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Staff DrD Build and Video ** New Barrier Staff Build and Video Included**


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Aiki’s Barrier Staff/DP Buildhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAYhrlNw6YgsNGJe2WntSA-zVZYBhUJGBXVXHRNCtQaKsCLBatSd+jIGD+/sHwi+LYA-w

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It would be nice to see the numbers pop up on the side so as to get a feel for damage/heal and mitigation.

Eyeballing the screen I think I generally got a larger barrier when I used Acro and assasins reward.. Now you might want to try a version of that and I think especially in the wanderer build version. This can have near full time regen and oodles of swiftness along with added Condi clear (Pr+ GI works as GI sees you having lots of times you near full health). This might mean losing too much damage (unless in s/d perhaps with swindlers over GI).

Good videos though.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:"Buh buh power specs dont have room for toughness or vitality unlike the sUpER oP CoNdI TaNkS tHat OnLy nEEd CoNdI fOr dmG"

Good play.

Thanks my man, I appreciate it. Any constructive criticism or any criticism you’d like to offer (:?> @babazhook.6805 said:

It would be nice to see the numbers pop up on the side so as to get a feel for damage/heal and mitigation.

Eyeballing the screen I think I generally got a larger barrier when I used Acro and assasins reward.. Now you might want to try a version of that and I think especially in the wanderer build version. This can have near full time regen and oodles of swiftness along with added Condi clear (Pr+ GI works as GI sees you having lots of times you near full health). This might mean losing too much damage (unless in s/d perhaps with swindlers over GI).

Good videos though.

Yeah man I hear you with that. But I actually did some test with barrier generation with assassins reward and the acro line, it’s definitely not generating enough. I thought the regeneration boon would generate barrier but it does not, I tried have Guarded intitiation proc for the regeneration, but it didn’t proc barrier either, nor does deadeye’s M7 grandmaster trait. Deadly arts Mug proc’s barrier though. I was trying to create a barrier S/D-D/P build, but it nothing was working. Also tried S/D deadeye. It just didn’t work. On top of the fact that the Thief class has one of the weakest trait systems in the game. We only have about a handful of actual necessary traits that Thieves across the board use. It’s really bad.> @ArielRebel.3426 said:

Commented on the YT comments directly :) Nice vid! At first I wasn't really into the DD style but the more I play and watch it, the more it's enjoyable (much more than turret-gameplay with rifle DE).

I hope I inspire you to try DrD ? give it a try !!> @Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Nice vid :) I'm still not convinced about the barrier, not sure that we have enough sources of heal that stack with the rune to make it worth it. Will have to play it more and add up the damage mitigated in a fight to see.

Yeah the barrier definitely isn’t the end all be all, but it’s definitely a good choice or option, if you want a non meta build that’s viable. Barrier isn’t going to solve all the problems or defend and mitigate all the damage coming to you, it’s just an extra layer of mitigation no matter how small. You should already be dodging, blinding, applying weakness, knocking down, etc. Barrier just provides another layer of mitigation and something that your enemy has to chip away at no matter how much barrier you have for that short period of time it’s active.? As you see how I play I’m very aggressive, and don’t hesitate to dodge or dust strike

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@AikijinX.6258 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:
"Buh buh power specs dont have room for toughness or vitality unlike the
sUpER oP CoNdI TaNkS tHat OnLy nEEd CoNdI fOr dmG

Good play.

Thanks my man, I appreciate it. Any constructive criticism or any criticism you’d like to offer (:?> @babazhook.6805 said:

It would be nice to see the numbers pop up on the side so as to get a feel for damage/heal and mitigation.

Eyeballing the screen I think I generally got a larger barrier when I used Acro and assasins reward.. Now you might want to try a version of that and I think especially in the wanderer build version. This can have near full time regen and oodles of swiftness along with added Condi clear (Pr+ GI works as GI sees you having lots of times you near full health). This might mean losing too much damage (unless in s/d perhaps with swindlers over GI).

Good videos though.

