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Why Gift of Battle?

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@Uden Reavstone.3426 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:I thought servers were linked now, so low population servers linked with high population ones?If a thief killed you outside the spawn point I'd suggest you move to another map, there are 4 WvW maps available.

That's PvE and EotM. Not core WvW. Not until alliances are finally a thing.

That's incorrect. Core WvW servers are linked on a regular basis. I'm on Piken Square and we are linked with Blacktide.

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@"DanielKingston.3947" said:I don't want it handed to me, I am thinking of ways that they could have made alternatives, that's what I said in the beginning. I understand all the advice given to me and I'm executing it but for everyone saying that it isn't toxic and my mindset is the issue, it isn't about that at all. It's simply about WANTING to do WvW to EARN the Gift of Battle and HAVING TO PUT WITH this kind of toxicity in game, what should I do to avoid it, play by myself in a TEAM BASED mode with chat off?

The idea of WvW isn't the problem for me, I actually want to play it but literally every time I'm in this mode regardless of the 4 servers I've already paid to switch to, there's nothing but drama, toxicity and name calling to those who have no clue what they're doing (me for example) which makes earning things like Gift of Battle, unenjoyable, sometimes unobtainable because I cba playing a Team Based mode alone or I just keep getting 1 hit by someone I cannot see. The bottom line is I was expecting "alternatives" to be spoken about but there hasn't been.. A great Alternative would be what Strider suggested for example.

There's no alternatives so you can either deal with it and do it, or forget about it completely.

WvW is the least toxic game mode of all, and honestly, the "toxicity" in other game modes (maybe not PvP), is pretty mild compared to some other games.I find it hard to believe that everyone on the server is bullying you as soon as you enter WvW, so the more believable option is that you're cross about having to do a game mode you're not interested in, and are blowing things way out of proportion to think of excuses not to do it, or to ask for an alternative.

And mind you - how "toxic" other players are towards you, depends a lot on how you act too.I made friends yesterday in WvW, a guild recruited me and had a blast just by talking to people.There's good peoiple in WvW on all servers, you just have to be respectufll as well.

Now, i'm not saying you weren't, but claiming an entire game mode to be toxic is a bit disingenuous. Especially with constant (more or less) server re-links, because that means you're always playing with some new people each re-link in addition to your native server ones.

For the entire game mode consisting of only toxic people with each re-link is literally impossible.

What about alternatives to PvE components? For people that are not interested in PvE, they have to complete the entire PvE map and do some Fractals.You already got map completion removed from WvW for the legendary, now you want to completely remove WvW out of the equation?That's not how the game is designed to work, and doing so will promote disconnects between communities and at wors promote elitism and echo chambers of people stuck in one mindset.

Legendaries are the ultimate achievement of your game participation. "The game" isn't just PvE, so to do an ultimate weapon, you neet to participate in the entire game, not just one aspect of it. That's how it is and that's how it should be done . They already made legendaries way easier than before, so asking for "alternatives" kind of IS like asking for a hand out. Especially since you don't have to do any of that, just grind your gold in PvE and buy one off TP.

None of your arguments are holding up to be honest, and Anet isn't going to change it by the looks of it, so discussion about alternatives is pointless. Especially since most of the people already pointed out an alternative to getting a legendary - Trading Post.

I'd hate to see your reaction when you start needing a Legendary spike.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can literally get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary, please do tell me how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do.

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

Erm, you outright buy the gen 1 legendary you want? If you want to save gold by getting bored to death - your choice.If it's a gen 2, you do HPs in wvw and just take a stroll through HoT maps with 0 combat.

But yeah, the whole point here is that even if you do PvE no one will harass you and prevent you in any way from making progress. It's just boring.WvW on the other hand can be frustrating (on top of being boring) when experienced players decide to harass you. You can keep dying until your participation hits 0. If your own death refreshed your participation it would be a non issues - this way it can be quite the unpleasant experience for ppl who can't pvp or dislike it.It's been over a dozen times I left WvW myself cuz the maps were dead or had only elite groups of players left who chase and kill anything on sight.

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@Friday.7864 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can
get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary,
please do tell me
how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

Erm, you outright buy the gen 1 legendary you want? If you want to save gold by getting bored to death - your choice.If it's a gen 2, you do HPs in wvw and just take a stroll through HoT maps with 0 combat.

