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Support Scourge is doing good. Lost Protection trait on Wells but Wells of Darkness buff is nice. The shade rework really helps with placement. I was playing more comfortable compared to yesterday before the patch - and I guess must be extremely annoying to my opponents. I find the new GM trait Blood Bank is actually quite useful, as you will usually overheal as Support Scourge - although I miss Transfusion revive-teleport. Signet of Locust is actually fun to use as second heal skill, and with Dagger 2 heal have good synergy with Blood Bank. The patch opens up a lot of build flavour for Support Scourge i.e. Staff vs Dagger - Blood Bank vs Transfusion - Utility choices etc.

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Ranger: same core bunker will be better than before once the bug to holo is fixedThief: you can try crit strikes now, was always good just better now. If you didn’t try before there’s more reason than ever to play s/d DrDNecro: looks super busted, lots of new builds.

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@Raiden The Beast.3016 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Ranger: same core bunker will be better than before once the bug to holo is fixedThief: you can try crit strikes now, was always good just better now. If you didn’t try before there’s more reason than ever to play s/d DrDNecro: looks super busted, lots of new builds.

Crit strikes ... yikes ?

The only actual problem with crit strikes is it has no utility beside great boon duration. It was also pok on like s/d or s/p daredevil but now DA is nerfed and shadow arts does lower dps than DA plus they buffed crit strikes. So the DL is- crit strikes damage is way higher than the other options, so it’s up to you. Do you want damage? Take crits. Do you want sustain? Sa or acro. Mix of both? Da.

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@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Instead of complaining incessantly about the patch, how have you changed your builds to adapt? What new builds are now more viable? Personally, I'm going to try out some scourge minion and support builds now that they undid the shade nerf.


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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Instead of complaining incessantly about the patch, how have you changed your builds to adapt? What new builds are now more viable? Personally, I'm going to try out some scourge minion and support builds now that they undid the shade nerf.

Can't adapt to idiocy. You know what I can do? I can leave. Got plenty of other games to play

So, nothing of use to add? Just wanna cry and ignore the topic entirely? Aight then.

Its less to do with crying and more to do with people being just done with the game at this point. There is no "adapting" when ultimately the patch didn't actually change much of anything, aside from buffing Necro, buffing Holo and "nerfing" the
things. The only significant change outside of those things is Revenant got some QoL fixes for their swaps and such...that is about it.

I'm sure you're excited for the Necro stuff, and are fine with where Necro is at these days, but that isn't the case for some other classes and also Necro
overperforming for a variety of reasons and it
has not been addressed.

Has nothing to do with adapting...

All I heard is that you've not bothered to learn how to cc at all, because if you did, most necros are still sitting ducks.

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Instead of complaining incessantly about the patch, how have you changed your builds to adapt? What new builds are now more viable? Personally, I'm going to try out some scourge minion and support builds now that they undid the shade nerf.


I mean, scourge is viable in pvp again, so WAAAAHHHH all you want, you're still wrong. XD

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@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:

@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Instead of complaining incessantly about the patch, how have you changed your builds to adapt? What new builds are now more viable? Personally, I'm going to try out some scourge minion and support builds now that they undid the shade nerf.

Can't adapt to idiocy. You know what I can do? I can leave. Got plenty of other games to play

So, nothing of use to add? Just wanna cry and ignore the topic entirely? Aight then.

Its less to do with crying and more to do with people being just done with the game at this point. There is no "adapting" when ultimately the patch didn't actually change much of anything, aside from buffing Necro, buffing Holo and "nerfing" the
things. The only significant change outside of those things is Revenant got some QoL fixes for their swaps and such...that is about it.

I'm sure you're excited for the Necro stuff, and are fine with where Necro is at these days, but that isn't the case for some other classes and also Necro
overperforming for a variety of reasons and it
has not been addressed.

Has nothing to do with adapting...

All I heard is that you've not bothered to learn how to cc at all, because if you did, most necros are still sitting ducks.


You realize these retorts you make, which are fairly passive aggressive, are the exact same kinds of retorts Spellbreakers, as an example, would make to defend the fairly lengthy amount of time where it was overtuned and overperforming; i.e early PoF and later.

"Just CC them" is the exact equivalent to "just dodge it." At some point there has to be a degree of recognition that, yes your class has issues that need to be addressed that allow it to overperform as significantly as it does. Too few people on this game, probably more specifically this forum, lack that self awareness to take an objective look at their own class and acknowledge the potentially overbearing issues that they bring to a PvP setting.

For example, despite the fact that I would classify myself as a Warrior main I 100% recognized the issues the class presented; Spellbreaker Might generation was over the top which by proxy made its sustain from Might over the top, the passive traits (Defy Pain and Last Stand) were not healthy in the least for PvP, Full Counter and Rampage were excessively oppressive in Conquest just due to how the mode functions.

