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I won't be buying the expac because of the state of wvw and pvp

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@Quench.7091 said:Problem is every time it gets changed people get upset.That is the problem with trying to do something you tend to avoid doing. Once you do it, you don't know what you're doing and get things wrong. Then people get upset.

For example when people asked about TDM-support, you aknowledged it (PAX 2014) and turned around to make a Moba instead (HoT 2015). Then you acted surprised, stuck your head in the sand for 3 years only to suggest the same stuff again and have since spent another 3 years without delivering for a neat six years in total which is more than most whole games takes to make.

Another example is the Desert borderland and why it is so divisive. It's actually pretty easy to understand why and if you make games professionally you should know why. People have so differing oppinions on it because they play it in different amount. It's not a bad map the first few times you play it, but by your 100th time its a different story. It has poor replay-ability while a map like Eternal Battlegrounds (with some minor iteration) still has replay value 8 years later. If WvW is meant to be a mode that requires less upkeep and needs to have replay-ability then those things in design are important.

That is the saddest parts about all of this, that the 'new' and 'large' projects that both the PvP game modes are waiting for (team-deathmatch support/map and world restructuring/alliances) are not especially new or large. The announcements are getting old and they are just whatever current incarnation of promise that PvP (both modes) isn't completely forgotten. Talking about them as if on some distant horizon in 2020 or waiting to hype them into some expac that lands in 2021, at best, six to seven years later, that is just going to make people more upset.

That's why we get threads like this.

World restructuring for WvW is Megaservers (notably, also called World restructuring), they came for PvE in 2014.The 2v2 tournaments and the larger-scale squads in sPvP is the same TDM that was talked about in 2014 as well.

They are also extremely important, as in fixing fundamental flaws in their respective systems that stops players from playing together (I mean, WvW still have to pay to switch server if friends are elsewhere or are forced elsewhere because servers are full). Imagine if PvE was put in that situation, if you had to pay 500 gems every time you wanted to hop between two static raid groups or if you ended up on a different map overflow than your friends. It's 500 gems to take part in what your friends are doing for the time being. This whole place would be a firesale if that came to pass but for some GW2 players that is the weekly routine now, it's the norm they've had to swallow or quit. It isn't a surprise that the PvP modes are small then is it? or that those players are not singing your praises with Quaggan doodles.

If someone then feels that there is looming toxicity or that players are ungrateful, they should consider that inequality is the breeding ground of conflict. If some players are kept six years behind other players or have to pay for things the others do not in the same game well, then, obviously, the players are going to start hating each other.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

Possible, but I don't buy that.
I agree with you. The longer it takes though, the more that speculation gains traction.

The things is ... you don't need to read something from Anet to convince yourself the game is worth playing ... or not play it. I mean, the idea that Anet tells us things to 'trick' us into keeping playing is pretty absurd if you ask me.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

Possible, but I don't buy that.
I agree with you. The longer it takes though, the more that speculation gains traction.

The things is ... you don't need to read something from Anet to convince yourself the game is worth playing ... or not play it.


I mean, the idea that Anet tells us things to 'trick' us into keeping playing is pretty absurd

To you and I maybe.

if you ask me.

I didn’t. ?. But that never stopped either of us in the past. ?

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@Metasynaptic.1093 said:What would an expansion bring to wvw or PvP anyway? They could make it an amazing experience and you wouldn't need the expansion to play it anyway.

sPvP? Your statement is likely true.

And yes, in WvW you can play it with core.

But since the release of HoT, very few Core specs have been remotely competitive with the elite specs.

You become relegated to a third class participant in most scenarios.

There are also several things you can’t do in WvW without the expansions: gliding, mounts, shield generators.

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:I don't see where the two are related (other than money for the company).

That's like me saying I will not be buying anymore Kashi products (a health-food line owned by Kellogg foods) until the "All Together" cereal (an LGBT cereal by Kellogg) is priced below $10/box.

The company will do what it will do.

That's the most important part: money. Granted a few of us here won't do much in saying we won't buy the next expansion, but it's this exact gesture of us being frustrated at a lot of things broken/low quality/lack of balance patches that make us voice here.

