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Guild representation.

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Please ANet, consider removing this as a whole. At the current state of things it's a useless feature that is only there to cause drama and issues to players who need to be in multiple guilds.

Instead of entirely remove the guild tag display there could just be a rework, like an option on click when you select a character in which you can see all the guilds the person is into.

I know that to many this might be a minor issue, but it's causing me a lot of stress as I had to join some guilds for trainings. ._.

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I think it would make sense to remove it and seperate all the different features tied to it, but I'd prefer not to lose any of them.

I'd especially want to keep the ability to 'highlight' a guild chat channel so it shows in bright orange instead of dull brown. That's the main reason I use the representation feature now, so if I'm talking to one guild or there's a conversation I want to follow I can highlight it and make it stand out in chat.

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If the guild you ‘need’ to rep at that moment doesn’t have a way to communicate that to you in a way that isn’t threatening or small cat’ing, then I would suggest you don’t need that guild.

I’ve had someone whisper me with a ‘smiley’ that said something to the extent of ‘rep?’

And that was great.

But IF you guild requires repping, and you don’t.. well, then maybe that guild isn’t for you.

And if stressing about repping is an issue, that is a ‘you’ problem.

If Anet wanted to make a check box that says ‘I don’t want to rep any guild’ well that would be fine. Oh wait. It exists.

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I'm in 4 guilds, one is personal, GL in one of them and an "officer" in the other 2. There are only two times I say anything about repping to anyone - when we're doing a guild mission and reminding a new member that repping that guild means that they'll get xx% discount on waypointing. Like several people have said, if you're in a guild that there is drama around repping or not repping, find a better guild.

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Just stay away from the "mandatory 100% rep" power freaks that love to stalk you. problem solved!

What I really want:Option IF I want to show my current location to my Guild Mates.,, That this is default behavior is one of the reasons I usually rep my private guild.

Other than that: Choose your guilds wisely, asking Rep during guild missions or event is more than reasonable.Demanding 100% rep all the time... Not happening. Ever.

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@"Silvia.9130" said:Please ANet, consider removing this as a whole. At the current state of things it's a useless feature that is only there to cause drama and issues to players who need to be in multiple guilds.

Instead of entirely remove the guild tag display there could just be a rework, like an option on click when you select a character in which you can see all the guilds the person is into.

I know that to many this might be a minor issue, but it's causing me a lot of stress as I had to join some guilds for trainings. ._.

Absolutely no one, "needs," to be in multiple guilds.

The option exists for those, like yourself, who want to be in multiple guilds. Why would you ask for something that is optional, to be taken away from others?

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@"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:Just stay away from the "mandatory 100% rep" power freaks that love to stalk you. problem solved!

What I really want:Option IF I want to show my current location to my Guild Mates.,, That this is default behavior is one of the reasons I usually rep my private guild.

Other than that: Choose your guilds wisely, asking Rep during guild missions or event is more than reasonable.Demanding 100% rep all the time... Not happening. Ever.

The 100% rep guilds are living in the past. This is a feature of the game. If they want 100% they have to earn it. What are they going to do for you? I doubt those guilds will do everything in their power to replace the 5 guilds that specialize in the all the specific things you enjoy. How arrogant of any guild to assume they even can replace the varying and unique experiences of your chosen 5 guilds.

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@"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:Just stay away from the "mandatory 100% rep" power freaks that love to stalk you. problem solved!

What I really want:Option IF I want to show my current location to my Guild Mates.,, That this is default behavior is one of the reasons I usually rep my private guild.

Other than that: Choose your guilds wisely, asking Rep during guild missions or event is more than reasonable.Demanding 100% rep all the time... Not happening. Ever.

The only time any amount of rep requirement makes sense is for WvW guilds, in my opinion. Though at least then there's a benefit to rep'ing them as well. Plus guild missions like you said.

If a guild advertises it requires members to rep it, that's a hard no from me even if I'm otherwise interested in it. I'd rather not have people police what box I have checked in the game and provide them my current location at all times. Especially if they're monitoring it so frequently that even making a new character leads to angry messages.

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@XYLO.7031 said:

@"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:Just stay away from the "mandatory 100% rep" power freaks that love to stalk you. problem solved!

What I really want:Option IF I want to show my current location to my Guild Mates.,, That this is default behavior is one of the reasons I usually rep my private guild.

Other than that: Choose your guilds wisely, asking Rep during guild missions or event is more than reasonable.Demanding 100% rep all the time... Not happening. Ever.

