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How to fix Guild Wars 2

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None of that would "fix" GW2. That would just add to the problems of the game.

The only way to fix GW2, is get a new engine. GW2 is running off a modified version of the GW1 engine. Needless to say, the engine can't handle GW2. They need to make the game more stable before anything else in order to fix it. Optimization issues have been a problem with this game since forever. And every time they add more and more content, it just drops the stability even more. Without a proper engine update, the game is going to destroy itself due to being overloaded and the current engine not being able to handle it.

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@"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:None of that would "fix" GW2. That would just add to the problems of the game.

The only way to fix GW2, is get a new engine. GW2 is running off a modified version of the GW1 engine. Needless to say, the engine can't handle GW2. They need to make the game more stable before anything else in order to fix it. Optimization issues have been a problem with this game since forever. And every time they add more and more content, it just drops the stability even more. Without a proper engine update, the game is going to destroy itself due to being overloaded and the current engine not being able to handle it.

Haha I’m pretty sure they know how much they can handle and wouldn’t risk a blunder of that magnitude.

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1 - don't like wvw, then don't make a legendary. and yes there are many work arounds with dailies and such to not actually have to wvw to get what you need, so really not sure why people hung up on that. I don't see even 1/100th of the wvw only players come complain about having to pve to make a legendary or the spvp ones that I do for pve players complaining about having to play another game mode to make end game content that's completely optional.2 - spvp? really? I honestly have no words. can't disagree any stronger.3 - no, plain and simple. plenty of ways to just whisper someone and go to a guild hall, wvw arena, pvp custom arena etc. not sure how wanting to get pop ups from random players wanting to duo in pve constantly would be a fun thing.4 they make map complete so easy as it is, not really sure the reasoning for this, honestly would be very sad to see if this was ever implemented.5 not sure how bag space is so much an issue that we need a sub fee for it? for as much a stir the words "sub fee" no matter how optional it would be, would cause for this game, would not be worth it for bag space at all. as for the living world episodes, I've always stood by they should have been included with the xpacs and would rather just see that changed. also the seasons aren't that pricey to begin with and on sale all the time, plus the whole converting gold to gems so you can get them for free anyway even if your new to the game and missed their free period.

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@"Mortifera.6138" said:-WvW not required for legendarieshere we go again, another thread from someone who wants legendary but doesn't want to WvWIt's not hard to get GoB, and this is from someone who just jumps into WvW do dailies and leave, have 16 legendary weapons (18 if you count Sunrise and Twilight) crafted and 9 GoB sitting in the bank.

-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvPGliding in Dungeon, fine, doesn't break anythingMount in Dungeon, doesn't, you should be cleaning up everything, not skipping fights

Gliding and Mounts in PvP, totally breaks the game mode

-PvP duels in open worldThe point? PvP and WvW all runs on different balance to PvE

-Account-wide waypointsA lazy person's request, you are gonna get them through map completion anywayLet's remove all the WPs so you have to go to outposts like good old GW1

-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World contentalready getting them for free? why you want to make us pay through subs?



all the above doesn't "fix" anything, what Anet needs to fix

  • Leveling contents to teach game mechanics properly; A large number of player base cannot dodge properly, (probably a lot doesn't even know dodge jump exists) doesn't know what a breakbar is, and I can bet 99% of the population doesn't even understand combo mechanic, since there is nowhere in game train you how to combo, you have to figure it out yourself.
  • PvP and WvW Balance
  • WvW population balance
  • The state of the economy
  • and the biggest, and what everyone wish they can fix is the game engine so that it can properly scale with more CPU cores to achieve smoother gameplay.
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A fix assumes there is a specific problem/issue to solve. What are your fixes supposed to solve? I think you simply took a few of the more recent complaints/suggestions about the game (wvw in legendaries, duels, account waypoints, sub fee), added something that makes absolutely no sense (gliding/mounts in spvp, what's this about?) and put them in the same post. There are threads on your different subjects and you will find that there is no consensus that they are actually needed or "fix" anything.

