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It's time for you to talk to us

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We know you've had the virus to contend with (haven't we all) but now it's time to tell us what your plan is moving forward. A fractal and an old festival aren't really going to keep us interested in the weeks ahead, certainly not enough to splash the cash. The expansion is just a dot on the horizon.

Talk to us, please.

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Some basic updated information on anything besides fractals and festivals would be appreciated by the players who aren't interested that much in these. Compared to other MMOs the communication currently is very little, and from an external point of view this makes it seem like the game's development is slowing down (even if it may not be actually true). It definitely won't get me to spend any money on gems since I have nothing to look forward to.

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We already know they're working on an expansion, and Season 5 isn't finished so we'll get a new episode at some point (maybe November, since there's a gap between Halloween and Wintersday).

I agree an update on Alliances is long over-due, but other than that what is it you think we need to know about which we haven't already been told is coming?

(Also who exactly are you speaking for when you say the festival and new fractal isn't going to keep "us" interested. It's clearly not the entire playerbase since you haven't consulted us all to know if we're happy with it or not. It would really help your point to clarify that, otherwise it just sounds like you're making wild assumptions on behalf of people who are likely to show up and disagree.)

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I was hoping for another roadmap, but as with most things they’re consistently inconsistent. ?

We might still, but with a new expansion on the horizon and the episode cadence having broken up a bit it feels like it’s a little overdue.

There are also the numerous systems they’ve talked about many months back like the legendary armory and the alliance system that I assume is a no-go at this point. (To be honest I don’t know that it would make that big of an impact anyway.) Lots of balancing in competitive modes that hasn’t really been addressed since their big coefficient patch that was intended to be a building block for better balance.

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@"Fleabite.7528" said:We know you've had the virus to contend with (haven't we all) but now it's time to tell us what your plan is moving forward. A fractal and an old festival aren't really going to keep us interested in the weeks ahead, certainly not enough to splash the cash. The expansion is just a dot on the horizon.

Talk to us, please.

I have a bit of bad news for you, they know communication has an audience who wants it. But they aren't actively talking about it right now however; It is still "on the table."

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@Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

Actually that is about what happens every Oct to Dec/Jan. Not only is there the Pandemic BUT it is also usually the time that they start taking staggered vacations in the office. I mean they do deserve time with family .... I know most have been spending time with family anyway because of the pandemic BUT it is still the normal time for vacations and it is kinda hard to pivot very fast in an ongoing game.On a different note ... I am looking forward to not only the Mad King but also Wintersday. I enjoy them both very much thank you.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

The game gets continuous updates. It’s hardly on life support.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

The game gets continuous updates. It’s hardly on life support.

GW1 also gets continues updates when needed, doesn't say much.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

The game gets continuous updates. It’s hardly on life support.

GW1 also gets continues updates when needed, doesn't say much.

I don't know how you could think the games on life support when there's consistent updates with new Items, Maps, Stories and Features as well as a Third expansion coming.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

The game gets continuous updates. It’s hardly on life support.

GW1 also gets continues updates when needed, doesn't say much.

Except we both know that the updates which GW1 gets is vastly different from what GW2 gets.

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@Solanum.6983 said:

@Jilora.9524 said:I mean you can easily guess. Halloween. New episode Nov 10-24th. Christmas event . Some rush event. New years event. I don't really need a road map for this time of year. Disappointment if no new episode in Nov but other then that we know what is coming

which only makes it look like the game is on life support, not a good sign.

The game gets continuous updates. It’s hardly on life support.

GW1 also gets continues updates when needed, doesn't say much.

I don't know how you could think the games on life support when there's consistent updates with new Items, Maps, Stories and Features as well as a Third expansion coming.

Oh that's easy to figure out, they're salty and full of pessimism.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Curious: How many threads that have asked and/or demanded responses from Anet have actually gotten any? Isn't this the definition of insanity?

Do you really think they were made by the same person, or do you just assume that they are all connected to a hive mind or something? I admit that i DON'T know if the OP has posted on all the threads before this, but that is why i'm asking you.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Curious: How many threads that have asked and/or demanded responses from Anet have actually gotten any? Isn't this the definition of insanity?

When enough people post it we do get communication. We have in the past. So I think it’s good to create these kind of threads. Nothing wrong with getting a little update. People are also a lot more likely to spend money when they know there’s new content on the horizon and are hyped about something.

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