And yes, the two are interrelated. Not sure how you can't see it.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Sheader.6827 said:You might call me crazy, but the thing I am worried about are new Elite Specs that might come with Cantha expac. Why? Well, HoT expac brought the first round of Elite Specs and some of them were broken and busted. PoF dropped the 2nd round of Elite spec and guess what: same thing happened. I feel as if each new Elite Spec drop kills the WvW and PvP scene bit by bit, and the balance patches thus far have been coming at such a slow pace that people don't want to stick around broken classes and just leave.

didn't a lot of hardcore WvW guilds quit not too long after HoT because of the elite specs? sorry, wasn't going into WvW much, was catching up on 2.5 years of hiatus

No one but ANet has numbers, but no don't remember anymore player drop off then normal after HoT or PoF. Player drop off due to lack of changes has been a constant over time.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:

@"Domino.1359" said:

And yes, the two are interrelated. Not sure how you can't see it.

It is inter-related if time and money is diverted from one project to fund another.What is "broken" with WvW? I don't play there enough to notice.

You are, I assume, a frequenter of these forums. Look at the PvP forums. Look at the WvW forum. There isn't a single thread that you'll find commenting on the brilliance of the balance in this game. I honestly don't play WvW, I do play PvP, and the only thing that has been a constant is the lack of balance and the loss of players due to this.

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@"voltaicbore.8012" said:I'll buy the expac. I agree that sPvP and WvW have been too neglected, but... eh. Those ships have sailed for me at this point. I'll do unranked to farm certain reward tracks, and one of these days will finish Conflux when I feel like hating the game again.

I agree. The ship has definitely sailed. I enjoy other aspects of this game, and i'm loyal to it, which is why I still frequent and drop my comments in threads like this to put forth some sort of "sound" to other people's grievances so they know they aren't alone. Really, i've invested so much time into this game, like you all, to not have a voice.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I think the best part of this thread is that ALL THE SUDDEN ... the lack of WvW and PvP developments is going to cause people to not buy and expansion ... but they have no problem continuing to play the game. Way to stick to the man

That entire sentence is false, lol. Not one person in this thread, or those debating the merits of deciding to not buy the next expansion, are telling you other people won't buy the expansion.

That's a comprehension issue for you ... that's not what I'm saying.

I thank you for posting anything meaningful to this discussion Obtena. I've attempted to open a dialogue and you went a few rings down.

Maybe if you didn't misrepresent what I had to say in the first place, your 'attempt at dialogue' might have proceeding in a different way.

I think my point was clear no?

Help me out. I've reread your post to make sure I didn't miss a beat. You mentioned people have no problem continuing to play the game, correct? Well, i'll also comment on that: you're right. Most of will indeed keep playing the game - i wont lie about that. Like you, we're also loyal to this fun and immersive hobby of ours. I can still come here to voice my concerns or give support to those who share the same frustration as me. But there is also an obvious lack of development to updates that are frustrating a lot of players - just have a look at the PvP forums. It's filled to the brim.

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@Domino.1359 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I think the best part of this thread is that ALL THE SUDDEN ... the lack of WvW and PvP developments is going to cause people to not buy and expansion ... but they have no problem continuing to play the game. Way to stick to the man

That entire sentence is false, lol. Not one person in this thread, or those debating the merits of deciding to not buy the next expansion, are telling you other people won't buy the expansion.

That's a comprehension issue for you ... that's not what I'm saying.

I thank you for posting anything meaningful to this discussion Obtena. I've attempted to open a dialogue and you went a few rings down.

Maybe if you didn't misrepresent what I had to say in the first place, your 'attempt at dialogue' might have proceeding in a different way.

I think my point was clear no?

Help me out. I've reread your post to make sure I didn't miss a beat. You mentioned people have no problem continuing to play the game, correct? Well, i'll also comment on that: you're right. Most of will indeed keep playing the game - i wont lie about that. Like you, we're also loyal to this fun and immersive hobby of ours. I can still come here to voice my concerns or give support to those who share the same frustration as me. But there is also an obvious lack of development to updates that are frustrating a lot of players - just have a look at the PvP forums. It's filled to the brim.

Sure ... but that doesn't change the fact that you didn't understand what I was saying ... then when I tell you it wasn't what I meant ... you proceeded to put the screws to me. I don't care how frustrated you are ... that's just not a reasonable approach to 'attempting dialogue' with someone.

I never said those debating the merits of deciding to not buy the next expansion are telling me other people won't buy the expansion. I don't even know how you would come to that conclusion from what I said. What they and I said are referring to themselves, not others. Even so ... I DO think the OP is likely aware that his thread DOES attempt to imply he's not alone in his decision to abstain from the expansion ... so it's entirely false what I said? No, it's not.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I think the best part of this thread is that ALL THE SUDDEN ... the lack of WvW and PvP developments is going to cause people to not buy and expansion ... but they have no problem continuing to play the game. Way to stick to the man

That entire sentence is false, lol. Not one person in this thread, or those debating the merits of deciding to not buy the next expansion, are telling you other people won't buy the expansion.

