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Upcoming changes for Ele - July 2020


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Anyone who actually thinks Flame Expulsion is going to deal considerable damage must have been living under a rock on Pluto for the past few years. I doubt Anet's going to put two dps grandmaster traits into a trait line, especially when the base trait we're talking about, Pyromancer's Puissance, is a selfish support trait as of this day. Devs probably wanted to have an interesting way for ele to share might outside of tempest without having to blast fire fields. The idea of removing might from oneself to grant it to allies is neat - bad in terms of gameplay and likely balance as well, but neat. Flame Expulsion honestly just looks like something extra which was tacked on to make the trait look more appealing than just "lul you removed your own might stacks and gave them to allies who already generated 25 of their own."

It may be okay on release, but once all the usual nerfs are applied I expect it to do about 500 damage with the usual marauder build, double it if you use ten stacks of might, and it won't be able to crit.


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The 'buffs' to staff are almost insulting.

Windborne speed: Reduced cooldown from 25 to 20. ...why? In what way is this supposed to be useful?

Shock wave: Reduced cooldown from 30 second to 25 seconds: How about increasing projectile speed so we can actually hit someone with this? How about making it so the projectile doesn't travel on the ground so it's impossible to hit someone at a different elevation, or with a gap, or with a small obstacle in the way? Instead we get slightly more opportunities to see this spell fail to hit anything.

Lightning surge: Reduced cooldown from 10 seconds to 6 seconds: How about reducing the 1 second cast time so the blind actually has a chance of interrupting the enemies current attack rather than interrupting whatever random attack they decide to use after.

Mist form, obsidian flesh, and hardy conduit nerfs: Really? As someone else mentioned, problems with ele were shock aura share and res glyph. These were the things people were actually complaining about. Instead you nerfed ele survivability across the board, and you'll probably end up nerfing shock aura and res glyph some time in the future since you failed to address the things people were actually complaining about.

Reduced cooldown for healing rain and ice spike: Slight buff for staff support eles. Made bitter by the nerf to survivability, and the other crap 'buffs'.

For the love of god, if you actually want to help staff eles, do some of the things the player base has been asking for, for years. Increase projectile speed so we can actually hit something, reduce cast times so not every single one of our attacks is super telegraphed, and get rid of the root when casting meteor shower. In general, a dps buff is needed for staff eles in spvp since we almost never cap out on the maximum number of targets for any of our spells since we aren't fighting in zergs.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:Why should anyone play this class? Shock aura(when shared) and res glyph(no res skills should be in the game at all in PvP anymore) were the issues. Why would you nerf mist form and focus 5 which nerfs other already weak elementalist builds and lowers its build diversity even further?

This class has a single good spec, pure support. You nerfed it in the wrong ways that also nerf the base spec. Why?

Not even going to get into the random nerfs to a class that sees almost no PvE presence and the build you decided to nerf is incredibly hard to play and thus not even popular. You didn't even make it easier to play, you just made something have a lower reward: effort ratio for no reason. Again I ask, why?

There's no reason for this class to be CONSTANTLY butchered in every single game mode since the Vanilla version of this game.


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Well Flame expulsion was a fail in terms of damage, why would I expect it otherwise. Full buffed against a full conditioned golem, the explosion crits for 8,8k, and that's what Anet calls "burst", oh boy.

Lava font and fire fury generator got removed, but since we have a passive fury generator from air, I dont mind that one too much, the lava font though...But the 10% dmg buff from persisting flames is easy to keep up, with the regular power weaver rotation as a fresh air build, I could keep max stacks with buffs on the golem, so yeah, it might? be a slight buff, but pretty minimal to me, lava font added some damage aswell and was insane synergy with the down-ratio an ele has by default :astonished:

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Well, I kinda like the new Flame Expulsion since it affects both condi and power build. Lost of might stacks is an issue though, since it also affect power overwhelming. If you have only 10 might stacks, you loose all stacks AND 300 power bonus. I wonder, what if I build a might stacking machine ? With rune, sigil, and food, I could generate a lot of might. Since expulsion has no CD, it benefits weaver a lot. Will it worth it ? Probably not, but we are stuck with this for 4 months !

However, we lost Downed Lava Font and this is a very strong nerf to sustain in pve solo play (and not only there). It was an incredible surviving tool with downed signet, and even without, it was still a strong DPS rally helper. We gain 10% DPS in return and it is great in group settings, but about solo ? I would choose the old trait any day.

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Tempest on its own now gives 25 stack of might from just 2 skills and staff got a nice cd utility buff. I am fearful they are going to remove combo finnisher after seeing how they buff staff and changed traits with finnisher.

For wvw out side of the socrge problem ele got a nice update. But now there a lot riding on combo finnisher going away if they do ele needs a massive buff.

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The Persisting Flames change is bad and putting Ele into an even worse place. Blasting fire fields was Ele's only reliable way to maintain Fury, especially for players like myself who mainly play solo. Now I have to go into air and Raging Storm for Fury but it's cooldown heavily limits your Fury uptime.