But yeah, the whole point here is that even if you do PvE no one will harass you and prevent you in any way from making progress. It's just boring.WvW on the other hand can be frustrating (on top of being boring) when experienced players decide to harass you. You can keep dying until your participation hits 0. If your own death refreshed your participation it would be a non issues - this way it can be quite the unpleasant experience for ppl who can't pvp or dislike it.It's been over a dozen times I left WvW myself cuz the maps were dead or had only elite groups of players left who chase and kill anything on sight.

Umm, you're missing the point of WvW. Those "elite groups of WvW players" are your enemy team. They're supposed to kill you.That's not harrasement or toxicity, that's just how the game mode works. You either get your group and fight them, or run away if you're outnumbered and can't take them.No one is just going to let you stroll throught WvW just because "you don't want to play it and are just here for the legendary". You either play WvW like everyone else or don't, but it's wrong to call people toxic because they're doing their job in WvW.

If that's your idea of toxic, then i'm sorry but your argument is wrong.It's like saying, no one will let me capture objectives in PvP so i can just get my components and are killing me.Yeah - that's the game mode, they're supposed to do that.

And i find it hard to believe that of the 4 maps, you always ran into one group of elite players that was harrasing you.How did they find you? Come on.

Desert borderlands has 2 camp objectives near your spawn that can be easily soloed, as well as sentrys that you can kill even easier and you get participation for all of it. Not to mention elemental shrines. All super easy and soloable.

But an argument about "a group of players killed me so WvW is toxic" has got to be the most ridiculous one i've heard to date.

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To the OP. You've fallen into the clutches of those whose only joy seems to be killing others. Do yourself a massive favor and save gold and buy the Legendary. When you have WvW people saying it's the least toxic part of the game, you've lost any realistic feedback. They will be right there ready to kill you, and please resurrect so they can kill you again. Having earned the Gift of Battle legitimately numerous times, it's as boring as possible. Either there is some absurd belief that the Gift of Battle will make people like WvW, or that WvW players will like PvE if forced into it. I've never met any but we are stuck with it. Play what you enjoy and use the gold for what you want.

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Another thing I do say to you pveers. Don't roll in to /team asking anyone taking a tower or keep or stuff like WvW is PVE and some bounty where we all drop everything to go do a daily. That justs outs you and maybe if you doing that you get your balls busted but even then I doubt it

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can
get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary,
please do tell me
how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

Erm, you outright buy the gen 1 legendary you want? If you want to save gold by getting bored to death - your choice.If it's a gen 2, you do HPs in wvw and just take a stroll through HoT maps with 0 combat.

But yeah, the whole point here is that even if you do PvE no one will harass you and prevent you in any way from making progress. It's just boring.WvW on the other hand can be frustrating (on top of being boring) when experienced players decide to harass you. You can keep dying until your participation hits 0. If your own death refreshed your participation it would be a non issues - this way it can be quite the unpleasant experience for ppl who can't pvp or dislike it.It's been over a dozen times I left WvW myself cuz the maps were dead or had only elite groups of players left who chase and kill anything on sight.

Umm, you're missing the point of WvW. Those "elite groups of WvW players" are your enemy team. They're supposed to kill you.That's not harrasement or toxicity, that's just how the game mode works. You either get your group and fight them, or run away if you're outnumbered and can't take them.No one is just going to let you stroll throught WvW just because "you don't want to play it and are just here for the legendary". You either play WvW like everyone else or don't, but it's wrong to call people toxic because they're doing their job in WvW.

If that's your idea of toxic, then i'm sorry but your argument is wrong.It's like saying, no one will let me capture objectives in PvP so i can just get my components and are killing me.Yeah - that's the game mode, they're supposed to do that.

And i find it hard to believe that of the 4 maps, you always ran into one group of elite players that was harrasing you.How did they find you? Come on.

Desert borderlands has 2 camp objectives near your spawn that can be easily soloed, as well as sentrys that you can kill even easier and you get participation for all of it. Not to mention elemental shrines. All super easy and soloable.

But an argument about "a group of players killed me so WvW is toxic" has got to be the most ridiculous one i've heard to date.

