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GW2 game overview or rantings of a vet player

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Arena net, if I may be a little bold, I just wanted to let you in on some issues with GW2. First let me start by saying this game has so much potential it’s not even funny, however, you seem determined to kill it, the way things are going I don’t give it 3 more years for it to go into maintenance mode only and disappear shortly after as keeping those servers up is very expensive.In my humble opinion, I really don’t see what the strategy here is, if you really care about the game, please do this, ask players with over 6 years game play and over 30k achievement points for their opinions, you might be surprised.

I’ve been with GW ever since GW1 and let me say this, GW2 story “sucks”, not because of the story itself but because how it was developed. Tell me one character on gw2 that left a mark on people. For me I can mildly accept three, Taimi, Canach and arguably Tybalt, all the rest, in my point of view I say “screw them, I don’t care for them”, I mean, honestly did people feel sorry when Faolain killed Eir?, Hell I actually even want her son to die, and this is because they have no personalities (I actually enjoyed Scarlet better than most other NPCs, she was crazy but consistent and had her reasons). I remember GW1 where I was sorry for Rurik and felt bad for having to kill him, the Dwarves story, pre-searing,…, amazing. When Jora first appeared and it was like “Nobody move that’s a Norm!”,..., you could feel the threat (I immediately wanted to have a Norm character, which I did the minute I was on GW2). The trip from Ascalon to LA is still etched in my memory, the Luxons (turtles with canons on their back, what a concept), Kurzick,…, I more than once had trouble forcing myself to go to bed because I wanted to play “just 5 more minutes”. I mean, back then it looked like you were unable to create “bad content” in the game.

As for GW2, let’s go through a few issues (not all by a long shot):Market: Although the idea looks good, it allows to for guys like those of Team MM to exploit it like crazy (which I think they were really smart doing it), however, it started killing the game, wasn’t it better like GW1 where you announced your wares in towns, haggled with other players and made deals? How about skins, if you put everything in the black lion to buy with gems and so many, people will eventually lose interest, why don’t you make like “this adventure trip to mount whatever to kill the cursed dragon and use his skin to make a leather armor with an exclusive skin that shines this way or that,…” (you know, something with logic, not just a brainless grind), It will create purpose for a ton of people go for PVE and even bring in more new players.

Legendaries: Again their name says it all, they are supposed to be almost unique, as in very very hard to come by, I'm not supposed to have 20+ legendaries. What happens when I get all that I want? There will be no new shinies for me, I will loose interest and go play Albion online,....

Classes: What do you mean by balance patches? Classes are there to make it different, how come the tankiest class can be a light armor chrono???? Why can I solo anything on my necro???, Guardians/Warriors should be the tanks, you shouldn’t be able to go melee range with a warrior and have a fair chance of coming out alive, the classes should compensate each other (not be a "do it all" class), they should still need the guardian to cleanse/heal them, make every class needed for a purpose and make that purpose logical. What looks like is happening is that a Dev with a Mesmer goes to fight a skilled player with a warrior (the outcome expectable), and then next patch let’s nerf the warriors adrenal health, healing signet, take out his stability….

NPCs: As I explained before, give them strong personality traits, like you did with Canach, the “I don’t care if you help me or not, I’m not here to help you either”, I want the real thing, I don’t wanna know or care about if they are lesbian, or black, or blue, or whatever, just give them a purpose, a behavior and back it up with a realistic event / situation of their past. Now a whiny obnoxious Norm,…, really??? (aren't these supposed to be the giants that brave the extreme weather conditions, and instill fear on other races with their presence alone?),…, just kill him and be done with it.

Lions Arch: Now this is an old grudge of mine. The story behind LA, is that it started as the meeting grounds of merchants, pirates, cut throats, harlots,…, do you really think that after an attack that nearly burns it down to the ground (btw I loved that part of the story), they get together as law abiding citizens and build “Shiny Lobster City”???? really?, where are the Lions, the slums, the beggars, the cutthroats, the smelly sewers, the shady alleys, … Did it become Divinity’s Reach without us knowing?? And what happened to the Tengu?

WVW: Unbreakable walls and gate (even if for a min)? A couple defenders can hold a tower against an enemy zerg? Whatchtowers? Disablers? Why do you love defenders so much that you feel the need to help them? We don’t want ppl turtling up inside objectives, we want fights. If you want to slow down attackers, make them have to push/pull the siege from tower to tower or make it a lot more time consuming to build (so that it pays to move it instead of building it), also make siege repairable,… As for mounts, give them 1 HP and stop their stomping crap and running away crap (also as a side note, you started to kill wvw when you introduced stability and killed the hammer train…, before that, it was so much more fun!!!)

