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New Makeover options As a Reward for Content Completion?

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What if a certain cosmetic feature was the meta reward for a chapter. Example : A hair style, a face tattoo, earrings or nose rings. You would get a voucher and it would apply the change permanently to a character of your choice, and could be changed with a regular makeover kit.This would adhere to some of the early concept of the game's story having lasting impacts, but also give people a reward that is visible and unique.Would that be something you would like to see?

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It could be interesting, but whether or not it would make me want to get the meta reward depends on exactly what it is. If it's something that would suit one of my characters then I'd want to get it, if not then I'll never use it and probably wouldn't bother to complete the meta so I don't have to have the voucher stuck in my bank forever.

But in that sense it's no better or worse than the skins and emotes we currently get, so it could be worth a try.

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Having thought about it more I think I'd prefer them to add any new hairstyles, faces etc. to the makeover kits. If they made them into meta rewards it would quite likely only be 1 thing - like 1 new hairstyle. Whereas when they add them to kits there's usually several options added at once, which increases the probability there will be something I like.

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"Ah yes, I see you have the Raid Hair."

I dunno. I already feel weird about emotes being meta/achievements rewards. I like emotes well enough (I even bought the dance book for that reason), but it's pretty underwhelming for people to whom emotes aren't rewarding. Something like character creation options might have a similar 'that's an odd reward' hit to it and not motivate people as effectively as armor skins, since those have broader customization potential. I remember being a bit perplexed when they released a mini as a Wintersday meta reward, since minis don't strike me as something people would vie for.

People undoubtedly want more customization as evidenced by the recurring 'yoo, where the faces and hairs at?' threads, but paired with the 'I hate grinding out this content to get x reward' threads in equal numbers, I'm drawing the conclusion that if character creation options got locked behind the completion of something unenjoyable or grindy, people wouldn't be happy.

Rather than hitching that stuff to content, I'd suggest either adding it to the makeover kits to boost kit sales, or adding some sort of 'makeover upgrade' packs to the shop which would unlock more options whenever you used a TMK. You'd still technically be able to get them by playing the game because of gem conversion, it just wouldn't be gated by specific content.

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I'm all for more cosmetic options, and I don't mind chasing achieves to get them, but I wouldn't want them to be only available to one character. You say they could be changed with a makeover -- could they be changed back if you want them after all? Far easier to keep using the system already in place, ie the makeover kits, and as it's likely not easy to tailor the options in the kits to specific account unlocks, best to just provide them to everyone.

Maybe there could be community goals as we've seen in Boss Week and the IBS factions thus far, which if met means all the kits get the new options. But really, I'd rather the past be prologue and simply have more options added periodically.

I do understand you're asking for things that can't really fit into the kits as currently designed, such as piercings that don't involve a completely new face that happens to have piercings. It'd be lovely if they could add things like that to character creation with much the same UI as body type or hair style, but only if it can happen without breaking the game's code into unusability.

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[Edit] I guess I should have taken the blue option. My bad.

Honestly, I hate this idea, it just makes no sense.

I can't have that hairstyle/perform that emote unless I've cleared this raid and purchased it as a reward? Unless there's a ton of magic behind it, that's not how things work. If you see someone with a cool haircut that you want to try, you just ... get the haircut and try it. (Or a wig, or whatever). You see someone make a gesture that catches your attention and you want to copy it? You just do that, maybe practice it a bit, but there's nothing special about the kind of stuff that goes into emotes. Why should ANYONE need to 'earn' it?

Some ultra powerful magical earrings? Sure, raid reward. But the LOOK of those earrings? Meh, anyone with decent crafting skill should be able to make a copy (unless, once again, there's big magic in how they look).

If I was to suggest something like this, it would be to replace some of the phrases the character says as part of normal gameplay. There's a vast difference between a level 2 character straight out of the tutorial and "The Commander", but they both say the same things when hit with effects. Maybe record new phrases and put them in as rewards, so the character will say the new one sometimes (toggle to turn that off, maybe). That way, as the character does more, they can start to use phrases that actually reference some of the things they've done or at least sound more experienced.

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No. Really, wondered what bottom we can reach, but this is the one. There is already emotes as rewards, instead of being already available since launch. Now, locking makeover behind content completion asking you to do 1000x times boring stuff? If this happens, final nail in coffin, I leave. Paying cash 10€ in my case to have more faces for other races than humans, I m in. But never getting them because of stupid meta, no way.

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@Palador.2170 said:[Edit] I guess I should have taken the blue option. My bad.

Honestly, I hate this idea, it just makes no sense.

I can't have that hairstyle/perform that emote unless I've cleared this raid and purchased it as a reward? Unless there's a ton of magic behind it, that's not how things work. If you see someone with a cool haircut that you want to try, you just ... get the haircut and try it. (Or a wig, or whatever). You see someone make a gesture that catches your attention and you want to copy it? You just do that, maybe practice it a bit, but there's nothing special about the kind of stuff that goes into emotes. Why should ANYONE need to 'earn' it?

My concept really depends on what the chapter is about and who we meet in it because I like the idea of earning the right to bear a symbol of being a part of a certain culture. For example: Earning a norn tattoo, a human's royal hair cut, an asura's piercing, a charr's scar

I made this thread because I feel the rewards have sometimes lacked meaning and therefor substance so I wanted to combine things I loved in this game: story, in-game cultures and character customization. There have been similar rewards in the past and the community has had mixed reactions to it. I just wanted to open the floor for new reward ideas really.

But, yeah if there's going to be a grind I want it to mean something. I want my character to have a visual symbol of their dedication to learning about other cultures. Imagine a norn earning an asuran piercing! Or an asura earning a charr battle scar, or a charr being given a human delegate's hair cut? Imagine if you earned all of those things and got a title to go with it?

That sort of thing is exciting to me because that's what I imagined when I first started playing.

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No.Just a hard no, without the "not really" tacked on.Why wasn't that an option?

If they were to add customization to achievements (or content completion as you call it), it would just be another thing tacked onto meta achievements, like new emotes.

Like emotes, new customization options should be baseline available to everyone.

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