This would be valid if only people who wanted to wvw actually did wvw.In GW2's case casual players who don't want to pvp others are being forcibly pushed into WvW if they want to craft a gen 2 lege. I can't count the number of people who detested farming their gift of battle.For gen 1 they can at least avoid any frustration by paying a bit extra, but it's still a bit underhanded to push uninterested people into wvw with such tactics. The very least they could do is let them earn participation if they die to avoid such posts

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@"Tumult.2578" said:To the OP. You've fallen into the clutches of those whose only joy seems to be killing others. Do yourself a massive favor and save gold and buy the Legendary. When you have WvW people saying it's the least toxic part of the game, you've lost any realistic feedback. They will be right there ready to kill you, and please resurrect so they can kill you again. Having earned the Gift of Battle legitimately numerous times, it's as boring as possible. Either there is some absurd belief that the Gift of Battle will make people like WvW, or that WvW players will like PvE if forced into it. I've never met any but we are stuck with it. Play what you enjoy and use the gold for what you want.

I kill enemy plyers all the time in a mode designed to pit 3 servers against each other.I'm so toxic.

Honestly, if you have nothing better to do than complain about people killing you in WvW, then you missed the point entirely.

No one is just going to let you go up to a camp and go "here you go, do your legendary, it's ok, take our camp it's fine".So toxic it hurts.

Also, the WvW requirements are not meant to make you like the mode but just to experience it. So that when you link your legendary ingredients in chat, and then the final legendary results - you have some proof that you did all the game modes at least somewhat.

@"Jilora.9524" said:Another thing I do say to you pveers. Don't roll in to /team asking anyone taking a tower or keep or stuff like WvW is PVE and some bounty where we all drop everything to go do a daily. That justs outs you and maybe if you doing that you get your balls busted but even then I doubt it

I doubt it. I've seen people do that, and they just get the "there's a tag [here], join squad" response.If that's toxic then boy do i have news for them in regards to other game modes.

@Friday.7864 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can
get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary,
please do tell me
how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

Erm, you outright buy the gen 1 legendary you want? If you want to save gold by getting bored to death - your choice.If it's a gen 2, you do HPs in wvw and just take a stroll through HoT maps with 0 combat.

But yeah, the whole point here is that even if you do PvE no one will harass you and prevent you in any way from making progress. It's just boring.WvW on the other hand can be frustrating (on top of being boring) when experienced players decide to harass you. You can keep dying until your participation hits 0. If your own death refreshed your participation it would be a non issues - this way it can be quite the unpleasant experience for ppl who can't pvp or dislike it.It's been over a dozen times I left WvW myself cuz the maps were dead or had only elite groups of players left who chase and kill anything on sight.

Umm, you're missing the point of WvW. Those "elite groups of WvW players" are your enemy team. They're supposed to kill you.That's not harrasement or toxicity, that's just how the game mode works. You either get your group and fight them, or run away if you're outnumbered and can't take them.No one is just going to let you stroll throught WvW just because "you don't want to play it and are just here for the legendary". You either play WvW like everyone else or don't, but it's wrong to call people toxic because they're doing their job in WvW.

If that's your idea of toxic, then i'm sorry but your argument is wrong.It's like saying, no one will let me capture objectives in PvP so i can just get my components and are killing me.Yeah - that's the game mode, they're supposed to do that.

And i find it hard to believe that of the 4 maps, you always ran into one group of elite players that was harrasing you.How did they find you? Come on.

Desert borderlands has 2 camp objectives near your spawn that can be easily soloed, as well as sentrys that you can kill even easier and you get participation for all of it. Not to mention elemental shrines. All super easy and soloable.

But an argument about "a group of players killed me so WvW is toxic" has got to be the most ridiculous one i've heard to date.

This would be valid if only people who wanted to wvw actually did wvw.In GW2's case casual players who don't want to pvp others are being forcibly pushed into WvW if they want to craft a gen 2 lege. I can't count the number of people who detested farming their gift of battle.For gen 1 they can at least avoid any frustration by paying a bit extra, but it's still a bit underhanded to push uninterested people into wvw with such tactics.

I literally just told you (or someone else in this thread), that you can treat WvW as PvE entirely and not have to fight other players if you'd rather just get the reward track over with instead of actually playing it. WvW or not - you can literally treat it as PvE Silverwastes style and do your thing without ever having to actually play WvW like most people do.

And you have to do it for 4-8 hours depending on boosts.How is that in any way bad or detestable compared to other boring stuff that lasts way longer, is more grindy and harder to do that you have to do for the same legendary?