Edge of the Mists: What a real shame!!! That’s a beautiful map, please use it! Even if you just make it something like GVG grounds.

This is already a long post, bottom line is that there’s a lot that can be done to save / reboost this game, please be creative, consistent and logical with the content. Please hear us “veterans” who love the game…. If you have ran out of ideas, please really please, go play GW1 for a little time and at least try to emulate that feeling, please!!!

p.s.: these are only my personal opinions and they're meant to be taken as constructive criticism, maybe a place where other players can post their ideas/feelings as well, regarding this great game, it's not my intention to slander other peoples work...

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I'm still shocked that someone can play this game for 6 years, profess to love it, and still call them "Norm." Flabbergasting.

The only one of OP's points that resonated with me was about the story. In so many spots, it's just so... juvenile. I guess I won't bother specifying since spoilers are already a problem in this thread, but certain elements of PoF, LWS4, and the current saga feel crushingly bad.

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I get it it's Norn not Norm, now get over it. The message here is not how it is written, don't be all riled up about what's really unimportant.Also what I did was express my opinion, you don't have to agree with it, or be rude about it, and I did say I love the game right? I was writting as someone who had the fortune of playing this game since GW1 (I even have the books, do you know there are books too?), what I'm saying is basically if you played it since the start like I did, now there's like a sense of lacking from what it was in the beginning...

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@"Storm.1629" said:I get it it's Norn not Norm, now get over it. The message here is not how it is written, don't be all riled up about what's really unimportant.Also what I did was express my opinion, you don't have to agree with it, or be rude about it, and I did say I love the game right? I was writting as someone who had the fortune of playing this game since GW1 (I even have the books, do you know there are books too?), what I'm saying is basically if you played it since the start like I did, now there's like a sense of lacking from what it was in the beginning...

You don't speak for everyone. I've also played since early Prophecies, was on the beta forum for GW2 and played in the closed beta weekends/stress tests, and read all the books (also own Charrlie and an official charr t-shirt, since you want to pull nerd rank, and the only reason I didn't get the collector's edition back in 2012 was because only one was allocated to my city and an EB Games employee snagged it before it was available to the public) and don't agree with you on multiple points.

First, story is subjective. What you claim is unforgettable from GW1, I don't care about or had forgotten. You say only 3 characters in GW2 have maybe had an impact people and I say you're wrong and that only one of your three has done enough that I somewhat care about him (Canach).

Market: The TP is a godsend and standing around Spammadan trying to sell whatever was annoying and took forever. It was worse when trying to buy because you had to hope you were in the same district as someone who had what you wanted, hope that they were reading chat, hope that they were willing to sell, and hope that they wouldn't rip you off. All that is time that could have been better spent playing the game instead of alt-tabbing or reading a book because you couldn't keep an eye on chat if you left the hub.

(The TP also minimizes inflation and combats gold-selling, btw.)

Legendaries: Legendaries are cosmetic and have some QoL fuctions. That's it. And if you remember from GW2's early days, precursors were RNG drops only so the only way to get a legendary was to be lucky with a pre drop or buy one off the TP. They only added crafting in when players complained about how unfair and inaccessible that system was. Also I don't know what them to do about legendaries since either the original weapons are the only legendaries the game will ever get or they occasionally add a new one. They chose the latter and it shouldn't be a surprise that some people after nearly 8 years have multiple legendaries.

Classes: I don't know what you're trying to say here because all I see is complaining that armour classes don't dictate what a player can and can't do. In a game that was designed and advertised to not follow the Holy Trinity and force people into end-game roles that were determined by the class they picked. Is it weird that a cloth-wearer is one of the best tanks and that the heavy armour classes are some of the best support classes? A bit, but also breaking MMO conventions was what GW2 was supposed to do.

NPCs: Again, personal preference. Also representation matters so while you may not care about Marjory and Kasmeer, I do and I know many people who do care about the fact that there's a prominent non-straight couple in a AAA MMO (even if they've been put on the backburner for a few years). I'm not really into Kas but it is possible to not personally be into something while still acknowledging that it's important to others.