Once you subtract "ego" from your perspective the issues facing PvP, class balance, and other aspects of the game actually come more clearly into focus. Be aware that when I say "ego" I am not implying or inferring that you are arrogant, that isn't what that inherently means. Everyone has an ego, the only difference between people is the degree or amount in which they let it influence not only their perspective but also their attitudes. Like when I say I feel that ANet has been a victim of its own ego, I tend to clarify that what I mean is they seem to have bought too much into their own hype, they have let their ego, the positives they view of themselves, influence them to such an extent that they end up being blind to the reality and the issues with their game and how they are handling things.

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I don't need to "theorycraft" or "adapt" to see that balance changes are at most a bad joke. They didn't fix a single problem beside bug fixes for few classes and even worse, they reversed some changes like shades on Scourge, which in long run will be unhealthy for the game itself.They either buffed or not changed things that should be nerfed to the ground or completely reworked from design stand-point.They nerfed barely usable things because why not.These balance/mechanics changes are solely based on PvE performance.This patch is a fail.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Instead of complaining incessantly about the patch, how have you changed your builds to adapt? What new builds are now more viable? Personally, I'm going to try out some scourge minion and support builds now that they undid the shade nerf.

Can't adapt to idiocy. You know what I can do? I can leave. Got plenty of other games to play

So, nothing of use to add? Just wanna cry and ignore the topic entirely? Aight then.

Its less to do with crying and more to do with people being just done with the game at this point. There is no "adapting" when ultimately the patch didn't actually change much of anything, aside from buffing Necro, buffing Holo and "nerfing" the
things. The only significant change outside of those things is Revenant got some QoL fixes for their swaps and such...that is about it.

I'm sure you're excited for the Necro stuff, and are fine with where Necro is at these days, but that isn't the case for some other classes and also Necro
overperforming for a variety of reasons and it
has not been addressed.

Has nothing to do with adapting...

All I heard is that you've not bothered to learn how to cc at all, because if you did, most necros are still sitting ducks.


You realize these retorts you make, which are fairly passive aggressive, are the exact same kinds of retorts Spellbreakers, as an example, would make to defend the fairly lengthy amount of time where it was overtuned and overperforming; i.e early PoF and later.

"Just CC them" is the exact equivalent to "just dodge it." At some point there has to be a degree of recognition that,
your class has issues that need to be addressed that allow it to overperform as significantly as it does. Too few people on this game, probably more specifically this forum, lack that self awareness to take an objective look at their own class and acknowledge the potentially overbearing issues that they bring to a PvP setting.

For example, despite the fact that I would classify myself as a Warrior main I
recognized the issues the class presented; Spellbreaker Might generation was
over the top
which by proxy made its sustain from Might
over the top
, the passive traits (Defy Pain and Last Stand) were
healthy in the least for PvP, Full Counter and Rampage were excessively oppressive
in Conquest
just due to how the mode functions.

Once you subtract "ego" from your perspective the issues facing PvP, class balance, and other aspects of the game actually come more clearly into focus. Be aware that when I say "ego" I am not implying or inferring that you are arrogant, that isn't what that inherently means. Everyone has an ego, the only difference between people is the degree or amount in which they let it influence not only their perspective but also their attitudes. Like when I say I feel that ANet has been a victim of its own ego, I tend to clarify that what I mean is they seem to have bought too much into their own hype, they have let their ego, the positives they view of themselves, influence them to such an extent that they end up being blind to the reality and the issues with their game and how they are handling things.

Darn, I missed the part where these mega OP necros are dominating the top-tiers of PVP every season. XD And thanks for the condescending word salad. But you're still wrong.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Instead of complaining incessantly about the patch, how have you changed your builds to adapt? What new builds are now more viable? Personally, I'm going to try out some scourge minion and support builds now that they undid the shade nerf.

Can't adapt to idiocy. You know what I can do? I can leave. Got plenty of other games to play

So, nothing of use to add? Just wanna cry and ignore the topic entirely? Aight then.

Its less to do with crying and more to do with people being just done with the game at this point. There is no "adapting" when ultimately the patch didn't actually change much of anything, aside from buffing Necro, buffing Holo and "nerfing" the
things. The only significant change outside of those things is Revenant got some QoL fixes for their swaps and such...that is about it.

I'm sure you're excited for the Necro stuff, and are fine with where Necro is at these days, but that isn't the case for some other classes and also Necro
overperforming for a variety of reasons and it
has not been addressed.

Has nothing to do with adapting...

All I heard is that you've not bothered to learn how to cc at all, because if you did, most necros are still sitting ducks.


You realize these retorts you make, which are fairly passive aggressive, are the exact same kinds of retorts Spellbreakers, as an example, would make to defend the fairly lengthy amount of time where it was overtuned and overperforming; i.e early PoF and later.