That's a comprehension issue for you ... that's not what I'm saying.

I thank you for posting anything meaningful to this discussion Obtena. I've attempted to open a dialogue and you went a few rings down.

Maybe if you didn't misrepresent what I had to say in the first place, your 'attempt at dialogue' might have proceeding in a different way.

I think my point was clear no?

Help me out. I've reread your post to make sure I didn't miss a beat. You mentioned people have no problem continuing to play the game, correct? Well, i'll also comment on that: you're right. Most of will indeed keep playing the game - i wont lie about that. Like you, we're also loyal to this fun and immersive hobby of ours. I can still come here to voice my concerns or give support to those who share the same frustration as me. But there is also an obvious lack of development to updates that are frustrating a lot of players - just have a look at the PvP forums. It's filled to the brim.

Sure ... but that doesn't change the fact that you didn't understand what I was saying ... then when I tell you it wasn't what I meant ... you proceeded to put the screws to me. I don't care how frustrated you are ... that's just not a reasonable approach to 'attempting dialogue' with someone.

I never said those debating the merits of deciding to not buy the next expansion are telling me
people won't buy the expansion. I don't even know how you would come to that conclusion from what I said. What they and I said are referring to themselves, not others. Even so ... I DO think the OP is likely aware that his thread DOES attempt to imply he's not alone in his decision to abstain from the expansion ... so it's entirely false what I said? No, it's not.

Oh i'm sure he's aware he's not alone. That's why we're here to join him.

Have you played in many pvp games lately? Or anyone in this thread? I'm asking because i'm fully aware the base of the game's players are not into pvp - much of GW2 success comes from other modes - so it's easy to neglect the PvP player base. But, like most things, you're usually remembered for your failures rather than your success, and atm, PvP has been a big flop. The amount of bots, just to name a single concern we've identified, is really apparent compared to the percentage of active players (getting back to the OP's point). But if you're a raid/fractal/PvE guy/gal, you would never see this.

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I won't be buying the next expansion, that is if it even happens. My guess is if completed the next expansion will be their last given it is running on an outdated system. But that doesn't really have much to do with why I won't be buying it.

I just don't enjoy the game anymore and the direction it has gone over the last year or so, maybe even before.

I disagree with the way Anet has been communicating with customers over the last year or so or lack there of. Anet seems terrified of interacting with their customer base. No more AMAs, no more Release Day Dev Celebrations, no more ArenaNet Forum Chats. Heck, Mike Z left as game director and there was no follow up as to who was filling that space and what to expect. It was just a rumor for months. That was a bit odd to me since when Mike O left October 2019 it was an announcement that Mike Z was taking over. Then it turned out Mike Z left a month later without so much as a mention... IMO, there seems to be a lack of confidence in what Anet/NCSoft is doing with GW2 given the staff members that have left over the last year.

Overall, Anet's fear of engaging the community and being somewhat transparent is what has turned me off. I'm not going to support that from Anet by logging in to increase player count or to buy gems anymore. They just seem too disinterested in their customers these days. Maybe that has to do with NCSoft getting more involved again, I don't know. In my opinion since I started playing in 2013 the game has slowly gone from making engaging content to making just enough content to keep people logging in and looking at the gem store. I guess that makes sense as a buy to play game, but the shift has not appealed to me over the last year or more. The monetized build template thing turned me off even more. Good thing things were not like this back when they came up with the wardrobe system years ago which is an awesome feature. Otherwise players would probably be buying gems to save things in the wardrobe. :)

I wish the best for the game, those that still enjoy it, as well as all that work for Anet. It was fun for several years but I just don't care about GW2 anymore and Anet hasn't really given me a a reason to.

I imagine my post will get some backlash from people and I'll be told that I'm wrong. That's fine. I've said what I felt like saying and as I am sadly done with GW2 this is my last post here. I don't see a point arguing about how I feel or trying to convince others. I've enjoyed chatting with many of you, argued with many more. Stay well and if you still enjoy GW2 then I hope it brings you many more years of happiness. :)

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@Domino.1359 said:

@Obtena.7952 said:I think the best part of this thread is that ALL THE SUDDEN ... the lack of WvW and PvP developments is going to cause people to not buy and expansion ... but they have no problem continuing to play the game. Way to stick to the man

That entire sentence is false, lol. Not one person in this thread, or those debating the merits of deciding to not buy the next expansion, are telling you other people won't buy the expansion.