LA: You do have a bit of a point here, but LA of SoS is different than the LA of EoD which is different than the LA that is in GW2. The game also largely doesn't show slums and citys are shrunk down (as are maps in general) because that makes the game more approachable to players and means the game takes up less room. The themepark look of new LA is bad, though, and clashes with the rest of the game.

WvW: WvW is in a massive need of an update, yes, but complaints about it are like the tides and it largely depends on what class you play and what you do in WvW. If not for the invuln tactic, zergs would be able to take whatever they wanted because that minute gives the defending server time to respond. Without it, towers could be taken in a minute or two. Siege being repairable would also benefit the defenders, especially in the case of fully stocked keeps. And the warclaw has been repeatedly nerfed to the point where it's mostly just useful for mobility for classes that can't teleport or stack swiftness and can no longer finish downed enemies. And why is it bad some people are able to escape fights now? If they're able to mount up, you haven't touched them in a while so it can't have been much of a fight.

Also stability is good because losing control of your character often and repeatedly was obnoxious. Conditions (and boons) need a rework but stability was introduced to fix a problem.

Mists: Agreed here. It's no longer needed as an overflow so should be used or converted to something. Also have rewards increased as it gives little WXP and no pips.

TL;DR: Veterans aren't a monolith, you don't speak for all of us, and a lot of what you suggest as "fixes" or "improvements" is purely subjective and/or goes against the game design.

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@Zephire.8049 said:

@"Storm.1629" said:I get it it's Norn not Norm, now get over it. The message here is not how it is written, don't be all riled up about what's really unimportant.Also what I did was express my opinion, you don't have to agree with it, or be rude about it, and I did say I love the game right? I was writting as someone who had the fortune of playing this game since GW1 (I even have the books, do you know there are books too?), what I'm saying is basically if you played it since the start like I did, now there's like a sense of lacking from what it was in the beginning...

You don't speak for everyone. I've also played since early Prophecies, was on the beta forum for GW2 and played in the closed beta weekends/stress tests, and read all the books (also own Charrlie and an official charr t-shirt, since you want to pull nerd rank, and the only reason I didn't get the collector's edition back in 2012 was because only one was allocated to my city and an EB Games employee snagged it before it was available to the public) and don't agree with you on multiple points.

First, story is subjective. What you claim is unforgettable from GW1, I don't care about or had forgotten. You say only 3 characters in GW2 have
had an impact people and I say you're wrong and that only one of your three has done enough that I somewhat care about him (Canach).

Market: The TP is a godsend and standing around Spammadan trying to sell whatever was annoying and took forever. It was worse when trying to buy because you had to hope you were in the same district as someone who had what you wanted, hope that they were reading chat, hope that they were willing to sell, and hope that they wouldn't rip you off. All that is time that could have been better spent playing the game instead of alt-tabbing or reading a book because you couldn't keep an eye on chat if you left the hub.

(The TP also minimizes inflation and combats gold-selling, btw.)

Legendaries: Legendaries are cosmetic and have some QoL fuctions. That's it. And if you remember from GW2's early days, precursors were RNG drops only so the only way to get a legendary was to be lucky with a pre drop or buy one off the TP. They only added crafting in when players complained about how unfair and inaccessible that system was. Also I don't know what them to do about legendaries since either the original weapons are the only legendaries the game will ever get or they occasionally add a new one. They chose the latter and it shouldn't be a surprise that some people after nearly 8 years have multiple legendaries.

Classes: I don't know what you're trying to say here because all I see is complaining that armour classes don't dictate what a player can and can't do. In a game that was designed and advertised to not follow the Holy Trinity and force people into end-game roles that were determined by the class they picked. Is it weird that a cloth-wearer is one of the best tanks and that the heavy armour classes are some of the best support classes? A bit, but also breaking MMO conventions was what GW2 was supposed to do.

NPCs: Again, personal preference. Also representation matters so while you may not care about Marjory and Kasmeer, I do and I know many people who do care about the fact that there's a prominent non-straight couple in a AAA MMO (even if they've been put on the backburner for a few years). I'm not really into Kas but it is possible to not personally be into something while still acknowledging that it's important to others.

LA: You do have a bit of a point here, but LA of SoS is different than the LA of EoD which is different than the LA that is in GW2. The game also largely doesn't show slums and citys are shrunk down (as are maps in general) because that makes the game more approachable to players and means the game takes up less room. The themepark look of new LA is bad, though, and clashes with the rest of the game.