The 100% rep guilds are living in the past. This is a feature of the game. If they want 100% they have to earn it. What are they going to do for you? I doubt those guilds will do everything in their power to replace the 5 guilds that specialize in the all the specific things you enjoy. How arrogant of any guild to assume they even can replace the varying and unique experiences of your chosen 5 guilds.

If you do not want to be in a 100% rep guild then don't join one. The arrogance is people who want everyone else to cater to them by expecting the group to change its rules to suit the one individual. Personally I am not in a 100% rep guild, but I am in only one guild. If a group, in game or real life, has rules for membership that are not in accord with my interests, I do not join. I don't join and then whine that the group has to change to accommodate me, or that the group is somehow bad because I don't like the rules that existed before I joined, or anything of the sort. That said, of course a group/guild should be up front and clear about any rules for members. My current guild does not allow discussion of politics, religion, or graphic adult matters in guild chat or on discord for example.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:Just stay away from the "mandatory 100% rep" power freaks that love to stalk you. problem solved!

What I really want:Option IF I want to show my current location to my Guild Mates.,, That this is default behavior is one of the reasons I usually rep my private guild.

Other than that: Choose your guilds wisely, asking Rep during guild missions or event is more than reasonable.Demanding 100% rep all the time... Not happening. Ever.

The 100% rep guilds are living in the past. This is a feature of the game. If they want 100% they have to earn it. What are they going to do for you? I doubt those guilds will do everything in their power to replace the 5 guilds that specialize in the all the specific things you enjoy. How arrogant of any guild to assume they even can replace the varying and unique experiences of your chosen 5 guilds.

If you do not want to be in a 100% rep guild then don't join one. The arrogance is people who want everyone else to cater to them by expecting the group to change its rules to suit the one individual. Personally I am not in a 100% rep guild, but I am in only one guild. If a group, in game or real life, has rules for membership that are not in accord with my interests, I do not join. I don't join and then whine that the group has to change to accommodate me, or that the group is somehow bad because I don't like the rules that existed before I joined, or anything of the sort. That said, of course a group/guild should be up front and clear about any rules for members. My current guild does not allow discussion of politics, religion, or graphic adult matters in guild chat or on discord for example.

I mean, everything he said points to him not having joined one of the 100% rep guilds, so your whole argument falls flat. There's no one trying to change a guild or their existing rules here, just someone pointing out how old-fashioned those guilds are. Pretty arrogant to assume something else.

As for the thread:Just don't join the rep guilds, there's no point to it. If they have to force you to rep, just to be able to stay in the guild, is it really a guild worthwhile of your membership? Don't think so. If they don't do anything to keep you as a member aside from imposing rules, just leave and find a better ones that treat you better. Guilds aren't something you owe anything to.There are also enough guilds around that the 100% rep ones don't matter at all in the bigger picture.

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Imagine if someone told you that you are only allowed to have 1 character in GW2. Not in some hypothetical other GW2, current GW2, same GW2 as the last 8 years. Oh you have 5 character slots base and can buy many more if you want, but you are only allowed to have 1 character, period. Because someone says it.

Thats 100% rep guilds.

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@Raknar.4735 said:

@"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:Just stay away from the "mandatory 100% rep" power freaks that love to stalk you. problem solved!

What I really want:Option IF I want to show my current location to my Guild Mates.,, That this is default behavior is one of the reasons I usually rep my private guild.

Other than that: Choose your guilds wisely, asking Rep during guild missions or event is more than reasonable.Demanding 100% rep all the time... Not happening. Ever.

The 100% rep guilds are living in the past. This is a feature of the game. If they want 100% they have to earn it. What are they going to do for you? I doubt those guilds will do everything in their power to replace the 5 guilds that specialize in the all the specific things you enjoy. How arrogant of any guild to assume they even can replace the varying and unique experiences of your chosen 5 guilds.

If you do not want to be in a 100% rep guild then don't join one. The arrogance is people who want everyone else to cater to them by expecting the group to change its rules to suit the one individual. Personally I am not in a 100% rep guild, but I am in only one guild. If a group, in game or real life, has rules for membership that are not in accord with my interests, I do not join. I don't join and then whine that the group has to change to accommodate me, or that the group is somehow bad because I don't like the rules that existed before I joined, or anything of the sort. That said, of course a group/guild should be up front and clear about any rules for members. My current guild does not allow discussion of politics, religion, or graphic adult matters in guild chat or on discord for example.