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@"Tumult.2578" said:To the OP. You've fallen into the clutches of those whose only joy seems to be killing others. Do yourself a massive favor and save gold and buy the Legendary. When you have WvW people saying it's the least toxic part of the game, you've lost any realistic feedback. They will be right there ready to kill you, and please resurrect so they can kill you again. Having earned the Gift of Battle legitimately numerous times, it's as boring as possible. Either there is some absurd belief that the Gift of Battle will make people like WvW, or that WvW players will like PvE if forced into it. I've never met any but we are stuck with it. Play what you enjoy and use the gold for what you want.

I kill enemy plyers all the time in a mode designed to pit 3 servers against each other.I'm so toxic.

Honestly, if you have nothing better to do than complain about people killing you in WvW, then you missed the point entirely.

No one is just going to let you go up to a camp and go "here you go, do your legendary, it's ok, take our camp it's fine".So toxic it hurts.

@"Jilora.9524" said:Another thing I do say to you pveers. Don't roll in to /team asking anyone taking a tower or keep or stuff like WvW is PVE and some bounty where we all drop everything to go do a daily. That justs outs you and maybe if you doing that you get your balls busted but even then I doubt it

I doubt it. I've seen people do that, and they just get the "there's a tag [here], join squad" response.If that's toxic then boy do i have news for them in regards to other game modes.

@"Dawdler.8521" said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can
get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary,
please do tell me
how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

Erm, you outright buy the gen 1 legendary you want? If you want to save gold by getting bored to death - your choice.If it's a gen 2, you do HPs in wvw and just take a stroll through HoT maps with 0 combat.

But yeah, the whole point here is that even if you do PvE no one will harass you and prevent you in any way from making progress. It's just boring.WvW on the other hand can be frustrating (on top of being boring) when experienced players decide to harass you. You can keep dying until your participation hits 0. If your own death refreshed your participation it would be a non issues - this way it can be quite the unpleasant experience for ppl who can't pvp or dislike it.It's been over a dozen times I left WvW myself cuz the maps were dead or had only elite groups of players left who chase and kill anything on sight.

Umm, you're missing the point of WvW. Those "elite groups of WvW players" are your enemy team. They're supposed to kill you.That's not harrasement or toxicity, that's just how the game mode works. You either get your group and fight them, or run away if you're outnumbered and can't take them.No one is just going to let you stroll throught WvW just because "you don't want to play it and are just here for the legendary". You either play WvW like everyone else or don't, but it's wrong to call people toxic because they're doing their job in WvW.

If that's your idea of toxic, then i'm sorry but your argument is wrong.It's like saying, no one will let me capture objectives in PvP so i can just get my components and are killing me.Yeah - that's the game mode, they're supposed to do that.

And i find it hard to believe that of the 4 maps, you always ran into one group of elite players that was harrasing you.How did they find you? Come on.

Desert borderlands has 2 camp objectives near your spawn that can be easily soloed, as well as sentrys that you can kill even easier and you get participation for all of it. Not to mention elemental shrines. All super easy and soloable.

But an argument about "a group of players killed me so WvW is toxic" has got to be the most ridiculous one i've heard to date.

This would be valid if only people who wanted to wvw actually did wvw.In GW2's case casual players who don't want to pvp others are being forcibly pushed into WvW if they want to craft a gen 2 lege. I can't count the number of people who detested farming their gift of battle.For gen 1 they can at least avoid any frustration by paying a bit extra, but it's still a bit underhanded to push uninterested people into wvw with such tactics.

I literally just told you (or someone else in this thread), that you can treat WvW as PvE entirely and not have to fight other players if you'd rather just get the reward track over with instead of actually playing it. WvW or not - you can literally treat it as PvE Silverwastes style and do your thing without ever having to actually play WvW like most people do.

And you have to do it for 4-8 hours depending on boosts.How is that in any way bad or detestable compared to other boring stuff that lasts way longer, is more grindy and harder to do that you have to do for the same legendary?

You're trying to tell me that you can walk around in wvw for 8 hours like you're taking a walk in the park? That it's the same as PvE?That you can do that without getting killed several dozens of times or even getting chased by some bloodthirsty elitist players? Make a video and show us please.I can't even call this a fairy tale, you're straight out lying to my face. The nerve... Just wow.I just... wow... I'm speechless hahah. Anyway, I'm outta this thread. Since you have no reasonable arguments I have nothing to discuss with you anymore.