Yeah man I hear you with that. But I actually did some test with barrier generation with assassins reward and the acro line, it’s definitely not generating enough. I thought the regeneration boon would generate barrier but it does not, I tried have Guarded intitiation proc for the regeneration, but it didn’t proc barrier either, nor does deadeye’s M7 grandmaster trait. Deadly arts Mug proc’s barrier though. I was trying to create a barrier S/D-D/P build, but it nothing was working. Also tried S/D deadeye. It just didn’t work. On top of the fact that the Thief class has one of the weakest trait systems in the game. We only have about a handful of actual necessary traits that Thieves across the board use. It’s really bad.> @ArielRebel.3426 said:

Commented on the YT comments directly :) Nice vid! At first I wasn't really into the DD style but the more I play and watch it, the more it's enjoyable (much more than turret-gameplay with rifle DE).

I hope I inspire you to try DrD ? give it a try !!> @Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

Nice vid :) I'm still not convinced about the barrier, not sure that we have enough sources of heal that stack with the rune to make it worth it. Will have to play it more and add up the damage mitigated in a fight to see.

Yeah the barrier definitely isn’t the end all be all, but it’s definitely a good choice or option, if you want a non meta build that’s viable. Barrier isn’t going to solve all the problems or defend and mitigate all the damage coming to you, it’s just an extra layer of mitigation no matter how small. You should already be dodging, blinding, applying weakness, knocking down, etc. Barrier just provides another layer of mitigation and something that your enemy has to chip away at no matter how much barrier you have for that short period of time it’s active.? As you see how I play I’m very aggressive, and don’t hesitate to dodge or dust strike

Would Shadow Savior create the right heal for barrier? Not the best trait choice but just curious. It might be that it only registers direct heals maybe of a threshold amount and something like Assassins Reward would fall under heal over time since your regen boons aren't triggering it but Mug is direct and a pretty decent heal.

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The reason the one I tried with Acro was likely greater then yours is that it was a condition build using healing gear (shamans etc) so I suspect that the main reason I was getting much larger barriers. As to GI it does not proc any heals it there for condition cleanse. In that build I used it cleansed all the time and I was basically condition immune this simply because every attack I was over the threshold and vulns/slow/weakness/confusion could all be cleared.

I always had doubts it could ever work the same with power unless you wanted a guy that could never kill anything altho I might give it a shot one day and see what I can do (thinking sa/tr/acro with s/p and a non sancturary runes version as in no barrier))

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@AikijinX.6258 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:
"Buh buh power specs dont have room for toughness or vitality unlike the
sUpER oP CoNdI TaNkS tHat OnLy nEEd CoNdI fOr dmG

Good play.

Thanks my man, I appreciate it. Any constructive criticism or any criticism you’d like to offer (:?>I got no more input, it seems to be very good builds. I dont play thief and I rarely meet good ones fighting like you do - either they run permastealth rifle DE that run and hide as soon as they are pressured by more than 1 person or they run DD evade builds and run away just as good. Getting whispered condikitten back is often a bonus - and here on the forum they always claim its the worst roamer and worst duelist.

So hence, good play on thief. I do mean it.

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With the sanctuary rune and cloaked in shadow traited using Sigil of Mischief is something you want to look in to, perhaps on the dagger set.It would be 960 armor ignoring dmg if all 4 projectiles hit (you would have to be facing the opponent and be in melee range) and heal you for 776 + barrier for 156.

Is writ of masterfull strength really better than a sharpening stone, during a fight how long are you above 90% hp and more so if you get ganked upon.

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@kash.9213 said:

Would Shadow Savior create the right heal for barrier? Not the best trait choice but just curious. It might be that it only registers direct heals maybe of a threshold amount and something like Assassins Reward would fall under heal over time since your regen boons aren't triggering it but Mug is direct and a pretty decent heal.