That's a comprehension issue for you ... that's not what I'm saying.

I thank you for posting anything meaningful to this discussion Obtena. I've attempted to open a dialogue and you went a few rings down.

Maybe if you didn't misrepresent what I had to say in the first place, your 'attempt at dialogue' might have proceeding in a different way.

I think my point was clear no?

Help me out. I've reread your post to make sure I didn't miss a beat. You mentioned people have no problem continuing to play the game, correct? Well, i'll also comment on that: you're right. Most of will indeed keep playing the game - i wont lie about that. Like you, we're also loyal to this fun and immersive hobby of ours. I can still come here to voice my concerns or give support to those who share the same frustration as me. But there is also an obvious lack of development to updates that are frustrating a lot of players - just have a look at the PvP forums. It's filled to the brim.

Sure ... but that doesn't change the fact that you didn't understand what I was saying ... then when I tell you it wasn't what I meant ... you proceeded to put the screws to me. I don't care how frustrated you are ... that's just not a reasonable approach to 'attempting dialogue' with someone.

I never said those debating the merits of deciding to not buy the next expansion are telling me
people won't buy the expansion. I don't even know how you would come to that conclusion from what I said. What they and I said are referring to themselves, not others. Even so ... I DO think the OP is likely aware that his thread DOES attempt to imply he's not alone in his decision to abstain from the expansion ... so it's entirely false what I said? No, it's not.

Oh i'm sure he's aware he's not alone. That's why we're here to join him.

Have you played in many pvp games lately? Or anyone in this thread? I'm asking because i'm fully aware the base of the game's players are not into pvp - much of GW2 success comes from other modes - so it's easy to neglect the PvP player base. But, like most things, you're usually remembered for your failures rather than your success, and atm, PvP has been a big flop. The amount of bots, just to name a single concern we've identified, is really apparent compared to the percentage of active players (getting back to the OP's point). But if you're a raid/fractal/PvE guy/gal, you would never see this.

The number of games I played in PVP has nothing to do with the absurdity of people playing a game they don't like while making empty threats to not make purchases in it. The fact is that if PVP/WvW people aren't happy, they are already not making purchases ... or if they are ... then it's really not as big a problem to them as they make it sound.

To be honest ... if PVP/WVW players aren't spending money ... why is anyone surprised at the lack of development there? Why would a game dev sink bux into a game mode that isn't good for their business?

If the WvW/PvP is so bad in this game that it doesn't warrant continued constant development ... the right thing to do is nothing.

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@"Domino.1359" said:

You are, I assume, a frequenter of these forums. Look at the PvP forums. Look at the WvW forum. There isn't a single thread that you'll find commenting on the brilliance of the balance in this game. I honestly don't play WvW, I do play PvP, and the only thing that has been a constant is the lack of balance and the loss of players due to this.

I went through some of the other forums and know what your beef is now. I saw a few vids showing people using exploits, bugs, or bots to "cheat" in PvP battles. Those character vs. character battles are suppose to be even for everyone, where skill determines the winner.

You're stuck in a hard place; boycotting the arenas only reduces the number of players, which may show devs those area are used less and therefor not focus on them at all. But if you play in those areas, you are tacitly approving of the current state of play and the devs won't fix what isn't broken.Obviously, they don't read the forums or at the very least respond to threads.

I have nothing constructive to add (from an outsider's POV) that could help.

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:

I went through some of the other forums and know what your beef is now. I saw a few vids showing people using exploits, bugs, or bots to "cheat" in PvP battles. Those character vs. character battles are suppose to be even for everyone, where skill determines the winner.

You're stuck in a hard place; boycotting the arenas only reduces the number of players, which may show devs those area are used less and therefor not focus on them at all. But if you play in those areas, you are tacitly approving of the current state of play and the devs won't fix what isn't broken.

TLDR; matchmaking itself sucks even when nobody is cheating. Also, ANet (like most companies) lack the critical resources to look past the data at why a certain portion of their product isn't performing. It's a fairly widespread problem in my business experience.

The thing is, it's not even just exploits, bots, and cheating at this point. Even in the absence of outright cheating, the matchmaking itself can get horrendous. This often leaves a very strong (and extremely negative) impression on players, and I think over time it saps enthusiasm for the game mode. Some, like me, just like spvp and stick with it, but I'd definitely do more of it if it didn't have a horrible aftertaste involving getting curbstomped by people who have no business being matched with me. Others surely just give up, either withdrawing entirely from that mode or just deciding to remain bad and farm reward tracks/ranked chests.