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@Friday.7864 said:This would be valid if only people who wanted to wvw actually did wvw.In GW2's case casual players who don't want to pvp others are being forcibly pushed into WvW if they want to craft a gen 2 lege. I can't count the number of people who detested farming their gift of battle.eee .. what ? FARM gift of battle? for weapon you need 1 (one) gift. Not 250 gifts ! not 77 gifts ! not 4 ! only one. And you say word FARM for one gift ?? wich can be gettet per 5 min join do one or few more easest dayli on wvw per few weeks ?

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@Friday.7864 said:

@"Tumult.2578" said:To the OP. You've fallen into the clutches of those whose only joy seems to be killing others. Do yourself a massive favor and save gold and buy the Legendary. When you have WvW people saying it's the least toxic part of the game, you've lost any realistic feedback. They will be right there ready to kill you, and please resurrect so they can kill you again. Having earned the Gift of Battle legitimately numerous times, it's as boring as possible. Either there is some absurd belief that the Gift of Battle will make people like WvW, or that WvW players will like PvE if forced into it. I've never met any but we are stuck with it. Play what you enjoy and use the gold for what you want.

I kill enemy plyers all the time in a mode designed to pit 3 servers against each other.I'm so toxic.

Honestly, if you have nothing better to do than complain about people killing you in WvW, then you missed the point entirely.

No one is just going to let you go up to a camp and go "here you go, do your legendary, it's ok, take our camp it's fine".So toxic it hurts.

@"Jilora.9524" said:Another thing I do say to you pveers. Don't roll in to /team asking anyone taking a tower or keep or stuff like WvW is PVE and some bounty where we all drop everything to go do a daily. That justs outs you and maybe if you doing that you get your balls busted but even then I doubt it

I doubt it. I've seen people do that, and they just get the "there's a tag [here], join squad" response.If that's toxic then boy do i have news for them in regards to other game modes.

@"Dawdler.8521" said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can
get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary,
please do tell me
how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

Erm, you outright buy the gen 1 legendary you want? If you want to save gold by getting bored to death - your choice.If it's a gen 2, you do HPs in wvw and just take a stroll through HoT maps with 0 combat.

But yeah, the whole point here is that even if you do PvE no one will harass you and prevent you in any way from making progress. It's just boring.WvW on the other hand can be frustrating (on top of being boring) when experienced players decide to harass you. You can keep dying until your participation hits 0. If your own death refreshed your participation it would be a non issues - this way it can be quite the unpleasant experience for ppl who can't pvp or dislike it.It's been over a dozen times I left WvW myself cuz the maps were dead or had only elite groups of players left who chase and kill anything on sight.

Umm, you're missing the point of WvW. Those "elite groups of WvW players" are your enemy team. They're supposed to kill you.That's not harrasement or toxicity, that's just how the game mode works. You either get your group and fight them, or run away if you're outnumbered and can't take them.No one is just going to let you stroll throught WvW just because "you don't want to play it and are just here for the legendary". You either play WvW like everyone else or don't, but it's wrong to call people toxic because they're doing their job in WvW.

If that's your idea of toxic, then i'm sorry but your argument is wrong.It's like saying, no one will let me capture objectives in PvP so i can just get my components and are killing me.Yeah - that's the game mode, they're supposed to do that.

And i find it hard to believe that of the 4 maps, you always ran into one group of elite players that was harrasing you.How did they find you? Come on.

Desert borderlands has 2 camp objectives near your spawn that can be easily soloed, as well as sentrys that you can kill even easier and you get participation for all of it. Not to mention elemental shrines. All super easy and soloable.

But an argument about "a group of players killed me so WvW is toxic" has got to be the most ridiculous one i've heard to date.

This would be valid if only people who wanted to wvw actually did wvw.In GW2's case casual players who don't want to pvp others are being forcibly pushed into WvW if they want to craft a gen 2 lege. I can't count the number of people who detested farming their gift of battle.For gen 1 they can at least avoid any frustration by paying a bit extra, but it's still a bit underhanded to push uninterested people into wvw with such tactics.

I literally just told you (or someone else in this thread), that you can treat WvW as PvE entirely and not have to fight other players if you'd rather just get the reward track over with instead of actually playing it. WvW or not - you can literally treat it as PvE Silverwastes style and do your thing without ever having to actually play WvW like most people do.

And you have to do it for 4-8 hours depending on boosts.How is that in any way bad or detestable compared to other boring stuff that lasts way longer, is more grindy and harder to do that you have to do for the same legendary?

