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spears and scyths for land combat are long overdue

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so we're getting a new expansion and my thoughts instantly went to the same thing i hoped for for the FIRST expansion......the thing i was SHOCKED wasn't in the 2nd expansion......land spears and scyths

we have some scythe skins for "staffs" in the game already, they clearly thought about it, i don't know why they won't just do it but i'm not getting the next expansion unless i see some new evolutions. the scythe and landspear are long overdue. I mean you added the revenant from gw1 and didn't give them their signature weapon i don't get it

was it cuz of black lion chests already having full weapon sets? was it so you didn't have to go back and add skins for sets that already existed? cuz you don't have to do that, having incomplete sets is fine nobody is going to make a big deal out of that.

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I don't really see the appeal. I mean, yes, more weapon options would probably be interesting but I don't see why these ones specifically are any more important to the game than any other possibilities.

I really enjoy my GW1 dervish, who focuses on point-blank AoE effects. (Which is especially effective because enemies in GW1 tend to crowd around you.) But you can get similar play styles in GW2 already. I'd say the most similar to my dervish is actually my templar, either using dual daggers or a staff. She has a similar approach of putting herself in the centre of the action and then blasting everything nearby. I don't feel like I'm missing anything by not having the scythe again.

What do you imagine a scythe or spear weapon would do which we don't currently have available? What would make them interesting enough to be worth adding to the current options?

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@Scavarius.6059 said:

@"Tseison.4659" said:Well, Warriors will almost 99.9% get Staff as their next weapon and will serve as a "lance" or "polearm" because if you've played through Champions, you can see the Champion Watchknights that follow you, using a lance and a spinning ability with it. :/

watchknights wield a staff since 2013, so ...pretty much anything a spear and/or scythe can do, can be done with staff. maybe not throwing spears, but lets not go down that rabbithole. also, we already got scythe skins for staff. more than you would think.

That's nice but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm stating that, with EoD around the corner, it's likely Warriors will get a staff and will be treated the same way as how Thieves got a staff for their Elite Spec...

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@Tseison.4659 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:Well, Warriors will almost 99.9% get Staff as their next weapon and will serve as a "lance" or "polearm" because if you've played through Champions, you can see the Champion Watchknights that follow you, using a lance and a spinning ability with it. :/

watchknights wield a staff since 2013, so ...pretty much anything a spear and/or scythe can do, can be done with staff. maybe not throwing spears, but lets not go down that rabbithole. also, we already got scythe skins for staff. more than you would think.

That's nice but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm stating that, with EoD around the corner, it's likely Warriors will get a staff and will be treated the same way as how Thieves got a staff for their Elite Spec...

But the reason you gave for that is because the watchknights do it. They've been doing it since 2013, so by your logic it was 99.9% confirmed that warriors would get staff as a polearm in HoT and it didn't happen then, or in PoF. Why should it happen now?

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:Well, Warriors will almost 99.9% get Staff as their next weapon and will serve as a "lance" or "polearm" because if you've played through Champions, you can see the Champion Watchknights that follow you, using a lance and a spinning ability with it. :/

watchknights wield a staff since 2013, so ...pretty much anything a spear and/or scythe can do, can be done with staff. maybe not throwing spears, but lets not go down that rabbithole. also, we already got scythe skins for staff. more than you would think.

That's nice but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm stating that, with EoD around the corner, it's likely Warriors will get a staff and will be treated the same way as how Thieves got a staff for their Elite Spec...

But the reason you gave for that is because the watchknights do it. They've been doing it since 2013, so by your logic it was 99.9% confirmed that warriors would get staff as a polearm in HoT and it didn't happen then, or in PoF. Why should it happen now?

Not that I even care about warriors and what they get, I’m just assuming that’s what I’ve been hearing others talk about since what other weapon could they possibly get when they essentially have everything at this point lol...

