly shown so you know which players have them and which players don't why don't we also show heal skills, blocks, invulns and maybe we'll also add in stealth and teleport skills because they are all also skills that should be 'counted' or at least payed attention to so you know if someone has them available. Also, PvP is a dying game mode but for none of the reasons you mentioned. The skill ceiling in GW2 is high yes but the skill floor is also pretty high and with the right mindset and practice you can get quite good at the game extremely quickly. I have seen people get to plat level in just a month after playing so I wouldn't call that 'difficult'. Everyone else in this game manages to just take note of how many times someone has dodged so surely you can do it too.

calling this game high skill floor is a joke, plat 2 level of this game I would compare with bronze/low silver in league at best

There are quite a few high ranking players in GW2 that have played MOBAs competitively/at a high level. Legendary would be GM, P3 would be Masters, P2 would be Diamond and so on.

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I'm not asking for every cooldown to be made visible. Dodging was added to the game so players with high ping could dodge AoEs in PvE better. In PvP when two players are able to dodge it drags the fight on too long IMO, but that's just me.

I won't argue any further as my point has been made. Feel free to disagree.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:And the assumption is you guys are counting dodges for 1 person in a 1v1 situation or 1v2 situation. What if it's a 2v2, 3v3 or beyond? Keeping track of dodges on everyone? Is there a guide out there that prioritize who's dodges you can keep logged in your head? And then while you're busy figuring this out you get someone to plus you so now you're 50/50 focusing a deadeye and dodges, but then you realize you have to keep track of enemy cooldowns as well, as well as making rotational strategies and keeping track of your OWN cooldowns, and finally map mechanics you gotta deal with.

This is okay for some people. However, skill ceiling is so steep that you have players at the top tier, 0 players in the tier below and everyone else below that tier. Blame people for being bad all you want. This game doesn't have the population to support such complex gameplay.

So it's no surprise the people that have gotten used to every element in this game for having played it since 2012 are having fun but not everyone feels the need to invest in that much dedication right off the bat. PvP for Guild Wars 2 is a dying game mode.

That being said, why not try this system for a mini-season and see where it goes? What will the harm be? Lower skill ceiling? More like a necessary convenience that should've been added years ago. UI clutter? This argument is shallow especially if there's a simplified version. A thin yellow line (even smaller than the HP bar) works.

I just hate the dodge system in general so I might be biased.

yes you are biased, thats easy to see even if you didn't mention that and your arguments don't make any sense. For example, if dodges need to be visibly shown so you know which players have them and which players don't why don't we also show heal skills, blocks, invulns and maybe we'll also add in stealth and teleport skills because they are all also skills that should be 'counted' or at least payed attention to so you know if someone has them available. Also, PvP is a dying game mode but for none of the reasons you mentioned. The skill ceiling in GW2 is high yes but the skill floor is also pretty high and with the right mindset and practice you can get quite good at the game extremely quickly. I have seen people get to plat level in just a month after playing so I wouldn't call that 'difficult'. Everyone else in this game manages to just take note of how many times someone has dodged so surely you can do it too.

calling this game high skill floor is a joke, plat 2 level of this game I would compare with bronze/low silver in league at best

There are quite a few high ranking players in GW2 that have played MOBAs competitively/at a high level. Legendary would be GM, P3 would be Masters, P2 would be Diamond and so on.

when it comes to % of the population then sure, but I have not met or seen a single player in gw2 that played good enough to even come close to the average skilled masters players, and I dont mean randos from p1/p2, I mean all the streamers and peeps running with mAT wins.League is way more punishing and requires more focus when played, in this joke of a game I can listen to podcast while talking to friends and maintain ranking, If I do that in league ill drop 10% winrate.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Public endurance bar.

Underneath everyone's conditions, boons, and debuffs, there could be an endurance bar that represents a player's available endurance.

Helps to time attacks, helps anticipate how the battle will go, and will help players make decisions. In voice chat one player could be in charge of being on the look out for a healer's endurance bar for example, by calling it out when it gets low.

Finally, extra points if there's an option to simplify the endurance bar and move it around the enemy's name tag wherever players find it easiest to see.

You are starting to convince me. One terrible suggestion after the other, I was so sure you're trolling at first. Now I'm basicly convinced you're 100% for real actually serious. Having played this game for so long, yet thinking these ideas could possibly help the game.... this is making me sad.

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