You're trying to tell me that you can walk around in wvw for 8 hours like you're taking a walk in the park? That it's the same as PvE?That you can do that without getting killed several dozens of times or even getting chased by some bloodthirsty elitist players? Make a video and show us please.I can't even call this a fairy tale, you're straight out lying to my face. The nerve... Just wow.I just... wow... I'm speechless hahah. Anyway, I'm outta this thread. Since you have no reasonable arguments I have nothing to discuss with you anymore.

I never said you won't be killed ever, just that you can maintain your participation just by fighting camp veterans and sentrys. If someone kills you, you lose nothing, just get back to spawn and do them all over again because inevitabely someone will flip them and you can flip them back gaining more participation. You can walk between 2 camps honestly for a few hours each day and kill any sentrys and dolyaks you came by and get your Gift.

Also, the nerve of calling players who kill you elitist is beyond me.They're doing what the game mode expects of them and that's somehow elitist?If that's your argument, then yes, we have nothing more to talk about.


@lare.5129 said:

@Friday.7864 said:This would be valid if only people who wanted to wvw actually did wvw.In GW2's case casual players who don't want to pvp others are being forcibly pushed into WvW if they want to craft a gen 2 lege. I can't count the number of people who detested farming their gift of battle.eee .. what ? FARM gift of battle? for weapon you need 1 (one) gift. Not 250 gifts ! not 77 gifts ! not 4 ! only one. And you say word FARM for one gift ?? wich can be gettet per 5 min join do one or few more easest dayli on wvw per few weeks ?

Obviously PvE players - judging from this thread are super upset when they get killed in WvW and that makes the people who killed them elitist kittens.Doesn't matter that it's a war mode where you're supposed to do that, it just matters that they want to get handed the gift and do their legendary. Everyone else who has a counter argument on how easy actually is to get ONE gift of battle (like you said), is elitist and toxic.

There's no discussion to be had here.We're all just elitist toxic kittens because we play WvW and kill players who are on our oppoising team instead of letting them take whatever they want.

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There is an extremely PvE heavy path that you could take to get the Gift of Battle without going into WvW at all but it's very much luck driven and time consuming:

  • Box of WvW Supplies - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Box_of_WvW_SuppliesThese items have a chance of providing an instant boost of WvW experience which is useful for completing Daily WvW World Ranker. As mentioned by others, completing WvW dailies provides potions for reward track progress so you can earn Gift of Battle without participating. Getting these items though is tricky, even though they are sourced completely from PvE.
  • Karmic Converter - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karmic_ConverterEvery day there is a chance this item will have a Box of WvW Supplies for sale for about 5000 karma. To get this item, you have to complete the Exotic Hunter achievement (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exotic_Hunter). You will likely have to purchase some of the weapons to complete the achievement as there are no guarantees any of them will drop.
  • Ley-Energy Matter Converter - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ley-Energy_Matter_ConverterEvery day there are up to three chances this item will have a Box of WvW Supplies for sale for 25 HoT map currency (depends on the tab). To get this item, you have to complete the Mouth of Mordremoth Master achievement (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Stand_(achievements)#achievement2496). This involves completing the Dragon's Stand map meta, finishing off the final boss within 20 minutes. After obtaining the object, the tabs need to be unlocked by purchasing it from each HoT mastery vendor.
  • Sigurlina Jonsdottir - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigurlina_JonsdottirEvery day there are two chances this NPC will have a Box of WvW Supplies for sale for 1 guild commendation. This NPC can be accessed in a guild hall and up to three items can be purchased with the proper upgrades. Will need to either join or form a guild that is upgraded enough and participate in guild missions to obtain the commendations needed.
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I guess in reviewing all of the OP’s posts in this thread I would ask how the OP isn’t considered toxic?

Of course the OP still hasn’t addressed how he can be killed at 12 exits by the same thief...

That Would be some high powered trolling.

And people still forget that the reward tracks (not skirmish tracks) are active in EOTM.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:I guess in reviewing all of the OP’s posts in this thread I would ask how the OP isn’t considered toxic?

Of course the OP still hasn’t addressed how he can be killed at 12 exits by the same thief...

That Would be some high powered trolling.

And people still forget that the reward tracks (not skirmish tracks) are active in EOTM.

That's what i'm wondering too.

He posted a thread, got really good help and tips, and proceeded to disregard everything and call WvW players toxic and elitist (also a few others jumped on that bandwagon).When in reality, WvW players tried to help him and others get the Gift of Battle the most PvE way possible.

