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How long does it take to sell a legendary weapon?

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The weapin you're trying to sell plays a role into it but it's difficult to really give you an estimate. When I used to sell them many many years ago, it would be anywhere between a day to a couple weeks. It all depended on there being players willing to buy them and not having someone, or many, come and list theirs cheaper than mine.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:The weapin you're trying to sell plays a role into it but it's difficult to really give you an estimate. When I used to sell them many many years ago, it would be anywhere between a day to a couple weeks. It all depended on there being players willing to buy them and not having someone, or many, come and list theirs cheaper than mine.

Yeah, that's what i'm afraid of, listing my weapon, then someone puts theirs 1c cheaper, and 10 more people do the same, and suddenly i'm in a 3 month waiting queue just to break even. :tongue:

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I made one for sale. It took 3 months to sell. But taking the auction house fees into account, on top of the mats cost, I put it on for the amount I would consider an acceptable profit. You can use gw2bltc to see profit/break even point, that takes the TP charges into account. I've seen items on the TP for so cheap, that you could individually sell the materials for more profit.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"BadHealer.3608" said:You can sell the legendary weapon in 5 seconds. So I do not understand your problem.

They’re selling it to make a profit and not just to get rid of it. There’s a large difference from instant sell vs a sell listing.Yes, but that's a core issue behind why this question is hard to answer. Because the answer is "it depends on specific legendary and on the price".

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Usually 24 hours to a couple weeks in my experience. It depends on the weapon (not just the look but also if it's meta or not) and what the current supply is at, though someone undercutting you by 1g is always a risk. The worst is when a chain of undercutting happens since legendary weapons don't move the fastest to begin with, so I usually have a look at a TP website (usually both GW2TP and GW2Spidy) to see what the activity has been like for a legendary I'm thinking of selling so I can list it at a time when it's most likely to sell fast so I'm not out the listing fee for an extended period of time. I'd rather wake up the next day to ~2k waiting for me than randomly while I'm in the middle of something a couple weeks later.

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When I sold the Dreamer it took less than 24 hours. (I'm not sure exactly because I put it up shortly before going to bed, then had work the next day so it was most of a day before I could log in again.)

I was making it primarily to do the precursor collections. I'd already made the Dreamer for myself before HoT was released, but I liked the collections for the Bifrost and wanted to do the Dreamer one as well, but I didn't need a second one and selling the precursor would actually lose me gold so I decided to finish the legendary and sell that. As a result I wasn't too concerned with maximising my profit, but I also wasn't willing to just sell it instantly to the highest buy order (I think at the time the difference was a few hundred gold). When I knew I was only a couple of weeks away from finishing it I kept checking the price so I could get an idea of fluctuations and what would be a good 'safe' price. I think I could have listed it for a bit more and it would still have sold eventually, but I wanted to play it safe.

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Thanks for your input everyone!

I always forget to elaborate and just later dawns on me that yes, it varies greatly by the item...

So the one i was thinking about was Frostfang. It's an axe, so it's always meta, and according to gw2efficiency it's the one i have the most materials for, meaning, i'd make most profit on it. Even if i buy the precursor i'd make profit.

But... Until i sell it i'd be broke.... So....

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"BadHealer.3608" said:You can sell the legendary weapon in 5 seconds. So I do not understand your problem.

They’re selling it to make a profit and not just to get rid of it. There’s a large difference from instant sell vs a sell listing.Yes, but that's a core issue behind why this question is hard to answer. Because the answer is "it depends on specific legendary and on the price".

Which I brought up in an earlier post. I was disputing their suggestion as instant selling is pretty much a waste and could possibly lead to a loss.

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I make my money by creating and selling gen 1 legendaries and it’s never taken me more than a few days. I almost always list it at the lowest price point. It’s usually sold in the next few hours. I sold a variety of legendaries and it really doesn’t seem to matter which legendary because they all have pros and cons in terms of how fast one might sell for good profit. If I try to make and sell the legendary that gives me the most profit, others will have the same idea and it leads to more competition. If I try to make and sell the most popular legendary, others will have the same idea and it leads to more competition. My recommendation is just to make and sell what you want.

Personally, my goal is to make and sell every gen 1 legendary. You can unlock precursor skins that way, too, though they're too ugly to use IMO. :P

EDIT: Keep in mind that depending on the legendary you want to make, you need to raise the corresponding crafting profession to craft some parts. If you want to make and sell a greatsword, for example, you need a weaponsmith to craft the Gift of Metal.

Also, make sure you don't spend all your gold on making the legendary. You may end up with no gold to list the weapon if you go broke making it. Even if you have barely enough gold to list the legendary, you'll be broke until the legendary sells.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:I'm entertaining the idea of making one, if nothing else, then just to make a legendary, you know, the journey, the collections look like fun (some of them).If i sell it later, how long does it usually take? Do people buy those? What are your experiences?Sold two legendaries. Posted posted both of them at 5 gold lower than the lowest offer. Moved both within two hours.

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Another thought. There is no inflation in this game, in the way that the real life consumer price index shows inflation, or interest. So, even if it takes 3 months to sell instead of 3 days, the 100 gold extra (as an example) that it sold as is still worth 100 gold as at the time you listed. You're losing the ability to spend the legendary cost on other things in the interim, but not deflation.

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