Though I feel the biggest nerf here is the loss of the Lave Font when downed. Now solo Ele players will have it much harder trying to rally after being downed.

Not cool Anet.

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@"steki.1478" said:Sooo...

Downed lava font - removed. Persisting flames stack 1% damage per pulse, even if it's the same target.

Flame expulsion - might doesnt affect ele.

Very questionable changes.

It's like they said:

"How can we ensure that solo players feel like they don't exist as far as our development team is concerned?"

"I know! Let's remove lava font on down and personal might generation. But it's okay! Raiders get some group might they don't need and power weaver will have a better benchmark on snowcrows! Yay!"

::Sigh:: ANet. Be better than this.

Edit: Also, don't get me started on how it impacts combo fields! Both of these traits were used extensively by ele players for boon generation via combos on fire fields. You essentially made that a pointless endeavor unless the ele happens to be in a group that needs might.

Seriously, what were you thinking? Who makes these kinds of bonehead decisions? Maybe put someone else in charge who thinks about the impact of this kind of stuff before they make big changes like this that don't improve much for anyone, but make a lot of things worse for most?

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@Aigleborgne.2981 said:Well, I kinda like the new Flame Expulsion since it affects both condi and power build. Lost of might stacks is an issue though, since it also affect power overwhelming. If you have only 10 might stacks, you loose all stacks AND 300 power bonus. I wonder, what if I build a might stacking machine ? With rune, sigil, and food, I could generate a lot of might. Since expulsion has no CD, it benefits weaver a lot. Will it worth it ? Probably not, but we are stuck with this for 4 months !

However, we lost Downed Lava Font and this is a very strong nerf to sustain in pve solo play (and not only there). It was an incredible surviving tool with downed signet, and even without, it was still a strong DPS rally helper. We gain 10% DPS in return and it is great in group settings, but about solo ? I would choose the old trait any day.

LoL What? You think they even bothered to look before they threw darts at a board covered in bad ideas? Losing faith...

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Hi,Post turned out to become longer than I expected, but I make some valid points so stay with me ^^'

The change to pyromancers puissance is bad in more ways than just losing your might and the upkeep of power overwhelming.

Consider this: the trait is supposed to help the elementalist "burst"But when do you want to burst? Exactly! When you go INTO fire, not when you go OUT of fire. It doesn't make sense! If the trait would trigger the fire explosion and remove the might when you go INTO fire, it wouldn't even be that bad. Then it would indeed help with your burst, reward you for keeping your might up outside of fire, and allow you to restack your might afterwards, since you just entered fire.

Second point I want to make: lowering cooldowns on staff skills has litterally no effect at all. Why? Well, what do you do as an elementalist after using all your skills? That's right! Swap to a different element! So anything that has a cooldown lower than roughly 10 seconds, will not matter at all (and that is assuming you only swap between two elements)In other words, if you casted 1 lightning surge in your dps rotation pre patch, you will still cast only 1 lightning surge in your dps rotation after this patch. (Except that they also nerfed the damage of that skill now)

Lastly, increasing the cooldown of obsidian flesh and mist form is just unfair to core elementalist. Seriously, stop fixing things by breaking other things. If tempest had to much cc, then don't nerf tempest by making one of core elementalists key survivabillity skills almost qn unviable skill choice.

It just makes me sad, I enjoy this game so much. and I always praise it for it's combat and how you can create your own builds and playstyle. Build diversabillity should be treasured, it's what makes this game my favorite game. But the last few patches have really been forcing elementalist players to play support or swap character.

Shoutouts to my fellow eles that keep playing their favorite builds, no matter the struggle

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:

@chris.6583 said:i can't believe they reworked those fire grandmaster traits and did nothing for blinding ashes

Considering what they did with the other two, I'm not sure you should be expecting an improvement here.

Was thinking the same. It's not spammable but reliable enough to tank big attacks and then use blind from other skills to stay alive. Fingers crossed they leave it as is.

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The fact that they made well of darkness work better than storm glyph in water and earth combined, while being almost instant cast makes me not even want to login, despite the patch being relatively mild for ele in group content.

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@AliamRationem.5172 said:Considering what they did with the other two, I'm not sure you should be expecting an improvement here.

how about making it a decent grandmaster trait instead of screwing the others, most grandmaster traits have more than just 1 effect and more sinergy

@"Stallic.2397" said:

Was thinking the same. It's not spammable but reliable enough to tank big attacks and then use blind from other skills to stay alive. Fingers crossed they leave it as is.

(speaking of pve) why whould you ever rely on it?, you can only blind regular mobs, you still will be hit by any mob with break bar like champions, most legendary mobs are inmune

if you want to "spam" blind is better to use [Conjure Lightning Hammer] skill 1; is faster, does more damage(it can even kill some of your targets so no need to blind), aoe 5 targets, combo finisher, 1.5 s of cd total for a 3s blind so is totally spamable, and you get your stats buffed by the conjure equipment; or just learn to dodge

may be they left that trait like that because is just bad has it is, no need to nerf this sh*t i guess

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