WvW: WvW is in a massive need of an update, yes, but complaints about it are like the tides and it largely depends on what class you play and what you do in WvW. If not for the invuln tactic, zergs would be able to take whatever they wanted because that minute gives the defending server time to respond. Without it, towers could be taken in a minute or two. Siege being repairable would also benefit the defenders, especially in the case of fully stocked keeps. And the warclaw has been repeatedly nerfed to the point where it's mostly just useful for mobility for classes that can't teleport or stack swiftness and can no longer finish downed enemies. And why is it bad some people are able to escape fights now? If they're able to mount up, you haven't touched them in a while so it can't have been much of a fight.

Also stability is good because losing control of your character often and repeatedly was obnoxious. Conditions (and boons) need a rework but stability was introduced to fix a problem.

Mists: Agreed here. It's no longer needed as an overflow so should be used or converted to something. Also have rewards increased as it gives little WXP and no pips.

TL;DR: Veterans aren't a monolith, you don't speak for all of us, and a lot of what you suggest as "fixes" or "improvements" is purely subjective and/or goes against the game design.

No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....

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@Storm.1629 said:WVW: Unbreakable walls and gate (even if for a min)? A couple defenders can hold a tower against an enemy zerg? Whatchtowers? Disablers? Why do you love defenders so much that you feel the need to help them? We don’t want ppl turtling up inside objectives, we want fights. If you want to slow down attackers, make them have to push/pull the siege from tower to tower or make it a lot more time consuming to build (so that it pays to move it instead of building it), also make siege repairable,… As for mounts, give them 1 HP and stop their stomping kitten and running away kitten (also as a side note, you started to kill wvw when you introduced stability and killed the hammer train…, before that, it was so much more fun!!!)Doesnt really match reality. Anet has previously buffed siege (though the trebs remain weak for their cost) and nerfed walls, and they've nerfed mount hp, deleted the stomp and eliminated the speed advantage.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"Storm.1629" said:I get it it's Norn not Norm, now get over it. The message here is not how it is written, don't be all riled up about what's really unimportant.Also what I did was express my opinion, you don't have to agree with it, or be rude about it, and I did say I love the game right? I was writting as someone who had the fortune of playing this game since GW1 (I even have the books, do you know there are books too?), what I'm saying is basically if you played it since the start like I did, now there's like a sense of lacking from what it was in the beginning...

You don't speak for everyone. I've also played since early Prophecies, was on the beta forum for GW2 and played in the closed beta weekends/stress tests, and read all the books (also own Charrlie and an official charr t-shirt, since you want to pull nerd rank, and the only reason I didn't get the collector's edition back in 2012 was because only one was allocated to my city and an EB Games employee snagged it before it was available to the public) and don't agree with you on multiple points.

First, story is subjective. What you claim is unforgettable from GW1, I don't care about or had forgotten. You say only 3 characters in GW2 have
had an impact people and I say you're wrong and that only one of your three has done enough that I somewhat care about him (Canach).

Market: The TP is a godsend and standing around Spammadan trying to sell whatever was annoying and took forever. It was worse when trying to buy because you had to hope you were in the same district as someone who had what you wanted, hope that they were reading chat, hope that they were willing to sell, and hope that they wouldn't rip you off. All that is time that could have been better spent playing the game instead of alt-tabbing or reading a book because you couldn't keep an eye on chat if you left the hub.

(The TP also minimizes inflation and combats gold-selling, btw.)

Legendaries: Legendaries are cosmetic and have some QoL fuctions. That's it. And if you remember from GW2's early days, precursors were RNG drops only so the only way to get a legendary was to be lucky with a pre drop or buy one off the TP. They only added crafting in when players complained about how unfair and inaccessible that system was. Also I don't know what them to do about legendaries since either the original weapons are the only legendaries the game will ever get or they occasionally add a new one. They chose the latter and it shouldn't be a surprise that some people after nearly 8 years have multiple legendaries.

Classes: I don't know what you're trying to say here because all I see is complaining that armour classes don't dictate what a player can and can't do. In a game that was designed and advertised to not follow the Holy Trinity and force people into end-game roles that were determined by the class they picked. Is it weird that a cloth-wearer is one of the best tanks and that the heavy armour classes are some of the best support classes? A bit, but also breaking MMO conventions was what GW2 was supposed to do.

