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[Survey] Worst class in the game after last patch?


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Hi! So all around, in general, most UNDERPOWERED class in game to date (6/03/20)? This is for see what the community thinks of the classes in where to help which classes and which ones need balancing, thank you! Be fair! Leave a comment on why you voted for who you voted and why you think the other classes are poorly excecuted in there design.P.S. Main focus is WvW and PvP, but other activities are in too.

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Voted for mesmer because it's the class most obviously screwed by recent attempt at "tradeoff" design, imo: both elite specs now have some downside that directly undercuts something foundational about the class mechanics, and the core traits are still messy enough that it's not really worth going core-only.

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Objectively, the worst gotta be mesmer because balancing by destroying QoL is plain madness.That said, Thief being designed as a one trick ponny relying heavily on short burst of damage took a hard hit with this patch. But I'd say that in general any profession/build that relied on damage ended up in a sorry state due to this patch. The difference between warrior and thief is that the warrior have tools to develop itself in a different direction than "damage".

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PvE: Necro is in a tough spot. DPS wise, it's got limited potential. Support wise, it doesn't have great Boon application so it's inferior to classes that provide things like Perma-Alacrity/Quickness (Such as Firebrand/Renegade/Chrono) meanwhile, Barrier is a poor substitute for raw healing making it also inferior to healer supports (Such as Druid/Tempest)

WvW: Probably about a tie between Thief and Ranger. Neither has good blob combat. Thief just lacks anything other than single target burst damage because that's ALL it does - No boon support, no AoE other than some staff cleaves and continually gets its init costs nerfed to make it even harder to contribute. Ranger also lacks any sort of support capacity that can work with a blob and also has the added disadvantage of pets just are non-existent in a game mode all about having like a billion people spamming AoE's constantly.

PvP: Mesmer. Spec based around dodging to be effective > "Herp derp have 1 dodge". Spec based around supporting allies > "Herp derp lets have all my buffs located in a tiny little area after a very loud countdown for when it'll activate, I'm sure no-one will drop all their AoE's on that area and wipe my team!" add on top the loss of both Distortion AND the self shatter from Chrono and the spec is just utterly defenseless on top of having more limited support.

Warrior's are also struggling right now, but they're not quite AS bad as far as I can tell.

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I didn't read the full post and voted -.-

Pve: definetly necro

I don't play spvp.

And wvw:I don't think that thief is bad. Yes it's not good for blobbing, but it's definetly the strongest roamer/ganker right now (and has been like forever) and can be played in a focus party.

Warrior might be in a bit of a tough spot, but there's builds that definetly make it playable for roaming as well as zergs (still has the strongest skill of all classes for fights - denying boon application)

Ranger has it tough in blobs as well, but in guild groups you see a ranger very often because of the op amount of immobilize it can provide.Also it's one of the strongest roamers and good as a Focusparty, as you still can oneshot people with pewpew

Mesmer: has it tough in blobs as well, usually you only see 1-2 mesmers in a blob of 50. Veil, portal, graviwell and focuspulls seem to be their only task.But again while roaming very strong.

And I would even mention necro here. While it's meta in zergs it's roaming ability is so bad, that it's a joke.

The other 4 classes I don't want to put in the pot here.They are maybe too strong.

Guard, almost no weakness, can go dmg, and heal, both good at roaming and zerging

Rev, can go power or condi, best damage class after ele, while also giving boons to up to 10 people.

Engi: Holo, and scrapper, what else do I have to say. Scrapper being the most insane condi cleanser guildwars ever saw, but is also able to play a damage build

Ele: another very good support class, I'm glad that some support trait are at the same tier. + Has the highest damage potential in the whole game, however needs some more skill than other classes, when playing staff backline. (I don't think I need to mention, that ele is pretty good at roaming as well)

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@Taril.8619 said:PvE: Necro is in a tough spot. DPS wise, it's got limited potential. Support wise, it doesn't have great Boon application so it's inferior to classes that provide things like Perma-Alacrity/Quickness (Such as Firebrand/Renegade/Chrono) meanwhile, Barrier is a poor substitute for raw healing making it also inferior to healer supports (Such as Druid/Tempest)

I can agree with most of your analysis, except this one.At least in my experience, hscourge is still highly requested for strike missions. See way more people asking for one than asking for a tempest or druid....