There's a lot of things that contribute to this situation that have already been discussed, but I think the deepest underlying problem is one that is not unique to ANet.

I work with a lot of companies that do pretty detailed analyses of aggregate data, but they still struggle because they think their analyses cover everything. What these clients usually fail to account for is that while the aggregate picture might look okay, if each individual customer's experience is just a little bit too far off the mark one way or the other, the project/campaign/entire company can still fail. Sure the median, averages, and maybe even the standard deviations line up okay... but you have to check to make sure that each individual instance that you're measuring - while not needing to be 100% bullseye each time - still falls within an acceptable range of that bullseye. I can't tell you how many times I've had to go to meetings where some stuffed shirt loudly insists that the numbers "look great", but can't understand that for every 1 perfectly happy customer there are 5 more who feel that their experience with a competitor is just that much better or worth their time. That's the hard part - it's not that those 5 necessarily walked away unhappy or angry; just (1) an inconvenience or imperfection, (2) the realization that this company probably won't fix it, and (3) an option to go somewhere else even slightly better is all it takes. It's not always immediate, but if not addressed, those other 5 customers will get captured by someone else, and it will not be possible to replace them at a suitable rate.

I'm not sure ANet has made (or if it even _can _make, at this point) this deeper analysis. What constitutes an acceptable range for a bullseye in terms of an spvp match? Does it mean that the final scores have to be within 100 points? 150? 200? Does it mean that each team trades the optional objective (capricorn bell, niflhel beasts, etc) meaningfully? How does one account for teams that decide on different strategies that don't necessarily interact with each map as they might have been designed to do? Does it mean that someone on a healing build can do X amount of healing if they have dps or tank cover, and Y amount if they don't? How would the game even read and label someone's build as a heal/tank/dps so as to check how that build performs? It's a deeplycomplex question that's likely impossible to solve with some magic formula. In fact, this variability and depth is precisely what attracts a lot of players to competitive modes.

Usually, the only way any company can answer these types of questions is to have an absolutely obsessed QC (quality control) person or team that's out in the field, doing their best to actually figure out what the consumer experience feels like on a consistent basis. This person would be able to tell the company things that the data can't. The thing is, it's not just a matter of hiring people. The right person for the job, in my experience, has to have either an almost fanatical dedication to the QC job, or is extremely experienced and insightful. In terms of spvp in GW2, that would probably mean, at the very least, having a meaningful number of devs from a meaningful spread of gameplay preferences participating in a meaningful number of matches over a meaningful span of time. I'm just not sure anyone on staff has the time to actually do that. In place of live dev participation, a game could rely on combat balance to do the heavy lifting, so that it's reasonable to assume that almost any player on any class has a fighting chance to win any given encounter. Of course, we all know (or should know, at this point) how that's working out for GW2 so far.

My greatest, most wildly optimistic hope for the game is an absolute maximum of 1 more expac beyond the Cantha one recently announced. Even that feels like a stretch. Either way, I've made my peace with ANet being unable to fundamentally revive sPvP and WvW. And you know what? I'm actually okay with that, as much as I like sPvP. I'll continue to participate to the extent that I have fun and get stuff I want, but I've just accepted that things will likely remain as they are.

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@"Obtena.7952" said:

To be honest ... if PVP/WVW players aren't spending money ... why is anyone surprised at the lack of development there? Why would a game dev sink bux into a game mode that isn't good for their business?

If the WvW/PvP is so bad in this game that it doesn't warrant continued constant development ... the right thing to do is nothing.

We're not spending any money because we can't get regular updates, or even rather important developments to WvW for kitten 30 months after the thing was announced!

I don't pay vendors that don't supply. Apparently you do, all the time. Your local Starbucks must love you, dropping $20 a week on coffee you never come get.

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WvW today is like... the mesh for the mystic forge in LA is missing. Just gone. You see the special halloween mesh pop up during a few weeks. But then its gone again, broken and just wont render. And its been... say 4 years since you last saw that mystic forge mesh. And Anet has done nothing. You can still play PvE just fine. But its still missing.

Is that acceptable? Is that a reasonable scenario for PvE?

I think we all know the answer to that.


Anet would fix it in days. Maybe even hours upon breaking it. Someone over at Anet offices would snap their fingers and say "fix it. Now.". And it would get fixed. Because its PvE.

Yet this is exactly what has happened in WvW. Missing wall sections on DBL garri for 3+ years (dont think anyone can remember when it started anymore)? NAH, IT'LL BE FINE.

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