NPCs: Again, personal preference. Also representation matters so while you may not care about Marjory and Kasmeer, I do and I know many people who do care about the fact that there's a prominent non-straight couple in a AAA MMO (even if they've been put on the backburner for a few years). I'm not really into Kas but it is possible to not personally be into something while still acknowledging that it's important to others.

LA: You do have a bit of a point here, but LA of SoS is different than the LA of EoD which is different than the LA that is in GW2. The game also largely doesn't show slums and citys are shrunk down (as are maps in general) because that makes the game more approachable to players and means the game takes up less room. The themepark look of new LA is bad, though, and clashes with the rest of the game.

WvW: WvW is in a massive need of an update, yes, but complaints about it are like the tides and it largely depends on what class you play and what you do in WvW. If not for the invuln tactic, zergs would be able to take whatever they wanted because that minute gives the defending server time to respond. Without it, towers could be taken in a minute or two. Siege being repairable would also benefit the defenders, especially in the case of fully stocked keeps. And the warclaw has been repeatedly nerfed to the point where it's mostly just useful for mobility for classes that can't teleport or stack swiftness and can no longer finish downed enemies. And why is it bad some people are able to escape fights now? If they're able to mount up, you haven't touched them in a while so it can't have been much of a fight.

Also stability is good because losing control of your character often and repeatedly was obnoxious. Conditions (and boons) need a rework but stability was introduced to fix a problem.

Mists: Agreed here. It's no longer needed as an overflow so should be used or converted to something. Also have rewards increased as it gives little WXP and no pips.

TL;DR: Veterans aren't a monolith, you don't speak for all of us, and a lot of what you suggest as "fixes" or "improvements" is purely subjective and/or goes against the game design.

No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....

You have not yet established that the reasons TC has mentioned are responsible.

The vast lack of content could be named as just such a reason.

I could for example state that your constant complaining on the forums is driving players off. There is not a day that goes by where you do not complain, complain, complain. Check your history and make a note of when the last time was when you had a positive interaction with these forums or this game. Yet still, that would be my opinion since I have not made any connection with this games player loss.

Just like TCs opinions, some of which are hilariously misinformed, like the trading post. This games economy would not work without it. In TCs benefit though, he is at least trying to give constructive feedback. Unlike some who have just become constant complainers on these forums. To them: maybe take a break and recharge them batteries.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....You have actual, market data proof of this fact, right? Official numbers, not just ramblings on forums and reddit?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....You have actual, market data proof of this fact, right? Official numbers, not just ramblings on forums and reddit?

U dont need market proof to see that population declining, playing the game etc is far better indicator than having un proven numbers thrown at u.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"Storm.1629" said:I get it it's Norn not Norm, now get over it. The message here is not how it is written, don't be all riled up about what's really unimportant.Also what I did was express my opinion, you don't have to agree with it, or be rude about it, and I did say I love the game right? I was writting as someone who had the fortune of playing this game since GW1 (I even have the books, do you know there are books too?), what I'm saying is basically if you played it since the start like I did, now there's like a sense of lacking from what it was in the beginning...

You don't speak for everyone. I've also played since early Prophecies, was on the beta forum for GW2 and played in the closed beta weekends/stress tests, and read all the books (also own Charrlie and an official charr t-shirt, since you want to pull nerd rank, and the only reason I didn't get the collector's edition back in 2012 was because only one was allocated to my city and an EB Games employee snagged it before it was available to the public) and don't agree with you on multiple points.

First, story is subjective. What you claim is unforgettable from GW1, I don't care about or had forgotten. You say only 3 characters in GW2 have
had an impact people and I say you're wrong and that only one of your three has done enough that I somewhat care about him (Canach).

Market: The TP is a godsend and standing around Spammadan trying to sell whatever was annoying and took forever. It was worse when trying to buy because you had to hope you were in the same district as someone who had what you wanted, hope that they were reading chat, hope that they were willing to sell, and hope that they wouldn't rip you off. All that is time that could have been better spent playing the game instead of alt-tabbing or reading a book because you couldn't keep an eye on chat if you left the hub.

(The TP also minimizes inflation and combats gold-selling, btw.)

Legendaries: Legendaries are cosmetic and have some QoL fuctions. That's it. And if you remember from GW2's early days, precursors were RNG drops only so the only way to get a legendary was to be lucky with a pre drop or buy one off the TP. They only added crafting in when players complained about how unfair and inaccessible that system was. Also I don't know what them to do about legendaries since either the original weapons are the only legendaries the game will ever get or they occasionally add a new one. They chose the latter and it shouldn't be a surprise that some people after nearly 8 years have multiple legendaries.