I tried messing around with shadow savior too and and attempted to create all kinds of different variants whether it be a (CS with invigorating precision, TR, and SA) or an (Acro with G.I and Assassin’s reward) or (Deadly arts with mug, SA, Tr) and ( Deadeye with invoking shadow burst, and M7 grand master) everything just either didn’t generate enough, or didn’t generate any barrier in general. That being said, Shadow savior just wasn’t as good as it sounds on paper, when you try running a S/D or S/P (Acro/SA/Tr) build, or (CS/SA/Tr)

However signet of Malice SA/CS (invigorating precision)/ DrD build does work very well, I solo towers with it. It’s the only build I use to solo towers. NPCs don’t dodge out of my smoke screen, the tower, so I’m constantly generating malice as well as actually constantly generating it via malice heal, my staff reflects pretty much helps defend against tower boss’s rifle auto attack, and all my CDs come back quick without any fear. And because of quickness proc’s I generate barrier really quickly when quickness does proc. It’s a very safe solo tower capturing build that I am very comfortable using.

Utilities: Siget of malice/ Roll for Ini/ pit fall ( for the interrupt on lord’s break bar )/ smoke screen/ daggerstorm

@babazhook.6805 said:The reason the one I tried with Acro was likely greater then yours is that it was a condition build using healing gear (shamans etc) so I suspect that the main reason I was getting much larger barriers. As to GI it does not proc any heals it there for condition cleanse. In that build I used it cleansed all the time and I was basically condition immune this simply because every attack I was over the threshold and vulns/slow/weakness/confusion could all be cleared.

I always had doubts it could ever work the same with power unless you wanted a guy that could never kill anything altho I might give it a shot one day and see what I can do (thinking sa/tr/acro with s/p and a non sancturary runes version as in no barrier))

I’m totally interested! I want to know how that goes! New builds excite me (: especially when they become viable! And I tested Guarded Initiation I think that’s the one that cleanse condi’s and Gives the regeneration boon right? Or am I completely wrong, I would have to log in and check or check online or something. But the middle trait in the Acro line on the first Adept tree. I went into a camp got shot, got my condi’s cleanser and got the regeneration boon on me, but barrier was not generating from the regeneration boon

EDIT: The trait I have been talking about wasn't guarded intiation, it was PAIN RESPONSE in acro.>

@Dawdler.8521 said:

I got no more input, it seems to be very good builds. I dont play thief and I rarely meet good ones fighting like you do - either they run permastealth rifle DE that run and hide as soon as they are pressured by more than 1 person or they run DD evade builds and run away just as good. Getting whispered condikitten back is often a bonus - and here on the forum they always claim its the worst roamer and worst duelist.

So hence, good play on thief. I do mean it.

Man I totally appreciate your input and feedback then! I know before you were alittle harsh with people that used SA, and the campers. But as you see, that does not apply to me. Like I said and keep saying, if the traits I picked in SA ( hidden thief, leeching venoms, cloaked in shadows ) had their own line. I would choose that over SA. And of course the stealth heal would also be nice. People who run shadow arts typically run ( shadow’s embrace condi cleanse not hidden thief/ Leeching venoms/ and shadow rejuvenation not cloaked in shadow ) I always try to go against meta builds, and cheese. I run SA but hit you like a DA/CS and in your face like a staff jump 3 Acro user ( pre staff and Acro trait nerf )>

@"foste.3098" said:

With the sanctuary rune and cloaked in shadow traited using Sigil of Mischief is something you want to look in to, perhaps on the dagger set.It would be 960 armor ignoring dmg if all 4 projectiles hit (you would have to be facing the opponent and be in melee range) and heal you for 776 + barrier for 156.

Is writ of masterfull strength really better than a sharpening stone, during a fight how long are you above 90% hp and more so if you get ganked upon.

I will definitely have to give mischief sigil a try! I already have it in my inventory! Thanks for the suggestion!! And The writ is better for me because I typically know how to stay above 90 when mitigating damage. The writs are why I am nearly 3k power (. Along with staff master trait) power increase. I live by the writ, and die by it ?>

@Shiyo.3578 said:

Staff daredevil is a pretty non-interactive PvP experience. I generally just hold W away from it while it plays with itself.

What do you mean ? You hold W and walk away from staff daredevil users ?