I mean, everything he said points to him not having joined one of the 100% rep guilds, so your whole argument falls flat. There's no one trying to change a guild or their existing rules here, just someone pointing out how old-fashioned those guilds are. Pretty arrogant to assume something else.

As for the thread:Just don't join the rep guilds, there's no point to it. If they have to force you to rep, just to be able to stay in the guild, is it really a guild worthwhile of your membership? Don't think so. If they don't do anything to keep you as a member aside from imposing rules, just leave and find a better ones that treat you better. Guilds aren't something you owe anything to.There are also enough guilds around that the 100% rep ones don't matter at all in the bigger picture.

I meant, "you," in the generic sense and was not attempting to state that the individual I responded to was personally attempting to join a 100% rep guild. I do apologize for that lack of clarity. He was however denigrating the preferred playstyle of others and so I pointed out that how they choose to play among themselves does not impact him.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Imagine if someone told you that you are only allowed to have 1 character in GW2. Not in some hypothetical other GW2, current GW2, same GW2 as the last 8 years. Oh you have 5 character slots base and can buy many more if you want, but you are only allowed to have 1 character, period. Because someone says it.

Thats 100% rep guilds.

This is false. No 100% rep guild has the power to do this or anything like it.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Imagine if someone told you that you are only allowed to have 1 character in GW2. Not in some hypothetical other GW2, current GW2, same GW2 as the last 8 years. Oh you have 5 character slots base and can buy many more if you want, but you are only allowed to have 1 character, period. Because someone says it.

Thats 100% rep guilds.

This is false. No 100% rep guild has the power to do this or anything like it.What exactly is false about this obvious
of 100% rep guilds because someone
you that you are only allowed to rep 1 guild?

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Imagine if someone told you that you are only allowed to have 1 character in GW2. Not in some hypothetical other GW2, current GW2, same GW2 as the last 8 years. Oh you have 5 character slots base and can buy many more if you want, but you are only allowed to have 1 character, period. Because someone says it.

Thats 100% rep guilds.

This is false. No 100% rep guild has the power to do this or anything like it.What exactly is false about this obvious
of 100% rep guilds because someone
you that you are only allowed to rep 1 guild?

Because no one in any guild can tell you how many guilds you are allowed to join. Only ANet has that power.

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:Imagine if someone told you that you are only allowed to have 1 character in GW2. Not in some hypothetical other GW2, current GW2, same GW2 as the last 8 years. Oh you have 5 character slots base and can buy many more if you want, but you are only allowed to have 1 character, period. Because someone says it.

Thats 100% rep guilds.

This is false. No 100% rep guild has the power to do this or anything like it.What exactly is false about this obvious
of 100% rep guilds because someone
you that you are only allowed to rep 1 guild?

Because no one in any guild can tell you how many guilds you are allowed to join. Only ANet has that power.

Yes but they can kick you if you rep another guild.

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I have never attempted, never joined and never will join a 100% rep guild.That was not my point.If it sounded degenerating, sorry.

100% rep req is a definite 100% nope from me, simple. If people want to ask that, go ahead, I wont join.

As an example I had a friend getting upset over a guild he joined because they demanded 100% rep. It was a pure PvE guild and he wanted to join a WvW guild as well.Got kicked when repping another guild in a game mode they didn't even cater to.

I told him what many here said before: Tons of guilds that are way more reasonable.

As I stated the ONLY real pet peeve I have with Repping is the Map Indicator.When I rep a guild, they can spot me on the world map. Sometimes I dont care, sometimes I want to be left alone and not advertise my whereabouts.That is a feature that cannot be turned off, and actually my PRIME reason to rep my own private guild or no guild most of the time.

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@Silvia.9130 said:At the current state of things it's a useless feature that is only there to cause drama and issues to players who need to be in multiple guilds.

Actually, the primary purpose of guild rep is so players can switch between You Can't Tell Me What To [Do] and I Lost The Zerg [OhNo]

Sure there are practical applications for repping (depositing of certain guild decos that go directly to your repped guild when purchased as well as guild mission participation, usage of guild hall merchants, and accepting of permanent guild buffs), but those are boring. I just want to be able to run around with [ARGH] next to my name. Don't take that away from me.

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@Linken.6345Thay will save you time that wayi got 1 wvw guild. 2 raid/cm trening guild, 1 guild bank, 1 national language guildAlso i first time hear about somethink like that (i play EU)Chosing good guild is also some kind of skill that your geting from experience@Tuna Bandit.3786StrangeI debout somone is intereset on what map you are

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