But i guess it boils down to OP not wanting to do WvW at all, and since there are currently no alternatives - would rather complain then take help in getting a really easy item to obtain. At this point, the conversation is going in circles and isn't worth having anymore.

In the end, OP got some really great tips on how to achieve this, so now it's only either do it or don't. No senese in complaining because Anet isn't going to change anything any time soon.

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Just be glad you no longer have to map the WvW maps for the Gift of Exploration.

That required you to actually go out and go into camps and towers and castles. If you really didn't want to fight to do it, it was a lot of patience running around to stuff your server owned or suicide running into a camp if player enemies were around camps. And if your server was never a particular color for ages, you were locked out of completing until it changed to all of the colors as there's a POI in all of the starting points that you can't get to unless your on that color.

As for the Gift of Battle, I do not find WvW fun. I've earned the Gift of Battle through the WvW track. I earned most of CoF tokens for the Gift of Baelfire through the appropriate WvW reward track. I've yet to kill a single players in WvW.

You go in when the dailies are more PvE oriented. Big Spender, Master of Monuments, Land Claimer are the three I would go into WvW for. The others risk other players coming in to stop you too much or involve waiting near enemy territory which is dangerous.

There are also days where I go in and the enemy servers seem to busy on all maps and I go, well, there's always tomorrow.

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Every time these threads come up that

  1. Misrepresent the game mode and those who play it as some kind of antisocial gang of thugs
  2. Falsely claim the toxcity is higher in WvW than in PvE (Lets face it, /m in Lion's Arch is usually worse than EBG)
  3. Cast shade on the game's developers by accusing some form of sadism or other malfeasance
  4. Hyperbolize negative experience with anecdotes that are clearly not factualI ask myself....Why don't people just throw on some decently protective gear/build... grab a couple of friends/guildies...hop on discord and just have fun with it for a few hours?Why all the misrepresentation and false rhetoric?

Do you think the developers live in such a bubble that they will read your post of misinformation and exaggeration, and be so moved by your pretend pain that they will suddenly reverse course on the need for a GoB in all legendary items?

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@costepj.5120 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:I thought servers were linked now, so low population servers linked with high population ones?If a thief killed you outside the spawn point I'd suggest you move to another map, there are 4 WvW maps available.

That's PvE and EotM. Not core WvW. Not until alliances are finally a thing.

That's incorrect. Core WvW servers are linked on a regular basis. I'm on Piken Square and we are linked with Blacktide.

As allies of enemies? Because if you are saying as enemies, than you misunderstood me. If you are saying as allies, then my knowledge of WvW is outdated.

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@Uden Reavstone.3426 said:

@maddoctor.2738 said:I thought servers were linked now, so low population servers linked with high population ones?If a thief killed you outside the spawn point I'd suggest you move to another map, there are 4 WvW maps available.

That's PvE and EotM. Not core WvW. Not until alliances are finally a thing.

That's incorrect. Core WvW servers are linked on a regular basis. I'm on Piken Square and we are linked with Blacktide.

As allies of enemies? Because if you are saying as enemies, than you misunderstood me. If you are saying as allies, then my knowledge of WvW is outdated.

As allies yes, just mouse over your server above were you enter wvw maps and it will show you who you are linked with.If you mouse over then other 2 you see theirs.EditAlliances was that guild should be able to ally together and play on the same wvw maps what ever server they were on.

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I also advise what others have said here and elsewhere.

There are 4 maps in total, providing you are not locked into 1 by population cap then simply move to a different map if you are being spawn camped by enemy players.

You don't need to play WvW, as many have said simply go there for your dailies and leave.

Dailies are often easy and sometimes take no time at all to complete, simply save up the daily potion's of WvW rewards you get from them instead of using them right away.Then when you need gifts of battle it's as simple as equipping the right reward track and going on a potion binge.

I've been doing this on and off for a few months myself and I have several stacks of potions now as well as a few Gifts of Battles laying around in my bank, i'll probably never need to actively play WvW again to farm them when I need them.I used to think getting them was a royal pain as well but since I started doing dailies there it quickly dawned on me how easy it can be to get a lot of them without needing to play much WvW.

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From reading all of this, I think the OP is more toxic than any person I ever met in WvW. And if you get one-shotted ALL THE TIME, it's not because others are elite players, but because you probably are doing something very, very wrong and it might be an idea to work on your skills, armour and understanding of how stuff works.