"Just CC them" is the exact equivalent to "just dodge it." At some point there has to be a degree of recognition that,
your class has issues that need to be addressed that allow it to overperform as significantly as it does. Too few people on this game, probably more specifically this forum, lack that self awareness to take an objective look at their own class and acknowledge the potentially overbearing issues that they bring to a PvP setting.

For example, despite the fact that I would classify myself as a Warrior main I
recognized the issues the class presented; Spellbreaker Might generation was
over the top
which by proxy made its sustain from Might
over the top
, the passive traits (Defy Pain and Last Stand) were
healthy in the least for PvP, Full Counter and Rampage were excessively oppressive
in Conquest
just due to how the mode functions.

Once you subtract "ego" from your perspective the issues facing PvP, class balance, and other aspects of the game actually come more clearly into focus. Be aware that when I say "ego" I am not implying or inferring that you are arrogant, that isn't what that inherently means. Everyone has an ego, the only difference between people is the degree or amount in which they let it influence not only their perspective but also their attitudes. Like when I say I feel that ANet has been a victim of its own ego, I tend to clarify that what I mean is they seem to have bought too much into their own hype, they have let their ego, the positives they view of themselves, influence them to such an extent that they end up being blind to the reality and the issues with their game and how they are handling things.

Darn, I missed the part where these mega OP necros are dominating the top-tiers of PVP every season. XD And thanks for the condescending word salad. But you're still wrong.

I refuse to learn simple counters to low-tier beginner-friendly classes

Fixed that for ya, bud.

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@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:

@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Instead of complaining incessantly about the patch, how have you changed your builds to adapt? What new builds are now more viable? Personally, I'm going to try out some scourge minion and support builds now that they undid the shade nerf.

Can't adapt to idiocy. You know what I can do? I can leave. Got plenty of other games to play

So, nothing of use to add? Just wanna cry and ignore the topic entirely? Aight then.

Its less to do with crying and more to do with people being just done with the game at this point. There is no "adapting" when ultimately the patch didn't actually change much of anything, aside from buffing Necro, buffing Holo and "nerfing" the
things. The only significant change outside of those things is Revenant got some QoL fixes for their swaps and such...that is about it.

I'm sure you're excited for the Necro stuff, and are fine with where Necro is at these days, but that isn't the case for some other classes and also Necro
overperforming for a variety of reasons and it
has not been addressed.

Has nothing to do with adapting...

All I heard is that you've not bothered to learn how to cc at all, because if you did, most necros are still sitting ducks.


You realize these retorts you make, which are fairly passive aggressive, are the exact same kinds of retorts Spellbreakers, as an example, would make to defend the fairly lengthy amount of time where it was overtuned and overperforming; i.e early PoF and later.

"Just CC them" is the exact equivalent to "just dodge it." At some point there has to be a degree of recognition that,
your class has issues that need to be addressed that allow it to overperform as significantly as it does. Too few people on this game, probably more specifically this forum, lack that self awareness to take an objective look at their own class and acknowledge the potentially overbearing issues that they bring to a PvP setting.

For example, despite the fact that I would classify myself as a Warrior main I
recognized the issues the class presented; Spellbreaker Might generation was
over the top
which by proxy made its sustain from Might
over the top
, the passive traits (Defy Pain and Last Stand) were
healthy in the least for PvP, Full Counter and Rampage were excessively oppressive
in Conquest
just due to how the mode functions.

Once you subtract "ego" from your perspective the issues facing PvP, class balance, and other aspects of the game actually come more clearly into focus. Be aware that when I say "ego" I am not implying or inferring that you are arrogant, that isn't what that inherently means. Everyone has an ego, the only difference between people is the degree or amount in which they let it influence not only their perspective but also their attitudes. Like when I say I feel that ANet has been a victim of its own ego, I tend to clarify that what I mean is they seem to have bought too much into their own hype, they have let their ego, the positives they view of themselves, influence them to such an extent that they end up being blind to the reality and the issues with their game and how they are handling things.

Darn, I missed the part where these mega OP necros are dominating the top-tiers of PVP every season. XD And thanks for the condescending word salad. But you're still wrong.

I never said they were doing that "every season", I am saying that right now they are overperforming to a degree. Also I wasn't being condescending, I was elaborating on what I was saying so as to not come across as attacking you, which I'm not, I am providing a contrary perspective to your own as well as pointing out the fallacies that exist within it.

From your post history you seem to be very involved in playing Necro so it is entirely understandable for your bias to be heavily weighted towards that as your only perspective. All I am saying is that your bias is a significant influence on what seems to be your current inability to see the problems with the class, to be fair you are not the only person who falls into that category, but there needs to be an understanding of that for any actual constructive discussion to be had about it.

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