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:A fix assumes there is a specific problem/issue to solve. What are your fixes supposed to solve? I think you simply took a few of the more recent complaints/suggestions about the game (wvw in legendaries, duels, account waypoints, sub fee), added something that makes absolutely no sense (gliding/mounts in spvp, what's this about?) and put them in the same post. There are threads on your different subjects and you will find that there is no consensus that they are actually needed or "fix" anything.Yeah, his "fixes" is basicly like neutering.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:-WvW not required for legendariesalready done. . don't want wvw ? - don't craft. Welcome on TP. You can buy T1 leg.

-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvPfor skip ? skilled group can do it anyway. Check fart run videos on youtube.

-PvP duels in open worldalready done. giuld arena.

-Account-wide waypointsalready done. portal/scrol tome

-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World contentalready done.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:-WvW not required for legendariesTrading Post, or don't mess with legendary gear. They are optional and not necessary.

-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvPSure, why not... I do not see the use, but do not care.

-PvP duels in open worldNo. Why? There is already PvP areas, and PvE areas. They never mix well in any game.

-Account-wide waypointsThis one I would be ok with, but not that big a deal one way or the other.

-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World contentAlready have them. Buy them on the gem store.

Not sure what you are trying to fix. I have so much fun playing that I had no idea the game was broken B)

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@Mortifera.6138 said:-WvW not required for legendaries-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvP-PvP duels in open world-Account-wide waypoints-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World content

Legendary weapon should not require player to be part of some specific gameplay style, unless it's useless in other playing styles. Others, I don't agree.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.So WvW
required for every Legendary Weapon.

I certainly hope it stays that way.

Well now, the technical aspects of what you said is true. And so was what I said.

It is an exclusive WvW reward, but it CAN be gotten without ever entering WvW.

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@White Kitsunee.4620 said:Gw2's biggest problem is that its extremely hard for new players to get into the game considering the story is very hard to catch up to.Is it? I'm asking honestly. New players can run through the story at whatever pace they like. The content will always be there for them. Now, if they're rushing to get to end game content, then that's a different point.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:-WvW not required for legendaries-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvP-PvP duels in open world-Account-wide waypoints-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World content

One of the core values of guild wars 2 is the absence of a subscription, and I think that most (casual) players like myself would like it to remain that way. Guild Wars 2 is built around a consumerfriendly business model and for a more casual audience.

WvW not required - Idk, legendaries are such QoL items I thinks it's fair to say you need to do more than one mode for creating one. 'Mastering the game'/ legendaries as a reward for 'mastering' more than one mode is not that unreasonable in my opinion.

Gliding and mounts in dungeons and sPvP - I'm not really a PvP player so I wouldn't know the impact of them on that (although it would speed up/make the mode more chaotic I think), but for dungeons mounts would only be used to speedrun them and that kinda ruins the whole atmosphere around them. You are supposed to fight your way through and all that (or puzzle with teleports/stealth or something to bypass some stuff), it would make the dungeons less enjoyable. Dungeons weren't designed with mounts in mind, they are just too small to really utilize them, no?

PvP duels in open world - Could be a nice addition but only if both players need to accept the duel, not like some other games where you can just fight players without them wanting to. I'm not sure if this addition would really be something players want.

Account-wide waypoints - Eh, would be handy for veterans but would not be that good for the whole experience about world exploration when people are making their first alt-characters I believe. Lots of players really like exploration and having the entire map already 'unlocked' so to say would make exploration less enjoyable. Besides it's nice to have that extra xp when leveling ;D!

The real fix should be a greater focus on engine optimization; would make for higher fps, the possibility for better vsiuals and would make it easier to implement new updates without the amount of bugs/crashes we currently experience sometimes in bigger patches. But that's just my take on it:).

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