I killed people in WvW every now and then when I worked towards the ONE, single Gift of Battle that you need for a legendary. So am I an elite player now? Cool! Never thought I'd belong to that group.But I also got killed (but never with just one.single.shot!). Am a kitten player now? Oh no! What is it? Elite or kitten?

The game more is players VERSUS other players. In PvE, you probably get one-shot by bosses all the time if you can't even manage to survive in WvW for a bit. But do you call those bosses toxic? Or the people who wrote the dialogue for them? Look at some of the insults thrown at you by NPCs! Very rude!I bet, in PvE, you just try again and again and again until you beat a mission - WvW is the same, just with real people behind the pixels that kill you. Big deal. I am sure none of them have a personal agenda against you, and most likely won't even remember your name after killing you.

People here were giving some good advice, and they get ridiculed or ignored. So who is toxic? The WvW people who actually offer advice, or the PvE player who thinks everyone who kills him in a game mode that is meant for just that is a mean, toxic elitist?

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Legendary weapons require input from all aspects of Guild Wars (with the exception of sPvP). The Gift of Battle is there to encourage you to experience other aspects of the game instead of PvE only, though you can PvE the entirety of the 20k points for a GoB.

I've made two weapons, with the intent on doing another, and I look forward to the change of pace that WvWvW provides.

It is unlikely to change. Simply stick with it and find other maps to play on. As someone mentioned previously, there are 4 maps (Borderlands) to choose from.

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PvE doesn't seem toxic because it's hard to fail, but when it does happen, well it goes downhill fast and sometimes degenerates into people bashing each other for wasting a whole ten minutes of their time. And then there's instanced gameplay. The amount of know it alls and entitled gamers is a giant pile.

Also to OP, have you actually asked for help on the matter? You can't really have teamwork without communication. Plenty of people ask for stuff like that every day; it's just that people are more receptive to those that are proactive. People are not psychic; we don't know what you want.

Of course, there is also the unthinkable, and that is to actually learn a few things about the mode so you're not deadweight. Nobody's expecting you to be some kind of expert, but picking a class/build with good escape tools can help a lot with this (mesmer, ranger, thief, engineer). Stealth can get you past a lot of stuff.

Spend like 10 min taking a build off metabattle, and like 15g to buy an alternate set of gear. That is really not very demanding at all, I think.

As with all subjects like this, I'd like to remind people that only people that want to be helped, can be helped. If you finish your legendary or not, we don't care, and Anet may care once in a while. So the help is there; it's up to you to decide if you want it or not, because sitting there sure won't make it happen.

Moral Vindication may feel good, but it's not worth a single copper. You may call those that kill you "toxic" and "wrong", but at the end of the day they may have their legendaries, and you don't. Surely, you can't just be satisfied with leaving it like that. Change it.

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Just to add something to the points a few people have made regarding getting bullied if they ask for something.


This happened yesterday. So much toxic people in chat because you asked something right?Someone asked in chat to do a daily, and people - who already have it - wanted to help.SO toxic and elitist right?

If you just ask in chat normally, people will help you.So any claims of toxicity are greatly exaggerated just because someone doesn't want to do the content for their Gift of Battle.

Not only that but, the nature of WvW means you have to interact with the community a bit more. Which is a good way to promote interaction between players that want to do the legendary.

Find out what times your server's commanders are active and log in during those times. You'll hit T6 participation in like 5 minutes, and with boosters, you can be done wth Gift of Battle just by following your commander for like 2 play sessions. Big zerg fights usually don't happen unless the commander is actively looking for them, going to the areas that are about to get attacked by an enemy server to fight them, or attacking them yourselves. Those only really happen in guild raids, where you're looking for fights. If you're not in a WvW guild raid with your guild, and are just following a public commander, they usually go attack keeps that are not protected by enemy servers. Some fights will still happen (they're not avoiding them), but if you lose the fight, just waypiont and get back to the group, it's not that hard.

That's the easiest by far method, and the least boring to do the reward track.

If you still perfer going solo, you got a lot of really good tips in this thread how to do it, but as some others have pointed out - they might be boring and grindy.Still, not as grindy as some PvE content can be so, it's still a fast way to do it. If you go the solo route, then do the easy dailies when they're up for the day, and over a regular period of time you'll have enough reward track progress and potions to complete it.

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