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@Tseison.4659 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:Well, Warriors will almost 99.9% get Staff as their next weapon and will serve as a "lance" or "polearm" because if you've played through Champions, you can see the Champion Watchknights that follow you, using a lance and a spinning ability with it. :/

watchknights wield a staff since 2013, so ...pretty much anything a spear and/or scythe can do, can be done with staff. maybe not throwing spears, but lets not go down that rabbithole. also, we already got scythe skins for staff. more than you would think.

That's nice but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm stating that, with EoD around the corner, it's likely Warriors will get a staff and will be treated the same way as how Thieves got a staff for their Elite Spec...

But the reason you gave for that is because the watchknights do it. They've been doing it since 2013, so by your logic it was 99.9% confirmed that warriors would get staff as a polearm in HoT and it didn't happen then, or in PoF. Why should it happen now?

Not that I even care about warriors and what they get, I’m just assuming that’s what I’ve been hearing others talk about since what other weapon could they possibly get when they essentially have everything at this point lol...

Single or dual pistol

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:Well, Warriors will almost 99.9% get Staff as their next weapon and will serve as a "lance" or "polearm" because if you've played through Champions, you can see the Champion Watchknights that follow you, using a lance and a spinning ability with it. :/

watchknights wield a staff since 2013, so ...pretty much anything a spear and/or scythe can do, can be done with staff. maybe not throwing spears, but lets not go down that rabbithole. also, we already got scythe skins for staff. more than you would think.

That's nice but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm stating that, with EoD around the corner, it's likely Warriors will get a staff and will be treated the same way as how Thieves got a staff for their Elite Spec...

But the reason you gave for that is because the watchknights do it. They've been doing it since 2013, so by your logic it was 99.9% confirmed that warriors would get staff as a polearm in HoT and it didn't happen then, or in PoF. Why should it happen now?

Not that I even care about warriors and what they get, I’m just assuming that’s what I’ve been hearing others talk about since what other weapon could they possibly get when they essentially have everything at this point lol...

Single or dual pistol

Dual pistols is the only thing i want for warrior from EoD.Do note that if a weapon is mainhand it must be offhand as well due to the classes 'flair' 'weaponmaster' Just means the class can use all mainhand weapons in their offhand, dont believe it? have a look at every mainhand weapon on warrior.

Spear / staff would be so lackluster to see be the weapon.... So i really hope its not that, I honestly dont get why people fall in love with a stick with a sharp pointy bit.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Tseison.4659 said:Well, Warriors will almost 99.9% get Staff as their next weapon and will serve as a "lance" or "polearm" because if you've played through Champions, you can see the Champion Watchknights that follow you, using a lance and a spinning ability with it. :/

watchknights wield a staff since 2013, so ...pretty much anything a spear and/or scythe can do, can be done with staff. maybe not throwing spears, but lets not go down that rabbithole. also, we already got scythe skins for staff. more than you would think.

That's nice but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm stating that, with EoD around the corner, it's likely Warriors will get a staff and will be treated the same way as how Thieves got a staff for their Elite Spec...

But the reason you gave for that is because the watchknights do it. They've been doing it since 2013, so by your logic it was 99.9% confirmed that warriors would get staff as a polearm in HoT and it didn't happen then, or in PoF. Why should it happen now?

Not that I even care about warriors and what they get, I’m just assuming that’s what I’ve been hearing others talk about since what other weapon could they possibly get when they essentially have everything at this point lol...

Single or dual pistol

Warriors are missing Pistol, Shortbow and Staff from physical weapons. They are also missing Scepter and Focus, maybe Anet will surprise us.

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Pistol/Pistol would add the most for warrior. It needs a utility OH to compete with Shield, and it needs a 1h range weapon. Pistol/Pistol can fill that roll. There is no heavy class that can use pistols FYI. Warrior makes more sense than Guardian or Revenant for them.

I suspect that Rev will get either a scepter, focus, or greatsword.Guardian I suspect with get an OH mace, OH sword, or warhorn.

Mesmer gets mace, either MH or OH, because they need Moot for the flavor.Necro gets OH axe.Ele gets rifle because spell bullets need to happenEngineer gets crapped on and gets OH torch because Anet, but super OP e-spec (again because Anet)Ranger gets hammer and a pet bunny.Thief gets whatever is leftover, gets more stealth out of it somehow.