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Endgame PVE player's vote: necromancer.Its power dps builds are horrible compared to everyone else in performance.Scourge is even slightly worse though has epi, bit of barrier and good dps uptime as saving grace.The heal build is capable of bringing might for 10 (if built with boon duration like every other healers are) and some regen and swiftness if needed but no other boons natively and even those boons are very awkward to provide compared to other classes. It does have best resses, though, for carrying bad groups but does really bring anything for experienced groups at most of endgame PVE stuffs.In open-world (where balance doesn't matter much), elementalist is in worst spot as it needs to sacrifice good bit of damage for boons, it don't have much CC and it's squishyyy as it mainly has active defenses on a couple sword skills but nothing compared to scrapper's barriers, guard's blocks, thief's Invigorating Precision heals and warrior's might-y self-heals. Elementals do help a bit at distracting enemies but still not enough.

This thread kinda shows why it's a good thing that they've now made a massive split between PVE and competitive modes.

Apparently mesmer has the shortest straw in competitive while it's ridiculously strong in PVE. Highest damage potential in power? Check. Highest damage potential in condi? Check. (Other classes can't compete with mirages at all at same skill level at bosses like Largos and SH.) 10-target quickness (and theorethically alacrity)? Check. 10-target might and fury (thru staff mirage)? Check. Must have utilities? Check. Heals? Check. (though among the weakest, slightly worse than druid)Warrior is also PVE must-have for good dps, CC and banners (though it could use some boost to heals) Thief is mostly a bit low in burst dps and dps potential but it's superior in many special roles and it has bunch of mesmer-like utility.

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Ranger main here. Mesmers definitely in a weak spot. Though I’ve been dropped in a split second by core power Mesmer while on bunker ranger, so they still have some builds that work but limited. Warrior is in a sad state, have not been killed by a warrior in a longggggg time. They’re just bags at the moment.

Seriously should separate pve and wvw/pvp. Necro is pretty insane in wvw but I hear the problems they have in pve. Not sure why people voted for thief lol.

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Mesmer got shafted into near unplayability in competitive, and feels lacklustre in PvE.

Gonna mention Warrior as well, because their ability to HoT but not having their free trait stances to give them a chance to heal hurts them too hard.I dumpster on them so damn hard it's not even funny, and this is on my silly Demo Chrono in PvP.

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Lol why they couldn't let the drawback be -50% base endurance regeneration (the tech was already there in the weakness condition!) I will never know.

The amount of dodges would still be halved but atleast you would be able to double dodge at twice the time frame of every other spec.

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@rng.1024 said:Lol why they couldn't let the drawback be -50% base endurance regeneration (the tech was already there in the weakness condition!) I will never know.

The amount of dodges would still be halved but atleast you would be able to double dodge at twice the time frame of every other spec.

I like this idea. Would still be a nerf (compared to the pre-one-dodge-version of the mirage) for the frequency of the Mirage's dodges, but actually remove alot of the frustrating elements of just having a single dodge bar. Win-win situation in my book.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@rng.1024 said:Lol why they couldn't let the drawback be -50% base endurance regeneration (the tech was already there in the weakness condition!) I will never know.

The amount of dodges would still be halved but atleast you would be able to double dodge at twice the time frame of every other spec.

I like this idea. Would still be a nerf (compared to the pre-one-dodge-version of the mirage) for the frequency of the Mirage's dodges, but actually remove alot of the frustrating elements of just having a single dodge bar. Win-win situation in my book.

Instead they nerfed all vigor application for the whole profession and left the endurance at 100 required for a dodge rather than 50 which would also prevent a double dodge :astonished:

To be fair a big part of what makes dodges so strong is Infinite Horizon. Instead of messing with dodge uptime they could just remove the clone ambushes altogether while keeping the Mirage Cloak and maybe make shattering mirrors apply 1 sec reveal if they hit an enemy (any static buff).

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