Classes: I don't know what you're trying to say here because all I see is complaining that armour classes don't dictate what a player can and can't do. In a game that was designed and advertised to not follow the Holy Trinity and force people into end-game roles that were determined by the class they picked. Is it weird that a cloth-wearer is one of the best tanks and that the heavy armour classes are some of the best support classes? A bit, but also breaking MMO conventions was what GW2 was supposed to do.

NPCs: Again, personal preference. Also representation matters so while you may not care about Marjory and Kasmeer, I do and I know many people who do care about the fact that there's a prominent non-straight couple in a AAA MMO (even if they've been put on the backburner for a few years). I'm not really into Kas but it is possible to not personally be into something while still acknowledging that it's important to others.

LA: You do have a bit of a point here, but LA of SoS is different than the LA of EoD which is different than the LA that is in GW2. The game also largely doesn't show slums and citys are shrunk down (as are maps in general) because that makes the game more approachable to players and means the game takes up less room. The themepark look of new LA is bad, though, and clashes with the rest of the game.

WvW: WvW is in a massive need of an update, yes, but complaints about it are like the tides and it largely depends on what class you play and what you do in WvW. If not for the invuln tactic, zergs would be able to take whatever they wanted because that minute gives the defending server time to respond. Without it, towers could be taken in a minute or two. Siege being repairable would also benefit the defenders, especially in the case of fully stocked keeps. And the warclaw has been repeatedly nerfed to the point where it's mostly just useful for mobility for classes that can't teleport or stack swiftness and can no longer finish downed enemies. And why is it bad some people are able to escape fights now? If they're able to mount up, you haven't touched them in a while so it can't have been much of a fight.

Also stability is good because losing control of your character often and repeatedly was obnoxious. Conditions (and boons) need a rework but stability was introduced to fix a problem.

Mists: Agreed here. It's no longer needed as an overflow so should be used or converted to something. Also have rewards increased as it gives little WXP and no pips.

TL;DR: Veterans aren't a monolith, you don't speak for all of us, and a lot of what you suggest as "fixes" or "improvements" is purely subjective and/or goes against the game design.

No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....

You have not yet established that the reasons TC has mentioned are responsible.

The vast lack of content could be named as just such a reason.

I could for example state that your constant complaining on the forums is driving players off. There is not a day that goes by where you do not complain, complain, complain. Check your history and make a note of when the last time was when you had a positive interaction with these forums or this game. Yet still, that would be my opinion since I have not made any connection with this games player loss.

Just like TCs opinions, some of which are hilariously misinformed, like the trading post. This games economy would not work without it. In TCs benefit though, he is at least trying to give constructive feedback. Unlike some who have just become constant complainers on these forums. To them: maybe take a break and recharge them batteries.

Again people pretend to themselves population isn't declining. U want reasons?Bad story writing, lack of a real carrot after maxed out for years, same pvp modes pvp/wvw for 8 yrs, very very infrequent and poor balancing, increasingly lower build deversity as time goes on, games continually being dumbed down, half the traits are useless and unused across roster, so many traits and skills remain buggy or out right broken to never be fixed or in some cases yrs later, increasing bots and hackers due to companies lax policing and enforcement practices. I could go on but bottom line game is a straight up mess and anet isnt showing much promise in the recent actions as far as cleaning up the mess that gw2 is.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....You have actual, market data proof of this fact, right? Official numbers, not just ramblings on forums and reddit?

I don't think you can find data to compare how fast this game is losing players compared to other games. However, it's not that hard to figure out that the game is in a decline, check the revenue reports, the gw2efficiency episode completion rates, even the leaderboard for the Beetle race of Dragon Bash which had way more "competition", shall I say it? Population IS declining, there is plenty of data to support that, and if you believe otherwise, I'd like to see any kind of data that supports that.

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@Storm.1629 said:First let me start by saying this game has so much potential it’s not even funny, [...] the way things are going I don’t give it 3 more years

So a game that remains profitable 8 years after launch, and according to you, will continue on to at least its 11 year, hasn't lived up to it's potential? Do you realize how few GaaS titles have that degree of longevity?

I'm sure the MBAs over at NCSOFT appreciated the laugh though.

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How do you manage to call Norn "Norm" after so many achievement points is beyond me

Anyway you have fair points in some cases but it's all been said before.Completely disagree with the TP complaints, TP is an amazing system that all MMO should try to copy in some way.