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@Duke Nukem.6783 said:

@Alex.8932 said:You and i know, that you WILL buy the new xpac, no matter what ;)

i haven't even got path of fire yet =) it just didn't wow meYou should. Mounts do make a difference, in a good way in my opinion.

If they did add spears, I'd like to see them change some of the existing staff skins to spears (like Berserker's Lightward's Battlestaff) and replace staff with spear on some classes. Like Rev and Guardian - change staff to spear.

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@"Tzarakiel.7490" said:You know scythes have never been used as weapons in reality. The closest people ever got were warpicks, which are basically sharp/spiked hammers.


"Farming tools such as the scythe and pitchfork have frequently been used as a weapon by those who could not afford or did not have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns."

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@Ameepa.6793 said:

@"Tzarakiel.7490" said:You know scythes have never been used as weapons in reality. The closest people ever got were warpicks, which are basically sharp/spiked hammers.

"Farming tools such as the scythe and pitchfork have frequently been used as a weapon by those who could not afford or did not have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns."

That section has no citations but it's worth noting the "could not afford or did not have access to" part. That strongly implies that they are inferior to other weapons, which they are.

If you look at the diagrams on that page you'll see that the war scythe is configured differently to the agricultural scythe. The war scythe is a polearm like a spear or halberd and the curved blade is in line with the pole. The agricultural scythe (the one depicted in GW1 and in GW2 as staff skins) is impractical for combat, the blade is not only perpendicular to the pole it also faces inwards. I'm sure that the first step in the peasant uprising was to get a blacksmith to correct that and turn the blade 90 degrees.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@"Tzarakiel.7490" said:You know scythes have never been used as weapons in reality. The closest people ever got were warpicks, which are basically sharp/spiked hammers.

"Farming tools such as the scythe and pitchfork have frequently been used as a weapon by those who could not afford or did not have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns."

That section has no citations but it's worth noting the "could not afford or did not have access to" part. That strongly implies that they are inferior to other weapons, which they are.

If you look at the diagrams on that page you'll see that the war scythe is configured differently to the agricultural scythe. The war scythe is a polearm like a spear or halberd and the curved blade is in line with the pole. The agricultural scythe (the one depicted in GW1 and in GW2 as staff skins) is impractical for combat, the blade is not only perpendicular to the pole it also faces inwards. I'm sure that the first step in the peasant uprising was to get a blacksmith to correct that and turn the blade 90 degrees.

Yes it even says so in the next sentence:

"Scythes and pitchforks were stereotypically carried by angry mobs or gangs of enraged peasants. The process usually involved reforging the blade of a scythe at a 90 degree angle, strengthening the joint between the blade and the shaft with an additional metal pipe or bolts and reinforcing the shaft to better protect it against cuts from enemy blades."


Also more about the normal non modified scythes:http://scytheconnected.blogspot.com/2014/05/scythes-in-martial-arts.html

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@Tzarakiel.7490 said:You know scythes have never been used as weapons in reality. The closest people ever got were warpicks, which are basically sharp/spiked hammers.

"Farming tools such as the scythe and pitchfork have frequently been used as a weapon by those who could not afford or did not have access to more expensive weapons such as pikes, swords, or later, guns."

That section has no citations but it's worth noting the "could not afford or did not have access to" part. That strongly implies that they are inferior to other weapons, which they are.

Being an inferior weapon doesn‘t mean scythes were never used as weapons in reality, like @Tzarakiel.7490 claimed.Flails and scythes were prevalent weapons on the peasant side during the German Peasants' War for example.

The same thing extends to armour. Only few were able to start out wearing plated gear, so many had to resort to inferior armour, buying new pieces bit by bit after recieving payment.

Edit: @Ameepa.6793 another interesting detail about the reforging: after the peasant wars, reforging a normal scythe into a Sturmsense / warscythe was made illegal with a death sentence as punishment!

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