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GI removes one of four conditions on every attack if the player has 75% plus health. The build I was using had GI in an anti toxin build meaning this flushed an additional condition. GI goes directly after weakness , slow vuln and confusion removing one of this on said attack. When I used along with PR , PR removed bleeding , burning , poison confusion and torment. It was PR that added REGEN. Now s/X also removes a condition on the port so you can imagine how effective this can be removing conditions in an anti-toxin build and especially when that PR was on a lower cool down.

The Concentration add was also higher and then there swiftness on every dodge. Prior to the nerfs to the line my wanderers build was having boon durations of 98 percent.

I am going to tinker with the line using power build coupled with the SA line and will try a TR version along with a DE version.

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@babazhook.6805 said:GI removes one of four conditions on every attack if the player has 75% plus health. The build I was using had GI in an anti toxin build meaning this flushed an additional condition. GI goes directly after weakness , slow vuln and confusion removing one of this on said attack. When I used along with PR , PR removed bleeding , burning , poison confusion and torment. It was PR that added REGEN. Now s/X also removes a condition on the port so you can imagine how effective this can be removing conditions in an anti-toxin build and especially when that PR was on a lower cool down.

The Concentration add was also higher and then there swiftness on every dodge. Prior to the nerfs to the line my wanderers build was having boon durations of 98 percent.

I am going to tinker with the line using power build coupled with the SA line and will try a TR version along with a DE version.

Yeah man, I made an edit above right before you replied haha. It was pain response i was talking about. The regen from that never generated any barrier for me. But yes I can definitely see how you could pretty much be condi immune. It's definitely something I would look into, and tinker around with myself, maybe I'll make another build revolving around Acro/Tr/SA

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Just an update as to how I am going to approach this base template with a build that is a little different.

The base is an s/p p/p build in wanderers gear with Leadership runes. This puts the boon duration at 96 percent if I stick with Bounty sigil.

DE/SA/ACro. I need one of DE or TR for the INI and I am trying DE first.

CIS a must as I am going to go heavy into blind. Assassins reward added. P/P works real nice with unload with that blind heal via CIS and assassins reward shooting out of a smoke screen field . Both weapons have spammable blinds and smoke fields. I go DE for the added stealth (Blinds) with shadowmeld (with leadership runes flushing three conditions). I have even taken Burst of shadows fro that added blind just to see if it can be effective (i just wish it was on a down rather then a kill) Given I take hidden thief over shadows embrace Condi cleanse will come off the runes + Acro PR with that added cleanse on the s/p port. HIS is the heal with more cleanses on a nicer 24 second cooldown . Two regen sources come via PR and HIS and with boon duration so high it full time.

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A question on your barrier. I noted that with daggerstorm used in a smoke screen you get a while lot of healing off the blinds that the combo generates in the field. This is added to the damage that CIS does on blind plus the regular damage of the daggerstorm itself. It adds up quick and especially when there a few enemy.

Have you noticed if the life siphon healing from Blind VIA CIS adds to your barrier when using Daggerstorm within a smoke screen?

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:does rune of sanc work with invigorating precision? seems like it would scale better.

It does not sadly, because if it did the scaling would be insane.

Right now, the best you can do with Runes of Sanc is a constant barrier of 500-750. Not much as far as numbers, but because it adds mitigation on top of the healing it really adds up. Assuming the average hit you take is 2500 then an extra 500 off is basically a 20% damage reduction as long as you keep attacking. Even if the average hit is 5k, 10% is not terrible on top of other bonuses.

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@saerni.2584 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:does rune of sanc work with invigorating precision? seems like it would scale better.

It does not sadly, because if it did the scaling would be insane.

Right now, the best you can do with Runes of Sanc is a constant barrier of 500-750. Not much as far as numbers, but because it adds mitigation on top of the healing it really adds up. Assuming the average hit you take is 2500 then an extra 500 off is basically a 20% damage reduction as long as you keep attacking. Even if the average hit is 5k, 10% is not terrible on top of other bonuses.

dang thats too bad, guess it is a good thing it doesn't work with IP tho lol. yeah over time that 500 barrier would be ok i guess.

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