Relying on players to fairly and honestly trade is an absolute disaster waiting to happen (look at ESO, so many people get ripped off)

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I have chased many of the Legendaries. The ones I have characters that use the weapons; I have stayed away from the hammer, shields, warhorns, and underwater weapons or those I just don't like the skins. I may craft some of the Gen 1 and sell them to those who don't want to take the time and craft for themselves.

As for the look of Lion's Arch, I was just a surprised as many of you that it looked more like something out of Spongebob.

A while back, when talk of GW3 was beginning to ramp up, I had a suggestion of a way to reboot the game, get new player races and introduce a new threat after the dragons.

My idea was to use a final Living Story to have the new threat destroy each of the capital cities per chapter and end with Lion's Arch. The new beginning of "GW3" would be the rebuilding of new capital cities including, learning about the new threat, and discovering the races that are in the fight with you (tengu, dwarves, etc). Those characters created in GW2 would have the option of crossing over to GW3, but the ones created in the GW3 timeline couldn't go back.

Do I think it'll happen? Hell no.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....You have actual, market data proof of this fact, right? Official numbers, not just ramblings on forums and reddit?

I don't think you can find data to compare how fast this game is losing players compared to other games. However, it's not that hard to figure out that the game is in a decline, check the revenue reports, the gw2efficiency episode completion rates, even the leaderboard for the Beetle race of Dragon Bash which had way more "competition", shall I say it? Population IS declining, there is plenty of data to support that, and if you believe otherwise, I'd like to see any kind of data that supports that.

Sure, the population may be declining, but to say that the game is "bleeding players faster than any other MMO" is hyperbole at best as it is unfounded by any statistics that are available to the general public.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:No he doesnt speak for everyone but I can tell u he speaks for a lot as the games bleeding players faster than any mmo I've ever played in 15 yrs of playing them. A lot of players pretend to themselves that the games population isn't declining fast but .....You have actual, market data proof of this fact, right? Official numbers, not just ramblings on forums and reddit?

U dont need market proof to see that population declining, playing the game etc is far better indicator than having un proven numbers thrown at u.

Do you actually play? Open world is teeming with players, including a ton of new/returning players since the lockdowns began. The PvP population is too small, but based upon the only metric we have (the leaderboard), doesn't appear to be in any better or worse shape than it has been for some time. Currently, we find ourselves mid-season and the top 250 stretches down to low plat 1. As we approach the end, that bar will rise toward the top of plat 1. As far as I know, this is pretty much how it's been since I've been playing (HoT). WvW? That's hard to say. It needs more people as well, but is it shrinking? I don't see how we could know that it is.

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The only thing i can agree with is the Story Characters and Edge of the Mists being lost potential other than that I hard disagree.

Market: You want no TP and people and to sell trough a p2p trading system? That sounds awful.Legendaries: They are already pretty difficult to get, so much that some people don't even bother getting them. Nobody would bother and just stick with ascended if it was harder.Classes: The great thing about classes in GW2 is that your not stuck with one if you want to play a certain role. I don't know why you'd want to pigeon hole people like that.Lion's Arch: That's subjective, personally I like the look and feel around lions Arch.WvW: You do that and it shifts in the favor of the server with the biggest numbers even more than it already does.

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My friend I believe you are suffering from "the good old days" syndrome. The problem with it is there is no real way to get a feeling back. I always compare a games story to Final Fantasy 7(original). For me nothing has ever come close to being as good. But I can not really hold that against other games story. It does not mean the story is not good in its own way. But I also have to take into consideration I am no longer the same age and all the experiences in my life has changed the way I look at things.

So I will forever look at FF7 with rose colored glasses as you do for the experiences you had in GW1. I think many of us (myself included) do to much arm chair developing and maybe we should just be happy for what we do get. Yes this game is far from perfect and it has its flaws but this untapped potential you speak of is just sitting there waiting to be used. This will more than likely be helping increase the longevity in the long run. If a game came out with everything perfect how would it ever get better?

Every game looses its appeal eventually. So having some place to go or improve upon is a good thing. It gives us something to look forward to. It gives us hope every time we look at the patch notes just scanning for something that we wanted to happen to actually happen. Or even a surprise to jump out and grab you to help the game feel fresh again. Perhaps you find something that you need that you never knew you wanted.

You may need to do what I do from time to time is just take a break from the game and then come back when you start to miss playing it.

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