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Last day of 3v3...


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... And I say good kitten riddance. Maybe next time we will have better sense than to allow a fully premade party go against some random PUG, and not only call it competitive, but call it ranked too.

"The privilege of absurdity, to which no other living creature is subject, but man only."

And this "mini season" was as absurd as it gets.

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my only beef with 3v3 is the lags, dunno how they done it but I can get average 1,5k ping in 3v3.I do get occasional lag spikes in pve/5v5 but only in 3v3 do I get to just get 5s+ freezes on constant basis.as for full paries, I guess they could make it 2man premade max shrug

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What exactly is holding them from separating the 2. 1 queue for premade, and 1 for solo. I went against 3 different premade teams in a row yesterday. So it’s not that they don’t have the numbers to make 2 separate queues.

When common sense is no longer common.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:If you join 3v3 as a pug, you are just asking for a bad time. It was meant for premade groups.

So the 10 groups who play it get to have fun while the other 99% of the player base doesn't? Great idea dude.

I solo queued 3's the entire time and it was the most fun I've ever had with this game. I was one game away from plat so it isn't like solo queue is impossible.

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@LCL.6259 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:If you join 3v3 as a pug, you are just asking for a bad time. It was meant for premade groups.

So the 10 groups who play it get to have fun while the other 99% of the player base doesn't? Great idea dude.

I solo queued 3's the entire time and it was the most fun I've ever had with this game. I was one game away from plat so it isn't like solo queue is impossible.

I'm glad at least some of you enjoyed this... because I sure didn't. Got dragged along by some friends, played some matches. You get to fight teams like: 2 support + 1 condi bunker. Sometimes you get lucky and it's 1 support + 2 condi bunker. The most offensive thing I saw all the matches I played was a paladin amulet reaper. Couldn't even stomach to play 10 full matches to get a badge.

I thought some players would play fun builds, but no. The meta settled incredibly fast, and it became apparent that this game isn't balanced for deathmatch at all. Yuck.

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@LCL.6259 said:

@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:If you join 3v3 as a pug, you are just asking for a bad time. It was meant for premade groups.

So the 10 groups who play it get to have fun while the other 99% of the player base doesn't? Great idea dude.

I solo queued 3's the entire time and it was the most fun I've ever had with this game. I was one game away from plat so it isn't like solo queue is impossible.

You can definitely still enjoy it if you go in with a certain mindset. Its the people who que as a pug and expect to be competitive vs people on coms with planned comps that will be disappointed.

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@Aihao.5824 said:ye, february balance was a mistake. It was good for 2v2, but not for 5v5 or 3v3, lots of classes/builds are garbage.

It will never have more as long as same development team and their ideals are working on the game, 3v3 will do zero for pvp population just as any new mode wouldn't. Lack of pvp modes is only small part of reason pvp pop has dwindled.

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I quite enjoyed 3 vs 3, it really does reward good players better.

People who copy and paste meta builds expecting to be carried by facerolling their whole skill bar will have a hard time lol.

2vs2/3vs3 requires being smart with the skills (not faceroll whole skills bar blindly) and adjust gameplay to overcome the other team. (had matches lost 2 before we turn the table and won).

5v5 is just a circus compaired to 2vs2/3vs3 lol.

BTW I solo queued and I enjoyed it, no problems.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:If you join 3v3 as a pug, you are just asking for a bad time. It was meant for premade groups.

Yeah I have only realised it two days before it ends.. been having hell but after I started making group to go in.. the game was much more fun. It needs more time to build up the party database.. players started to use lfg to get people the last few days too. I wish it was longer because I was going to find few friends to play..

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To be honest, the main amount of times I joined was with a pug group. What I loved about it was that I started to mess with builds/traitlines/utilities a lot more, super rare that I actually met any opponents that came in together that was actually good (I remember 1 or 2 times I met a premade team that was good through like 100+ games I think....). I get why people love conquest, but really not for me anymore,
A: A lot less concentrated on the single person/you rely on others, if you got good cond removal necro/dps maybe you got bad tempest/healing etc and they will not be able to change builds.B: Less focus on fighting, yes teamfights are a thing, but it really wont mean a lot if a thief just decapped 2 points while you are 5v4.C: You actually see a lot of interesting meta compositions that werdly work, from druid/thief/rev hardcore poison/staff immob and burst combos to warrior/necro/tempest. Warrior/tempest in your face with full burst and overload air, necro just standing behind and corrupting those boons

I fully get why people like conquest, and it honestly would probably be bad for A-Net to change that (let us be honest, it would be a lot more "elite" kind of players mainly playing it). But either way, I personally seriously like the Deathmatch a lot more. Thank you for implementing it in off time

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